The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jan 11, 2025 -
Jan 17, 2025

Attacks 19
Killed 114
Injured 110
Suicide Blasts 0
Countries 7

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
December, 2024

Attacks 104
Killed 749
Injured 710
Suicide Blasts 3
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Jaipur, May 13

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2207 Islamic attacks in 42 countries, in which 10716 people were killed and 17804 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2008.12.31 Denmark Odense 0 2 A Muslim shoots two Jewish vendors at a shopping mall.
2008.12.31 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists over an 'illicit' relationship.
2008.12.31 Iraq Baghdad 14 66 Four members of a religious minority are among fourteen killed by Islamists in four attacks.
2008.12.31 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A 28-year-old man is kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban.
2008.12.31 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 4 6 Three women and a child are killed when Muslim terrorists fire a rocket into their home.
2008.12.31 Afghanistan Helmand 21 0 A mother pleading for her son's life is among twenty-one persons shot in cold blood by the Taliban.
2008.12.31 Philippines Bagong 1 0 Moro Islamists gun down a civilian.
2008.12.31 Philippines General Santos 0 22 Moro Islamists toss a grenade into a New Years Eve celebration, injuring over twenty.
2008.12.30 Philippines Esperanza 1 0 A 17-year-old Christian taxi driver is killed by a bomb planted by Muslim radicals.
2008.12.30 Iraq Jalawla 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gun down a tribal leader.
2008.12.30 Pakistan Mingora 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Muslim militants.
2008.12.30 Egypt Cairo 0 1 A woman who embraced Christianity is arrested, raped and tortured by police, who promise to release her if she will return to Islam.
2008.12.29 Iran Saravan 2 10 Two police officers are killed by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2008.12.29 Israel Ashkelon 1 7 Hamas rockets hit an Israeli home, killing a resident.
2008.12.29 Afghanistan Kabul 2 17 Two Afghan civilians are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.12.29 Israel Ashdod 1 1 A mother of four is killed by a Palestinian rocket.
2008.12.29 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out a shopper at a grocery.
2008.12.29 Iraq Mahaweel 3 0 A mother and daughter are among three people killed by Sunni bombers.
2008.12.29 Pakistan Gwalirai 2 0 Two men, abducted days earlier, are murdered in captivity by the Taliban.
2008.12.29 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 At least five civilians are killed, including a young child, when Islamists bomb a market.
2008.12.29 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A woman is shot to death on her way to work by Muslim terrorists. Three others are killed elsewhere.
2008.12.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a man in a tea shop.
2008.12.28 Pakistan Buner 43 16 Religious extremists take out over forty people at a polling station with car bombs. Five children are among the dead.
2008.12.28 Afghanistan Khost 16 58 Fourteen children on their way to school are deliberately murdered along with two adults by a suicidal Sunni bomber.
2008.12.28 Iraq Fallujah 4 10 Four Iraqis are murdered in two Jihad bombings.
2008.12.28 Iraq Mosul 4 20 A 12-year-old boy is among four civilians taken out by a suicide bomber on a bicycle.
2008.12.28 Pakistan Miranshah 3 0 Three young civilians, including an 18-year-old, are kidnapped and hung by Taliban militants.
2008.12.27 Iraq Baghdad 24 45 Women and children are among two dozen people blasted to death by Jihadi car bombers.
2008.12.27 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three teenage sisters are crushed to death by a Taliban rocket barrage.
2008.12.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 5 Five Afghans are blown up by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.12.27 Israel Netivot 1 4 Hamas rockets kill an Israeli man and injure four others.
2008.12.26 Pakistan Gilgit 5 0 A child is among five people shot dead in a sectarian ambush.
2008.12.26 India Kishtwar 1 0 Mujahideen abduct a man, then murder him in a wooded area.
2008.12.26 Pakistan Bajaur 1 9 A child is killed during a Taliban rocket attack.
2008.12.26 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 2 0 Two young girls are killed when a Palestinian rocket hits their home.
2008.12.26 Iran Mashhad 2 0 Two men are buried up to their waists and stoned to death for adultery.
2008.12.25 Iraq Muqdadiyah 3 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three other people.
2008.12.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 24 Sunni extremists bomb a restaurant, killing four patrons.
2008.12.25 Iraq Bishkan 1 1 A 13-year-old is murdered in her home by Jihadi invaders.
2008.12.24 Pakistan Lahore 1 4 Muslim bombers take out a woman along a city street.
2008.12.24 Iraq Fallujah 3 4 Three children are killed in a suspected al-Qaeda roadside attack.
2008.12.24 Philippines Kalamansig 1 0 Moro Islamists fire at a motorboat, killing a passenger.
2008.12.23 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 9 8 Moro Islamists storm two villages and shoot nine civilians to death.
2008.12.23 Philippines Isabela 0 26 Abu Sayyaf members toss two grenades into a group of people enjoying a musical performance.
2008.12.23 Pakistan Swat 4 0 A man and his wife are among four people murdered by Mujahideen in three attacks.
2008.12.23 Pakistan Mingora 2 0 A beggar woman and her daughter are gunned down at point-blank range by Holy Warriors.
2008.12.23 Thailand Pattani 1 7 An Islamist shooting and bombing leave one dead and seven injured.
2008.12.23 Iraq Kifl 1 0 A man is kidnapped and tortured to death by Religion of Peace militants.
2008.12.23 Iraq Mosul 2 6 A child and doctor are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2008.12.23 Iraq Tarmiyah 5 4 A man and his wife are among two people blasted to death by Jihad bombers.
2008.12.22 India Baramulla 2 0 Two local soldiers are shot to death at close range by Muslim assassins at a market.
2008.12.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 4 A suicide bomber takes out three civilians.
2008.12.22 Pakistan Swat 6 8 Two women are among six civilians killed by Mujahideen in three incidents.
2008.12.22 Somalia Mogadishu 7 22 Seven civilians are killed during an attack by Islamic guerrillas
2008.12.21 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two brothers are brutally kidnapped and murdered by Sunni extremists.
2008.12.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old civilian is murdered by Muslim gunmen on his way home.
2008.12.21 Pakistan Bannu 2 0 Islamic militants rocket a government building, killing two people.
2008.12.21 Pakistan Swat 3 0 Mujahideen drag three people out of their home and shoot them in cold blood. The victims include a man and his son.
2008.12.20 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 49-year-old security guard is shot to death by Muslim radicals as he leaves his home.
2008.12.20 Thailand Pattani 1 7 A woman standing outside a convenience store is murdered by Islamic bombers. Children are injured as well.
2008.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Islamists behead seven Iraqis.
2008.12.19 Pakistan Khyber 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Sunni militants open fire on an empty fuel tanker.
2008.12.19 Somalia Mogadishu 1 10 A civilian is shot to death during an attack by Jabalu Islamiya terrorists.
2008.12.18 Philippines Iligan 3 47 Islamists detonate nail-packed bombs at two shopping malls in Christian areas, killing at least three people.
2008.12.18 Iraq Diyala 2 17 Two Iraqis are taken out by roadside bombers.
2008.12.18 Pakistan Hangu 4 1 A child is among four people shot to death by Islamists in three attacks.
2008.12.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A female women's rights activist is beheaded in her home by Islamic terrorists.
2008.12.17 Pakistan Kanju 2 0 A couple is murdered for having unmarried sex.
2008.12.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 16-year-old boy is shot to death outside of a 7-Eleven by Mujahideen.
2008.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 18 53 Eighteen innocent souls are snuffed out by Jihadi bombers along a city street.
2008.12.17 Pakistan Matta 2 0 Taliban militants abduct and kill two locals.
2008.12.17 Pakistan Wana 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by religious extremists.
2008.12.17 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A woman is killed, and a child injured, in a Taliban rocket attack on a vehicle.
2008.12.16 Thailand Yala 3 1 Muslim terrorists shoot three people to death at a market, including a woman
2008.12.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Jihadis place a bomb near a college campus, killing three people.
2008.12.16 Iraq Mosul 8 16 Two suicide bombings leave eight Iraqis dead.
2008.12.16 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 A 13-year-old child is taken out by Islamic bombers.
2008.12.16 Pakistan Swat 2 0 Islamic terrorists gun down two people in separate attacks.
2008.12.16 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two young guards escorting a teacher are gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2008.12.15 Iraq Khan Dhari 9 31 Nine Iraqi police are blown apart by a Fedayeen car bomber at a checkpoint.
2008.12.15 Iraq Sinjar 7 3 Women and children are among seven members of a religious minority sect slaughtered in their home by suspected Sunnis.
2008.12.15 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 53-year-old man is gunned down in front of a food shop by Islamic terrorists.
2008.12.15 Iraq Tarmiya 1 1 A female suicide bomber takes out an Iraqi man and seriously injures his son.
2008.12.15 Pakistan Swat 6 3 Six locals are murdered - two beheaded - by Taliban fundamentalists in three attacks.
2008.12.15 Thailand Narathiwat 2 1 A 4-year-old child is among three people shot by Islamists in two attacks.
2008.12.14 Pakistan Jamrud 2 1 Mujahideen shoot two tribal elders to death along a road.
2008.12.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 11 Three Afghans are murdered by a Taliban bomb hidden in a street vendor cart.
2008.12.14 Pakistan Mandal Daag 9 3 Sunni extremists murder a rival cleric and eight of his followers.
2008.12.14 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A musician is kidnapped and killed by Taliban fundamentalists for defying a ban on music.
2008.12.14 England West Yorkshire 0 1 A Muslim youth brutally stabs a 51-year-old at random after telling him that he is walking through an area of Britain that 'Muslims rule.'
2008.12.13 Pakistan Swat 5 0 Five civilians are killed in a terrorist landmine attack.
2008.12.13 Pakistan Matta 4 0 Four tribesmen are shot to death by the Taliban.
2008.12.13 India Doda 1 2 Mujahideen gun down a woman in her home.
2008.12.13 Philippines Basilan 3 3 A woman is among three people murdered in their home by Moro Islamists.
2008.12.13 Pakistan Miranshah 2 0 Islamists slit one man's throat and shoot another to death.
2008.12.12 Afghanistan Helmand 4 1 Religious extremists trick a 13-year-old boy into carrying explosives to British troops, which were then detonated remotely.
2008.12.12 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Jihadis kill a man and seriously injure two others with a planted bomb in a karaoke bar.
2008.12.12 Thailand Yala 3 3 Three border guards are killed when Islamic militants open up on them with automatic weapons.
2008.12.11 Pakistan Matta 3 4 Tehrik-e-Taliban terrorists gun down three locals.
2008.12.11 Somalia Mogadishu 10 11 Children are among ten people killed during an attack by Islamic militia.
2008.12.11 Iraq Kirkuk 55 120 Fifty-five Iraqis are blown to bits at a restaurant by Shahid suicide bombers.
2008.12.11 Yemen Reida 1 0 A Jewish leader is gunned down by a Muslim shouting, 'Jew, receive the message of Islam.'
2008.12.10 Iraq Jalawla 1 2 A civilian is taken out in a Jihad bomb blast.
2008.12.09 Pakistan Buner 1 4 A 10-year-old child is murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.12.09 Philippines Maguindanao 1 8 A local soldier is killed when Moro Islamists open fire on them with automatic weapons.
2008.12.08 India Bharatpur 2 0 A man reclaims his honor by shooting his daughter and her boyfriend after learning of their sexual relationship.
2008.12.07 Iraq Baquba 3 39 Jihadis kill three Iraqis with a bomb hidden in a shop.
2008.12.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 The Taliban murder a local security guard at a depot.
2008.12.06 Somalia Baidoa 3 0 An Islamic militia member tosses a grenade into a market, killing three civilians.
2008.12.06 Iraq Wajihiya 3 4 al-Qaeda gunmen attack a Sunni village, killing three people.
2008.12.06 Iraq Kirkuk 1 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills only one other person.
2008.12.06 Iraq Babel 4 0 Four children are killed by a landmine planted near a soccer field by suspected Sunnis.
2008.12.06 Pakistan Swat 3 0 Three civilians are gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2008.12.06 Afghanistan Kunar 4 2 Four local soldiers are killed when religious extremists attack their vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2008.12.05 Pakistan Bannu 2 3 Taliban militants kill two policemen with a rocket attack.
2008.12.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Mujahideen bombers take out two Iraqis.
2008.12.05 Thailand Narathiwat 5 12 Five people are killed at a grocery by Islamic bombers.
2008.12.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 Sunni extremists abduct and murder an 30-year-old man.
2008.12.05 Pakistan Peshawar 34 131 Twenty-nine people at a marketplace are blown to bits by sectarian car bombers.
2008.12.05 Pakistan Orakzai 10 5 Religious extremists take out ten shoppers at a bazaar with a suicide blast.
2008.12.04 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A 60-year-old man is among two people gunned down by Muslim separatists.
2008.12.04 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 A woman is killed by Islamic car bombers outside an apartment building.
2008.12.04 Iraq Fallujah 15 147 Women and children are among fifteen Iraqis blasted to death by Jihadi car bombers.
2008.12.04 Afghanistan Khost 5 10 Five people are killed in two suicide attacks by Sunni extremists.
2008.12.04 Iran Bluchistan 16 0 Jundullah terrorists kidnap and execute sixteen Iranian nationals.
2008.12.04 Iraq Albu Toma 25 0 Twenty-five al-Qaeda victims are found in mass graves.
2008.12.04 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A young girl is clubbed to death by her uncle on suspicion of 'illicit relations.'
2008.12.03 Chechnya Grozny 3 0 Three people are shot inside their home by suspected Mujahideen.
2008.12.03 Pakistan Shabqadar 5 6 Five locals are killed by a Fedayeen car bomber.
2008.12.03 Iraq Albu Toma 13 0 Thirteen victims of al-Qaeda kidnappings are found in a mass grave.
2008.12.02 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 4 Suspected Muslim militants gun down a cop.
2008.12.02 Iraq Mosul 4 12 Two young children are among four killed when Mujahideen place a bomb outside a school.
2008.12.02 Iraq Tal Afar 5 30 Jihadis successfully kill five Iraqis with a car bomb.
2008.12.02 Pakistan Kabal 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2008.12.02 Pakistan Sunpag 1 0 Religious extremists abduct a local official, keep him for a few days, then slaughter him and stuff his body in a bag.
2008.12.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a rubber tapper in his orchard.
2008.12.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Taliban militants attack a supply convoy, killing two drivers.
2008.12.01 Iraq Baghdad 16 35 Sixteen police recruits are murdered by two Jihad bombers at their academy.
2008.12.01 Iraq Mosul 15 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out fifteen civilians along a city street.
2008.12.01 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 A local official is assassinated by religious extremists.
2008.12.01 Pakistan Swat 11 66 Women are among the casualties of a horrific suicide attack on a traffic checkpoint. Eleven are killed.
2008.12.01 Afghanistan Musa Qala 10 25 Ten shoppers are blown up by a suicide bomber at a market.
2008.11.30 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 0 Muslim gunmen shoot four people to death.
2008.11.30 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 A local driver is killed when Sunni militants lob rockets into a terminal.
2008.11.30 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 The Taliban abduct and murder an Afghan civilian.
2008.11.30 Pakistan Bannu 6 5 Six local police are killed in two Taliban ambushes.
2008.11.30 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A street sweeper is among two civilians blown up by a suicide bomber.
2008.11.29 Somalia Baidoa 2 10 Two people are killed in blasts by suspected Islamic militia.
2008.11.29 Chechnya Enginoy 1 0 A woman is shot to death over suspected immoral behavior.
2008.11.29 Iraq Mosul 3 18 Two brothers are among three killed in an attack on a jewelry shop by Sunni terrorists.
2008.11.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 Three people are murdered by an Iranian-made rocket fired by Mujahideen.
2008.11.29 Iraq Albu Toma 38 0 Thirty-eight victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found in a mass grave.
2008.11.28 Nigeria Jos 2 0 Two Christians are hacked to death after a cleric inspires his followers to 'kill unbelievers."
2008.11.28 Iraq Baghdad 2 10 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber kills two civilians.
2008.11.28 Pakistan Bannu 7 16 Six civilians and a cop are murdered by a suicide bomber along a city street.
2008.11.28 India Mumbai 5 0 Five Jewish hostages, including a rabbi and his wife, are murdered by Islamists.
2008.11.28 Iraq Mussayab 12 18 Twelve people at a mosque are blown to bits by rival sectarian bombers.
2008.11.28 Iraq Kut 1 2 A child is killed when Muslim militants fire a rocket into a home.
2008.11.28 Pakistan Gharibabad 6 0 Three women and a child are among six member of a family murdered in their home by the Mujahideen.
2008.11.28 Nigeria Jos 6 0 Six Christian pastors are among hundreds killed when Muslim rioter stage a deadly church-burning rampage.
2008.11.27 Afghanistan Badghis 13 11 Thirteen local security personnel are killed in an ambush by religious extremists.
2008.11.27 Afghanistan Kabul 4 18 A suicide car bomber takes out four local civilians outside the US embassy.
2008.11.27 Iraq Mosul 2 28 Suicide bombers successfully take out two Iraqi civilians.
2008.11.27 Pakistan Swat 6 0 Six people are shot to death by Sunni extremists in separate attacks, including a brutal abduction.
2008.11.26 Russia Vladikavkaz 1 0 A mayor is assassinated by local terrorists, who call him an "enemy of Allah."
2008.11.26 India Mumbai 178 370 Mujahideen throw grenades and machine-gun over one-hundred and fifty civilians and tourists to death as they attack several sites, including a hotel, cafe, market and train station.
2008.11.26 Philippines Makir 1 3 Moro Islamists ambush a group of local soldiers guarding a highway, killing one.
2008.11.26 Iraq Diyala 23 0 Twenty-three victims of sectarian terrorists are found in a mass grave.
2008.11.26 Iraq Samarrah 6 0 Six people are murdered by local Jihadists.
2008.11.26 Pakistan Peshawar 2 6 Two residents are killed when the Taliban fire rockets into their home.
2008.11.26 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A border guard is shot and killed by Muslim militants.
2008.11.26 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 2 A police officer is gunned down outside a mosque by Jihad terrorists.
2008.11.26 Chechnya Grozny 6 0 Six women are shot in the head and chest over suspected immorality in separate attacks.
2008.11.25 India Mumbai 4 0 Islamic terrorists hijack a boat in Pakistan and kill the four man crew.
2008.11.25 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 A local officer is shot several times in the chest by Islamists at a market.
2008.11.25 Iraq Mosul 2 5 Two Americans are shot to death while handing out humanitarian aid.
2008.11.25 Pakistan Matta 3 5 A butcher is among three people gunned down by the Taliban in separate attacks.
2008.11.25 India Baramulla 1 2 A 14-year-old boy is killed when Islamists throw a grenade into a road show.
2008.11.25 Pakistan Hangu 4 9 Shia militants open fire in a hotel, murdering eight Sunni rivals.
2008.11.25 Pakistan Kohat 0 0 Four persons, including a mother and child, are killed when sectarian Jihadis fire into a vehicle.
2008.11.25 Pakistan Shahdra 1 0 A Muslim lad hacks his stepmother to death with an axe over 'illicit relations.'
2008.11.25 Pakistan Bara 1 0 A Sikh father is brutally murdered two days after being abducted by Muslim radicals.
2008.11.24 Dagestan Karabudakhent 2 3 Muslim rebels open fire on a group of policemen, killing two.
2008.11.24 Iraq Baghdad 5 24 A female suicide bomber takes out five Iraqis.
2008.11.24 Iraq Baghdad 13 6 Women and children are heavily represented in the thirteen bus passengers massacred by Mujahideen bombers.
2008.11.24 Pakistan Mingora 1 0 Religious extremists execute a woman in her home for immoral behavior.
2008.11.24 Thailand Yala 3 1 Islamists gun down three civilians and severely injure a teacher in separate attacks.
2008.11.24 Pakistan Kabal 1 0 Mujahid assassinate a local political activist.
2008.11.24 India Doda 1 0 A civilian is murdered in his home by Muslim terrorists.
2008.11.23 Chechnya Sadovyi 5 4 Mujahideen murder five security personnel and a civilian in two attacks.
2008.11.23 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 Islamic militants kill an off-duty cop at a grocery store.
2008.11.23 Iraq Muwaylaha 9 0 Nine kidnap victims of an Islamic militia are found in a mass grave.
2008.11.22 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 A cafe worker is gunned down by Muslim rebels.
2008.11.22 Pakistan Hangu 5 8 Two children are among five killed when Islamists set a bomb off inside a rival mosque.
2008.11.22 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 Sunni extremists kill a French de-miner with a landmine.
2008.11.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 A local civilian is captured and shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2008.11.22 Afghanistan Kunar 0 0 After being held in captivity for three months, the Taliban execute a local official when their demands are not met.
2008.11.22 Afghanistan Khost 2 15 A 15-year-old boy and a man are blown to bits when Holy Warriors bomb a vegetable market.
2008.11.22 Iraq Iskandariya 10 0 Two women are among ten people found executed in a mass grave in a Sunni stronghold.
2008.11.22 Somalia Mogadishu 15 75 At least fifteen civilians are killed in attacks by Islamic militias on security forces.
2008.11.22 Pakistan Bannu 3 0 A Taliban rocket attack on a police post leaves three dead.
2008.11.22 Pakistan Mingora 1 0 Religious extremists burn down a video store and shoot a civilian to death.
2008.11.21 Afghanistan Zabul 3 4 Three civilians are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2008.11.21 Somalia Mogadishu 9 20 Five children are among nine civilians killed in a rolling series of attacks by Islamic militia in residential areas.
2008.11.21 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 11 40 Radical Sunnis gun down a Shia cleric, then bomb his funeral, murdering eight others.
2008.11.21 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Mujahideen take out three Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2008.11.21 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 Religious extremists fire a rocket at a checkpoint, killing a policeman.
2008.11.20 Pakistan Bajaur 9 6 A suicide bomber enters a rival mosque and takes out nine innocents.
2008.11.20 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Two women are among five people murdered by terrorists while sitting in their vehicle.
2008.11.20 Iraq Kut 5 0 Sunni extremists invade a home and kill five residents, including children.
2008.11.20 Afghanistan Khost 8 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates outside an office building, sending eight Afghans to Allah.
2008.11.20 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A local man is murdered by the Taliban for helping a Chinese engineer escape abduction.
2008.11.19 England Woolwich 1 0 A failed asylum seeker from Algeria beats a gay man to death who took him in.
2008.11.19 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 Two men are shot to death by Mujahideen along a city street.
2008.11.19 Yemen Joaar 5 0 al-Qaeda terrorists gun down four local cops and a civilian.
2008.11.19 Dagestan Buynaksk 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by suspected Muslim militants.
2008.11.18 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen bodies are found beneath a house controlled by the militia of a Shiite cleric.
2008.11.18 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists gun down a soldier shopping at a local market as well as his wife, who came to his defense.
2008.11.18 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Mujahideen gun down a woman and her son on their way to work at a plantation.
2008.11.18 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhists are shot to death by Muslim militants, who then mutilate the bodies and take amputated arms.
2008.11.17 Afghanistan Farah 6 4 Talibanis ambush a group of local soldiers, shooting some and beheading others.
2008.11.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A civilian is killed, and his 8-year-old daughter badly injured, when Islamic gunmen fire on their pickup truck.
2008.11.17 Thailand Pattani 3 0 A 73-year-old woman is among three civilians murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen in separate attacks.
2008.11.17 Pakistan Swat 4 3 Four Pakistanis are blown apart by a suicide car bomber.
2008.11.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 8 Religious extremists murder four civilians with a roadside bomb.
2008.11.17 Ingushetia Nazran 1 1 Islamic separatists shoot a married couple in their car, killing the man and putting his wife in the hospital.
2008.11.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 44-year-old security guard is shot three times by Islamic terrorists while riding his motorbike.
2008.11.17 Afghanistan Dand 3 2 Three Afghans are murdered by a suicide bomber.
2008.11.16 Pakistan Anayat Kalley 1 0 A tribal elder is killed in a brutal ambush by a group of Taliban.
2008.11.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Islamists open fire on a car, killing two businessmen.
2008.11.16 Somalia Baidoa 3 10 A child and two women are blown to bits by Muslim bombers at a marketplace.
2008.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Jihadis manage to kill three Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2008.11.16 Iraq Jalawla 15 20 A Fedayeen detonates himself in a crowd, sending fifteen innocent souls to Allah.
2008.11.16 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death outside a mosque.
2008.11.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 A young man is murdered outside his home by Muslim gunmen.
2008.11.15 Philippines Sarangani 2 0 Moro Islamists murder two local soldiers with a landmine.
2008.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 3 25 Three people are killed when terrorists detonate a bomb near a theatre.
2008.11.15 Iraq Tal Afar 9 40 Mujahideen plant a car bomb at a car dealership, killing nine employees and customers.
2008.11.15 Somalia Yaqshid 2 0 Two civilians are killed during an ambush by Islamic extremists.
2008.11.14 Afghanistan Khost 3 0 Three construction workers are shot to death by Sunni extremists.
2008.11.14 Pakistan Ramora 2 0 A young man is forced by honor to kill his sister and her lover after finding them in a compromising position.
2008.11.13 Philippines Mindanao 3 0 A 5-year-old boy is among three civilians killed by Moro Islamists during an assault.
2008.11.13 Dagestan Urguba 1 1 Suspected Islamists gun down a local cop at point-blank range.
2008.11.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 9 74 Islamic suicide bombers hit a livestock market, sending nine innocents to Allah.
2008.11.13 Iraq Ramadi 4 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders four people.
2008.11.12 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A religious cleric who condemned suicide bombings is kidnapped and executed in captivity by the Taliban.
2008.11.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 3 Religious extremists spray three teenage schoolgirls with acid while they are walking to school.
2008.11.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 42 Six people are killed when a suicide bomber flattens a commercial district.
2008.11.12 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christian sisters are shot to death inside their home by Muslim militants.
2008.11.12 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 An American humanitarian worker and his driver are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2008.11.12 Pakistan Charsadda 6 15 A half dozen people are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2008.11.12 Iraq Baghdad 21 87 Nearly two dozen Iraqis are successfully killed by Mujahideen bombers in three attacks.
2008.11.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist civilian is shot to death at close range by Islamists.
2008.11.11 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Mujahideen target newspaper vendors with bombs, killing at least three.
2008.11.11 Pakistan Peshawar 4 13 A suicide bomber murders four people outside a sports stadium.
2008.11.11 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two laborers are shot to death by Islamic militants in separate attacks.
2008.11.11 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A 79-year-old woman is murdered along with her son by Muslim terrorists as she is walking home.
2008.11.10 Iraq Baqubah 7 12 al-Qaeda sends a 13-year-old female suicide bomber to a gathering where seven people are killed.
2008.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 30 68 Two Sunni suicide bombers massacre thirty Shia civilians outside a fine arts school.
2008.11.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 Islamists kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2008.11.10 Pakistan Orakzai 1 9 Sunni extremists fire on a passenger bus, killing one person.
2008.11.10 Dubai Umm Suqeim 1 1 A brother stabs his sister's lover to death in an honor killing. (The woman is also stabbed, but survives).
2008.11.09 Pakistan Matta 1 0 A woman is pumped full of bullets after being found guilty of adultery by a Sharia court.
2008.11.09 Algeria Jijel 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists murder a 52-year-old civilian.
2008.11.09 Afghanistan Herat 2 4 A suicide bomber yells 'Allah Akbar' then detonates along a highway, killing two Spanish soldiers.
2008.11.09 Philippines Maguindanao 2 0 Two locals are abducted and shot to death by Moro Islamists.
2008.11.09 Philippines Pikit 2 3 A 12-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl are brutally gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2008.11.09 Iraq Fallujah 3 5 Two woman and a 10-year-old girl are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.11.08 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two civilians are abducted, then riddled with bullets by religious extremists.
2008.11.08 Algeria Naciria 1 0 A young man delivering bread is shot and beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists.
2008.11.08 Somalia Lego 3 0 Al-Shabaab terrorists kidnap and behead three local soldiers.
2008.11.08 Somalia Jamame 1 0 A aid worker, whose agency helps construct roads, is murdered by Islamic militia.
2008.11.08 Iraq Ramadi 8 12 A double suicide bombing by Fedayeen leave eight Iraqis dead.
2008.11.07 Pakistan Changa Manga 1 0 A 15-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her brother on suspicion of sexual relations.
2008.11.07 Afghanistan Ghor 1 1 Talibanis assassinate a local official.
2008.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 Two Jihad bombings leave six civilians dead.
2008.11.07 Pakistan Mingora 2 11 Two local security personnel are dismembered by a suicide bomber.
2008.11.06 Algeria Cabilia 1 0 A popular mayor is kidnapped, executed and then burned by Islamic fundamentalists.
2008.11.06 Russia Vladikavkaz 11 40 A female suicide bomber strikes at a marketplace bus stop, murdering at least eleven passengers.
2008.11.06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by suspected fundamentalists over immoral activity.
2008.11.06 Pakistan Khar 22 45 Fedayeen suicide bombers take out over twenty people at a gathering of tribal elders.
2008.11.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 The 47-year-old widow of a murdered man is herself gunned down by Muslim militants.
2008.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 Six people are blown to bits by a suicide bomber at an airport.
2008.11.05 Pakistan FATA 1 0 Mujahideen abduct and murder a local official.
2008.11.05 Thailand Yala 1 0 A school janitor on his way to work is shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2008.11.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Islamic militia kill a local guard with a hand grenade.
2008.11.05 Pakistan Waziristan 5 0 Five civilians are hanged by religious fundamentalists.
2008.11.04 Thailand Yala 3 0 A 16-year-old boy is among three people ambushed and murdered by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2008.11.04 Pakistan Hangu 7 6 Seven people are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.11.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 72 Islamists bomb a marketplace and a tea shop, killing at least one innocent and injuring over seventy.
2008.11.04 Pakistan Mardan 2 2 Two policemen are shot at point blank range by Muslim militants.
2008.11.04 Iraq Baghdad 18 47 Eighteen Iraqis are killed in at least four Jihad bombings.
2008.11.04 Iraq Madaen 3 0 A woman and two children are killed when terrorists lob a mortar into their home.
2008.11.04 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 An elderly man is gunned down by Sunni extremists.
2008.11.04 Pakistan Swat 1 0 The Taliban tie a policeman to a pole and shoot him to death.
2008.11.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A female anthropologist trying to learn local customs is doused with gas and burned to death (succumbs 1/7/09).
2008.11.03 DRC Oicha 1 15 ADF Islamists kill a civilian and abduct children.
2008.11.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 66-year-old tea shop owner is shot to death by Islamic separatists.
2008.11.03 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 A women's rights activist is shot twice in the head and chest in front of her business by Islamic hardliners.
2008.11.03 Iraq Buhriz 6 0 Four children are among six members of a family taken out in a brutal al-Qaeda bomb attack.
2008.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 6 20 Jihadis manage to kill six Iraqis with a double bombing.
2008.11.03 Iraq Saadiya 2 0 Two women are kidnapped and murdered by suspected Sunni extremists.
2008.11.03 Pakistan Kabal Khas 4 0 A father and son are among four people detained, then shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2008.11.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Taliban gunmen murder a government official as he is riding a motorbike.
2008.11.02 Pakistan Zalai 8 3 A suicide bomber murders eight local soldiers at a checkpoint.
2008.11.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist family is attacked by Muslim terrorists, who shoot the 72-year-old matriarch to death.
2008.11.02 Iraq Kirkuk 2 1 Two children are taken out by Jihadi roadside bombers.
2008.11.02 Somalia Baidoa 5 6 Fundamentalists kill five Somalis with a roadside blast.
2008.11.01 Iraq Basra 1 1 Jihadis take out a young child with a landmine.
2008.11.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two residents are gunned down by Islamic militants.
2008.10.31 Pakistan Mardan 8 25 A suicide bomber walks into a home and detonates himself, killing at least eight other people.
2008.10.31 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Islamists successfully kill three civilians in separate grenade attacks on two markets.
2008.10.31 Afghanistan Helmand 4 4 Four local security forces are killed in two separate attacks by Sunni militants.
2008.10.31 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A local man is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2008.10.31 Pakistan Orakzai 4 3 Four people are killed in a sustained Taliban attack on their village.
2008.10.30 Afghanistan Kabul 5 23 A woman is among five people killed when a Muslim terrorist throws a bomb into an office building.
2008.10.30 Iraq Mosul 2 6 A random bombing along a traffic circle leaves two civilians dead.
2008.10.30 Pakistan Charbagh 1 0 The Taliban behead an abducted cop after holding him hostage for two days.
2008.10.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists shoot a 52-year-old man to death.
2008.10.29 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 14 al-Qaeda gunmen murder three children in their home.
2008.10.29 Iraq Baqubah 1 16 A 4-year-old child is murdered by Islamic bombers.
2008.10.29 Iraq Baghdad 5 17 Mujahideen bomb a soda fountain, killing at least five patrons.
2008.10.29 Pakistan Bannu 2 11 Two local soldiers are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.10.29 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 3 0 Three Shiite civilians standing at a bus stop are gunned down in cold blood by Sunni militants.
2008.10.29 Somalia Hargeisa 28 26 Five separate suicide bombings leave over two dozen innocent people dead in commercial areas across the city.
2008.10.28 Sudan Darfur 3 0 Three Chinese engineers are murdered in cold blood by their Janjiweed kidnappers.
2008.10.28 Iraq Tal Afar 20 0 A mass grave containing twenty victims of al-Qaeda is discovered.
2008.10.28 Iraq Habaniya 2 3 A suicide bomber successfully takes out two Iraqis.
2008.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 19 Jihad bombers take out five Iraqis in two separate blasts.
2008.10.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists are suspected in the shooting death of a wood trader on his doorstep.
2008.10.27 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four locals are shot to death by sectarian rivals as they leave a mosque.
2008.10.27 Somalia Kismayu 2 0 Islamists quote from the Qur'an as they stone a 13-year-old rape victim to death and kill a young boy coming to her defense.
2008.10.27 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 6 An 8-year-old boy is among three people blasted to death by a suicide bomber posing as a policeman.
2008.10.26 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Two people are killed in an Islamic militia bombing.
2008.10.26 Pakistan Matta 11 62 Eleven innocent people are killed during a botched kidnapping attempt by the Taliban.
2008.10.26 Pakistan Mohmand 11 5 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber murders eleven people at a check point.
2008.10.26 Pakistan Khyber 1 0 A tribal elder is shot to death by religious extremists.
2008.10.26 Somalia Saydheelow 5 15 Five local soldiers are killed in an ambush by Islamic militia.
2008.10.26 Somalia Mogadishu 6 3 Three civilians are among six people killed in a Mujahideen landmine attack.
2008.10.26 Pakistan Sambat 3 0 Fundamentalists target a barbershop, killing three civilians.
2008.10.26 Pakistan North Waziristan 5 0 Five civilians are brutally beheaded on video by al-Qaeda members.
2008.10.25 Pakistan Wah 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is shot to death by her older brother on suspicion that she was having sex.
2008.10.25 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Muslim militants gun down a police officer.
2008.10.25 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Two civilians are shot to death in their office by a Sunni radical.
2008.10.25 Somalia Gurilel 1 0 A female activist for women's rights is murdered by suspected fundamentalists as she is walking home.
2008.10.24 Chechnya Serzhen-Yurt 1 10 Mujahideen use a landmine to murder a local security officer.
2008.10.23 Philippines Cotabato 2 0 Two game hunters are shot to death by Moro Islamists.
2008.10.23 Iraq Kut 3 2 Three children bleed to death after their house is hit by a Jihadi mortar.
2008.10.23 Iraq Baghdad 10 22 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in the middle of rush hour, killing ten commuters.
2008.10.23 Pakistan Orakzai 8 0 Religious extremists force a car off the road, then shoot the eight occupants to death one by one.
2008.10.23 Pakistan Mingora 1 0 Sunnis abduct and behead a policeman.
2008.10.23 Israel Mingora 1 1 An 86-year-old Jewish man is stabbed to death at random by a Palestinian attacker.
2008.10.23 Afghanistan Helmand 0 1 The Taliban rip out a farmer's eyes in front of his family.
2008.10.22 Iraq Qaim 34 0 Two women are among thirty-four al-Qaeda kidnap victims found executed in a mass grave.
2008.10.22 Iraq Mosul 4 3 Four people are taken down by Mujahideen bombers.
2008.10.22 Pakistan Khyber 2 0 Two children are killed when Lashkar-e-Islam open fire at a checkpoint.
2008.10.22 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christians, a father and son, are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2008.10.22 Pakistan Swat 15 20 Sunni radicals take out fifteen local troops with a bombing on their convoy.
2008.10.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 40-year-old garbage truck driver is shot to death by Muslim extremists while riding to work.
2008.10.21 Pakistan Sersenai 2 6 Two people are murdered by Mujahideen bombers along a highway.
2008.10.21 Iraq Latifiya 9 0 The bodies of nine people abducted and murdered by Jihadis are found in a grave.
2008.10.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 5 10 Muslim militants ambush and kill five police officers in two attacks.
2008.10.20 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 0 Five children are among seven people blown to death by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.10.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A female aid worker is shot to death by Sunni extremists over fears that she was sharing her Christian faith.
2008.10.20 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Mujahideen kill four civilians with two bombs, one an attack on a bus.
2008.10.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Islamists.
2008.10.20 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three men sitting in a house are murdered by Muslim radicals, who shoot through the walls to kill them.
2008.10.20 Thailand Narathiwat 2 6 Islamists pepper a truck returning from a sporting event with machine-gun fire, killing two occupants.
2008.10.20 Somalia Hudur 1 0 An aid worker for UNICEF is gunned down by fundamentalists.
2008.10.19 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamists murder a 1-year-old baby when they fire into his home.
2008.10.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 60-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death by Muslim militants while returning from work.
2008.10.19 Iraq Balad 5 3 al-Qaeda gunmen attack a family home, killing five people.
2008.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 15 Mujahideen bombers take out two civilians.
2008.10.19 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A roadside ambush by the Taliban leaves one local soldier dead.
2008.10.19 Pakistan Khyber 1 1 A woman is killed when Islamic militants bomb a marketplace.
2008.10.19 Somalia Hudur 1 0 Islamic militia shoot a UNICIF worker twice in the head as he is drinking tea with relatives.
2008.10.18 Jordan Aqaba 1 0 A man is forced to kill his sister for leaving the house without his permission.
2008.10.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 A father and son are shot to death by Sunni radicals outside a mosque.
2008.10.18 Ingushetia Muzhichi 2 5 Islamic militants ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2008.10.18 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Radical Muslims shoot at a family, killing the father and seriously injuring his wife and 5-year-old child.
2008.10.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young laborer is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2008.10.18 Iraq Samarra 11 0 Eleven Iraqis kidnapped a year earlier by sectarian Jihadis are found in a mass grave.
2008.10.18 Iraq Baquba 1 4 A woman is taken out by Mujahideen bombers. Four family members are badly injured.
2008.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Jihadis set off a bomb near a mosque, killing three civilians.
2008.10.17 Iraq Kut 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists shoot an unmarried pregnant woman to death.
2008.10.17 India Jaipur 0 1 A 'conservative Muslim' sets an 11-year-old girl on fire for wearing lipstick and being inappropriately dressed.
2008.10.17 Somalia Merka 1 0 A humanitarian worker is shot to death by suspected fundamentalists.
2008.10.16 Afghanistan Maiwand 31 0 Thirty-one passengers on a bus are stopped by the Taliban and calmly machine-gunned and beheaded.
2008.10.16 Pakistan Swat 5 15 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber rams into a police station, killing five Pakistanis.
2008.10.16 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A radicalized policeman stages a surprise suicide ambush on a group of US soldiers, killing one.
2008.10.16 Algeria Algiers 1 0 A young boy is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2008.10.16 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 An Afghan refugee is brutally beheaded by the Taliban.
2008.10.16 Iraq Buhriz 1 1 A 6-year-old shepherd boy is murdered by Mujahideen bombers. Another child is injured.
2008.10.15 Jordan Amman 1 0 A Muslim man shoots his 16-year-old daughter to death over concerns that she has had sex.
2008.10.15 Algeria Setif 3 2 Fundamentalists murder three local guards with a bomb attack.
2008.10.15 Iraq Baghdad 7 18 A Mujahideen bomb blast and separate mortar attack on a mosque leave seven civilians dead.
2008.10.15 Iraq Karbala 22 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the bodies of twenty-two abducted shepherds
2008.10.15 Pakistan Swat 3 0 Three people, including two brothers, are killed in two Jihad shooting attacks.
2008.10.15 Pakistan Swat 2 0 The Taliban enter a home and murder a husband and wife.
2008.10.15 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 6 0 Six local police are taken out in a brutal Taliban ambush on their checkpoint.
2008.10.14 India Poonch 2 0 Mujahideen kill two local soldiers in separate ambushes.
2008.10.14 Pakistan Kabal 1 0 Sunni extremists abduct, torture and behead a local soldier.
2008.10.14 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists murder the driver of an aid agency.
2008.10.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Religious extremists assassinate a government official who aids war widows.
2008.10.14 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 6 Two children are among nine civilians murdered when Taliban bombers target a minibus.
2008.10.14 Philippines North Cotabato 1 0 Moro Islamists attack a Christian village, killing one civilian and driving many families from their homes.
2008.10.13 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 2 Religious extremists take out six civilians with a roadside blast.
2008.10.13 Somalia Mogadishu 2 23 Two African Union mission members are killed when Muslim militia attack their vehicles.
2008.10.13 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel 1 4 A sudden Sunni rocket attack leaves a local security staff member dead.
2008.10.13 Pakistan Murid Wal 1 0 A young man is forced by honor to kill his mother when she refuses to break off an 'illicit' relationship.
2008.10.12 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A Christian business owner is gunned down in his music store by Islamic fundamentalists.
2008.10.12 Pakistan Khyber 3 0 Three men are shot to death by suspected Islamic radicals.
2008.10.12 Somalia Kismayo 1 0 Islamists brutally machine gun a man to death as he is being released from prison.
2008.10.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death in front of his 8-year-old daughter.
2008.10.12 Iraq Mosul 5 11 Mujahideen bombers kill five Iraqis.
2008.10.12 Iraq Baghdad 9 11 Nine people are blown apart by a Jihad car bomb.
2008.10.12 Afghanistan Khost 2 3 A woman and child are killed when the Taliban fire a rocket into their home.
2008.10.11 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 5 5 Moro Islamists attack a Christian village, killing five innocents and kidnapping two others for use as human shields.
2008.10.11 Iraq Mosul 3 0 The bodies of three Christians are discovered following their abduction by Islamic radicals.
2008.10.11 Pakistan Mailsi 1 0 A man is tortured and murdered by his girlfriend's son over illicit relations.
2008.10.10 Pakistan Charbagh 1 0 Sunni hardliners burn down two girls schools and shoot a citizen to death.
2008.10.10 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christians are shot to death by Islamists at a roadblock after being forced to identify themselves.
2008.10.10 Afghanistan Khost 2 3 Two people are blown up by a Taliban suicide bomber.
2008.10.10 Pakistan Orakzai 82 160 A Fedayeen bomber sends over eighty souls to Allah at a tribal meeting.
2008.10.10 Iraq Baghdad 12 26 Twelve Iraqis are murdered by Jihadi bombers at a commercial center.
2008.10.10 Iraq Mosul 39 53 Mujahideen successfully kill about forty Iraqis with two marketplace car bombings.
2008.10.09 Pakistan Bajaur 4 0 Four tribal elders are abducted and beheaded in the name of Allah.
2008.10.09 Pakistan Islamabad 10 21 Four schoolgirls are among ten people killed in a Mujahideen bombing.
2008.10.09 Iraq Habaniya 3 8 A suicide bomber successfully takes out three Iraqis.
2008.10.09 Iraq Tal Afar 2 3 Mujahideen bomb a restaurant, killing two patrons.
2008.10.09 Iraq Udhaim 4 5 Two children are among four family members wiped out by Jihadi bombers.
2008.10.09 Afghanistan Uruzgan 6 9 Women and children are among the casualties during a shooting attack by religious extremists.
2008.10.08 Lebanon Ain al-Helweh 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists gun down a Fatah activist.
2008.10.08 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two more Christians are murdered by Muslim extremists in separate attacks.
2008.10.08 Iraq Baquba 10 19 A female Fedayeen murders ten Iraqis outside a courthouse.
2008.10.07 Somalia Beledweyne 1 0 Islamic militia are suspected of shooting a peaceful negotiator in the head at a marketplace.
2008.10.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Militant Muslims murder a man sitting in his pickup truck. The victim's teenage son is severely injured.
2008.10.07 Algeria M'sila 2 0 An army major is killed when fundamentalists booby-trap the dead body of another man kidnapped and murdered earlier.
2008.10.07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamic extremists enter a Christian pharmacy and kill the owner.
2008.10.07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A Christian man and his elderly father are shot to death at their workplace by Religion of Peace radicals.
2008.10.06 Pakistan Punjab 17 60 Holy Warriors strike a party held at a home. Seventeen people are blown to bits.
2008.10.06 Somalia Merka 1 2 Islamic militia attack a humanitarian vehicle, leaving one worker dead.
2008.10.06 Somalia Mogadishu 17 35 Children are among the seventeen civilians killed at a marketplace following an al-Shabaab mortar attack.
2008.10.06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A disabled Christian is abducted from his shop by Islamists and then shot to death.
2008.10.05 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Fundamentalists gun down a butcher in his shop.
2008.10.05 Iraq Zanjili 4 6 Terrorists attack a funeral with automatic weapons, killing four innocents.
2008.10.05 Egypt al-Tayeba 1 3 A 19-year-old Christian is shot to death by a Muslim mob.
2008.10.04 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Islamists enter a Christian store and murder the owner. Three tortured and executed kidnap victims are found elsewhere.
2008.10.04 Somalia Mogadishu 5 7 Five people are killed when Islamic militia lob mortars into the city airport.
2008.10.04 Iraq Tahrir 1 0 A 15-year-old Christian boy is shot to death by Mujahideen while standing outside his home.
2008.10.04 Ingushetia Rostov-on-don 1 0 A cop is gunned down by religious extremists.
2008.10.04 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 A man strolling through a market is shot five times in the chest by Islamic militia men.
2008.10.04 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two local soldiers are brutally executed by Muslim radicals.
2008.10.03 Algeria Theniet el-Had 6 0 Six local security forces are killed when armed fundamentalists open up with machine-guns on their vehicle at point-blank range.
2008.10.03 Afghanistan Kunar 1 4 Islamic militants gun down a civilian.
2008.10.02 Iraq Baghdad 26 50 Sunni suicide bombers target two Shia mosques, slaughtering at least twenty worshippers.
2008.10.02 Iraq Wajihiya 6 3 Women and children on a mini-bus are machine-gunned to death by Freedom Fighters.
2008.10.02 Pakistan Charsadda 5 12 A suicide bomber invades a home, killing five people.
2008.10.01 Philippines Mindanao 3 12 Moro Islamists ambush a security patrol, killing three members.
2008.10.01 Somalia Baidoa 2 4 A child blown apart by an Islamist grenade, one of two people killed in separate attacks.
2008.10.01 India Agartala 4 76 Harkat ul-Jihad-e-Islami is suspected in serial bomb blasts at civilian bus stops that leave at least four dead.
2008.10.01 Iraq Balad 4 29 Four Iraqis are taken out by a Jihad car bomb.
2008.10.01 India Doda 1 0 A shepherd is abducted by Mujahideen, who then slit his throat.
2008.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Islamists bomb a movie theater, killing four Iraqis.
2008.09.30 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A coffee shop employee and a woman are taken down by Mujahideen.
2008.09.30 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two young men in their 20's are gunned down in separate Muslim drive-by attacks.
2008.09.30 Ingushetia Nazran 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a local civilian.
2008.09.30 Somalia Baidoa 1 4 A child standing along a city street is killed by Mujahideen bombers.
2008.09.30 Pakistan Sadar 1 0 A woman is sprayed with acid and then set on fire by her in-laws in an 'honor' attack.
2008.09.29 Pakistan Chatto Chowk 1 0 Fundamentalists bomb a music shop, killing a patron.
2008.09.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two brothers are gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2008.09.29 Lebanon Tripoli 6 30 Six people are burned to a crisp, and thirty others injured by Islamic bombers targeting local soldiers.
2008.09.29 Algeria Bomerdas 3 4 Suicide car bombers take down three innocent people.
2008.09.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a 47-year-old man to death while he is shopping for groceries.
2008.09.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 33-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2008.09.28 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are killed during a Mujahideen attack in a residential area.
2008.09.28 Iraq Baghdad 32 97 Three separate Jihad car bombings leave nearly three dozen Iraqi civilians dead.
2008.09.28 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Taliban assassins take down four Afghan bodyguards.
2008.09.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 47-year-old man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2008.09.28 Pakistan Attock 3 1 Suspected Taliban abduct an engineer after murdering his three companions.
2008.09.28 Somalia Tayeglow 0 2 Two Christians are seriously injured when a Muslim mob invades their church with spears and machetes.
2008.09.28 Algeria Dellys 4 9 al-Qaeda bombers murder four in a commercial district.
2008.09.28 Algeria Tizi Wazu 2 0 Two security guards are brutally slain by Muslim fundamentalists at a fake checkpoint.
2008.09.28 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 1 A top policewoman is gunned down by the Taliban, who also put her young son in a coma during the attack.
2008.09.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a table tennis coach.
2008.09.27 Pakistan Matta 3 0 Sunni extremists kill three house servants when they blow up several homes.
2008.09.27 India Delhi 2 25 A young boy and an old man die following a bombing by Muslim radicals at an outdoor market.
2008.09.27 Syria Damascus 17 14 A suicidal Sunni bombs a Shia shrine, slaughtering seventeen innocents.
2008.09.27 Somalia Mogadishu 9 10 Islamic militia fire mortars into an airport, killing at least nine.
2008.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Jihadis use an IED to kill three children.
2008.09.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The body of a kidnapped truck driver is found tortured and murdered by Islamists.
2008.09.26 Philippines Maguindanao 1 7 A civilian is killed when Moro Islamists attack an army patrol.
2008.09.26 Afghanistan Khost 5 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders five Afghans at a marketplace.
2008.09.26 Pakistan Punjab 9 15 A woman and three children are among nine killed when suspected Islamists derail a train with an explosive device.
2008.09.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a 27-year-old plantation worker to death.
2008.09.26 Pakistan South Waziristan 1 0 A local tribesman is killed by the Taliban.
2008.09.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Religious extremists murder a man after handcuffing him.
2008.09.25 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a local homosexual rights leader inside a barber shop.
2008.09.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 3 Talibanis take down four locals with two bombs.
2008.09.25 Afghanistan Herat 11 5 Eleven guards at a construction site are murdered by religious radicals.
2008.09.25 India Baramulla 1 0 A pro-India politician is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2008.09.25 Somalia Wardegley 10 14 Ten civilians, including a woman and several children are killed following attacks by Islamic militia.
2008.09.25 Pakistan Swat 2 1 Religious extremists gun down two local cops.
2008.09.25 Pakistan Charbagh 1 0 A flour dealer is murdered near his shop by Muslim militants.
2008.09.25 Pakistan Khyber 1 1 The Taliban shoot a man to death outside a mosque.
2008.09.25 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Three civilians in their early 30's are murdered by Islamic gunmen in separate attacks.
2008.09.24 Afghanistan Kabul 6 4 Six Afghan policemen are murdered in two attacks by religious extremists.
2008.09.24 Pakistan Quetta 4 10 A young girl is among four people killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.09.24 Somalia Mogadishu 11 40 Eleven civilians are killed during an attack by Islamic militia.
2008.09.24 Somalia Baidoa 4 0 Mujahideen kill four people at a market with a bomb hidden in a donkey cart.
2008.09.24 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A local soldier is killed by Muslim radicals while resting under a tree.
2008.09.24 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 30-year-old hospital gardener is murdered in cold blood by Islamic gunmen.
2008.09.24 Iraq Diyala 35 0 al-Qaeda gunmen ambush an Iraqi security patrol, wiping out thirty-five souls.
2008.09.24 Pakistan Kot 2 10 Islamic militants blow up a girls school and kill two local soldiers in a separate incident.
2008.09.23 Iraq Baquba 1 8 Sectarian rivals blow up the home of a recently returned family, killing one of the women.
2008.09.23 Afghanistan Uruzgan 6 0 A woman and a 12-year-old are among six civilians blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2008.09.23 Somalia Manyafulka 1 0 A Christian is beheaded for leaving Islam by men who read the Qur'an aloud before decapitating him.
2008.09.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Suspected Islamists shoot a driver to death, then kidnap a passenger.
2008.09.22 Somalia Mogadishu 42 60 Over forty people, including a woman and her five children, are killed by mortar fire during two al-Shabaab terrorist attacks.
2008.09.22 Iraq Mosul 5 3 Five Iraqi children at play are murdered by a bomb planted by Freedom Fighters.
2008.09.22 Pakistan Swat 9 2 Nine local soldiers are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.09.22 Israel Jerusalem 0 15 Fifteen Israelis are injured when an Arab driver goes on a rampage.
2008.09.22 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist man and his teenage son are shot and beheaded by Religion of Peace militants.
2008.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 Sunni militants kill three Iraqis with a bomb.
2008.09.22 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two Afghans are murdered by Taliban bombers while driving home.
2008.09.21 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim radicals in separate attacks.
2008.09.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist market vendor is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2008.09.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 60-year-old rubber worker is shot off his motorcycle by Mujahideen.
2008.09.21 Iraq Kirkuk 3 23 Jihadis take down three Iraqis with a truck bomb.
2008.09.21 Iraq Jalawla 3 6 Three people riding a minibus are murdered by Sunni roadside bombers.
2008.09.21 Iraq Mosul 6 48 A Fedayeen suicide bomber is among several Mujahideen attackers who kill six Iraqis, including a woman and two brothers
2008.09.20 Philippines Maguindanao 1 4 Moro Islamists ambush and kill a pro-government tribesman.
2008.09.20 Pakistan Islamabad 53 257 Over fifty people are burned or blasted to death when Mujahideen attack a Marriott hotel.
2008.09.20 Iraq Tal Afar 6 23 Three women are among six Iraqis murdered by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2008.09.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 A truck driver is shot to death by religious militants.
2008.09.20 Mauritania Tourine 12 0 Twelve local soldiers are kidnapped and beheaded by al-Qaeda.
2008.09.20 Pakistan North Waziristan 6 5 Six locals are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.09.20 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 1 A 35-year-old Christian leaders is nearly beaten to death by Religion of Peace advocates.
2008.09.19 Iraq Basra 1 0 A Shia cleric is assassinated by Sunni extremists.
2008.09.19 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A teenager is taken down in a drive-by shooting by Islamic radicals.
2008.09.19 Afghanistan Paktika 4 2 A child is among four civilians working in a field killed by a Jihadi rocket attack.
2008.09.19 Pakistan Quetta 8 9 Eight students at a religious school are blown to bits by a suicide bomber.
2008.09.19 Somalia Mogadishu 12 35 al-Shabaab Islamists rain down mortars on a city airport, killing a dozen civilians.
2008.09.19 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2008.09.19 Pakistan Swat 2 0 Islamic militants attack a bank vehicle, killing two occupants.
2008.09.18 Afghanistan Khost 3 0 Three Afghans are taken down by a Taliban ambush.
2008.09.18 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two family members are killed when sectarian gunmen storm their home.
2008.09.18 England Crawley 0 1 A man shouts about the Qur'an as he stabs a non-Muslim woman in the head.
2008.09.17 Yemen Sanaa 10 13 Women and children are among the casualties when al-Qaeda militants stage a coordinated attack on the US embassy.
2008.09.17 Iraq Baghdad 18 79 Eighteen Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen bombing and shooting attacks.
2008.09.17 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 7 A woman is murdered by Islamic bombers in a residential area.
2008.09.17 Pakistan Khyber 1 0 The Taliban abduct and murder an Afghan refugee.
2008.09.17 India Srinagar 0 15 Fifteen pedestrians are injured when Islamic terrorists toss a grenade into the street outside a shopping center.
2008.09.17 Ingushetia Magas 4 0 Four local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Muslim radicals.
2008.09.17 Philippines Mindanao 1 7 Moro Islamists attack a group of local soldiers, killing one.
2008.09.17 Thailand Yala 2 0 A father and son are brutally gunned down by Religion of Peace militants.
2008.09.16 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 A man sweeping the curb outside his home is among two people shot to death by Islamists.
2008.09.16 Pakistan Swat 3 6 Talibanis attack a schoolhouse, killing three guards.
2008.09.16 Lebanon Ain el-Helweh 4 0 Four people are killed when Sunnis and Shia clash over their differences.
2008.09.16 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Hamas gunmen attack a family home, killing a baby girl.
2008.09.16 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a 50-year-old civilian outside his home.
2008.09.16 Iraq Khanaqin 4 3 Four local police are murdered by Jihadi bombers.
2008.09.16 Iraq Taji 2 16 Mujahideen manage to kill two civilians with a bicycle bomb placed in a marketplace.
2008.09.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young hospital worker is murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2008.09.15 Iraq Baghdad 13 35 Jihadis successfully kill thirteen Iraqis with a pair of strategically placed bombs.
2008.09.15 Iraq Balad Ruz 22 33 A female suicide bomber sends twenty-two others to Allah with a blast in a residential area.
2008.09.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 An 80-year-old man is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2008.09.15 Mauritania Tourine 12 4 al-Qaeda militants rake a security patrol with machine-gun fire, killing a dozen local men.
2008.09.15 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four African Union soldiers are murdered by Islamic militia bombers.
2008.09.14 Russia Karachayevo-Cherk. 1 2 A local cop is gunned down outside his home by Muslim terrorists.
2008.09.14 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A pregnant woman is burned alive by her husband, allegedly because she wanted to leave him.
2008.09.14 Pakistan Esha 1 0 A 55-year-old refugee is kidnapped and severely tortured before being shot to death by Religion of Peace militants.
2008.09.14 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A 70-year-old man is stabbed to death in the neck by Sunni extremists.
2008.09.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 12 Six children are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2008.09.14 India Poonch 4 0 Four local security personnel are killed in a Mujahideen ambush.
2008.09.14 Iraq Saidiya 7 6 Jihadi bombers take down seven Iraqis with a series of blasts.
2008.09.14 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2008.09.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 7 0 Religious extremists murder seven Afghan security patrol members riding in a pickup truck.
2008.09.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 16 Two doctors and their drivers are murdered by fundamentalist bombers while delivering vaccine to children.
2008.09.14 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Islamic hardliners celebrate Ramadan by killing a Ugandan peacekeeper and two others.
2008.09.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 41-year-old laborer is shot by Islamists while riding his motorcycle home.
2008.09.14 Kenya Garissa 0 10 A Muslim mob storms a church during a service, pelting worshippers with stones and injuring ten.
2008.09.14 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 A 22-year-old Christian is casually shot to death at a wedding after being accused of apostasy.
2008.09.13 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A man shoots his teenage daughter to death over a relationship with a non-Muslim boy.
2008.09.13 Afghanistan Logar 4 0 The Taliban murder a local governor with a bomb attack on his vehicle.
2008.09.13 Israel Yitzhar 0 1 A Palestinian terrorist stabs a 9-year-old Israeli boy five times, then throws him from a balcony.
2008.09.13 India New Delhi 30 90 Islamists detonate bombs at five marketplaces within a 30-minute span, massacring dozens of innocent people explicitly in the name of Allah.
2008.09.13 Pakistan Zabul 0 1 Talibanis drag a teacher out of a mosque and cut off his ears.
2008.09.13 Pakistan Kurram 2 8 At least two people are killed when Sunnis and Shias work out their differences.
2008.09.13 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Four Iraqis are killed in a roadside bombing attack by Jihadis.
2008.09.13 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four members of a charity-TV crew are kidnapped and senselessly executed by Islamic terrorists.
2008.09.13 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Fundamentalists storm a home and kill a man and woman who may have been co-habitating.
2008.09.12 Iraq Sinjar 3 15 Sunnis bomb a Shia mosque, killing three attendees.
2008.09.12 Iraq Dujail 31 60 Over thirty Shias are blown to Allah by bombs detonated by radical Sunnis at a marketplace.
2008.09.12 Afghanistan Farah 8 0 Eight people are blasted to death at point-blank range with automatic weapons during a Taliban ambush.
2008.09.12 Turkey Diyarbakır 1 0 A family slits their 19-year-old daughter's throat over her 'interactions with men.'
2008.09.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists gun down a 45-year-old man in a drive-by shooting.
2008.09.11 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A young Buddhist man is among two civilians killed in separate attacks by Muslim militants.
2008.09.11 Pakistan Swat 8 0 A 9-year-old girl, brutally gunned down by Jihadis, is among eight people murdered in two attacks.
2008.09.11 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Jihadis bomb a minibus carrying civil servants, killing at least three.
2008.09.11 Iraq Khalis 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death inside their home by Sunni militants.
2008.09.11 Iraq Mosul 5 7 A family of three is among five civilians taken down by Islamic terrorists.
2008.09.11 Iraq Saidiya 5 2 Five members of the same family are murdered in their home by Mujahideen.
2008.09.11 India Doda 0 1 A farmer is pulled from his home by the Mujahideen, who then hack off his ears.
2008.09.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 4 A suicide bomber takes out two Afghan civilians, including a young boy on his way to school.
2008.09.11 Pakistan Orakzai 2 0 Talibanis abduct and slit the throats of two local soldiers, then cut off their heads.
2008.09.11 Afghanistan Nimroz 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.09.10 Pakistan Bajaur 3 0 Sunni fundamentalists kidnap three civilians, then shoot them in the neck.
2008.09.10 Sudan Zamzam 5 24 Janjiweed militia attack a displaced persons camp, killing five refugees.
2008.09.10 Pakistan Dir 25 50 Twenty-five people are killed when rival Islamists hurl grenades into a mosque.
2008.09.10 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian man is shot to death by Muslim fundamentalists.
2008.09.10 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 At least four civilians are killed when dozens of militants screaming 'Allah Akbar' attack an Ethiopian patrol.
2008.09.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A humanitarian agency worker is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2008.09.09 Pakistan Sindh 4 0 Religious radicals gun down a man, his two wives and young grandson in their home.
2008.09.09 Thailand Yala 1 1 A local soldier is killed when Islamists fire rockets into their base.
2008.09.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist is shot and beheaded by Religion of Peace militants.
2008.09.09 Pakistan Swat 5 1 Five civilians are murdered by the Taliban in two targeted attacks.
2008.09.09 Sudan Bere 6 0 Six villagers are killed during an attack by Janjiweed militia.
2008.09.08 Iraq Baiji 2 4 Car bombers take out two Iraqis.
2008.09.08 Iraq Bani Saad 2 1 Jihad gunmen murder a married couple and injure their young son.
2008.09.08 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Mujahideen kill a woman and two children by bombing their home.
2008.09.08 India Doda 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2008.09.08 Afghanistan Zabul 6 2 The Taliban take out six civilians with a landmine.
2008.09.08 Somalia Mogadishu 4 2 Children are among those killed when Islamic militia stage a terror attack along a public street.
2008.09.08 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 The local leader of a minority sect is murdered by Islamic hardliners.
2008.09.07 Somalia Beletwein 5 5 Five civilians are taken down during an ambush by Islamic militia.
2008.09.07 Pakistan Swat 2 0 Mujahideen shoot two civilians to death.
2008.09.07 India Ramban 1 2 Muslim militants attack and kill a member of a search party.
2008.09.07 Pakistan Kurram 3 12 Three children are killed when Sunnis and Shia clash settle sectarian differences by targeting homes with heavy weapons.
2008.09.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 8 23 Eight Afghans are blown to bits by a pair of Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2008.09.07 Pakistan Zila Mir Pur Khas 1 0 Islamic extremists gun down a Ahmadiyya doctor for worshipping the wrong god.
2008.09.07 Pakistan Waris Khan 2 0 A man shoots his daughter and her lover to death over their relationship.
2008.09.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Mujahideen gun down a businessman in his store.
2008.09.06 Afghanistan Nimruz 2 7 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing two officers.
2008.09.06 Afghanistan Nimroz 6 1 A suicide bomber pretending to be a beggar murders six office workers.
2008.09.06 Pakistan Peshawar 16 80 Sixteen people are blown up by suicide car bombers.
2008.09.06 Pakistan Peshawar 35 91 Over thirty people are massacred by Fedayeen suicide bombers in a brutal attack along a city street.
2008.09.06 Iraq Buhriz 2 3 Two people are blown apart by Sunni bombers.
2008.09.06 Iraq Tal Afar 6 54 Fedayeen suicide bombers take out six innocents, and injure nearly sixty more, with an attack on an outdoor market.
2008.09.05 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man mourning beside his brother's grave at a cemetery is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2008.09.05 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhists are shot to death by militant Muslims in separate drive-by attacks.
2008.09.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 17 Six people are killed by Jihadi bombers.
2008.09.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists gun down an orchard worker.
2008.09.04 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A 12-year-old child and a woman are among four Iraqis murdered by Sunni terrorists.
2008.09.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Two civilians are killed during an ambush by Islamic militia.
2008.09.03 Pakistan Sahiwal 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is shot to death by her father and brother for seeking a divorce after being forcibly married at 9.
2008.09.02 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 An anti-Islamist journalist is assassinated by suspected extremists.
2008.09.02 Pakistan Swat 2 0 A retired schoolteacher is among two people murdered by the Mujahideen.
2008.09.02 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists abduct and murder a 65-year-old Christian doctor.
2008.09.02 India Pulwama 1 2 An off-duty soldier is brutally cut down by Islamists while shopping at a vegetable market.
2008.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 4 23 Four Iraqis are killed in a couple of Jihad roadside attacks.
2008.09.02 Iraq Mosul 7 7 Children are among the victims of a Fedayeen suicide car bombing.
2008.09.02 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A 9-year-old boy is murdered by Islamic bombers.
2008.09.01 Afghanistan Khost 2 2 The Taliban take down two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2008.09.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A taxi driver is murdered by Sunni extremists.
2008.09.01 Afghanistan Wardak 3 0 Three security guards are killed by religious radicals in an ambush.
2008.09.01 Iraq Othmaniyah 3 0 Sunni bombers kill three farmers with a device hidden in a water pump.
2008.09.01 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 An Iraqi child is taken down by Islamic bombers.
2008.09.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A civilian is killed during a Mujahideen ambush along a city street.
2008.09.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A teacher is brutally gunned down in front of his wife by Religion of Peace warriors.
2008.09.01 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A civilian is blown to bits by a suicide bomber.
2008.09.01 Philippines Digos 6 32 Islamic bombers are suspected in a blast that rips nails through a passenger bus, leaving six dead.
2008.09.01 Pakistan Kohat 7 0 Religious extremists take out seven security personnel in a surprise ambush.
2008.09.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 61-year-old man is shot to death by militant Muslims while driving home.
2008.09.01 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Buddhist woman is among two people murdered in separate shooting attacks by Muslim radicals.
2008.08.31 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Muslim extremists gun down a 43-year-old man, and a 50-year-old in separate attacks.
2008.08.31 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian man is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2008.08.30 Angola Andulo 1 40 A young girl is decapitated by Muslims rampaging through a Christian community on a church-burning spree. (Reported)
2008.08.30 Pakistan Swat 2 0 A civilian and a cop are murdered by Mujahideen in separate attacks.
2008.08.30 Iraq al-Ahbash 4 0 A husband, wife and their two children are slaughtered in their home by al-Qaeda militants.
2008.08.30 Chechnya Vedeno 2 11 A Fedayeen suicide attack is one of two bombings that leave two people dead.
2008.08.30 Philippines Sulu 4 10 Four local soldiers are killed in a brutal ambush by Islamic extremists.
2008.08.30 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by Jihadis, one of whom is decapitated.
2008.08.30 Pakistan Kurram 19 70 Nineteen tribesman are killed in a series of Taliban suicide attacks and ambushes.
2008.08.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A civilian is killed during an attack by Islamic militia.
2008.08.29 Somalia Kismayo 2 1 Two brothers are gunned down by armed Islamists.
2008.08.29 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by Islamic militants.
2008.08.29 Pakistan Kohat Tunnel 5 37 Fedayeen suicide car bombers murder five innocents.
2008.08.29 Algeria Batna 7 14 Islamic fundamentalists kill seven Algerians in a highway attack.
2008.08.28 Pakistan Koza Bandai 1 0 The Taliban abduct and murder a civilian.
2008.08.28 Pakistan Swat 2 0 Two civilians are beheaded by religious radicals.
2008.08.28 Lebanon Sejoud 1 0 Hezbollah gunmen fire on a helicopter, killing a Lebanese officer.
2008.08.28 Pakistan Bannu 10 16 Islamic bombers target a bus carrying prisoners, leaving at least ten dead.
2008.08.28 China Xinjiang 2 7 Knife-wielding Muslims set upon a group of police, stabbing at least two to death.
2008.08.28 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A man and his wife are gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2008.08.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 51-year-old electrical worker is shot to death by Mujahid.
2008.08.27 Pakistan Wana 2 11 A Taliban ambush leaves two local soldiers dead.
2008.08.27 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a sudden attack by Islamic militia.
2008.08.27 India Jammu 6 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba shoot six civilians to death, including a cab driver and his passengers.
2008.08.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim gunmen murder a government social worker.
2008.08.27 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A young man and woman are shot to death in separate attacks by radical Islamists.
2008.08.27 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A Japanese humanitarian worker on an irrigation project is kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban.
2008.08.26 India Kupwara 1 1 A local soldier is shot to death in an ambush by Islamic militants.
2008.08.26 Somalia Baidoa 2 1 Two people are killed in a Mujahideen grenade attack on their home.
2008.08.26 Pakistan Islamabad 8 20 Sunni radicals manage to kill eight patrons at a cafe with a planted bomb.
2008.08.26 Iraq Jalawla 28 45 A suicide bomber calmly walks up and murders over twenty-five police recruits waiting outside a station.
2008.08.26 Iraq Mandali 5 0 A family of five is taken out by Jihadi roadside bombers as they are traveling to a religious shrine.
2008.08.25 Pakistan Shakardara 2 0 Two tribesmen are killed and several girls schools are blown up during a rampage by Islamic hardliners.
2008.08.25 Pakistan Swat 10 2 Ten occupants of a home are killed when Talibanis fire rockets into it.
2008.08.25 Sudan Darfur 32 135 Women and children are among the thirty-two bodies counted following a government attack on a civilian refugee camp.
2008.08.25 Iraq Mussayab 1 2 Jihadis kill a soldier's daughter and injure his two sons with a bomb near his home.
2008.08.25 Philippines Maguindanao 1 0 A soldier is kidnapped, bound, tortured and brutally executed.
2008.08.24 Pakistan Matta 4 0 Islamists kidnap and bind four civilians, then shoot them to death.
2008.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 9 32 Nine civilians are murdered in three separate Jihad bombings.
2008.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 30 42 Thirty people attending a celebration are blown apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.08.23 Pakistan Abuha 2 4 Two people are killed when Islamists detonate a bomb at an intersection.
2008.08.23 Pakistan Swat 15 23 A Holy Warrior sends over a dozen innocents to Allah with a car bomb.
2008.08.23 Iraq Kirkuk 5 8 Five people are killed when Fedayeen suicide bombers strike an auto dealership.
2008.08.23 Chechnya Agishty 2 2 Jihad warriors take out two Russians with a roadside bomb.
2008.08.23 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two civilians are kidnapped and shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2008.08.23 Pakistan Kurram 4 7 Four people are killed in a sectarian clash.
2008.08.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 2 Taliban militants fire rockets into a police station, killing one officer.
2008.08.22 India Ganderbal 1 1 A local soldier is shot to death by Islamic militants while standing guard.
2008.08.22 Pakistan NWFP 2 14 Two security force personnel are killed when Mujahideen attack their vehicle with a grenade.
2008.08.21 Pakistan Kohat 1 0 Muslim radicals on motorcycles gun down a young soldier.
2008.08.21 Thailand Narathiwat 2 17 A journalist is among two people murdered by Muslim car bombers.
2008.08.21 Pakistan Wah 78 67 Over seventy innocents are slaughtered by twin Fedayeen suicide bombers outside a factory.
2008.08.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by suspected fundamentalists.
2008.08.21 Somalia Mogadishu 6 11 Six civilians are killed during two separate attacks by Islamic militia.
2008.08.21 Pakistan Swat 5 1 Five civilians are brutally gunned down in two Taliban drive-bys.
2008.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 7 6 Seven civilians are murdered by Islamic terrorists in various attacks, including a woman and a player on a soccer field.
2008.08.20 Somalia Kismayo 9 22 Al Shabaab Islamists attack a town, killing at least nine civilians.
2008.08.20 Algeria Bouira 12 38 Islamic fundamentalists murder a dozen civilians with two bomb attacks, one on a hotel.
2008.08.20 Somalia Mogadishu 4 7 Four civilians are killed during an ambush by Islamic hardliners.
2008.08.20 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Jaish-i-Islami shoot two accused prostitutes to death, then mutilate their faces with knives.
2008.08.20 Pakistan Sargodha 1 0 Two brothers kill their grown sister with knives over suspicions that she is engaging in unauthorized sex.
2008.08.19 Afghanistan Surobi 10 21 Ten French soldiers are brutally ambushed and killed. Four were murdered in captivity.
2008.08.19 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two civilians are killed in attacks by Sunni suicide bombers.
2008.08.19 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 30 32 A man walks into a hospital, yells "Allah Akbar," then detonates, slaughtering over thirty innocents.
2008.08.19 Algeria Issers 43 38 An Islamic fundamentalist drives a car packed with explosives into a police school. Over forty are killed in the carnage.
2008.08.19 Iraq Baqubah 35 0 Thirty-five victims of Sunni terrorists are found bound and executed in two mass graves.
2008.08.18 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Mujahideen.
2008.08.18 Somalia Doblai 2 2 Fundamentalists hurl a grenade into a meeting place used by a sect, killing two people.
2008.08.18 Philippines Mindanao 49 50 Forty-nine Christian villagers are shot or hacked to death by Moro Islamists rampaging through three towns.
2008.08.18 Iraq Ramadi 5 7 Five Iraqis are taken down by a Fedayeen car bomber.
2008.08.18 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Radicals gun down a cleric. His wife is also shot in the attack.
2008.08.18 Afghanistan Khost 10 13 Ten civilians are murdered by a suicide bomber along a city street. The victims are described as "poor laborers."
2008.08.18 Pakistan Kari Wala 1 0 A young woman is murdered by her cousins for having sex with a man she loved.
2008.08.17 Azerbaijan Baku 2 8 Islamic extremists are thought responsible for hurling a grenade into a mosque.
2008.08.17 Somalia Dinsoor 2 0 Two humanitarian workers are murdered by hardline Islamists.
2008.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 15 29 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber on a motorcycle attacks a crowd outside a Sunni mosque, killing at least fifteen innocents.
2008.08.17 Afghanistan Helmand 3 4 A woman and two small children are killed when Mujahideen use them as human shields.
2008.08.17 Philippines Lanao del Sur 7 11 Moro Islamists ambush a logistics transport, killing seven riders.
2008.08.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 0 Ten Afghans are blown up by religious extremists in a roadside attack.
2008.08.16 India Kishtwar 1 0 Mujahideen abduct and murder a civilian.
2008.08.16 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 A prominent Shia leader is shot to death outside his home by Sunni militants.
2008.08.16 Philippines Panamao 2 0 Two off-duty soldiers are brutally murdered by Abu Sayyaf after being stranded by a broken motorcycle.
2008.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 6 11 Six more Shia pilgrims are murdered by Sunni bombers in an attack on their minibus.
2008.08.16 Pakistan Shawaal 1 0 A 40-year-old man is beheaded by religious radicals.
2008.08.16 Afghanistan Logar 1 0 A drum player is shot to death by Islamic hardliners.
2008.08.15 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 Islamic militia kill five people with a roadside bomb along a city street.
2008.08.15 Iraq Balad 9 48 Sunnis detonate a bomb on a bus carrying Shiite pilgrims, killing nine.
2008.08.14 Algeria Jijel 2 0 An army officer and his driver are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in their car. A separate bombing kills one other person.
2008.08.14 Pakistan Umari 1 0 A pro-government tribesman is shot to death by the Taliban
2008.08.14 Iraq Karbala 18 75 An al-Qaeda female suicide bomber strikes a group of Shiite pilgrims, slaughtering at least eighteen.
2008.08.14 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A civilian is abducted and riddled with bullets by Sunni militants.
2008.08.14 Iraq Baqubah 1 2 An 8-year-old girl is killed by Islamic bomber, who also wound her mother and sister.
2008.08.14 Pakistan Swat 2 0 A woman and a boy are killed when Islamists fire on security forces in a populated area.
2008.08.13 Afghanistan Helmand 5 4 Taliban bombers murder five local police.
2008.08.13 Thailand Pattani 1 19 Islamists gun down a 26-year-old man, then plant a bomb to catch first responders.
2008.08.13 Thailand Yala 1 2 A 57-year-old man is killed, and his family injured, when Mujahideen toss a grenade into his home.
2008.08.13 Afghanistan Logar 4 0 Three female humanitarian workers and their driver are brutally shot to death at point blank range by Holy Warriors.
2008.08.13 Lebanon Tripoli 18 45 Eighteen people at a bus stop are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
2008.08.13 Iraq Mosul 3 15 Islamic bombers kill three Iraqis at an intersection.
2008.08.13 Iraq Qayara 2 10 Two patrons are killed when Jihadis set off a car bomb at a market.
2008.08.13 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 1 2 A local woman is taken out by Mujahideen bombers.
2008.08.13 Pakistan Lahore 9 35 Islamists bomb an independence day celebration, killing at least nine innocents.
2008.08.13 Pakistan Kirri 1 5 Baitullah Mehsud terrorists ambush a group of local soldiers, killing one.
2008.08.13 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A doctor is killed while being held as a human shield by Mujahideen.
2008.08.13 India Kishtwar 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Muslim militants outside his home.
2008.08.13 Algeria Bouira 1 0 A local guard is killed by a bomb planted by Islamic fundamentalists.
2008.08.13 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 A Christian girl has her tongue cut out and is then burned alive by her father for leaving Islam.
2008.08.12 Germany Ruesselsheim 1 0 A 55-year-old woman is shot to death in an honor attack involving two Muslim groups.
2008.08.12 Pakistan Peshawar 13 11 A child is among thirteen people killed when Sunni bombers target a minibus.
2008.08.12 Thailand Narathiwat 3 1 Two small children and their father are brutally gunned down by radical Muslims while out on a family trip.
2008.08.12 China Xinjiang 3 0 Three security guards are stabbed to death by Muslim militants.
2008.08.12 Philippines Basilan 4 0 At least four Catholic civilians are killed when Moro Islamists strafe their homes with gunfire.
2008.08.12 Iraq Baqubah 2 10 A female suicide bomber takes out two Iraqis.
2008.08.12 Iraq Ramadi 6 0 A woman and three children are among six family members shot to death by the Religion of Peace.
2008.08.11 Iraq Baqubah 4 16 A female suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2008.08.11 Iraq Wajihiya 5 3 Five women field laborers are slain by Jihad bombers while walking to work.
2008.08.11 Iran Saravan 2 0 A Sunni group called 'soldiers of Allah' kidnaps and executes two security guards.
2008.08.11 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 Islamists capture and then cut the heads off of two civilians.
2008.08.11 Afghanistan Uruzgan 6 3 A child is among a half dozen civilians killed while being used as human shields by Holy Warriors.
2008.08.11 Afghanistan Kabul 3 12 Three Afghan civilians are blown apart by a suicide car bomber.
2008.08.11 Philippines Basilan 2 12 Two civilians are killed when Moro Islamists storm a village.
2008.08.11 Somalia Mogadishu 8 0 Holy Warriors kill eight soldiers in a brutal ambush.
2008.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 9 46 Jihad bombers murder nine Iraqis in three attacks.
2008.08.10 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 21 Four locals are taken out in a suicide bombing.
2008.08.10 Iraq Khanaqin 3 25 Fedayeen bombers blow themselves up in a minibus along a city street, killing three innocent bystanders.
2008.08.10 Pakistan South Waziristan 1 0 An elderly man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2008.08.10 Pakistan Kurram 10 24 A second day of Sunni-Shia sectarian violence leaves ten people dead.
2008.08.10 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 Taliban hardliners are suspected in the shooting death of a local cop.
2008.08.10 Algeria Tigzirt 3 0 Islamic fundamentalists blow up a police station, killing three officers.
2008.08.10 Algeria Zemmouri 8 19 Eight Algerians are killed by a suicide bomber.
2008.08.10 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 A 26-year-old woman has her tongue cut out, then is set on fire by her father (a moral policeman) for converting to Christianity.
2008.08.10 China Xinjiang 8 4 Eight people are killed in a series of suicide bomb attacks by Muslim militants.
2008.08.10 Philippines Midsayap 3 0 Moro Islamist snipers take out three local soldiers.
2008.08.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 3 A group of migrant laborers is blown up by Taliban bombers. Five are killed.
2008.08.09 Pakistan Kurram 16 25 Sunnis and Shia settle their sectarian differences with gunfire, leaving sixteen dead.
2008.08.09 Algeria Zemmouri 8 8 A suicide bomber takes out eight Algerians along a city street.
2008.08.09 Pakistan Swat 8 15 Eight local cops are shot to death inside their station by Islamic radicals.
2008.08.09 Iraq Baqubah 16 0 An al-Qaeda mass grave is discovered. Five women are among the sixteen victims tortured and murdered.
2008.08.09 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Fundamentalists shoot at a swimming pool manager, injuring him but killing one of his sons.
2008.08.09 Somalia Alamada 4 2 Three civilians and a local cop are murdered in a grenade attack by Islamic militia.
2008.08.09 Nigeria Kano 1 0 A 50-year-old man is beaten to death by a Muslim mob for alleged blasphemy.
2008.08.08 Thailand Yala 2 0 A fruit trader having dinner with his wife is among two people shot to death by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2008.08.08 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 60-year-old Buddhist is beheaded by Islam's Holy Warriors.
2008.08.08 Pakistan Sadeeqabad 22 0 Twenty-two soldiers, some wounded, are riddled with bullets after being captured by Mujahideen.
2008.08.08 Iraq Tal Afar 25 74 Jihadis bomb a marketplace, slaughtering over twenty Iraqis.
2008.08.08 Afghanistan Paktika 5 0 Five local cops are murdered by Islamic bombers.
2008.08.08 Afghanistan Kunar 1 2 A child is killed in a Taliban ambush.
2008.08.08 Pakistan Bajaur 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by the Taliban - two by beheading.
2008.08.07 Pakistan Swat 4 0 Fundamentalists burn down a girls school then shoot three people to death and behead another.
2008.08.07 Philippines Zamboanga 2 1 A 16-year-old and his father are shot to death by suspected Abu Sayyaf militants.
2008.08.07 Iraq Mosul 4 6 Terrorists plant a bomb on a corpse, luring four investigators to their deaths.
2008.08.07 Pakistan Shahdara 2 0 Two sisters in their 20s are murdered by their brother over suspicions of 'illicit' relations with local men.
2008.08.06 Pakistan Swat 2 15 Islamic militants burn down several girls schools and kill two people, including a child, in separate attacks.
2008.08.06 Pakistan Tirah 4 12 Fighting breaks out between Islamic fundamentalist groups, leaving four dead.
2008.08.06 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 2 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing seven local officers.
2008.08.06 Somalia Lafoole 1 0 Islamic radicals gun down the head of an orphanage.
2008.08.06 Thailand Yala 0 1 A school principal is shot multiple times by Shahid while on his way home.
2008.08.06 Iraq Baquba 16 0 Sixteen men kidnapped by Sunni extremists are found bound and executed.
2008.08.06 Iraq Mosul 1 11 A suicide bomber kills a civilian and injures eleven more.
2008.08.05 Philippines Aleosan 1 0 One person is killed when Moro Islamic terrorists storm a sugar plantation.
2008.08.05 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 al-Qaeda militants slit the throats of three Iraqis.
2008.08.05 Iraq Basra 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a barber to death for shaving beards.
2008.08.05 Ingushetia Nazran 2 4 Muslim hardliners take down two local cops in separate Kalashnikov attacks.
2008.08.05 Pakistan Mughli 1 0 A mother of two is hacked to death with an axe by her cousin who objected to a suspected affair.
2008.08.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 15 Jihadis manage to kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2008.08.04 China Xinjiang 16 16 Islamists stage a brutal grenade attack on a group of police, killing sixteen.
2008.08.03 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Sunni extremists.
2008.08.03 Sudan Nyala 6 28 Janjaweed militia ambush a civilian convoy, killing six people.
2008.08.03 Somalia Mogadishu 20 47 Twenty civilians, mostly women street sweepers, are blown to bits by a massive bomb planted by Islamists.
2008.08.03 Algeria Kabylie 0 25 Twenty-five people are injured in a suicide blast.
2008.08.03 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 Islamic extremists gun down a local judge.
2008.08.03 Iraq Latifiyah 6 13 Six civilians are killed by a Jihad roadside blast.
2008.08.03 Iraq Baghdad 12 22 Islamic terrorists manage to kill a dozen Iraqis with a truck bomb.
2008.08.03 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 0 Religious extremists storm a police post, killing four officers.
2008.08.03 Afghanistan Gardiz 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by Taliban militants.
2008.08.03 Afghanistan Paktika 0 0 Two clerics are killed while trying to assemble a suicide vest in their mosque.
2008.08.03 Pakistan Temargara 2 2 Two government tax collectors are shot to death by Sharia-minded militants.
2008.08.02 Iraq Baqubah 5 3 Sunni radicals murder five Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2008.08.02 India Ramban 1 0 A youth is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2008.08.02 Ingushetia Nazran 1 1 Suspected Islamists open up on two policemen with automatic weapons.
2008.08.02 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 16 A young boy is killed in fighting between the Muslim terror groups, Hamas and Fatah.
2008.08.02 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 29-year-old civilian is shot to death while riding a motorcycle.
2008.08.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 13 6 The bride and groom are among thirteen people blown to bits when Islamists target a wedding party with a bomb.
2008.08.02 Pakistan Kabal 8 5 Islamic hard-liners bomb a police van killing eight people.
2008.08.01 Afghanistan Nimroz 3 5 Two children and a woman are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2008.08.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic militia blast a Ugandan peacekeeper to death with a bomb planted at an airport.
2008.08.01 Afghanistan Kunar 1 0 Radical Sunnis take out a civilian in a roadside blast.
2008.08.01 India Reasi 1 0 A boy is abducted by Mujahid, who then slit his throat.
2008.08.01 Iraq Rashad 3 1 Jihadis kill three Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2008.07.31 Pakistan Deolai 7 0 Five children and their parents are killed when a shell hits their house following an ambush by Muslim militants.
2008.07.31 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A judge and two bodyguards are taken out by Islamic terrorists.
2008.07.31 Iraq Shaheed 3 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Iraqi police.