Religion of Peace Atrocity of the Week
70 Christians Beheaded at Church
Other Recent "Misunderstandings
of Islam"
2025.03.04 (Pakistan)
Gunmen follow two suicide bombers into a military base, slaughtering at least thirteen civilians and five soldiers.
2025.03.03 (Pakistan)
A female suicide bomber self-detonates, taking one other soul with her.
2025.03.03 (Israel)
An elderly man dies after a car ramming and stabbing attack near a mall.
2025.02.28 (Pakistan)
A cleric and six worshippers are killed when a Religion of Peace rival sets off his suicide belt at a mosque.
2025.02.27 (Nigeria)
Eleven laborers lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack on a mine.
2025.02.26 (DRC)
Two dozen are left dead following ADF attacks on two villages.
(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple
sources. The provided link may not
be in complete agreement with the
updated detail for the incident).
Countering Islamic Propaganda

Snopes and Muhammad

"Copy that."
Put the Numbers in Perspective
Islamic Terrorists...
more people in one month (5000+ in November, 2014) than were killed in 350 years of Inquisition (3000-5000).
...murder more people every day than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).
...killed more civilians
in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).
...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in 44 years from 1976 and 2019 (1511).
...killed more Americans on American soil than did the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.
almost twice as many people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (20).

In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.