The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jul 13, 2024 -
Jul 19, 2024

Attacks 31
Killed 155
Injured 227
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 16

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
June, 2024

Attacks 134
Killed 847
Injured 863
Suicide Blasts 5
Countries 24
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Wedding at Amman, Jordan

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 1863 Islamic attacks in 38 countries, in which 7656 people were killed and 12864 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2005.12.31 Iraq Khalis 5 2 Five civilians die in a bombing attack on their vehicle.
2005.12.31 Indonesia Sulawesi 8 56 Eight Christians are killed when Islamists bomb a market selling pork at a time when it is packed with shoppers. The bomb was packed with nails.
2005.12.31 India Pulwama 1 1 The Mujahideen invade a home and open fire on the residents, killing the father and injuring another family member.
2005.12.31 Pakistan Rawalpindi 2 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill a 23-year-old Christian and his Muslim girlfriend because their relationship was against Sharia.
2005.12.31 Chechnya Grozny 5 2 Two civilians and a child are among five killed when Islamic militants attack a security patrol.
2005.12.30 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim extremists shoot a retired teacher to death as he is jogging along a road with his brother.
2005.12.30 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Islamic extremists kill nine people in a drive-by shooting, because the victims were drinking alcohol in public.
2005.12.30 India Poonch 1 1 The Mujahideen kill a police officer in a shooting ambush on a city street.
2005.12.30 Pakistan Gago Mandi 3 0 A father slits the throats of his three daughters after learning that at least one was 'dishonored' by adultery.
2005.12.30 Pakistan Khuzdar 2 0 Two security force members are gunned down in their car.
2005.12.30 Afghanistan Hazar Joft 4 7 Religious extremists use a bomb to kill four policemen and injure seven.
2005.12.30 Iraq Baghdad 6 23 Terrorists use mortars to kill six civilians near a coffee shop.
2005.12.30 Afghanistan Maywand 1 1 The Taliban ambush a vehicle on a remote road, killing a passenger.
2005.12.29 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 A local tribal leader is abducted by militant Muslims, who then slash his throat.
2005.12.29 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 al-Qaeda militants open fire on a restaurant, killing a Pakistani soldier.
2005.12.29 Iraq Latifiya 11 0 Eleven members of a Shiite family are massacred by six Sunnis, who invade their home and slit the throats of all, including children.
2005.12.29 Israel Tulkarm 5 10 A suicide bomber exits a taxi and detonates an explosives belt, killing an Israeli and four other Palestinians, including the taxi driver. Islamic Jihad takes credit.
2005.12.29 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 Four Iraqi policemen are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2005.12.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian shot and killed by Muslim terrorists in his home while eating dinner.
2005.12.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 A civilian is shot and killed by Muslim gunmen.
2005.12.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village headsman is gunned down by Islamists.
2005.12.28 India Bangalore 1 4 Lashkar-e-Taiba suspected in a campus attack on a university professor and four others.
2005.12.28 Afghanistan Kunar 2 2 Two people, including a civilian, are killed when the Taliban ambush a military convoy.
2005.12.28 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Two girls and their parents are stabbed to death by Allah's holy warriors.
2005.12.27 Iraq Asriya 4 0 Islamic insurgents attack a poultry farm, killing four Iraqi workers.
2005.12.27 Iraq Jbala 4 0 Four residents are killed in their homes by terrorists.
2005.12.27 Saudi Arabia Buraydah 5 0 Five Saudi policemen are killed in two drive-by shooting attacks by an Islamic fundamentalists.
2005.12.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist villager is shot off the back of his motorcycle by Muslim gunmen.
2005.12.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An innocent villager is murdered by Islamists.
2005.12.26 Sudan Kulbus 20 13 Suspected Arab militias attack a village, killing twenty people.
2005.12.26 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two people are gunned down by Jihadis in their car.
2005.12.26 Iraq Buhriz 5 4 al-Qaeda slaughters five policemen at a checkpoint with rockets and mortars from point-blank range.
2005.12.26 Iraq Dhabab 5 0 Five Iraqi soldiers are killed in a coordinated terror attack.
2005.12.26 Iraq Baghdad 11 38 Five separate bombings kill eight civilians as three bodies are found bound and executed.
2005.12.26 India Hiynan 1 0 The body of a civilian that had been abducted by Islamists is recovered.
2005.12.25 Thailand Raman 2 0 Two members of the Buddhist minority are shot to death by Muslim militants on a road.
2005.12.25 Thailand Bannag Sata 1 1 A man is killed and a woman seriously injured by Islamic gunmen while riding a motorcycle.
2005.12.25 Iraq Kirkuk 2 7 Two civilians are killed by a terrorist car bombing.
2005.12.24 Pakistan Tank 1 0 Islamists kill the nephew of a pro-government leader at a market.
2005.12.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 46-year-old school guard is cut down in a hail of automatic weapons fire from Muslim extremists.
2005.12.24 Iraq Baghdad 14 0 Seven civilians are gunned down by Jihadis in three separate attacks, while the bodies of seven others are found bound and executed.
2005.12.24 Algeria Boumerdes 3 13 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat blows up a coast guard boat, killing three innocents.
2005.12.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist civilian is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2005.12.24 Bangladesh Rajshahi 1 0 Radicals murder a university professor out for a morning walk.
2005.12.23 Chechnya Grozny 9 4 The lives of nine people are cut short by Mujahideen terrorists in three attacks over 24 hours.
2005.12.23 Iraq Balad Ruz 10 4 A suicidal Sunni on a bicycle rides it up to a Shia mosque and detonates, killing ten innocents.
2005.12.23 Thailand Narathiwat 0 7 Islamists car-bomb a tea shop, injuring at least seven people.
2005.12.23 Iraq Adhaim 8 17 Eight Iraqi policemen are massacred when Jihadis open up on their checkpoint with rockets and automatic weapons.
2005.12.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two foreign civilians are killed in an IED terror attack.
2005.12.22 Pakistan Miranshah 2 0 Two more bullet-ridden victims of Islamic seminary students calling themselves the Taliban are found in a stream.
2005.12.22 India Sopore 2 3 Al-Mansooran claims responsibility for a grenade attack that kills one person. Elsewhere (Guloora Handwara) a civilian is shot to death.
2005.12.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 Jihadis murder four policemen at a checkpoint with a barrage of automatic weapons fire. Six others are injured.
2005.12.22 Iraq Iskandariya 4 1 Sunni gunmen rake a passenger bus with machine-guns, killing at least four civilians.
2005.12.21 Pakistan Wana 3 1 Religious fundamentalists kill three men at a barbershop.
2005.12.21 Pakistan Wana 1 0 A man is abducted and beheaded by the local Taliban.
2005.12.21 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 42-year-old man is gunned down by Islamists while walking home from work.
2005.12.21 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a 55-year-old Buddhist to death as he is working in his orchard.
2005.12.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A farmer is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2005.12.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims behead a Buddhist civilian.
2005.12.20 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three Afghan soldiers are killed in an ambush by religious extremists.
2005.12.19 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 The Taliban abduct and behead a man, then hang his body from a pole while throwing the head into a cemetery.
2005.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 A suicidal religious extremist kills two people outside a children's hospital with a bomb.
2005.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Three bodyguards of a politician are killed in a Jihad ambush on their car.
2005.12.19 Sudan Abu Surooj 20 16 Arab militias kill at least twenty villagers, including an elderly man, three women and two children.
2005.12.18 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 A terrorist's roadside bomb kills two police officers and injures two.
2005.12.18 Iraq Baghdad 6 13 Three attacks, including a Fedayeen bombing, leave four innocents dead and thirteen injured. The bodies of two people are recovered elsewhere.
2005.12.17 Afghanistan Lashkargah 2 0 The Taliban murder an 18-year-old student and a school guard with automatic weapons.
2005.12.17 Afghanistan Akhundkariz 3 0 Three policemen are killed when religious extremists storm a checkpoint.
2005.12.17 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 1 A barbershop attack by fundamentalists leaves three dead and one injured.
2005.12.16 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Two passersby are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber. Two others are injured.
2005.12.16 Israel Hebron 1 1 al-Aqsa fires on a passenger car carrying Israeli civilians, killing a 35-year-old man.
2005.12.16 India Jamia Mohalla 1 1 The Mujahideen open fire on a group of civilians, killing one and injuring another.
2005.12.16 India Kulgam 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2005.12.16 Iraq Parwana 5 2 Four children playing soccer are among five killed by Islamic insurgents mortaring a schoolyard. Two other children are injured.
2005.12.16 India Baramulla 2 0 Two civilians die in separate incidents. One is kidnapped and murdered, the other is killed with a grenade.
2005.12.16 India Mohalla Jamia 2 0 The Mujahideen kills two villagers near their home.
2005.12.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists murder a civilian.
2005.12.16 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered by Islamists as he is walking home from evening exercises.
2005.12.15 Iraq Mosul 1 7 A polling station guard is killed when militants toss a grenade from a motorcycle.
2005.12.15 Afghanistan Nad Ali 1 0 The Taliban drag a teacher out of his classroom and kill him for teaching girls. He had ignored previous warnings.
2005.12.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A pro-government cleric is assassinated by the Taliban as he is riding to work.
2005.12.14 India Tanta 1 0 A student who refused to join the Mujahideen is kidnapped and shot to death.
2005.12.14 Afghanistan Andar 2 0 Two civilians are kidnapped and killed by religious extremists.
2005.12.13 Iraq Ramadi 1 0 An election candidate is gunned down by Jihadis while waiting for gas at a station.
2005.12.13 Philippines Patikul 2 11 Two Filipino soldiers are killed in a gunfight with Abu Sayyaf militants.
2005.12.13 Pakistan Dera Bugti 3 6 Three members of a family, including a child, are killed when al-Qaeda-backed militants attack their home with a dozen rockets.
2005.12.13 India Kashreyan 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a civilian near his home.
2005.12.13 Pakistan Balochistan 1 0 A hotel owner is killed in a sectarian attack.
2005.12.12 Lebanon Mkalles 4 30 Christian reporter is assassinated by a car bombing that kills three other people. Thirty innocents are injured in the blast.
2005.12.12 Iraq Baghdad 10 31 Three Jihad attacks kill six people and the bodies of four abductees are discovered.
2005.12.11 India Chandilora 1 0 A shop owner is killed in his place of business by Muslim terrorists.
2005.12.11 Iraq Baiji 2 1 Sunni gunmen attack a car carrying off-duty Iraqi soldiers, killing two.
2005.12.10 Afghanistan Nazarjusth 7 6 Seven policemen are killed when religious extremists stage an assault on their compound.
2005.12.10 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Two campaign workers are shot while hanging posters.
2005.12.10 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Terrorists kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2005.12.10 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 The Taliban kill two more people, decapitating them and hanging their bodies upside down from pylons.
2005.12.10 Iraq Tikrit 1 0 An Egyptian man working to build a medical clinic is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic insurgents.
2005.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Two men are killed by Islamic insurgents. The body of a kidnapped intelligence officer is found in Balad.
2005.12.09 Afghanistan Zabul 1 2 The Taliban attack a remote checkpoint, killing a policeman and injuring two others.
2005.12.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist husband and wife are brutally murdered by radical Muslims.
2005.12.08 Afghanistan Khost 4 1 Two civilians are among four people reported killed by the Taliban.
2005.12.08 Israel Kalandiya 1 0 A 20-year-old Israeli soldier is fatally stabbed in the neck by an al-Aqsa terrorist at a point of entry.
2005.12.08 Bangladesh Gangni 1 10 Bombing at a traffic crossing kills one person and leaves ten others injured.
2005.12.08 Afghanistan Helmand 1 2 Taliban extremists attack a police patrol, killing one officer.
2005.12.08 India Gandoh 1 0 A security guard at a civilian residence is shot and killed at point blank range by a Muslim terrorist.
2005.12.08 Bangladesh Netrakona 6 100 A Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh suicide bomber kills six people working in a Communist Party office.
2005.12.08 Iraq Baghdad 32 44 A 'Holy Warrior' blows apart more than thirty passengers on a packed bus, including women and children, as they are prepared to travel home for the weekend.
2005.12.08 Pakistan Jandola 12 40 Twelve people are killed when a planted bomb rips through a hotel restaurant. Forty others are injured.
2005.12.08 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 The Islamic Army of Iraq claims to have executed an unarmed American civilian abducted earlier.
2005.12.07 Ingushetia Nazran 0 9 Nine Russians manning a checkpoint are injured when Jihad gunmen open fire.
2005.12.07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 5 Three hospital guards are gunned down on the job by terrorists.
2005.12.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 20 Three people at a cafe are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. Twenty other patrons are injured.
2005.12.06 Pakistan Miranshah 7 0 The Taliban kill seven tribesmen in their homes, later mutilating and hanging the bodies from utility poles.
2005.12.06 Pakistan Wana 2 0 Two Pakistani soldiers are kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists.
2005.12.06 Iraq Shorkat 3 0 Jihadis gun down three employees of an Iraqi oil company as they are driving home.
2005.12.06 Iraq Fallujah 9 0 Nine bodies of civilians are found, bound and executed.
2005.12.06 Iraq Baghdad 43 73 Two al-Qaeda suicide bombers walk into separate classrooms at a police academy and slaughter more than forty students. Over seventy others are injured.
2005.12.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Islamists on a motorcycle.
2005.12.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered in front of his family by Islamic terrorists.
2005.12.05 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Religious extremists kill a school janitor walking home from work.
2005.12.05 Israel Netanya 5 47 Five Israelis are murdered at the entrance to a shopping mall by a bomber from the militant group, 'Islamic Jihad'.
2005.12.05 Afghanistan Marja 3 2 Two civilians are among three dead in a drive-by Taliban shooting.
2005.12.05 Iraq Rutba 11 0 The bodies of eleven civilians are found, bound and executed.
2005.12.05 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Sunni cleric is killed in a sectarian attack while buying food at a store.
2005.12.05 India Nambalhar 1 1 A civilian is killed in a Mujahideen attack.
2005.12.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 A civilian is killed by a suicide bomber. Two others are injured.
2005.12.04 Pakistan Shakai 1 0 al-Qaeda backed militants kill a Pakistani soldier.
2005.12.04 Iraq Baghdad 3 26 Two civilians are killed by a bomb planted under a car on a city street. Elsewhere in the city, a Shiite cleric is gunned down.
2005.12.04 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Christian pastor killed following threats.
2005.12.03 Iraq Adhaim 19 2 Iraqi soldiers are ambushed by terrorists while in transport. Nineteen are killed.
2005.12.02 Afghanistan Helmand 1 5 A Taliban ambush on a police vehicle leaves one officer dead.
2005.12.02 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 3 3 A district chief is killed in a Taliban roadside bombing along with two other Afghans.
2005.12.02 Pakistan Balochistan 1 0 A Sunni group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, takes credit for killing a Shia cleric in front of his home.
2005.12.02 India Karam Katha 1 0 A man is kidnapped and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2005.12.02 India Pattan 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a teacher to death by the side of the road.
2005.12.02 India Chuntimulla 1 0 The Mujahideen enter the house of a widow and shoot her to death.
2005.12.02 Iraq Fallujah 10 11 Ten U.S. Marines guarding a hospital are senselessly killed by Islamic bombers
2005.12.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village headsman is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2005.12.01 Thailand Yala 1 1 Two Buddhist villagers are shot at by Muslim militants, one of whom succumbs to injury.
2005.12.01 Canada Montreal, QC 0 1 A young Muslim attacks police with a knife while yelling praises to Allah.
2005.12.01 Bangladesh Gazipur 2 30 An Islamist straps a bomb to his leg then detonates it in a DA's office, killing two other people.
2005.12.01 Pakistan Miranshah 2 0 Two innocent victims of a bomb-making cell are a teenage student and a 5-year-old boy.
2005.12.01 Iraq Rutba 5 0 The bodies of four men, bound and executed, are found. In Basra, radicals kill an Iraqi translator.
2005.12.01 Iraq Zaghneya 1 0 A Shiite leader is killed in a sectarian drive-by attack.
2005.12.01 India Challi Dangri 2 0 Two boys are killed by a landmine planted by Islamic militants.
2005.11.30 Iraq Baqubah 9 2 Jihad gunmen open up on a minibus with assault weapons, killing nine farm workers as they are boarding.
2005.11.30 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims kill a 40-year-old Buddhist man as he is on his way to tend cattle.
2005.11.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 33-year-old Buddhist is gunned down by Islamic militants.
2005.11.29 Bangladesh Chittagong 2 16 A suicide bombing at a courthouse checkpoint kills at least two people.
2005.11.29 Bangladesh Gazipur 5 50 Jamaatul Mujahideen suicide bomber at a law library kills at least five others and injures over fifty.
2005.11.29 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Two Christians are gunned down by Muslim militants as they are hanging campaign posters.
2005.11.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is shot off the back of his motorcycle by Muslim radicals.
2005.11.29 Chechnya Avtury 2 0 Jihadis enter a house and murder a man and his son.
2005.11.28 India Bandipore 2 0 Jamiat-ul-Mujahideen terrorists stop a car carrying a local official then execute him and his cousin.
2005.11.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 0 Four men, including a legislator are shot to death in a brutal Jihadi assassination.
2005.11.28 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Three British citizens are murdered when a bus carrying Shia pilgrims is attacked by Sunnis.
2005.11.28 Yemen Sadah 8 0 Radical Shiites kill eight policemen in a series of attacks.
2005.11.28 Chechnya Pamyatoi 1 0 Government official is assassinated by Jihadis in an ambush on his vehicle.
2005.11.27 Iraq Rustomia 7 0 Seven bodies are discovered over a 24-hour period.
2005.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Islamic gunmen shoot two members of a pro-government news channel to death. Four others are injured.
2005.11.27 Iraq Baqubah 2 1 Roadside bomb kills a civilian. In Hawija, Islamists kidnap and behead a former Army cook.
2005.11.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A husband is gunned down in front of his wife in an attack by Islamic extremists.
2005.11.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a man to death in his rice paddy.
2005.11.26 Iraq Samarrah 6 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives his explosives-laden pickup truck into a crowded gas station, incinerating six innocents.
2005.11.26 Afghanistan Sharana 1 0 A government official is killed by a sustained Taliban rocket attack on public buildings.
2005.11.26 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four civilians are killed by Islamic terrorists in a car bomb attack.
2005.11.26 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by the Taliban.
2005.11.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 An election worker is killed while hanging campaign posters.
2005.11.25 Iraq Hawija 4 0 In a brutal attack, Jihadis ambush and kill two off-duty Iraqi soldiers and their wives.
2005.11.25 India Handwara 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
2005.11.25 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 3 A Swedish peacekeeper dies in a bomb attack.
2005.11.24 Iraq Hilla 11 17 Terrorists target patrons at a soft drink stand with a car bomb, killing eleven and injuring seventeen.
2005.11.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 42-year-old man is gunned down by Islamists on his way to work.
2005.11.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 Islamic militants spray a tea shop with automatic weapons, killing a patron and injuring four others.
2005.11.24 Iraq Mahmoudiya 30 35 Women and children are amply represented among more than thirty people blown to bits by a "Holy Warrior" suicide bomber near a hospital.
2005.11.24 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four policemen are killed by radical Sunnis while on patrol.
2005.11.24 Afghanistan Khogyani 2 2 A bomb hidden in a car kills two people and injures two others.
2005.11.24 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 An attempted ambush assassination by Jihadis leaves four innocents dead.
2005.11.24 India Surankote 2 2 Muslim militants throw a grenade into a family's house, killing a 3-year-old girl and her sister.
2005.11.23 Philippines Sulu 1 2 A Philippine solider is killed by Abu Sayyaf.
2005.11.23 India Srinagar 3 4 Three policemen are killed in a Fedayeen grenade and small arms attack on a former cinema used as a security post in a downtown area.
2005.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 A pro-election sheik, his three sons, and a son-in-law are killed by radicals, who invade the home in the middle of the night to shoot the victims.
2005.11.23 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 A civilian is killed in a roadside terrorist bombing.
2005.11.23 India Ashminder Pulwama 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a man from his home and strangle him.
2005.11.23 Afghanistan Nimroz 1 0 The Taliban behead an Indian engineer that was captured the week before.
2005.11.23 India Doda 1 0 A civilian who was injured in a terrorist ambush a few days earlier, succumbs to his injuries.
2005.11.23 Afghanistan Charchino 3 0 Three unarmed policemen are gunned down with Kalashnikovs while walking home after work.
2005.11.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 4-year-old child is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2005.11.22 Iran Gonbad-e-Kavus 1 0 A Muslim convert to Christianity is stabbed to death by radical Islamists after being abducted from his home.
2005.11.22 Iraq Kirkuk 18 28 Jihadis kill eighteen innocents in a suicide bombing, including four policemen who were lured to the scene after the gunmen injured one of their own as bait.
2005.11.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is killed in his home by Muslim militants, who also shoot his wife to keep her from getting help.
2005.11.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A village chief is shot eight times by Muslim militants as he returns home.
2005.11.21 Israel Metulla 0 12 Eleven Israeli soldiers and one civilian are injured by a Hezbollah attack in northern Israel.
2005.11.21 India Sopore 1 1 A Muslim extremist shoots a man to death in a residential area, then lobs a grenade at another house, injuring a woman.
2005.11.21 India Srinagar 0 10 Ten people, including eight civilians, are injured in a Mujahideen grenade attack on a city street.
2005.11.21 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four Christian women are killed when gunmen storm their home in the middle of the night.
2005.11.21 Iraq Kanaan 5 14 Roadside terrorist blast kills five civilians and injures fourteen others.
2005.11.21 Thailand Yala 3 2 Armed Muslim extremists rampage though a Buddhist village, killing at least three residents.
2005.11.20 Thailand Sungai Kolok 0 12 Twelve people, including a 2-year-old boy, are injured by two bombs at a market. One was hidden in a fruit basket.
2005.11.20 Thailand Narathiwat 0 3 Islamic gunmen attempt to kill three people, including a pregnant milk vendor in drive-bys.
2005.11.20 Iraq Basra 1 4 Terrorists kill a British soldier in a roadside bombing attack.
2005.11.19 Iraq Abu Saida 36 50 A suicide car bomber blows himself to Allah after plowing in a Shia funeral procession. Thirty-six innocents are killed and at least fifty others injured.
2005.11.19 Iraq Haditha 15 0 A bombing and shooting ambush by Jihad fighters leaves fifteen civilians dead and an unknown number wounded.
2005.11.19 Iraq Baghdad 13 21 A car bombing at a popular market leaves thirteen shoppers dead and at least fifteen others injured.
2005.11.19 Indonesia Palu 0 2 Christian couple shot by radical Muslims while on their way to church.
2005.11.19 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 The Taliban blow-up a vehicle carrying three Afghans..
2005.11.19 Chechnya Chechen-Aul 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2005.11.18 Sweden Hogsby 1 0 A 20-year-old man is beaten with an iron bar, doused with oil and stabbed 23 times by the family of his lover in an honor killing.
2005.11.18 Indonesia Poso 1 1 One woman dies after a machete attack by militant Muslims.
2005.11.18 Indonesia Palu 1 1 Machete-wielders attack and nearly decapitate a 23-year-old cosmetics salesgirl. Her 20-year-old companion's left arm is nearly hacked off as well.
2005.11.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A Portuguese peacekeeper is killed in a Taliban landmine attack on his vehicle.
2005.11.18 Iraq Khanaqin 74 85 Seventy-four worshippers at two Shia mosques are slaughtered by two Sunni suicide bombers. At least eighty others are injured amidst the carnage.
2005.11.18 Iraq Baghdad 8 40 Two synchronized suicide car bombs near a hotel kill at least eight people and injure about forty.
2005.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Jihad gunmen kill a doctor inside his clinic.
2005.11.17 India Lancha 2 0 Two cousins are killed inside their home by the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2005.11.17 Ingushetia Malgobek 2 1 Islamic gunmen suspected in attack on a group of policemen.
2005.11.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is murdered in front of a tea shop by militant Muslims.
2005.11.16 India Srinagar 6 48 Lashkar-e-Taiba sets off a car bomb in the heart of a business district, killing at least four people and injuring over forty.
2005.11.16 India Awantipora 2 3 Muslim militants attack a security convoy, killing two and injuring three.
2005.11.16 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhists are murdered by Muslim extremists in separate shooting attacks.
2005.11.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 6 At least three civilians are killed by a suicide car bomber. Another six are injured.
2005.11.16 Thailand Narathiwat 9 9 A man, woman and seven children, including an infant are slaughtered in their home by ten Islamic militants with assault rifles.
2005.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man working in a rice field is shot three times by two Islamists who stop him under the pretense of asking directions.
2005.11.15 Pakistan Karachi 3 12 A firebomb goes off inside a fast-food restaurant, then a car bomb detonates nearby. Three people are killed and about a dozen injured. (Identity unclear).
2005.11.15 India Tangmarg 7 90 al-Arifeen claims responsibility for a grenade attack on a political rally. Seven people are killed, including a 12-year-old, and about ninety injured.
2005.11.15 Afghanistan Paktika 5 2 Five Afghan police are killed in a landmine attack by Taliban extremists.
2005.11.15 Iraq Kirkuk 7 3 Seven Iraqis are killed in two separate attacks by Jihadis.
2005.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Two policemen are killed by a bomb. Two small girls are among the injured.
2005.11.15 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Two policemen are kidnapped and murdered by the Religion of Peace.
2005.11.14 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 At least three people are killed when Islamic terrorists detonate a roadside bomb in a busy commercial district.
2005.11.14 India Gulbug Ratnipora 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is killed inside her home by the Mujahideen.
2005.11.14 Afghanistan Kabul 9 7 Two suicide bombings kill nine people and injure seven others.
2005.11.14 India Srinagar 4 14 Islamic militants attack people in a business district, near hotels. Four people are killed and fourteen others injured.
2005.11.14 Bangladesh Jhalokathi 2 0 Jamatul Mujahideen extremists hurl a bomb at a car carrying two judges, killing them both.
2005.11.14 Iraq Ramadi 6 30 Six civilians are killed when Jihadis bomb two passenger buses. Over thirty others are injured.
2005.11.14 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Islamists walk into a grocery store and murder the husband and wife owners. Their 10-year-old boy escapes. Two Buddhist highway workers are shot in a separate attack.
2005.11.14 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two South Africans are killed and three other foreigners wounded in a terrorist attack on their SUV.
2005.11.13 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three civilians, including a teacher, are gunned down over the weekend by Muslim extremists.
2005.11.13 Somalia Mogadishu 4 5 Islamic fundamentalists fire into the lobby of a cinema, killing four civilians.
2005.11.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is murdered in front of his home by Islamic gunmen.
2005.11.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims gun down a school teacher.
2005.11.12 Philippines Jolo 1 0 A 26-year-old photojournalist is shot in the head by Abu Sayyaf militants.
2005.11.12 India Raipora 2 3 A 16-year-old is among two people killed in an encounter with the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2005.11.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 1 Four bodies are found, tortured and bound, along with one survivor.
2005.11.12 Iraq Baghdad 8 12 At least one car bomb goes off in a marketplace, killing eight shoppers, including an 8-year-old girl.
2005.11.12 Philippines Jolo 3 12 Three Filipino soldiers are killed in an ambush by Abu Sayyaf militants and the shootouts that follow.
2005.11.12 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three policemen are kidnapped by Taliban extremists, then shot to death in captivity.
2005.11.11 India Pulwama 1 0 A congressional party activist is murdered by Muslim militants.
2005.11.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Drive-by shooting on the Oman embassy by Jihadis leaves two workers dead and four injured.
2005.11.11 Afghanistan Khost 1 5 The Taliban attack a police station killing one officer and injuring five others.
2005.11.11 Algeria Beni Boussaid 1 4 Fundamentalists fire on a group of vacationers, killing one.
2005.11.10 Pakistan Brabcha 6 6 Six members of the same family are killed in an al-Qaeda landmine blast. Six others sustain injury.
2005.11.10 India Nadihal-Bandipora 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2005.11.10 Iraq Kirkuk 7 13 Seven Iraqis standing outside a recruiting center are killed in a Sunni car bombing. Thirteen others are injured.
2005.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 33 24 Two suicide bombers target a packed restaurant, slaughtering over thirty people. The vast majority of the casualties are civilian.
2005.11.10 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 A former district chief and two others are killed in separate Taliban attacks.
2005.11.09 Iraq Baghdad 6 31 Two Sunni car bombs detonate outside a Shiite mosque, killing six people and injuring thirty-one. Woman and children are among the casualties.
2005.11.09 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 7 2 Seven policemen are killed in an ambush by religious extremists along a remote road. Two others are abducted.
2005.11.09 Iraq Baqubah 7 9 Suicidal Sunni straps explosives to his body and kills three civilians and four policemen on patrol. Nine other people are injured.
2005.11.09 Jordan Amman 56 115 Three coordinated and horrific suicide bombings target hotels, including Days Inn and the Grand Hyatt. The worst damage was at the Radisson, where an al-Qaeda bomber walked into a wedding party and killed dozens, including several children.
2005.11.09 India Tral 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by the Mujahideen in his village.
2005.11.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist businessman is murdered, and his teenage son injured, by Muslim gunmen.
2005.11.08 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 Three civilians, including a food vendor and newspaper editor, are shot to death by Muslim radicals in separate attacks.
2005.11.08 Iraq Basra 3 0 In two attacks, a journalist is shot to death by Islamic militants and a member of the Iraqi security forces is killed in a bombing along with his brother.
2005.11.08 India Lawaypora 1 19 The Mujahideen bomb a security patrol, injuring twenty people, one of whom later succumbs to his injuries.
2005.11.08 Indonesia Poso 1 1 Two Christian 17-year-old girls are shot in the head in a brutal attack only a few days after three others were beheaded.
2005.11.08 India Larkuti 2 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists invade the home of a council member's brother and sister-in-law to shoot both people to death.
2005.11.08 Iraq Mustansiriyah 1 1 A car bomb explodes at a university, killing one civilian.
2005.11.08 Iraq Kirkuk 7 3 Six bound and executed corpses are discovered on the same day that Sunni insurgents kill a policeman with a car bomb.
2005.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills four U.S. soldiers on security patrol along with their civilian translator.
2005.11.07 India Quil Muqam 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a Mujahideen bombing.
2005.11.07 India Indergam 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a civilian in an apple orchard.
2005.11.07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Muslim militants kill a villager and a Buddhist policeman in coordinated attacks.
2005.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 9 10 A suicide car bomber kills nine Iraqis and injures ten.
2005.11.07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 0 The Taliban abduct and behead two villagers.
2005.11.07 Sudan Darfur 18 16 Arab militias attack a series of villages, killing at least eighteen people.
2005.11.07 France Paris 1 0 A 61-year-old retiree is beaten to death by Muslim youth for trying to extinguish a fire that they started.
2005.11.07 Thailand Yala 6 2 Six people are murdered in a series of coordinated attacks by Muslim terrorists.
2005.11.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Muslim terrorists spray a car with bullets, killing the driver.
2005.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Car bomb on a city street kills three civilians and injures seven.
2005.11.06 Iraq Kut 21 0 Eleven bodies are found in Kut, five of which were beheaded. Ten others are found outside Baghdad to days later, bound and showing signs of torture.
2005.11.06 India Kashmir 3 1 Terrorists shoot three villagers to death in separate attacks (Chakras, Batapora Sopore, Kulgam)
2005.11.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 0 Three children are killed by an al-Qaeda bomb that explodes prematurely.
2005.11.05 India Rajwar 1 0 A villager is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
2005.11.05 Iraq Balad Ruz 13 3 Sunni insurgents machine-gun an infant to death along with twelve other Shia family members as they are returning from a minibus trip to a family cemetery.
2005.11.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist rubber tappers are slain by Muslim gunmen.
2005.11.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim separatists murder a civilian.
2005.11.04 Thailand Yala 1 0 A villager is gunned down for no apparent reason by Muslim radicals.
2005.11.04 Iraq Bores 9 11 A brutal ambush on a police checkpoint by Islamic insurgents dressed as women leaves nine officers and eleven injured.
2005.11.04 Iraq Baghdad 9 2 Two Jihad attacks kill four, including a 10-year-old girl. Her mother and another child were seriously injured. Five policemen are killed in a separate bombing south of Kirkuk.
2005.11.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A teenager is shot to death by Muslim gunmen.
2005.11.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim extremists behead a Buddhist monk.
2005.11.02 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Two men are killed in a Jihadi bombing.
2005.11.02 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A fisherman is shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2005.11.02 Iraq Kirkuk 3 1 A teen is one of three killed when Mujahideen bomb a church.
2005.11.02 Iraq Musayyib 23 46 Twenty-three Shiites are killed when a minibus packed with explosives is detonated next to a mosque and a busy market.
2005.11.02 Israel Kafr Mirka 1 0 An Israeli soldier is shot in the head by Palestinian gunmen while making an arrest. Soldiers noticed suspicious movement nearby, but hesitated for fear of hitting civilians.
2005.11.02 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 32-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim militants as he is riding a motorcycle.
2005.11.02 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 Jihadis use a landmine to kill a member of an engineering squad.
2005.11.02 India Srinagar 10 18 Jaish-e-Mohammed kill a 10-year-old boy, a woman, and at least eight others with a suicide bombing in a residential neighborhood.
2005.11.02 Afghanistan Bahramshah 5 0 A drug-fighting police unit is surprised by the Taliban, who take five officers prisoner, then cut off their heads.
2005.11.02 Iraq Jurf al Naddaf 5 6 Five Iraqis in a private minibus are killed in a Jihadi roadside bombing attack.
2005.11.01 India Lamad-Bernai 1 1 Two civilians are abducted by the Mujahideen. One is strangled. The other is still missing.
2005.11.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamists.
2005.10.31 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A villager is shot and killed by terrorists in a shooting attack.
2005.10.31 Thailand Yala 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Jihadis on his way home.
2005.10.31 Algeria Baghlia 1 0 A civilian standing on a city street is gunned down in a suspected Islamist attack.
2005.10.31 Iraq Basra 18 59 Eighteen shoppers are killed when Islamic insurgents detonate a car bomb in a crowded market area. About fifty others are injured.
2005.10.31 Yemen Munabbah 12 0 Islamists ambush and kill twelve Yemeni policemen as they are traveling through a remote town.
2005.10.31 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 Four employees working at an oil company are killed in a rocket attack by Jihadis.
2005.10.31 Nigeria Niger Province 3 13 Three Christians are killed by Muslims in unrest following the carrying out of a Sharia sentence of amputation against a Christian.
2005.10.31 Iraq Tal Afar 14 0 Fourteen bound and tortured corpses are found in the former Islamist stronghold. Two were decapitated.
2005.10.30 Algeria Boumerdes 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists. One was a child.
2005.10.30 Algeria al-Taheer 1 7 Islamic fundamentalists attack a police patrol in a small town, killing one officer and injuring seven people, including civilians.
2005.10.30 India Kanji 1 0 The Mujahideen murder a civilian defense volunteer in his village.
2005.10.30 India Batpora Harwan 1 0 A civilian is abducted and executed by the Mujahideen.
2005.10.30 Iraq Baghdad 5 9 Jihad attacks on an oil tanker and a construction site kill four laborers and a government driver.
2005.10.29 India New Delhi 62 155 Three coordinated blasts that tear through a bus and two markets crowded with people celebrating a Hindu festival bear all the hallmarks of the Religion of Peace. An Islamic group claims responsibility.
2005.10.29 Indonesia Bukit Bambu 3 1 Three Christian 16-year-old girls on their way to school are attacked and beheaded by six Muslim gentlemen, who leave the headless bodies in the street and carry the heads to a different location.
2005.10.29 Iraq Howaider 31 42 In a particularly heinous attack, an Islamist suicide bomber disguises an explosives-laden truck as a produce vendor, gathers ordinary customers around it, then detonates, killing at least thirty innocents.
2005.10.29 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic radicals kill a man herding goats.
2005.10.28 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 The Taliban ambush a civilian vehicle, killing two brothers and one of their sons.
2005.10.28 Afghanistan Paktika 3 0 Two men are dragged out a mosque and executed by Taliban extremists. A tribal leader in nearby Khost is also shot to death.
2005.10.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic militants disguised as fully-veiled women shoot a local religious leader to death from the back of a motorcycle.
2005.10.28 India Shabga 6 0 Six members of a family are hacked to death in an honor killing.
2005.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 1 9 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a civilian and injured nine others.
2005.10.27 Iraq Nahrawan 15 14 Sectarian violence in the form of a Sunni on Shia ambush claims the lives of fifteen.
2005.10.27 India Ganethi 2 0 A Mujahideen ambush on a security patrol leaves two dead.
2005.10.27 Pakistan Kot Langarkhel 1 11 al-Qaeda-linked tribesmen target a military vehicle with a landmine, killing one.
2005.10.27 Iraq Tikrit 1 2 Terrorists fire on an Assyrian family, killing the father.
2005.10.26 Israel Hadera 5 30 A suicide bomber from Islamic Jihad murders five Israelis in front of a food stand in a public area.
2005.10.26 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Shia teacher is gunned down on his way to school by radical Sunnis.
2005.10.26 India Omarabad 0 30 About thirty people are injured when Hizb-ul-Mujahideen target a bus with an IED.
2005.10.26 India Mundana 2 0 Two security personnel are slain in a brutal ambush by Muslim terrorists.
2005.10.26 Thailand Narathiwat 9 10 Nine people are killed in a series of attacks by militant Islamists.
2005.10.26 Algeria Batna 1 0 Religious fundamentalists slit the throat of a 70-year-old shepherd.
2005.10.26 Algeria Skikda 3 0 Two civilians are among three killed by the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.
2005.10.26 Ingushetia Nazran 4 1 Muslim militants ambush a vehicle carrying Russians, shooting four to death in the attack.
2005.10.25 Lebanon Helweh 1 0 Fatah Uprising terrorists kill a Lebanese army contractor.
2005.10.25 Algeria Medea 2 3 In separate attacks, Islamic fundamentalists kill two people at a coffee house and a nearby market.
2005.10.25 India Srinagar 0 9 Nine people are injured when a Jaish-e-Mohammed cadre lobs a grenade into a street.
2005.10.25 Iraq Baghdad 1 9 Sunni insurgents kill a 7-year-old boy by the side of the road with a bomb that also injured nine other pedestrians.
2005.10.25 Afghanistan Kabul 4 3 A child is among four civilians killed by Taliban extremists in a rocket attack on a convoy of cars.
2005.10.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 The Taliban opens fire on a police vehicle, killing an instructor and injuring two others.
2005.10.25 Iraq Sulaimaniyah 9 4 Nine civilians are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber on a city street.
2005.10.25 Algeria Medea 1 1 Islamic fundamentalists shoot into a group of civilians, killing one.
2005.10.25 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims stab a Buddhist man multiple times, and eventually kill him by slitting his throat.
2005.10.24 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Muslim gunmen shoot a villager to death and injure three more.
2005.10.24 Canada Montreal, QB 1 0 A 'scholar of Islam' stabs his apostate brother to death over heresy.
2005.10.24 Iraq Baghdad 20 40 Twenty passersby are massacred by three coordinated suicide attacks against a hotel. The bombs were packed with ball-bearings to maximize human suffering.
2005.10.24 Iraq Hilla 12 1 Terrorists execute twelve people working at a construction site. Five of the victims were brothers.
2005.10.24 Iraq Baghdad 14 5 Three separate incidents include the discovery of eight bound and executed victims, a suicide car bomb that kills two civilians, and a shooting ambush that kills three municipal workers and a passerby.
2005.10.24 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 6 Two workers for a British agency working to clear landmines are killed in a bomb attack by religious extremists.
2005.10.24 Pakistan Ladha 1 11 al-Qaeda militants kill the driver of a military truck with a remote-controlled bomb.
2005.10.24 India Puchhal 1 0 A man is killed inside his home after failing to heed the warning posters at a local mosque.
2005.10.23 India Srinagar 2 0 Jaish-e-Mohammed members attack and kill two policemen at a market.
2005.10.23 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 2 A terrorist shoots at a group of three men at a bazaar, killing one.
2005.10.23 Bangladesh Khulna 1 0 Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen suspected of bombing that kills a party leader.
2005.10.23 Iraq Tikrit 5 0 Jihadis murder two young boys riding in a car, as well as two girls, ages 7 and 9, who were standing by the car when the remote-controlled device was detonated.
2005.10.23 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 A suicide bomber kills two civilians and two police officers.
2005.10.23 Iraq Kirkuk 2 13 Two civilians are killed by a suicide bomber. Thirteen others are injured.
2005.10.23 Iraq Taji 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot to death by Sunni insurgents while driving a water truck.
2005.10.23 India Wadwal 3 1 Islamic terrorists open fire on a group of security personnel, killing three.
2005.10.23 England Birmingham 1 1 Pakistanis stab a 24-year-old Christian man senselessly to death in what is either a racial or religious attack.
2005.10.23 Lebanon Ein el-Hilweh 1 3 Fatah gunmen kill a government contractor.
2005.10.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 In a brutal attack, Muslims force a Buddhist man into a burning car.
2005.10.21 Afghanistan Nimroz 2 5 The Taliban kill a police chief and at least one other person with a remote-controlled bomb outside a mosque.
2005.10.21 India Srinagar 1 14 Fourteen people are injured, and one civilian killed, when an Islamic militant hurls a grenade at a crowd outside a hotel.
2005.10.21 India Ratnipora 1 0 A political activist is killed inside his residence by the Mujahideen.
2005.10.21 Afghanistan Helmand 9 0 Nine policemen are killed in a Taliban ambush on their patrol.
2005.10.21 Afghanistan Khost 1 3 The Taliban kill an Afghan journalist with a remote-controlled bomb.
2005.10.20 Afghanistan Faryab 1 3 Religious extremists kill a humanitarian worker.
2005.10.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 A small girl is among three people killed when Jihadis fire a rocket at a school. Five other children are injured.
2005.10.20 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A 60-year-old man is shot to death in front of a school in a motorcycle attack. Muslims also kill another civilian in Yala.
2005.10.20 India Dardkoot 1 0 A man is abducted from his home by militant Muslims and killed in captivity.
2005.10.20 India Nalli Dillo 1 0 A shepherd is killed by the Mujahideen as he is grazing in the field.
2005.10.20 Iraq Baqubah 4 14 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber kills four civilians and causes injury to at least fourteen others.
2005.10.20 Chechnya Elistanzhi 3 3 Islamists fire at a group of civilians fishing, killing three.
2005.10.19 India Pampore 2 10 Two civilians are killed in a Mujahideen attack that also leaves ten others injured.
2005.10.19 Afghanistan Panjwayi 2 0 The headmaster of a school is executed in front of his students. A guard at a different school is also killed and his body is dumped in a stream.
2005.10.19 Afghanistan Panjwayi 1 0 An anti-Taliban government official is gunned down while praying in a mosque.
2005.10.19 Iraq Iskandariya 6 0 Sunni gunmen barge into a factory, identify six Shia workers, then line the men up against a wall and kill them in front of their co-workers.
2005.10.19 Thailand Paluru 1 0 Islamic militants kill a 28-year-old woman riding on the back of a motorcycle.
2005.10.19 Pakistan Wana 1 0 al-Qaeda militants abduct and kill a pro-government tribal chief.
2005.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three election workers are killed by Jihadis while driving home after counting ballots.
2005.10.18 Iraq Baghdad 7 11 A Jihad attack on a police checkpoint leaves four Iraqis dead. Three civilians are gunned down in a residential neighborhood elsewhere in the city.
2005.10.18 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 3 Islamic militants kill a policeman and injure two others in a shootout.
2005.10.18 India Srinagar 4 3 Lashker-e-Toiba terrorists barge into the home of a government minister in a suicide attack that leaves him, a security guard and two civilians dead.
2005.10.18 Algeria Jejil 6 0 Five security guards and a civilian are killed when Islamic fundamentalists open fire at a checkpoint.
2005.10.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is murdered by Muslim militants while standing in his yard.
2005.10.18 Bangladesh Narsingdi 1 0 A Hindu priest is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2005.10.18 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 A school janitor is shot to death by the Taliban.
2005.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An Assyrian woman is murdered in her apartment, apparently over her faith.
2005.10.17 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Muslim militants in separate attacks.
2005.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 al-Qaeda releases a video of a man with his hands tied behind his back being shot twice in the back of the head.
2005.10.17 Iraq Samarrah 2 1 Two people attending a funeral are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber, who wanders in amidst the mourners.
2005.10.16 Algeria Algiers 2 3 Religious fundamentalists in eastern Algerian storm a house and slit the throats of two of the occupants. Three other family members are kidnapped.
2005.10.16 Afghanistan Lashkargah 3 0 The Taliban assassinate a religious cleric and later open fire on a group of security personnel in a separate attack.
2005.10.16 Israel Gush Etzion 3 5 Three Israeli civilians, two young women and a 14-year-old boy, are gunned down in cold blood while waiting by the side of the road. Five others are injured. al-Aksa claims credit for the child killings.
2005.10.16 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Militant Muslims attack a Buddhist temple, slit the throat of a 76-year-old monk and brutally kill two teenage boys. The bodies are subsequently burned.
2005.10.16 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two policemen guarding a railway station are gunned down by Islamists.
2005.10.16 Iran Ahvaz 6 80 At least six people are killed by a mysterious bomb planted at a shopping center. More than eighty bystanders are injured.
2005.10.15 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 1 0 A civilian is murdered by an Islamic terrorist.
2005.10.15 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 Three Thai civilians are killed in three separate attacks across the southern provinces.
2005.10.15 Iraq Saqlawiyah 5 0 Five U.S. Marines are killed by a terrorist bomb while responding to a mortar attack on a polling station.
2005.10.15 India Kathua 2 6 Islamic militants attack a group of soldiers as they are performing physical exercises on their base.
2005.10.14 Afghanistan Tani 1 16 Religious extremists kill a cleric and injure sixteen others with a bombing at a mosque.
2005.10.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 43-year-old electrician is gunned down by Islamists on a motorcycle while on his way to work.
2005.10.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Militant Muslims capture and behead a 68-year-old Buddhist cattle farmer.
2005.10.14 Afghanistan Miwand 2 13 Two policemen are killed in an ambush by religious extremists.
2005.10.13 India Chowkian 2 1 An elderly man is killed in his home by the Mujahideen in an attack that also injures his wife. Another civilian is gunned down in Sambora.
2005.10.13 Pakistan Gilgit 12 25 Twelve people, including three women, are killed in sectarian violence following a Shia demonstration.
2005.10.13 Russia-Balk. Nalchik 44 64 A coordinated urban attack by 150 Islamic militants on a school and airport leaves at least forty-four civilians and law enforcement personnel dead.
2005.10.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A fruit trader is murdered by Islamists.
2005.10.12 Philippines Pamatsakin 3 2 Abu Sayyaf militants attack a security patrol, killing a civilian and two soldiers.
2005.10.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 3 Taliban extremists murder five medical workers returning from a relief trip. The dead include two doctors, two nurses and a driver.
2005.10.12 Afghanistan Uruzgan 6 0 Six policemen die in a Taliban ambush.
2005.10.12 Iraq Tal Afar 30 35 A second al-Qaeda suicide bombing in as many days leaves another thirty Iraqis dead and at least thirty-five others in various stages of physical suffering.
2005.10.12 India Hyderabad 1 1 Suicide blast sponsored by Islamic terror groups kills one and injures another.
2005.10.12 Egypt Alexandria 0 2 A nun and one other person are stabbed in front of their church by a Muslim demonstrator.
2005.10.11 Pakistan Gilgit 1 7 Militant Muslims ambush a group of civilians, shooting one of them to death.
2005.10.11 Pakistan Naurote 1 0 Sectarian attack leaves a civilian dead.
2005.10.11 Iraq Tal Afar 30 45 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives an explosives-laden car disguised as a taxi into a crowd of shoppers at a market, killing thirty and injuring forty-five.
2005.10.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four people are killed by a suicide bomber at a gas station.
2005.10.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims kill a security volunteer.
2005.10.10 Chechnya Zakan-Yurt 2 0 A firefighter and a civilian are blown apart by a Muslim IED.
2005.10.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 5 Three people are killed when a Taliban suicide bomber detonates his explosives along a city street.
2005.10.10 India Rajnagar 10 1 In two gruesome attacks, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members swoop into two residences and slit the throats of ten Hindu family members. Only one child is known to have survived.
2005.10.10 Afghanistan Helmand 18 4 The Taliban ambush a police convoy in a remote area and slaughter eighteen officers.
2005.10.10 India Qazigund 2 2 A young woman is killed inside her home by Muslim terrorists. The same group also invades a second residence, killing a teenager.
2005.10.09 Iraq Basra 2 3 A suicide bomber kills a woman and a child outside an apartment building.
2005.10.09 Pakistan Miranshah 3 0 al-Qaeda militants kill three Pakistani soldiers in a landmine blast.
2005.10.09 Afghanistan Gerdiz 1 5 A Taliban rocket attack leaves one person dead and five injured.
2005.10.09 Iraq Baghdad 13 8 Suicide bombings and other Sunni attacks across the country (and an incident in which a Shiite teacher was dragged out of his classroom and shot to death) leave thirteen Iraqis dead.
2005.10.09 Algeria Algiers 2 0 Members of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat storm a coffee house, where they slit the throats of two patrons.
2005.10.09 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two policemen are slain in a brutal assault by Islamic terrorists.
2005.10.09 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A woman having dinner with her son is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2005.10.08 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Buddhist husband and wife are murdered on their way home by Islamic gunmen.
2005.10.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 A rubber tapper is gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2005.10.08 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 Fedayeen suicide bomber murders seven people on a city street. Sixteen others are injured in the blast.
2005.10.07 India Briswana 1 0 A civilian is killed inside his home by the Mujahideen.
2005.10.07 Pakistan Mong 8 19 Sectarian attack on a crowd of people by gunmen at a mosque for a minority Islamic group leaves eight dead and nineteen injured.
2005.10.07 India Sapore 2 6 A small girl is among two killed by a Mujahideen grenade blast in a terror attack.
2005.10.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Radicals kill the driver of a police chief.
2005.10.07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 11 Jihadi car bomb kills three civilians.
2005.10.07 Chechnya Vinogradnoye 1 0 A policeman is murdered in his home by Jihadis.
2005.10.06 Algeria Messila 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a car bombing.
2005.10.06 India Anantnag 2 0 Two people are taken from their homes and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2005.10.06 India Dooru 1 5 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists detonate a bomb under a bank truck, killing the driver.
2005.10.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking two innocent women with him.
2005.10.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 10 Two bombs are set off by Muslim terrorists at a restaurant, killing one and injuring ten.
2005.10.06 Iraq Baghdad 10 8 Ten Iraqis riding a bus are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. Eight others are badly injured.
2005.10.06 Pakistan Datta Kheil 3 0 al-Qaeda militants fire a rocket into a house, killing a man and his young son and daughter.
2005.10.06 Thailand Narathiwat 5 2 Islamic militants shoot five Thai soldiers to death as they are eating dinner at a remote outpost.
2005.10.05 Thailand Yala 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by Muslim terrorists.
2005.10.05 India Gumeri 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen cadres enter a residence and kill a man along with his 21-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son. Another son had been killed last year.
2005.10.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 A 'Holy Warrior for Allah' manages to kill a 10-year-old boy in a suicide bombing.
2005.10.05 Iraq Hilla 36 95 At least three dozen Shiites are killed and nearly one-hundred others injured by a suicide bomber at a mosque during a funeral service.
2005.10.04 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 6 16 Six Afghans are killed by a Taliban bomb at a border crossing. Sixteen others are injured.
2005.10.04 India Budgam 3 0 The Mujahideen kill two counter-insurgents in an attack and also abduct and kill a civilian in Kulgam.
2005.10.04 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Ramadan in Iraq begins with a suicide car bombing inside the Green Zone that kills three people.
2005.10.03 India Shopian 1 0 Terrorists abduct a civilian and murder him in captivity.
2005.10.03 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 An attempted assassination of an oil minister leaves his two bodyguards dead. A Jihad attack from the day before killed the director of public works.
2005.10.03 Bangladesh Laxmipu 2 40 Members of Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen stage a series of bombing attacks that kill at least two people and injure forty.
2005.10.03 Indonesia Pantangolemba 1 0 A 53-year-old Christian is shot to death.
2005.10.02 Thailand Songkhla 2 3 Two bomb squad inspectors are killed in a remote-controlled explosion courtesy of Islamic terrorists.
2005.10.02 Pakistan Zha Gundai 1 1 The son of a pro-government tribal leader is gunned down by al-Qaeda militants.
2005.10.02 India Bhalna 1 0 A civilian is murdered by a Harkat-ul-Jehad-i-Islami terrorist.
2005.10.02 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 8 al-Qaeda militants kill three Pakistani security personnel in a rocket attack.
2005.10.02 Bangladesh Atkhira 2 3 Militants hurl homemade bombs at a group of civilians in a fish market, killing two and injuring three.
2005.10.01 Indonesia Bali 19 132 Islamic suicide bombers murder nineteen people, mostly tourists, at two cafes and a restaurant in three coordinated attacks. Over one-hundred are injured.
2005.10.01 Chechnya Shatoi 1 2 Jihad rebels blow apart a troop transport, killing one soldier and injuring two others.
2005.10.01 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Two people are abducted and brutally murdered by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.30 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist student is murdered by Islamists as he is riding home.
2005.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A transgender man is murdered by Islamic extremists earlier in the month.
2005.09.30 Sudan Darfur 29 10 Janjaweed militia attack a camp for displaced persons, killing about thirty innocents.
2005.09.30 Iraq Hilla 9 47 Nine Shia civilians are blown to bits by a morning car bomb at a vegetable market. Nearly fifty others are injured.
2005.09.30 Thailand Yala 1 5 Terrorists ambush a police patrol, killing one and injuring five.
2005.09.30 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Chinese street vendors are killed in a drive-by shooting by Islamists on motorcycles.
2005.09.30 India Somboora 2 0 The Mujahideen invade a home and kill a young girl. Another civilian is killed elsewhere (Kulgam).
2005.09.29 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 In two attacks, Sunni gunmen machine-gun workers at a Shia bakery as well as a van carrying soccer-stadium employees. Four people are murdered.
2005.09.29 Chechnya Grozny 3 1 Mujahideen gunmen open up on a car, killing two police officers and a 3-year-old girl. The girl's mother suffered injury.
2005.09.29 India Srinagar 0 19 Fifteen civilians and four security personnel are injured when a Muslim militant hurls a grenade into a crowd.
2005.09.29 India Alal 1 0 Islamic militants abduct a civilian and beat him to death.
2005.09.29 Pakistan Angoor Adda 1 0 A civilian has his throat slit by al-Qaeda militants.
2005.09.29 Pakistan Karim Kut 5 0 al-Qaeda terrorists stage an attack on a vehicle carrying government officials, killing five.
2005.09.29 Iraq Balad 99 124 About one-hundred people are massacred in three separate suicide attacks by Sunni fanatics. Most were at a vegetable market or near a bank. The third was near a clothing shop. Many more are injured, most with burns - some with missing limbs.
2005.09.29 Indonesia Landangan 1 0 A 43-year-old Christian is shot to death.
2005.09.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A fruit vendor is shot to death by Muslims, in an attack that also injures his 8-year-old daughter.
2005.09.28 Sudan Aro Sharow 34 10 Thirty-four refugees are massacred by Arab militia on horseback at a camp. Women and children are amply represented among the dead.
2005.09.28 Afghanistan Kabul 9 28 Nine Afghans are killed outside a military training center by a suicide bomber on a motorbike. Twenty-eight others are injured in the blast.
2005.09.28 Iraq Tal Afar 6 30 A female suicide bomber detonates a bomb packed with metal ball bearings in a crowd waiting outside a recruitment center. Six are killed and many hurt.
2005.09.28 India Malad 2 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists invade a home and take a family of four hostage during a shoot-out with police. A mother and daughter are killed.
2005.09.28 India Nasu 2 0 A civilian is killed in his home by Islamic militants and another (in Thom Gali) is abducted and executed.
2005.09.27 Iraq Kut 22 0 The bodies of twenty-two victims of Islamic terror are found bound and executed outside a small town.
2005.09.27 Iraq Baqubah 9 21 A suicide bomber kills himself and nine innocents in the process of applying for government jobs. Twenty-one others are injured.
2005.09.27 India Mendhar 1 0 A Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist uses a teenage girl as a human shield in a gun battle. Both are killed.
2005.09.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic radicals gun down a school teacher.
2005.09.27 Algeria Boukhil 3 1 Three civilians are killed when Islamic fundamentalists blow a vehicle apart with an IED.
2005.09.26 Chad Madayouna 38 0 Thirty-eight innocent people are murdered in a Janjaweed raid.
2005.09.26 Iraq Muelha 6 0 In a senseless attack, nine Sunni gunmen walk into an elementary school and drag five Shia teachers and their driver out of their classrooms, put them up against a wall and execute them.
2005.09.26 Israel Ramallah 1 0 The body of an Israeli factory worker is found after he is kidnapped, tortured and killed by Hamas.
2005.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 6 14 A suicide bomber blows himself to Allah in an attack against a bus carrying oil ministry staff workers, taking six innocents with him and leaving fourteen others critically injured.
2005.09.26 Afghanistan Helmand 4 0 Taliban landmine kills all four people in a passenger car.
2005.09.26 Thailand Tonmaisoong 1 1 A 54-year-old man is killed by Muslim terrorists while sitting in a tea shop.
2005.09.25 Iraq Baghdad 9 12 A horrific scene of twisted metal, charred bodies and blood, as a 'Holy Warrior' kills himself in a bombing attack that also takes the lives of nine others.
2005.09.25 Iraq Mussayib 6 19 A Fedayeen suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills six civilians and injures about twenty others.
2005.09.25 Iraq Hilla 5 48 A bomb planted on a bicycle kills a passerby outside a music store. Elsewhere, four bodies are found bound and murdered.
2005.09.25 India Kalotra 1 0 A government lecturer is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.25 Pakistan Lahore 2 0 Two more victims of the 9/22 blast die from injuries, including a 7-year-old girl.
2005.09.25 Algeria Skikda 2 0 Islamic fundamentalists set up a fake roadblock to stop a civilian car and cut the throats of two occupants. Family members are abducted.
2005.09.24 India Gandoh 1 0 The mother-in-law of a police officer is killed inside her home by Islamic militants.
2005.09.24 Chechnya Grozny 6 11 Three Mujahideen terror attacks leave six Russian servicemen dead and eleven wounded.
2005.09.24 Afghanistan Chemtal 6 0 Six musicians are shot to death by religious fundamentalists opposed to music.
2005.09.23 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four Assyrian Christians are killed in a Muslim bomb attack on a Christian minister.
2005.09.23 Pakistan Gilgit 2 2 Sunni terrorists open fire on a bus, killing two Shias, including a 15-year-old girl.
2005.09.23 India Kulgam 1 0 Militant Muslims kill a female police officer in her home.
2005.09.23 Thailand Yala 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a migrant worker to death.
2005.09.23 Thailand Pattani 2 0 In separate attacks, a construction worker and a public health employee are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2005.09.23 Thailand Narathiwat 2 2 Two policemen are killed by a mobile-phone bomb triggered by Islamists.
2005.09.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 Suicide bomber targets a civilian passenger bus and kills six people and injures at least a dozen.
2005.09.23 Pal. Auth. Jebaliya 17 140 A Hamas truck, loaded with rockets intended for Israel, explodes early, killing seventeen Palestinians (including three children) and injuring another one-hundred and forty.
2005.09.23 Iraq Karbala 1 4 A suicide bomber succeeds in killing a small child. Four others are wounded.
2005.09.23 Denmark Slagelse 1 1 Pakistani man guns down his 19-year-old sister and injures her husband in a public honor killing in Denmark.
2005.09.22 India Pathan Mohalla 1 1 Two family members are abducted from their home by the Mujahideen. The father is released after his son is executed.
2005.09.22 Algeria M'sila 8 4 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat stages a terrorist attack against an Algerian army patrol, killing at least eight.
2005.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 9 3 Jihadis kill nine people in four attacks, including the owner of a tile-making factory, who is killed in his home along with his two sons and daughter-in-law.
2005.09.22 Pakistan Lahore 6 27 Two separate bomb blasts in commercial areas by Muslim terrorists kill six, including a woman, and injure thirty.
2005.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 2 Islamists fire on a truck carrying Assyrian guards, killing four.
2005.09.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 In the second such attack in as many days, Muslims fire on a married couple, killing the husband.
2005.09.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist care-taker of elephants is murdered by Islamists.
2005.09.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist vegetable vendor is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2005.09.22 Chechnya Oktyabrskiy 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Jihadis.
2005.09.21 Thailand Yala 1 1 A school janitor is killed, and a female factory worker injured, in a shooting attack by religious extremists.
2005.09.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is killed, and his Buddhist wife injured, by Muslim gunmen.
2005.09.21 Afghanistan Jozjan 7 0 Seven musicians are slaughtered by the Taliban as they are traveling home from a wedding.
2005.09.20 Thailand Tanyong Limo 2 0 Two Thai marines are captured by Muslim villagers when their car breaks down. The people later stab and beat the two Buddhists to death after holding them hostage for 18 hours.
2005.09.20 Afghanistan Uruzgan 3 3 Three policemen are killed by the Taliban while traveling home.
2005.09.20 Afghanistan Sahag 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a roadside terror bombing by the Taliban.
2005.09.20 Chechnya Krasny Voskhod 1 3 An ambush by Jihadis on a police convoy leaves one officer dead.
2005.09.20 Ingushetia Karabulak 3 1 Shouting 'Allah Akbar,' masked terrorists attack a group of border policemen checking passports, killing three.
2005.09.20 India Udhampur 3 0 Three civilians are shot to death after the Mujahideen invade their homes.
2005.09.20 Iraq Mosul 4 2 A suicidal extremist kills an American diplomat and three civilian contractors in a car bombing.
2005.09.20 Pakistan Shakai 2 8 al-Qaeda kills a tribal leader and a soldier in separate remote-controlled bomb attacks.
2005.09.20 Thailand Tanyong Limo 2 3 Militant Muslims stage a shooting attack on a tea shop, killing two men.
2005.09.20 Iraq Duluiyah 4 2 Four American contractors are murdered by Muslim radicals after their car takes a wrong turn.
2005.09.20 Philippines Milaya 1 0 Abu Sayyaf gunmen murder a security member.
2005.09.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A transsexual is beaten and burned to death by Islamic extremists.
2005.09.19 Iraq Karbala 10 12 Two suicide bombers strike Shia pilgrims as they are walking on foot to a shrine. Ten are killed and at least a dozen injured.
2005.09.19 Iraq Basra 1 0 Islamic extremists kidnap, torture, and kill a reporter for the New York Times.
2005.09.19 Algeria Skikda 4 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill two civilians and two Algerian soldiers in a remote area.
2005.09.19 India Takiya Sheikhpora 1 0 A villager has his throat slit by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.19 India Doda 2 0 Two civilians are killed in their homes by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.19 Russia-Balk. Nalchik 1 0 Mujahideen kill a Russian soldier in a terror attack.
2005.09.18 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 Sunnis open fire on a group of Shia civilians, killing at least one.
2005.09.18 Iraq Kirkuk 4 3 Four Iraqi security force personnel are killed by a roadside bomb planted by Jihadis.
2005.09.18 Pakistan Wana 1 0 al-Qaeda shoots a 50-year-old schoolteacher to death.
2005.09.18 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two security officers are killed by the Taliban in an ambush.
2005.09.17 Iraq Mushahada 3 1 A Jihad ambush on an Iraqi Parliament member leaves him and two civilians dead.
2005.09.17 Iraq Nahrawan 30 38 al-Qaeda murders thirty Shiites in a street bombing in an industrial area. About forty others are injured in the blast.
2005.09.17 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Sunni radicals kidnap and torture nine men before killing them execution style.
2005.09.17 India Surankote 1 0 A civilian is abducted from his village and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.17 Algeria Bordj 1 0 A guard at a natural gas facility is murdered by terrorists.
2005.09.16 Algeria Ouled Attia 2 4 Fundamentalists attack a security patrol, killing two members.
2005.09.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist construction worker is murdered by Muslim radicals.
2005.09.16 Lebanon Beirut 1 22 A bomb placed in a Christian neighborhood kills one man and injures twenty-two other people.
2005.09.16 Chechnya Grozny 2 4 Muslim terrorists attack a police car on the city streets, killing an officer and a civilian.
2005.09.16 Iraq Tuz 10 21 A suicidal Sunni kills himself and ten others outside a Shia mosque with a car bomb. Almost two dozen others are injured.
2005.09.16 Iraq Baghdad 12 22 Five Jihad attacks leave about a dozen Iraqis dead and over twenty injured.
2005.09.15 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A candidate for election is pulled from his house and executed by religious extremists.
2005.09.15 India Tipri 2 0 The Mujahideen guns down two civilians in cold blood at their village.
2005.09.15 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 2 An Afghan interpreter is killed by the Taliban in a roadside attack.
2005.09.15 Iraq Baghdad 23 32 Three Fedayeen suicide bombers kill at least twenty Iraqis and injure more than thirty more in a commercial district. Three bodies are found elsewhere.
2005.09.15 Iraq Karbala 3 0 Three Shia pilgrims on their way to a shrine are gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2005.09.15 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 40-year-old man is killed by Muslim extremists on his way to work at a rubber plantation.
2005.09.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim terrorists shoot a former school teacher to death in front of his wife, who narrowly escapes with her life.
2005.09.15 Iraq Mosul 1 3 A terrorist bomb explodes in a Shia mosque, killing the Imam and injuring three others.
2005.09.15 Dagestan Kizilyurt 1 3 Islamic terrorists attack a police checkpoint.
2005.09.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A merchant is murdered by Islamists.
2005.09.14 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 3 4 Taliban extremists kill three civilians traveling in a car. Four others, including a child, are badly injured.
2005.09.14 Chechnya Argun 5 3 Islamic militants open fire on a group of Russian soldiers from a house, killing five.
2005.09.14 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Sunnis murder a Shia civilian.
2005.09.14 Iraq Taji 17 0 Sunni gunmen invade Shia homes in the middle of the night, pulling seventeen men out and murdering them execution style.
2005.09.14 Iraq Baghdad 134 300 'Holy Warrior' suicide bombers stage twelve separate attacks against Shia civilians (mostly day laborers looking for work). About one-hundred and thirty-five are slaughtered, with over three-hundred others injured.
2005.09.13 India Rajouri 1 3 The Mujahideen invade a woman's home, take her food, then shoot her to death and seriously injure her three children.
2005.09.13 Afghanistan Uruzgan 7 0 The Taliban shoot seven civilians to death after finding election materials in their car.
2005.09.13 Afghanistan Zabul 1 0 An election official is captured and hanged by the Taliban.
2005.09.13 Algeria Sidi Daoud 3 0 Three Algerian troops are killed in an ambush by the Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat.
2005.09.13 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 1 Coordinated attack by Muslim terrorists leaves a Russian policeman dead.
2005.09.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A teacher is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2005.09.13 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 21-year-old Christian woman is assaulted by Muslim radicals for wearing jeans. She is beaten and stabbed to death.
2005.09.12 Bangladesh Khulna 1 0 Islamic extremists suspected in deadly attack on a high school teacher.
2005.09.12 Chechnya Grozny 1 5 A Mujahideen remote control bomb kills one and injures five.
2005.09.12 Iraq Baghdad 2 17 Jihadis car bomb a restaurant, killing two people and injuring seventeen more. Most of the victims were women.
2005.09.12 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Two Buddhist school bus drivers are ambushed by Muslim terrorists. At least one dies from gunshot wounds.
2005.09.12 Pakistan Tappi 3 0 Three citizens are abducted by al-Qaeda terrorists and then have their throats slit after being tortured.
2005.09.12 India Shopian 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is shot off the back of a motorcycle by terrorists.
2005.09.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist construction worker is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2005.09.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic terrorists kill a cattle salesman.
2005.09.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals nearly behead a teenage boy with a knife.
2005.09.10 India Jammu 2 0 The Mujahideen shoot a father and son to death.
2005.09.10 India Awantipora 5 7 Vicious ambush on an Indian convoy by Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists leaves five security force personnel dead and seven injured.
2005.09.10 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims slash a 62-year-old Buddhist man to death while he was on his way to work.
2005.09.09 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 Taliban extremists kill the bodyguard of an election candidate.
2005.09.09 India Dharmari 6 8 Six members of three families are massacred by Muslim militants, who level continuous fire into their village. Two women are among the dead.
2005.09.09 India Udhampur 2 0 Two shepherds are abducted from their field by the Mujahideen and then killed in captivity.
2005.09.09 India Gandoh 1 0 The Mujahideen kill a Hindu as he is grazing his cattle.
2005.09.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A woman is murdered by Muslims while on her way to see children at a hospital.
2005.09.09 Afghanistan Helmand 4 0 Four police officer are brutally murdered in their vehicle in a Taliban bombing.
2005.09.08 Thailand Yala 1 1 A Buddhist truck driver delivering rice is murdered by radical Islamic gunmen.
2005.09.08 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two ordinary civilians are gunned down for no apparent reason by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2005.09.08 Pakistan Gilgit 2 0 Two civilians are killed in attacks by rival Islamic groups.
2005.09.08 India Doda 2 0 Two civilians are abducted and killed in separate attacks by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.08 India Sopore 1 13 One civilian is killed and thirteen others injured when Muslim militants toss a grenade into a bus stop.
2005.09.07 Iraq Basra 4 0 Four American civilians are killed by Muslim terrorists in a roadside bombing.
2005.09.07 Iraq Basra 16 21 Muslim terrorists car bomb a take-out restaurant, killing sixteen civilians in and around the building. Twenty-one are injured.
2005.09.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 0 The Taliban kill four policemen guarding a road maintenance crew.
2005.09.07 Afghanistan Helmand 1 2 A suicide car bombing goes badly, killing three bombers but only one passerby.
2005.09.07 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 A Russian soldier is killed in an Islamic terror bombing.
2005.09.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 An elderly civilian is killed in a bombing by Muslim radicals.
2005.09.06 India Kashmir 2 1 Two civilians are gunned down by the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen in separate attacks.
2005.09.06 Dagestan Inchkhe 3 0 Islamic militants suspected in a shooting attack on a police vehicle that leaves three Russian officers dead.
2005.09.05 Iraq Balad 2 1 Suicide bomber kills two Iraqis.
2005.09.05 Pal. Auth. Gaza City 4 27 Four people, including a woman, are killed and twenty-seven injured when a Hamas weapons lab blows up in a residential neighborhood.
2005.09.05 Iraq Hit 11 16 Eleven Iraqis, mostly civilian, are killed by a 'Holy Warrior' suicide bomber on a city street.
2005.09.05 India Achar 3 0 Three brothers are shot to death by the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2005.09.05 India Kahi 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a young woman to death approximately two months after her husband is killed.
2005.09.05 India Sangiot 1 0 An elderly woman is abducted and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
2005.09.05 India Poshana 1 0 A civilian is abducted and killed by Islamic militants.
2005.09.05 India Batpora 0 16 Sixteen civilians are injured when a Muslim terrorist hurls a grenade into the road.
2005.09.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Islamic radicals bomb a convoy of teachers, killing a guard.
2005.09.05 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims intrude into a villager's home and kill him.
2005.09.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist worker delivering wood is brutally slain by Muslim terrorists.
2005.09.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim gunmen in front of his home.
2005.09.04 India Bijbehara 2 0 The Mujahideen shoot a retired schoolteacher to death. Elsewhere (Poshana) another civilian is abducted and killed in captivity.
2005.09.04 Philippines Karawan 3 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill three unarmed, off-duty Filipino soldiers.
2005.09.04 Afghanistan Helmand 5 0 The Taliban execute a British hostage and also ambush a police patrol, killing four officers.
2005.09.04 Iraq Qaim 10 0 al-Qaeda takes over a small town and executes at least ten people, including a woman accused of being a prostitute.
2005.09.03 Iraq Samarrah 3 11 Islamic militants fire several mortars into a residential area, killing three civilians and injuring eleven.
2005.09.03 Iraq Zubayr 1 4 Shia gunmen fire on Sunni worshippers at a mosque, killing one.
2005.09.03 Iraq Baqubah 16 2 Jihadis murder sixteen Iraqi security force personnel in three separate attacks.
2005.09.03 Afghanistan Zabul 1 2 Taliban extremists murder a police officer at a checkpoint.
2005.09.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists spray a grocery store with machine-gun fire, killing a Buddhist patron.
2005.09.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim separatists shoot a civilian in his car, then burn him alive.
2005.09.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims gun down a cattle farmer.
2005.09.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamic radicals while on his way to pick herbs.
2005.09.03 Afghanistan Ghowrak 5 0 Five people are murdered in a shooting spree by Taliban terrorists.
2005.09.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A rubber tapper is murdered by Islamists.
2005.09.02 Iraq Baiji 5 9 Five Iraqi soldiers are killed in a terrorist bombing while on patrol. Nine are injured.
2005.09.02 Dagestan Makhachkala 5 11 Five people, including a 7-year-old child, are killed and eleven wounded in a Jihad bombing attack.
2005.09.02 India Soundhar 3 4 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists attack a group of civilians, killing three and injuring four. The casualties include two women.
2005.09.02 Pakistan Laddha 1 0 al-Qaeda militants kill a village elder.
2005.09.02 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslims kill a 45-year-old Buddhist man as he is traveling home with his daughter.
2005.09.01 Algeria Ammal 1 0 The mayor of a small town is shot and killed by Islamic fundamentalists at a fake roadblock.
2005.09.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A religious teacher is killed by terrorists on his way to school.
2005.09.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims gun down a hospital worker.
2005.09.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A bus driver is shot to death by Islamists while dropping kids off at school.
2005.09.01 Afghanistan Girishk 1 0 A moderate cleric is gunned down by Muslim extremists.
2005.08.31 Thailand Yala 1 1 A rubber plantation worker is gunned down, and his wife injured by Muslim terrorists.
2005.08.31 Afghanistan Herat 3 2 The Taliban gun down three security officers in cold blood and kidnap a British engineer and his interpreter.
2005.08.31 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A cleric is beheaded by the Taliban for participating in an election.
2005.08.31 Iraq Baghdad 7 36 Sunni radicals stage three separate attacks on Shia pilgrims, killing seven and injuring about three dozen.
2005.08.31 Chechnya Novoterskoye 2 0 Two police officers are killed in a shootout with Islamic militants planning a major terror attack in Chechnya.
2005.08.31 Pakistan Mastung 1 3 Muslim radical detonates a bomb on a city street, killing a passerby and injuring three others.
2005.08.31 Thailand Sungai Kolok 0 15 Fifteen people are injured by six bombs set by Muslim militants outside a hotel.
2005.08.31 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic radicals spray a police checkpoint with bullets, killing an officer and severely injuring his wife.
2005.08.31 India Wusan Pattan 1 0 A campaign worker is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2005.08.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist construction worker is murdered by Islamists.
2005.08.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A former official is killed in front of a school full of children by Muslim gunmen.
2005.08.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by terrorists.
2005.08.29 Thailand Yala 1 0 A guard protecting Buddhist monks is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2005.08.29 Iraq Mosul 3 7 Islamic insurgents "fight for freedom" by killing a child with a missile that also injures seven other children, who are then treated by U.S. soldiers. Elsewhere the bodies of a beheaded civilian and a policeman are found.
2005.08.28 Philippines Lamitan 2 29 Thirty people are injured and two people, including a child, are killed when Abu Sayyaf militants, disguised as fishermen, bomb a ferry.
2005.08.28 Israel Beersheba 0 8 Eight Israelis are hospitalized by a Fatah suicide bomber, including two guards that were seriously wounded.
2005.08.28 Kosovo Strpce 2 0 Two Serbian men are shot and killed in a terror attack.
2005.08.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A former religious teacher is killed by Islamists.
2005.08.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 An art teacher is murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2005.08.27 Thailand Yala 1 0 A defense volunteer is killed by Muslim gunmen.
2005.08.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2005.08.27 Pakistan Shawal 2 1 Islamic militants kill two Pakistani soldiers with a bomb.
2005.08.27 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three members of a Sunni political party are kidnapped and later killed in front of a mosque by men calling them "non-Muslims."
2005.08.27 Kosovo Urosevac-Skopje 2 2 Two Christians are killed and two wounded when Muslim gunmen attack their car.
2005.08.27 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 0 A political candidate is murdered by the Taliban.
2005.08.27 Egypt Halal 2 0 Two Egyptians are killed in the Sinai, when Islamic radicals detonate a landmine under their car.
2005.08.26 India Kashmir 4 18 Several separate attacks across Kashmir by Muslim terrorists leave four civilians dead and more than a dozen people injured.
2005.08.26 Ingushetia Nazran 1 3 An assassination attempt by Islamic militants injures a prime minister and kills his bodyguard.
2005.08.26 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslims shoot and kill a Buddhist man and also shoot his paralyzed father as the two were watching TV.
2005.08.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants murder a man on his way home.
2005.08.25 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A cattle farmer is murdered by Islamists.
2005.08.25 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 0 A map-maker and a merchant are slaughtered by Taliban extremists.
2005.08.25 Egypt Sinai 2 2 Islamic extremists attack a police patrol with an IED, killing two members.
2005.08.25 India Thanna Mandi 2 1 A man and his son are shot to death by the Mujahideen, while another family is injured in the attack.
2005.08.25 Indonesia Ambon 0 7 A bomb set by Muslim radicals in a Christian sector of town injures seven people.
2005.08.25 Iraq Abu Saida 6 15 Six civilians, mostly elderly men, are murdered in a cafe by militant Muslim gunmen, who enter at breakfast to gun down the victims.
2005.08.25 Iraq Oraida 36 0 The bodies of thirty-six men in civilian clothes are found dumped in a remote area. They were handcuffed and executed.
2005.08.25 Israel Jerusalem 1 1 A Palestinian stabs two young ultra-orthodox Jews on the street, killing one of them and leaving the other badly injured.
2005.08.24 India Srinagar 0 7 Seven people are injured when an Islamic militant throws a grenade into the street.
2005.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 9 35 In at least four separate attacks, nine people are killed by Jihadis and over thirty injured.
2005.08.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A teacher and a school guard are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2005.08.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists while drinking tea with friends.
2005.08.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Muslim gunmen kill a man in his pickup truck.
2005.08.23 Thailand Yala 1 0 A tour operator is murdered by Islamists.
2005.08.23 Iraq Baqubah 7 19 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber on foot slaughters seven people and injures about twenty others.
2005.08.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two children are killed in a bombing by Islamic terrorists. Six others are injured.
2005.08.22 India Koteranka 5 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill three family members inside their home. Two other civilians are abducted and killed in separate incidents in Kashmir.
2005.08.22 Iraq Tarmiyah 8 3 Jihad gunmen spray a police van with bullets, killing eight and injuring three. Casualties include civilians.
2005.08.22 Iraq Baghdad 8 0 In four separate attacks across the country radical Sunnis kill eight, including a married couple in their car, the owner of a food shop and his son, and two truck drivers.
2005.08.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A power company employee is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2005.08.22 Ingushetia Nazran 2 3 Muslims place a bomb near a gas pipeline. Two civilians are killed in the explosion.
2005.08.21 Afghanistan Panjawyi 2 0 Sunni extremists kill two scholars.
2005.08.21 Thailand Pattani 8 15 Islamic separatists kill eight people, mostly civilians, in five separate attacks across the southern Thai provinces using bombs and bullets.
2005.08.21 Iraq Fallujah 4 5 A terrorist bomb kills four Iraqis and injures five.
2005.08.21 Afghanistan Daychopan 4 3 The Taliban kill four members of a medical rescue team.
2005.08.21 India Salbala 1 0 Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists kidnap and kill a civilian.
2005.08.21 Ingushetia Nazran 1 2 A 48-year-old passerby is killed by Islamic militants in a remote-controlled bombing.
2005.08.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 1 Islamic Jamaat claims responsibility for a bombing that killed three policemen walking past a grove of trees.
2005.08.19 India Gogaldara 1 0 A man is gunned down in cold blood by the Mujahideen.
2005.08.19 Algeria Kechida 6 0 In a gruesome attack, Islamic fundamentalists knife six hikers to death, including a woman.
2005.08.19 Jordan Aqaba 1 1 A Jordanian soldier is killed by an al-Qaeda rocket attack at a seaport.
2005.08.19 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Jihadi gunmen abduct three Sunni political workers that were hanging posters urging people to vote. They are later made to stand against a wall, where they are executed.
2005.08.18 India Kashmir 4 0 In four separate attacks, the Mujahideen kill four civilians, including a 75-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy.
2005.08.18 Thailand Narathiwat 2 2 A teacher and a policeman are shot dead by Muslim militants in separate attacks.
2005.08.18 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Jihadis murder a judge and his driver.
2005.08.18 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A police officer is abducted and brutally slain by the Mujahideen.
2005.08.17 Algeria Mozaya 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Islamic fundamentalists attack their village.
2005.08.17 Iraq Baghdad 43 89 Jihadis murder over forty people in three separate car bombings that also leave about one-hundred injured. Most of the victims were simply waiting at a bus stop or seeking medical treatment at a hospital when they were targeted.
2005.08.17 Bangladesh Dhaka 2 115 The Jumatul Mujahedin take credit for hundreds of synchronized blasts that kill two, including a 40-year-old rickshaw puller. Over one-hundred others are injured.
2005.08.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 11 One person is killed, and eleven others injured by a Taliban bus bomb.
2005.08.17 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six Iraqi recruits are pulled from a bus by Sunni radicals and shot to death execution-style.
2005.08.17 India Qazigund 1 9 An Indian guard is killed, and nine other people are injured by a Mujahideen car bombing in a residential area.
2005.08.15 Iraq Dura 1 0 'Holy Warriors' kidnap a Christian woman and then cut off her head.
2005.08.15 Iraq Uwarige 30 0 The mass grave of thirty people, including two women, is uncovered. The Fedayeen tortured the victims before executing them.
2005.08.15 Chechnya Grozny 2 11 Muslims target a restaurant with a car bomb, killing a woman and a 12-year-old boy.
2005.08.14 Iraq al-Mahawil 2 5 An Islamic suicide bomber kills two civilians and injures five others.
2005.08.14 Pakistan Sialkot 5 0 Five family members lose their lives in an 'honor killing.'
2005.08.14 Chechnya Roshnichu 5 2 Four investigators are killed by Islamic terrorists on their way to probe another murder that took place earlier in the day.
2005.08.14 Thailand Narathiwat 2 2 In three separate attacks, Muslim gunmen shoot two Buddhist men at point-blank range as they are drinking tea. They also shoot a 40-year-old woman by the side of the road and hack another woman with a machete while she is working her garden.
2005.08.14 Iraq Baghdad 18 15 Various sectarian attacks leave eighteen dead.
2005.08.14 Iraq Dora 1 0 A Christian man is shot to death in his car.
2005.08.13 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Islamists.
2005.08.13 Thailand Pattani 0 2 A man and his 13-year-old son are critically wounded by Muslim gunmen.
2005.08.13 India Shajroo 5 9 Muslim militants attack a Hindu village in the middle of the night, killing five people in their homes, including three Hindu teenagers, and injuring at least nine others.
2005.08.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 6 A bomb explodes at a women's market, killing a young child.
2005.08.12 India Kulhand 2 0 The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen attack a village and shoot two teenage boys to death.
2005.08.12 Iraq Najaf 4 19 Three children are among four civilians killed by a bomb planted by radical Muslims near a mosque.
2005.08.11 India Kawani 1 0 An employee of an irrigation works project is abducted and killed by the Mujahideen.
2005.08.11 Algeria Skikda 3 4 Muslim extremists kill three community guards and injure four others.
2005.08.11 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Islamic radicals kidnap, torture and kill a Catholic layman.
2005.08.11 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A young oil engineer is kidnapped and stabbed to death for being Christian.
2005.08.11 Afghanistan Zabol 2 0 Two civilians are beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2005.08.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A rubber plantation owner is murdered by Islamists.
2005.08.10 Thailand Yala 1 0 A school guard is murdered by Muslim terrorists on his way to work.
2005.08.10 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Muslim extremists kill two Shia civilians in separate motorcycle attacks.
2005.08.10 India Bandipore 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and later kill a police officer.
2005.08.10 Pakistan Taza Ghondai 4 1 al-Qaeda targets and kills four civilians with a landmine.
2005.08.10 Philippines Zamboanga 0 26 Abu Sayyaf behind two bombs that injure twenty-six near a parked van and at a restaurant.
2005.08.10 Afghanistan Bakurzai 1 0 The Taliban drag a poor, illiterate woman from her house and shoot her to death.
2005.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Jihadis kill a 12-year-old girl's mother and pharmacist father in an attack that also leaves her injured.
2005.08.10 Iraq Baiji 2 0 Two oil pipeline security guards are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2005.08.10 Iraq Ghazaliya 6 14 A suicidal Sunni detonates a car bomb near a group of police, killing at least six, including four civilians. Fourteen suffer injury.
2005.08.09 Iraq Baghdad 21 41 At least six separate Jihad attacks, mostly on civilians, leave over twenty Iraqis dead and more than twice as many injured.
2005.08.09 India Thanna Mandi 1 0 A shepherd is beaten to death by the Mujahideen.
2005.08.09 Iraq Baiji 4 5 In a senseless attack, terrorists use a roadside bomb and small arms fire to kill four Americans trying to clear landmines.
2005.08.09 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Catholic layman is abducted and strangled to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2005.08.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamists.
2005.08.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians, including a school janitor, are murdered separately by Islamic terrorists.
2005.08.09 Chechnya Kurdyukovskaya 1 1 A policeman is murdered in an attack by Islamic terrorists.
2005.08.09 Iraq Dora 1 0 Jihadis shoot a member to death outside a church.
2005.08.08 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female Christian art student is kidnapped and murdered.
2005.08.08 Philippines Basilan 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2005.08.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 A tractor mechanic is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2005.08.08 India Awantipora 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a bomb blast outside a shop.
2005.08.08 India Batalik 3 0 Three young girls are killed by a Mujahideen bomb.
2005.08.08 Afghanistan Ghanzi 2 0 The Taliban murder a doctor, on the grounds that he was planning to run for public office. Another villager is killed as well.
2005.08.08 Chechnya Grozny 1 2 Militant Muslims spray a car with automatic weapons fire, killing the parent of a young child, who was also severely injured in the attack.
2005.08.08 Iraq al-Sharqat 7 3 Seven civilians, including three children are murdered when Islamic terrorists bomb a minibus.
2005.08.07 India Thatharaka 1 1 The Mujahideen invade two residences, killing one civilian and severely injuring another.
2005.08.07 Iraq Tikrit 2 10 Suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking two Iraqis with him. Ten others are injured.
2005.08.07 Iraq Baghdad 10 4 In six separate attacks, Jihadi gunmen kill ten Iraqis.
2005.08.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslims at a tea shop.
2005.08.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim terrorists as he leaves a tea shop.
2005.08.06 Afghanistan Mizan 1 2 The Taliban murder a civilian and kidnap two others.
2005.08.06 India Doda 1 4 The Mujahideen throw a grenade at a hostel, killing a pregnant woman.
2005.08.06 Pakistan Koti Ashro 1 2 al-Qaeda suspected in the attack on a highway police checkpoint that leaves an officer dead.
2005.08.05 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Muslim fanatics invade the home of an Iraqi soldier and kill his wife, 12-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son in their beds.
2005.08.05 Iraq Mosul 4 0 The bodies of four civilians surface in Mosul with signs of torture.
2005.08.05 Iraq Dora 1 5 Jihadis open fire on a line of cars at a gas station, killing one civilian.
2005.08.04 Afghanistan Lashkargah 1 0 The Taliban kill an election worker in an attack from a motorcycle.
2005.08.04 Pakistan Miranshah 5 0 al-Qaeda militants kill five Pakistani soldiers with a landmine.
2005.08.04 Iraq Doloyah 2 0 Jihadis shoot two engineers to death for working at a U.S. base.
2005.08.04 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills four Iraqis and injures an unknown number of others.
2005.08.04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A lecturer at a medical university and father of two girls is kidnapped and murdered for being Christian.
2005.08.04 Indonesia Poso 2 0 Two witnesses who testified against the Islamic bombers behind a massacre of Christians at a market are themselves assassinated.
2005.08.04 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A married couple is murdered in their orchard by Islamists.
2005.08.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a school bus driver.
2005.08.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 A civilian is murdered by armed Muslims.
2005.08.03 Iraq Basra 1 1 Shia gunmen abduct and execute an American journalist. They also cause severe injury to his female interpreter.
2005.08.03 Israel Sderot 1 9 Palestinian terrorists fire a rocket at a group of Israeli demonstrators. The missile hits their own group instead, killing a 3-year-old boy and injuring nine others, including five children.
2005.08.02 Afghanistan Nuristan 8 0 The Taliban kill eight police in an attack on their checkpoint.
2005.08.02 India Nandyali 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Mujahideen inside her home.
2005.08.02 India Pulwama 1 0 The Mujahideen kill a man who is working his paddy fields.
2005.08.02 Iraq Baghdad 4 24 An Islamic suicide bomber kills four civilians and injures two dozen.
2005.08.02 Iraq Shu'la 7 0 Shia gunmen kill a Sunni cleric and his brother, then gun down a vehicle carrying five mourners on their way to view the bodies.
2005.08.02 Thailand Narathiwat 2 4 Muslim assailants kill two people in separate attacks.
2005.08.01 Afghanistan Gresk 2 0 Religious extremists gun down a policeman and his young daughter.
2005.07.31 Iraq Haswa 7 12 Seven civilians are killed by a Jihad car bombing.
2005.07.31 India Badarkot 1 0 A civilian is shot to death inside his own home by militant Muslims.
2005.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Police find the bodies of three airport workers, bound and tortured by the Jihadis. Their throats were cut.
2005.07.30 Iraq Basra 2 2 A bomb attack on the British Embassy convoy leaves two security guards dead and two children injured.
2005.07.30 Afghanistan Charchino 3 0 A district governor and his two bodyguards are assassinated by the Taliban in a roadside attack.
2005.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 6 26 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills six Iraqis near a theatre. Twenty-six others are injured.
2005.07.30 India Srinagar 2 25 The Mujahideen stage an attack on a hotel that claims the lives of two security personnel and injures about twenty-five others.
2005.07.29 India Doda 2 0 Islamists kill two policemen in an ambush.
2005.07.29 India Rajouri 6 0 Muslims line up five Hindu villagers and then slit their throats. Elsewhere in the same district, they murder a woman with an axe.
2005.07.29 India Kupwara 2 0 The Mujahideen invade a home to kill the wife of a police officer, along with his young nephew.
2005.07.29 Iraq Rabiah 52 35 A suicidal religious extremist wanders into a crowd of people and detonates explosives strapped to his body, killing over fifty people.
2005.07.29 Algeria Boumerdes 2 4 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat kill two Algerian police officers in an ambush.
2005.07.29 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A village leader is gunned down and three others suffer injuries in a separate attack in Narathiwat.
2005.07.29 Bangladesh Boalmari 2 0 Two Christian charity workers are hacked to death inside their home by hardline Islamic militants, who chained the doors shut to prevent their escape or rescue.
2005.07.29 Afghanistan Gizab 7 0 The Taliban ambush and slaughter seven people.
2005.07.29 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 A cop is gunned down by Jihadis.
2005.07.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists kill a man as he is buying candy for his children.
2005.07.28 India Sokar 3 0 A 5-year-old girl, her mother and grandmother are slaughtered in a home invasion by the Mujahideen.
2005.07.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 al-Qaeda executes two Algerian diplomats that were abducted several days earlier.
2005.07.27 Thailand Southern Provinces 5 1 Five civilians are gunned down by Islamic radicals in separate attacks.
2005.07.27 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Jihadis.
2005.07.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A school principal is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2005.07.26 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are killed in their motorcycle shop.
2005.07.26 Ethiopia Jigjiga 5 30 A Muslim separatist group, the ONLF, kills five people, including a child, in two grenade attacks against civilian targets.
2005.07.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 The Taliban kill a police chief and one other with a rocket attack on their car.
2005.07.26 India Mahore 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members invade a home and murder a civilian.
2005.07.26 Iraq Baghdad 16 27 Sunni gunmen massacre sixteen Shia civilians with an automatic weapons attack on their vehicles. Over two dozen are inured with gunshot wounds.
2005.07.26 Iraq Hilla 3 0 Three policemen are killed when terrorists fire a rocket at point-blank range.
2005.07.26 Iraq Basra 3 0 In two separate attacks (one in Tikrit) Jihadis kill three innocents, including a child and a truck driver.
2005.07.26 Chechnya Dargo 1 3 Muslim terrorists ambush a security patrol, killing one and injuring three.
2005.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 12 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives his car in front of a hotel and slaughters a dozen people. Sixteen others are injured.
2005.07.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists behead the son of a police officer.
2005.07.24 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 4 Muslim terrorists put a bomb beneath a passenger train that kills one and injures four commuters.
2005.07.24 Iraq Baghdad 22 30 A horrific scene as a Fedayeen suicide bomber kills twenty-two people, mostly civilians in a crowded area near sidewalk cafes.
2005.07.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a judge as he is walking to work.
2005.07.23 Lebanon Beirut 0 12 Twelve people are injured by a car bomb placed in a Christian neighborhood.
2005.07.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a 58-year-old village leader twice in the head as he is riding with his wife.
2005.07.23 Egypt Sharm el-Sheik 88 119 More than eighty tourists and workers are killed when Islamic militants detonate three powerful car bombs outside a cafe and two hotels. One suicide bomber drove into the lobby. Over one-hundred people suffer injuries.
2005.07.23 Israel Kissufim 2 5 Palestinian gunmen murder an Israeli husband and wife. They also open fire on medical rescue workers, injuring five of them.
2005.07.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist student is gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2005.07.23 Chechnya Shelkovskaya 1 0 A forest director is killed in his home by Jihad gunmen.
2005.07.22 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Islamic terrorists kill two people in a shooting ambush.
2005.07.22 Pakistan South Waziristan 4 0 al-Qaeda suspected in shooting deaths of a tribal leader, his two sons and brother.
2005.07.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 5 Four Jihad attacks leave twelve Iraqis dead, including a senseless ambush on a wedding party that left the bride and her mother dead.
2005.07.21 India Anantnag 1 2 Militant Muslims fire on a bus stop, killing a civilian and injuring two others.
2005.07.21 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 The Taliban ambush a vehicle carrying two people. Both are killed in the explosion.
2005.07.21 India Sopore 2 2 Two civilians are killed when the Mujahideen attack a security camp.
2005.07.21 Iraq Mahmudiyah 5 8 A religious extremist kills himself and five innocents in a blast at a traffic checkpoint.
2005.07.21 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are brutally murdered in separate attacks.
2005.07.21 Afghanistan Kajran 15 0 Fifteen innocents are attacked and killed by Taliban extremists in a three-day spree.
2005.07.21 England London 0 1 Islamists attempt four bombing attacks on London subways.
2005.07.20 Iraq Hilla 4 4 Two Jihad car bombings kill four and injure four, including a young girl.
2005.07.20 India Srinagar 6 17 Hizbul Mujahideen suicide bomber targets a missionary children's school in the Indian capital, killing at least six and injuring more than a dozen.
2005.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 10 21 A suicidal Sunni murders ten people near an airport and causes egregious injuries to at least a dozen others.
2005.07.20 Pakistan Gilgit 3 0 Three people are gunned down in sectarian attacks.
2005.07.19 Iraq Baqubah 13 0 Jihadis stage a shooting attack on a minivan carrying civilians, killing thirteen in all.
2005.07.19 Chechnya Znamenskoye 14 36 Fourteen people, including civilians, are killed in a Jihad attack by Muslim separatists on a remote road.
2005.07.19 India Chitabas 6 0 The Hizbul Mujahideen enter a residence and slaughter six members of a family, in a heinous attack.
2005.07.19 Ethiopia Jigjiga 1 0 Islamic militants stop a bus and force the Christians on it to repeat a Muslim creed and pray to Mecca. The one who refuses to do so is shot to death.
2005.07.18 Thailand Yala 3 1 In three separate attacks, Muslims behead a farmer and shoot at least two other people to death, including a school principal.
2005.07.18 India Arwani 1 1 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death outside his shop.
2005.07.18 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Islamic insurgents murder six policemen and a government worker in six separate shooting attacks.
2005.07.18 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A Sunni cleric is attacked in his car by Shia on motorcycles, who manage to kill his son.
2005.07.18 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shia schoolteacher is gunned down, and his wife critically injured.
2005.07.18 Pakistan Chilas Farm 5 15 Five passengers aboard a bus are killed when the Mujahideen ambush it along a mountain road. Fifteen others are injured.
2005.07.18 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine villagers are slaughtered in a Taliban raid.
2005.07.18 Afghanistan Kamdish 1 0 Taliban extremists murder an electoral worker.
2005.07.17 Iraq Baghdad 22 21 Four Fedayeen kill twenty-two people in separate suicide bombings.
2005.07.16 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim separatists attack a school, killing two security guards.
2005.07.16 Iraq Musayyib 71 160 A religious extremist with explosives wrapped around his chest, detonates himself in a crowded city street, killing over seventy other people. Nearly two-hundred others are injured in the horrific attack.
2005.07.16 Iraq Basra 3 2 Muslim terrorists kill three British soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2005.07.16 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death outside his home, and also stage a separate attack that kills a 6-year-old girl.
2005.07.15 Iraq Baghdad 27 100 Seven suicide bombers take at least twenty-seven innocents with them to Allah. About one hundred others suffer injuries; many lose limbs.
2005.07.15 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two female teachers are gunned down by Muslims on motorcycles as they are walking home.
2005.07.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Seven cops are brutally slain in a surprise attack by religious extremists.
2005.07.15 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two civilians, including a taxi driver, are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2005.07.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A metal-shop owner is shot to death in a tea shop by Islamists.
2005.07.14 Israel Netiv Haasara 1 1 Palestinian terrorists hit an Israeli residence with a missile, killing a woman.
2005.07.14 Thailand Yala 2 21 Islamic militants set off four bombs in restaurants and other business areas, killing at least two people.
2005.07.13 India Bigambri 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian, then kill him in captivity.
2005.07.13 Pakistan Jhal Magsi 3 3 Three children, including two brothers, are killed by a homemade bomb.
2005.07.13 Iraq Baghdad 27 25 An Islamic suicide bomber deliberately plows his car into a group of children, slaughtering at least twenty-seven. Children were amply represented among the injured.
2005.07.13 Iraq Jalawlah 2 16 A suicide bomber kills two others inside a Sunni mosque.
2005.07.13 Afghanistan Safian 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Sunni extremists.
2005.07.12 Lebanon Beyrouth 1 12 Muslim terrorists target a Christian politician with a bomb, but kill a civilian instead.
2005.07.12 Algeria Ahnif 2 0 Two community guards are killed in separate attacks by Islamic fundamentalists (Jijel).
2005.07.12 Thailand Pattani 4 0 Four civilians are murdered in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
2005.07.12 Iraq Kirkuk 3 15 Sunnis detonate a car bomb in an industrial district, killing three civilians and injuring fifteen more.
2005.07.12 Israel Netanya 5 70 The terror group, Islamic Jihad, takes credit for a suicide bombing, in which a bomber kills five Jews crossing the street in front of a mall. All of the victims were female, two were teenage girls. About seventy others were injured.
2005.07.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Qaeda assassinates a Somali peace activist outside his home.
2005.07.11 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two village guards are killed in separate terror attacks.
2005.07.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is murdered in his grocery story by Islamic radicals.
2005.07.10 Afghanistan Darreh-ye Nur 2 0 The Taliban murder two civilians in an incendiary attack on their vehicle.
2005.07.10 Iraq Syrian Border 7 0 Two Islamic suicide bombers kill seven customs agents.
2005.07.10 Iraq Baghdad 25 47 A al-Qaeda suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking twenty-five innocents with him. Nearly fifty others are injured.
2005.07.10 Iraq Kirkuk 4 15 Suicidal Sunni kills four civilians on a highway, near a hospital. Fifteen are injured in the blast.
2005.07.09 Iraq Baghdad 8 0 A family of eight Shia is gruesomely murdered by Sunni radicals as they sleep in their home.
2005.07.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia cleric is gunned down on a street by Pakistani Sunnis.
2005.07.09 Algeria Tezi Ozo 4 0 A group of thirty Islamists set-up a fake roadblock, then slaughter four Algerians that are fooled into stopping.
2005.07.08 India Rajouri 4 0 Four Indian soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic militants.
2005.07.08 Afghanistan Paktika 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered inside their home by Sunni extremists.
2005.07.08 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists fire on utility workers trimming trees, killing one.
2005.07.07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 Religious extremists blow up a passing vehicle, killing three civilians.
2005.07.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 The owner of a liquor shop is slain by fundamentalists.
2005.07.07 Iraq Mosul 5 52 Five people at a market are killed when Sunni terrorists lob more than a dozen mortar rounds into the square.
2005.07.07 England London 52 750 Islamic terrorists massacre more than fifty commuters on three separate subway trains and a double-decker bus on the street with four suicide bombs. Over seven-hundred people are injured.
2005.07.07 Afghanistan Helmand 10 0 Ten Afghan police officers are captured by the Taliban and senselessly beheaded.
2005.07.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 al-Qaeda Organization for Holy War pronounces "Allah's judgment" and kills a kidnapped Egyptian diplomat on video.
2005.07.06 Iraq Jbala 13 30 Thirteen civilians are slaughtered in twin suicide bombings by Muslim extremists. About thirty others are injured.
2005.07.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims on motorcycles shoot a 52-year-old in the neck and hand as he is riding to market.
2005.07.06 Algeria Skikda 1 13 Islamic fundamentalists bomb a convoy, killing one Algerian solider and injuring thirteen others.
2005.07.06 India Budgam 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a student from his classroom and subsequently shoot him to death.
2005.07.06 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 4 0 Fundamentalists slit the throats of three Algerian soldiers and a civilian.
2005.07.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A teacher is murdered by Islamists.
2005.07.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A newspaper deliveryman is murdered by Muslim radicals.
2005.07.06 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 3 Islamic militants open fire on a group of policemen, killing one.
2005.07.05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Islamic extremists shoot three barbers to death for shaving beards.
2005.07.05 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 44-year-old security force member is abducted and beheaded by Islamists.
2005.07.05 India Pulwama 2 1 In two separate home invasions, the Mujahideen shoot two people to death and critically injure the wife of one.
2005.07.05 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 A prominent politician is assassinated, along with his uncle, by suspected Islamists as they sit in their car at a light.
2005.07.04 Afghanistan Bande Sardeh 1 2 A suicide bomber on a bicycle kills a Turkish engineer and injures two others.
2005.07.04 Iraq Fallujah 3 9 Three civilians are blown to bits, and nine others badly injured by a Fedayeen suicide bombing on a busy road.
2005.07.04 India Wagbal Karhama 1 0 A youth is abducted and hanged by the Mujahideen.
2005.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 A remote-controlled bomb kills two civilians, including a woman.
2005.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Sunni insurgents kill a painting contractor, and kidnap, torture and behead another man.
2005.07.04 India Dadsara 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct then shoot a civilian to death.
2005.07.04 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 2 Two policemen are killed by an insurgent bombing.
2005.07.04 Thailand Yala 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Muslim jihadists.
2005.07.04 Afghanistan Registan 2 0 Two Afghan policemen are kidnapped and executed by the Taliban.
2005.07.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Christian father of three is senselessly shot to death by Muslim haters.
2005.07.03 Syria Damascus 2 0 Two Syrian border patrol personnel are killed an Islamic extremist, near Lebanon.
2005.07.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Pro-democracy cleric is killed by a Taliban sniper his home.
2005.07.02 Iraq Baghdad 16 22 A suicidal Muslim bomber kills sixteen other people outside a police station. About two dozen others are injured in the blast.
2005.07.02 Iraq Hilla 6 26 Two Sunni suicide bombers kill at least six people and injured dozens more in a Shia neighborhood.
2005.07.02 Iraq Mahmudiyah 2 0 A bomb hidden in a vegetable cart targets a Shia funeral procession.
2005.07.02 Afghanistan Paktika 6 2 The Taliban attack a UN convoy with a roadside bomb, killing six Afghan security personnel.
2005.07.02 Dagestan Makhachkala 11 23 Russian troops and civilians are casualties in a radio-controlled bomb attack outside a bathhouse blamed on Islamic militants.
2005.07.02 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslims fire on a policeman and his wife, killing the man.
2005.07.02 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist villagers are murdered by Muslim terrorists while drinking tea.
2005.07.02 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A farmer is gunned down my Islamic radicals.
2005.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down in cold blood by Sunnis in a drive-by attack.
2005.07.01 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians are abducted from their homes and executed by the Mujahideen, including a 65-year-old man.
2005.06.30 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 9 1 Nine village elders are kidnapped and killed by the Taliban, along with a 10-year-old boy.
2005.06.30 India Mahakund 4 0 The Mujahideen kill a 20-year-old girl on the night before her wedding, along with her mother and a neighbor. A civilian is also abducted from his home and killed in the same district.
2005.06.30 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Muslim gunmen burst into an optician's shop and kill seven people in cold blood - four from the same family.
2005.06.30 India Kallar Kattal 1 0 A man is attacked in his home and beaten to death by militant Muslims.
2005.06.30 Thailand Yala 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamists as he is leaving a market.
2005.06.30 Saudi Arabia Mecca 1 0 A security specialist is murdered by al-Qaeda as he is leaving work.
2005.06.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A city councilman is killed by Muslim assassins.
2005.06.29 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two people are murdered in separate attacks by radical Muslims.
2005.06.29 Israel Mount Dov 1 3 Hezbollah attacks an Israeli position from across the Lebanese border, killing one and injuring three.
2005.06.29 India Srinagar 0 14 Fourteen people are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade into a city street.
2005.06.28 India Bhaderwah 4 0 Four security personnel are killed by Muslim militants in a shootout.
2005.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 An 87-year-old Iraqi politician and four others, including his son, are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2005.06.28 Iraq Musayyib 3 13 A suicide bomber enters a hospital then detonates his explosives, killing three other people.
2005.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 4 24 Four civilians are killed, and dozens injured when fundamentalists detonate a car bomb outside a theater.
2005.06.28 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 Sunni terrorists kill three oil company workers with a roadside bomb.
2005.06.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a government worker to death as he is walking along the side of the road.
2005.06.28 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A janitor and a poultry trader are murdered in separate attacks by Islamic militants on motorcycles.
2005.06.28 Iraq Tal Afar 4 21 Four people, including a child, lose their lives in a Jihad mortar attack.
2005.06.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A chicken vendor is murdered by Islamists.
2005.06.27 Ingushetia Karabulak 1 0 Sunni extremists murder an engineer.
2005.06.27 India Kupwara 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a woman from her home, torture then murder her.
2005.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Islamic fundamentalists attack a barbershop, killing two, including a 9-year-old boy, then blow up the building.
2005.06.26 India Dachabpore 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian from his home, take him to an orchard and kill him in brutal fashion.
2005.06.26 Iraq Mosul 36 19 Four bombings by suicidal Fedayeen in disguised vehicles leave three dozen people dead and dozens more injured.
2005.06.25 Israel Beit Hagai 2 3 A brutal shooting attack a point-blank range on a group of Israeli teenagers, hitchhiking on a roadside, leaves a 17-year-old and a 16-year-old dead. Three others were injured. al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade take credit for the murder.
2005.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 5 7 Sunni insurgents mortar bomb a crowded Shia cafe, killing five civilians and injuring seven.
2005.06.25 Iraq Samarrah 9 16 Suicide bomber slams into a residential neighborhood, killing nine civilians and injuring sixteen.
2005.06.25 Iraq Mosul 5 2 Suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking five innocents with him.
2005.06.25 India Behibagh 1 0 A female schoolteacher is killed by the Mujahideen.
2005.06.25 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two civilians, including a rubber worker, are murdered by Muslims in separate attacks.
2005.06.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A female school principal is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2005.06.24 Chechnya Shali-Makhety 1 0 A man is killed by a Muslim sniper.
2005.06.24 India Srinagar 9 25 Nine people are killed when Islamic militants detonate a powerful car bomb at a popular tourist attraction.
2005.06.24 Thailand Yala 2 0 A man and his wife stop to remove a tree branch from the road, when they are attacked by militant Muslims, who then cut off their heads.
2005.06.24 Afghanistan Chora 3 0 The Taliban murder an election candidate and two of his bodyguards.
2005.06.24 Iraq Ramadi 13 10 Eight policemen are captured at a checkpoint by Jihadis, then executed. Two separate attacks elsewhere leave five others dead.
2005.06.23 Pakistan South Waziristan 4 0 Probable al-Qaeda ambush on a delivery truck leaves four people dead.
2005.06.23 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 Two Sunni clerics are assassinated in an attack that leaves a boy injured.
2005.06.23 Iraq Baghdad 17 60 Four more car bombs aimed at Shia civilians kill fifteen and injure over fifty in residential neighborhoods.
2005.06.23 Iraq Fallujah 4 13 A senseless attack on a U.S. Marine mail convoy kills four, including three women.
2005.06.23 Algeria Azzefoun 1 5 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat bombs a police convoy, killing one officer.
2005.06.22 Algeria Skikda 1 2 A civilian is killed when Islamists put a bomb under his vehicle.
2005.06.22 India Nadihal 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill two civilians by slashing their throats.
2005.06.22 India Bijbehara 0 17 About seventeen people, including two teenage boys are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade onto a road.
2005.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 18 46 Eighteen Shiite civilians are slaughtered in three separate bombing attacks by radical Sunnis. About fifty are injured.
2005.06.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim extremists behead a 34-year-old cloth vendor. The head is found 2km away.
2005.06.22 Thailand Narathiwat 0 7 A bomb set off by Muslim extremists injures seven, including two monks and three elderly people.
2005.06.21 Lebanon Beirut 1 1 An anti-Syria political leader is assassinated by a car bomb in Lebanon.
2005.06.21 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 1 Taliban terrorists kill the husband of an election worker.
2005.06.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A civilian is killed in an ambush by Taliban gunmen.
2005.06.20 Iraq Ebril 19 118 Three car bombs, at least one by a suicidal "holy warrior," kill eighteen people, mostly Kurds, and injure over one-hundred.
2005.06.20 Israel Baqa al-Sharqiya 1 1 Palestinian snipers kill an Israeli civilian traveling in his car. His 13-year-old son is shot as well.
2005.06.20 India Watalar 1 0 Two Harkat-ul-Mujahideen terrorists assassinate a local political figure.
2005.06.20 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Islamic militants invade a home and shoot three young volunteer teachers to death.
2005.06.19 India Dachan 1 1 The Mujahideen fire into a civilian's home, killing his 14-year-old daughter and injuring his wife.
2005.06.19 Afghanistan Nad Ali 3 0 The Taliban machine-gun a car with three people, including a judge.
2005.06.19 Iraq Iskandariya 3 7 Sunni terrorists open fire on shoppers at a marketplace, killing three and injuring seven.
2005.06.19 Iraq Tikrit 3 9 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three Iraqis.
2005.06.19 Iraq Baghdad 23 36 A suicidal religious extremist walks into a restaurant and blows up twenty-three innocent people. Another thirty-six patrons are injured.
2005.06.19 Israel Gaza 1 2 The Palestinian terrorist group, Abu Rish Brigade, takes credit for an ambush on a civilian labor group that leaves an Israeli guard dead.
2005.06.19 Iran Mashad 2 0 Two gay teenagers are hanged.
2005.06.18 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A 10-year-old girl is killed by a bomb and two bodies are found, brutally executed.
2005.06.18 Saudi Arabia Makkah 1 0 Senior Saudi official is gunned down by Islamists outside his home.
2005.06.17 Iraq Fallujah 14 8 Fourteen Iraqis die when a suicide bomber detonates an explosives laden car on a street corner.
2005.06.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A school guard is beaten to death by radical Muslims.
2005.06.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A policeman is murdered by Islamists.
2005.06.17 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Laotian man and wife are beheaded on the chicken farm where they work.
2005.06.17 Russia Astrakhan 2 1 Islamic gunmen are thought responsible for an attack on a hospital, in which two patients were shot to death in their beds.
2005.06.17 Egypt Sinai 1 3 Islamic extremists gun down a cop.
2005.06.16 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Ansar al-Sunna terrorists shoot an Iraqi judge to death, along with his driver.
2005.06.16 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Three separate attacks in the same Thai province by militant Muslims leave two dead and three injured.
2005.06.16 India Awantipora 0 15 Fifteen people, including a child and two women are injured by the splinters of a grenade thrown by the Mujahideen on a road.
2005.06.15 Iraq Baghdad 4 29 A suicide bomber detonates near a market, murdering four Iraqis and injuring twenty-nine others.
2005.06.15 Iraq Khalis 23 28 A particularly heinous suicide bombing attack on Iraqi soldiers eating lunch at their base leaves twenty-three dead and about thirty injured.
2005.06.15 India Chaklas 2 0 The Mujahideen assassinate a veterinarian and also set fire to another civilian's house, killing his 8-month-old daughter in the flames.
2005.06.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A man is cut to pieces by Taliban bullets.
2005.06.15 Thailand Pattani 4 0 Four people are murdered in three shooting attacks by Islamic radicals.
2005.06.14 Afghanistan Khost 7 0 Taliban extremists walk into a medical clinic and gun down a doctor and seven hospital workers in cold blood.
2005.06.14 Iraq Kirkuk 19 89 A Fedayeen suicide bomber wades into a crowd of people shopping in a market and kills nineteen, including children, and injures about ninety others in an egregious and senseless attack.
2005.06.14 Iraq Baqubah 6 4 Suicide bomber kills six Iraqis, including two children and injures four others.
2005.06.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Islamic radicals plant a bomb in a garbage truck, killing one of the workers and injuring several more.
2005.06.13 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Two Buddhist twin brothers are shot by Islamic terrorists as they are riding home from school. One dies.
2005.06.13 India Pulwama 13 100 At least thirteen people are slaughtered, and over one hundred injured when the Mujahideen set off a truck bomb near a school. Many schoolchildren are among the casualties.
2005.06.13 Algeria Khadirat El Nukta 4 6 Armed fundamentalists stage a shooting attack on a group of people, killing at least four.
2005.06.12 Iran Ahvaz 8 74 Four women are among eight dead in a series of bomb blasts.
2005.06.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 4 The Taliban kill a woman with a landmine. The blast injures her two children and two other women.
2005.06.12 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 Three people are killed, and at least four injured in two separate suicide blasts.
2005.06.12 Russia Uzunova 0 15 Fifteen people are injured when a bomb believed to be planted by Chechen terrorists derails a commuter train
2005.06.11 Iraq Diyara 11 2 Jihad gunmen open fire on a bus carrying construction laborers, killing eleven in the brutal attack and injuring two.
2005.06.11 Iraq Najaf 2 3 A bomb planted in a Shia cemetery kills two people, including an 8-year-old girl, and injures three others, all from the same family.
2005.06.11 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Ten people are slaughtered by a Sunni bomb in a Shia neighborhood, including a pregnant woman and her husband.
2005.06.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims murder a 49-year-old Buddhist construction worker on his way to work.
2005.06.10 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two separate shooting attacks by Muslim militants leave two, including a Buddhist, dead.
2005.06.10 Iraq Basra 2 0 A policeman and his brother are shot to death by Jihadis while riding in their car.
2005.06.09 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two Iraqis are killed in a Jihad attack on their vehicle.
2005.06.09 Chechnya Tver 7 1 Seven Chechen police officers are killed when Mujahideen rebels fire a grenade launcher at their car.
2005.06.09 Syria Damascus 1 1 Two Syrian security force personnel are shot by religious extremists as they are attempting an arrest.
2005.06.09 Iraq Qaim 17 0 The bodies of seventeen Iraqi Shiites are discovered bound and executed. Some were beheaded.
2005.06.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist teenager is shot in the head by Muslim separatists.
2005.06.07 Iraq Habaniyah 7 0 The 'Army of Ansar al-Sunna' ambushes a civilian truck convoy and slaughters seven drivers.
2005.06.07 Iraq Hawija 18 38 Militant Sunnis kill eighteen Iraqi civilians in a series of four suicide bombings and other attacks.
2005.06.07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 0 Two Pakistani truck drivers are murdered by the Taliban.
2005.06.07 Algeria M'sila 13 6 Militants fighting for an Islamic state kill thirteen soldiers in a bombing attack on their truck.
2005.06.07 Israel Ganei Tal 3 0 Islamic Jihad bomb an Israeli greenhouse, killing three, including a Chinese worker.
2005.06.07 India Bahk-e-Hakar 1 0 A civilian is abducted from his home and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
2005.06.07 Afghanistan Gilan 1 0 A teacher is murdered by fundamentalists.
2005.06.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 59-year-old Buddhist plantation worker is captured and beheaded by militant Muslims.
2005.06.05 Iraq Shorgat 1 3 An Iraqi soldier is killed by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle.
2005.06.05 India Bandipore 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill two civilians.
2005.06.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A man and his brother are shot to death in their shop by Muslim terrorists.
2005.06.05 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim radicals while leaving his tea shop.
2005.06.04 Algeria Aomar 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists assassinate a deputy mayor.
2005.06.04 Mauritania Limgheiti 15 19 al-Qaeda militants attack and kill fifteen Mauritanian soldiers in a remote area. Nineteen others are injured.
2005.06.03 Iraq Balad 10 12 Ten Iraqis are slaughtered by a suicidal religious fanatic in a car bombing. Twelve more are injured.
2005.06.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 5 Five separate attacks by the Taliban, leave five people dead and at least five others injured.
2005.06.03 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 1 1 The Taliban invade the home of a civic educator, beat up his elderly father, then execute him.
2005.06.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A teacher is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2005.06.02 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 Jihadis target a car carrying a family home from church, killing a 5-year-old.
2005.06.02 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Thinking that they were a Christian family, Jihad gunmen spray the inside of a car with weapons fire, killing two parents and their three young children.
2005.06.02 India Harwan 4 1 The Mujahideen abduct and later behead four members of two families.
2005.06.02 Iraq Tuz Khormato 12 40 Suicidal religious extremist plows his car into a restaurant and detonates a blast that leaves at least twelve people dead, including children, and forty others maimed.
2005.06.02 Iraq Kirkuk 4 11 A convoy of civilian contractors is targeted by a Fedayeen suicide bomber who paves his way to Paradise with at least four dead bodies.
2005.06.02 Iraq Baqubah 4 4 Four Iraqis killed in a blast by a suicidal Sunni.
2005.06.02 Lebanon Beirut 1 1 Car bombing in a Christian area of the city takes the life of a journalist who opposed Syrian hegemony.
2005.06.02 Iraq Mosul 5 13 Jihadis detonate bombs on two motorcycles parked outside a cafe, killing five Iraqis.
2005.06.02 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Muslim militants fire into a crowded market from three passing cars, murdering at least nine civilians.
2005.06.01 Afghanistan Lashkargah 2 5 The Taliban kill two mine-detection crewmen in a remote-controlled blast.
2005.06.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 21 42 An al-Qaeda member wades into a crowd of mourners at a funeral for a murdered anti-Taliban cleric, killing about two dozen people and hurting dozens more.
2005.06.01 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Fundamentalists kidnap and murder a record shop owner.
2005.06.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslims while inspecting a school.
2005.06.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A government official is murdered by Islamists.
2005.05.31 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A trader is murdered by Islamists.
2005.05.31 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is killed in his motorcycle shop by Muslim radicals.
2005.05.31 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A civilian is blown apart in his car by a Jihad landmine.
2005.05.31 Algeria Boumerdes 2 5 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat ambushes a security patrol, killing two and injuring five.
2005.05.31 Pakistan Karachi 5 26 A suicide bombing attack at a Shia mosque kills five people and injures twenty-six.
2005.05.31 Pakistan Karachi 6 0 A mob of angry Shias take out their frustration at Sunnis on Kentucky Fried Chicken employees, killing six, including four who were burned alive.
2005.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 27 118 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill twenty-seven Iraqis. The first waded into a crowd before detonating. The second ran after the survivors, killing many of them as well.
2005.05.30 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist teacher is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2005.05.30 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 7 Four officers are killed in an assault on their station by religious extremists.
2005.05.29 India Anantnag 0 44 Forty-four people are injured in twins blasts set by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. One went off near a post office.
2005.05.29 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight civilians, including children, are blown to bits by Islamic terrorists.
2005.05.29 Iraq Tuz 2 9 Jihadis kill two civilians with a car bomb outside a school. Nine others are injured.
2005.05.29 Iraq al-Madyen 2 8 A suicide car bomber kills two Iraqis and injures eight on his way to Paradise.
2005.05.29 Pakistan Kani Wam 3 2 al-Qaeda suspected in ambush on Pakistani official's car that leaves three dead.
2005.05.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban stage a bold assassination on an opposition cleric, as he is leaving his office.
2005.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Islamists stab a 44-year-old Japanese hostage to death on videotape.
2005.05.28 Indonesia Sulawesi 24 54 A priest and an infant are among the nearly two dozen Christians killed when Islamic militants detonate two bombs in the center of a village. At least sixty others are injured.
2005.05.28 Iraq Sinjar 5 45 Two religious extremists kill five other people and injure at least forty more in coordinated suicide bombings.
2005.05.28 Algeria Batna 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists murder a shepherd, then burn his body.
2005.05.27 Algeria Ain Defla 1 0 Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat kill a security patrol member with a bomb.
2005.05.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims gun down a man in front of his wife and children.
2005.05.27 Thailand Yala 2 0 Thai Muslims kill two men in separate attacks.
2005.05.27 Iraq Tikrit 2 24 Two civilians are killed and at least two dozen others injured, some badly, in a terrorist bombing.
2005.05.27 Pakistan Islamabad 19 41 A suicide bomber blows himself up amid a crowd of mostly Shia worshippers at a Pakistani shrine. At least nineteen are killed and dozens injured.
2005.05.27 Philippines Sulu 2 3 Abu Sayyaf militants trigger a landmine against a vehicle on a water run, killing two soldiers and inuring three others.
2005.05.27 Nigeria Sokoto 1 14 Nigerian Sunnis attack a Shia political office, killing one and injuring fourteen.
2005.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Suicidal extremist kills three Iraqis and injures six with bombs hidden in a taxi.
2005.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Jihadis attack and kill a university professor, along with three of his bodyguards. They also knife a Shiite to death elsewhere.
2005.05.26 Philippines Zamboanga 3 13 Three civilians are killed when suspected Muslim terrorists throw two hand grenades into a village.
2005.05.25 Chechnya Nizhny Gerzel 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Jihadis.
2005.05.25 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim terrorists fire on a group of firefighters and police officers, killing one person.
2005.05.25 Pakistan Makin 6 0 A woman, her two sons and three daughters, are killed by a bomb planted in their home.
2005.05.24 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 Car bombing outside a girl's school kills six and injures eight.
2005.05.23 Iraq Baghdad 10 82 Muslim extremists detonate a car bomb outside a Shiite restaurant, killing seven and injuring more then eighty. Many have serious injuries.
2005.05.23 Iraq Mahmoudiya 7 22 A suicidal Sunni tries to drive his explosives-packed car into a mosque. Seven are killed and more than thirty hurt. Five killed are family members.
2005.05.23 Iraq Tal Afar 35 25 Two suicidal religious extremists murder more than thirty people outside the house of a community leader with twin bombings.
2005.05.23 India Kashmir 3 3 In a series of overnight attacks, the Mujahideen hang a woman and shoot two other innocents to death.
2005.05.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Sunni radicals spray a car with automatic weapons fire, killing a top official and his driver.
2005.05.22 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two municipal workers are murdered by Islamists.
2005.05.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 2 Gema’at Sharia assassinate a government official with a powerful bomb that also kills his driver and injures two children playing nearby.
2005.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two civilians are killed by a suicide bomber. Three others are injured.
2005.05.20 India Mogla 4 0 The Mujahideen ambush a security patrol from behind bushes, killing four Indian soldiers.
2005.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 1 8 Suicide bomber kills an Iraqi soldier at a checkpoint. Eight others are injured.
2005.05.19 Iraq Samarrah 2 0 In a brutal attack, Sunni gunmen kill a policeman and his elderly father as they are riding in a car.
2005.05.19 Afghanistan Zabul 6 0 Taliban gunmen ambush and kill six humanitarian aid workers transporting the bodies from those killed in an attack the day before.
2005.05.19 Iraq Mosul 7 3 Fedayeen gunmen attack the house of a Sunni politician, killing seven people inside the home.
2005.05.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Religious fundamentalists kill a 24-year-old woman in her home. She had been a pop music personality.
2005.05.18 Afghanistan Helmand 5 0 A gruesome scene as an attack on a humanitarian project leaves five people dead.
2005.05.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim separatists kill a defense volunteer.
2005.05.18 Chechnya Staryye Atagi 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Jihadis.
2005.05.17 Algeria Lakhdaria 3 5 Members of an al-Qaeda linked group ambush an Algerian patrol, killing three and wounding five.
2005.05.17 India Srinagar 2 17 The Mujahideen attacks a funeral of a man they murdered, killing two additional mourners and injuring seventeen.
2005.05.17 India Lohardaga 4 3 Seven family members, including women are asleep in their home when militant Muslims barge in and slit the throats of four of them while beating the rest.
2005.05.17 Iraq Dujail 6 0 Six Iraqi truck drivers are pulled from their cabs and killed by radical Sunnis.
2005.05.16 Iraq Aalgaya 2 2 Muslim gunmen shoot a policeman and his wife to death in their car. The attack also left their two young children badly injured.
2005.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three blindfolded and bound bodies are found. Some were shot multiple times.
2005.05.16 Indonesia Maluku 6 0 Five policemen and a civilian are killed by Islamic militants in Indonesia, as they were sleeping. The militants accused them of protecting a Christian village.
2005.05.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is shot off his motorcycle by Islamic gunmen.
2005.05.15 Algeria Khenchela 11 0 All eleven members of a water supply convoy are blown up or machine-gunned by the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.
2005.05.15 Iraq Latifiya 6 0 Three Kuwaiti TV journalists, two Iraqi assistants and their driver are forced off the road by Jihadis then forced to kneel as their throats are cut.
2005.05.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 After burning down in elementary school in Yala, Muslim extremists bomb a government vehicle, killing one Thai and injuring five others.
2005.05.15 Iraq Baqubah 5 20 Two suicide bombers, one in a car the other following on foot, attempt an assassination. Five innocents are blown apart - another twenty badly injured.
2005.05.15 Iraq Iskandariya 34 0 The bodies of thirty-four people, some in handcuffs, are found dumped in three locations. Jihadis tortured and beheaded many of them.
2005.05.14 India Srinagar 1 0 A businessman is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2005.05.14 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 3 0 Three beheaded corpses are found with signs of torture.
2005.05.14 India Kalakote 4 1 The Mujahideen murder a father and his three sons as they are returning from their work in a coal mine.
2005.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Civilians are victimized by another suicidal car bomber looking for a ticket to paradise.
2005.05.13 Iraq Baiji 5 0 Car bomb kills five Iraqis.
2005.05.13 Chechnya Ishkhoi-Yurt 2 3 Islamists kill two policemen in an ambush. Three others are injured.
2005.05.13 India Sangdan 1 0 A government teacher is dragged out of a high school class and shot to death on the sidewalk by the Mujahideen.
2005.05.13 Iraq Baqubah 3 6 Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a troop transport, killing two Iraqi soldiers and one civilian.
2005.05.12 Iraq Baghdad 17 65 Jihad terrorists detonate a car bomb outside a market and a cinema, killing seventeen people and injuring nearly seventy, some with severe burns and internal injuries.
2005.05.12 India Srinagar 2 46 The Mujahideen target a school with grenades, killing two women and injuring about fifty others, including eleven children.
2005.05.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is shot and killed by Islamic terrorists.
2005.05.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Radical Muslims gun down a cop in front of his home.
2005.05.11 Afghanistan Shindand 3 2 Three police officers are killed in a bombing by Sunni extremists.
2005.05.11 Iraq Hawija 30 37 A Fedayeen straps explosives to his chest then wades into a group of unemployed civilians waiting to apply for government jobs. At least thirty are blown to bits, with another forty suffering injuries.
2005.05.11 Iraq Tikrit 27 75 A suicide car bomber swerves his vehicle into a crowd of people on a sidewalk. At least Twenty-seven are killed in the explosion.
2005.05.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 14 Three separate Jihad attacks leave four dead and fourteen injured.
2005.05.11 India Srinagar 1 40 The Al-Nasreen terrorist group claims responsibility for a powerful car bombing at a busy intersection.
2005.05.10 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 Seven civilians are blasted and burned to death by Fedayeen suicide car bomber on a busy street.
2005.05.10 Algeria Boghni 1 1 Fundamentalists open fire on policemen manning a checkpoint, killing one.
2005.05.10 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A teacher and medical worker are shot to death by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2005.05.10 Thailand Yala 1 0 A postal worker is murdered by Islamists.
2005.05.10 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 4 Two people are killed when Muslim extremists bomb a police station.
2005.05.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A health care worker is murdered by Islamists.
2005.05.09 India Chakka 3 0 The Mujahideen open fire on civilians exiting a mosque, killing three and injuring an unknown number.
2005.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 A grisly scene as a suicidal Sunni rams his car into two police vehicles, burning the occupants to death.
2005.05.08 Afghanistan Kabul 2 6 A suicide bomber in a cafe kills two civilians and injures six in a horrific blast.
2005.05.08 India Kuligam-Lalpora 1 2 A 12-year-old girl is killed by a bomb that also injures her father and sister.
2005.05.07 Lebanon Jounieh 2 28 Two people are killed by a bomb set in a commercial district of a Christian town.
2005.05.07 Yemen Sanaa 0 5 Five solider are injured when Yemeni fundamentalists throw a grenade at them from a passing car.
2005.05.07 Iraq Baghdad 22 36 Suicidal Sunnis target a civilian convoy at a busy intersection. Twenty-two are killed in the blast and dozens lay injured in the circle of mutilated bodies.
2005.05.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Radical Muslims kill a man as he is leaving his school.
2005.05.06 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two people, including a health care worker, are murdered by Islamists in separate attacks.
2005.05.06 Afghanistan Andar 2 0 Two civilians are killed in their car by Sunni extremists.
2005.05.06 Afghanistan Charcheno 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban.
2005.05.06 Iraq Tikrit 7 8 A suicidal religious extremist blows his car up next to a minivan taking Iraqi police to work, killing seven and injuring eight.
2005.05.06 Iraq Suwayrah 16 36 Sixteen Iraqis shopping at a marketplace are murdered by a Fedayeen, who wades into the crowd before detonating explosives strapped to his body. At least thirty-six are injured.
2005.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 14 0 Assyrian Christians are thought to be among the fourteen, bound corpses of torture victims found in a city garbage dump.
2005.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 22 43 Three separate attacks, including another suicide bomber at a recruitment station, leave twenty-two Iraqis dead and at least that many injured.
2005.05.05 India Udhampur 3 22 Mujahideen militants lob a grenade then open fire on a Hindu wedding party, killing two teenage girls (ages 15 and 17) and injuring twenty-two others.
2005.05.05 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 9 3 Taliban fundamentalists ambush a military patrol with a landmine and automatic weapons, killing nine Afghans.
2005.05.04 Iraq Erbil 60 150 A Fedayeen suicide bomber walks into a crowd of Iraqi civilians standing in line to apply for jobs with the police and detonates his explosives, killing sixty and injuring about three times that number.
2005.05.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslims disguised as Islamic preachers kill a Muslim married to a Buddhist woman.
2005.05.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A postal worker is murdered by Islamists.
2005.05.03 India Pulwama 0 14 Fourteen people are injured when an Islamic terrorist lobs a grenade into the road near a bus stop.
2005.05.03 India Pattan 5 0 A political figure is assassinated by the Mujahideen, along with three civilians and a police officer.
2005.05.02 Iraq Mosul 23 50 Twenty-three Iraqis, including children are killed in eight car bombings by Muslim extremists. More than fifty are badly injured.
2005.05.02 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 2 4 Taliban fundamentalists kill two police officers with a terrorist bomb.
2005.05.02 India Harni 1 4 The Mujahideen attack a security patrol, killing one personnel.
2005.05.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic radicals fire on a man and his wife as they are returning from working in an orchard.
2005.05.02 Thailand Yala 1 0 Militant Muslims murder a civilian working in his field.
2005.05.01 Israel Tzieda 1 1 Islamic Jihad kills a 21-year-old Israeli soldier.
2005.05.01 Iraq Tal Afar 25 51 A Kurdish funeral is the target of a suicidal religious fanatic, who kills at least twenty-five others and injures about fifty mourners.
2005.05.01 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 0 The Taliban kill three women, at least one of whom was an aid worker.
2005.05.01 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Iraqi policemen are shot to death by al-Qaeda operatives at a checkpoint.
2005.05.01 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 A Jihad car bomb kills four civilians and injures another five.
2005.04.30 Iraq Baghdad 11 36 A series of five bombings kills at least eleven and injures dozens.
2005.04.30 Egypt Cairo 0 9 Two women in veils stage a shooting attack on a tour bus. They are the only fatalities, but nine innocents are injured.
2005.04.29 Iraq Baghdad 41 120 Seven separate suicide bombings by Muslim extremists leave more than forty people dead and at least one-hundred and twenty injured. Women and children are among the victims.
2005.04.29 Russia-Balk. Nalchik 4 2 A Russian cop and three civilians are killed by Islamic militants.
2005.04.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2005.04.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A government employee is killed by armed Muslims.
2005.04.28 Algeria Sidi Daoud 2 0 Algerian fundamentalists kill two soldiers in a terror bombing.
2005.04.27 Iraq Najaf 1 0 Shiite cleric gunned down on his way to work.
2005.04.27 India Pahalgam 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and murder an Indian school teacher.
2005.04.27 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslims kill a teacher and injure his nephew.
2005.04.26 Afghanistan Paktia 1 0 A civilian is murdered by the Taliban.
2005.04.26 Afghanistan Dishu 4 2 Four police officers are killed in an ambush by Taliban terrorists on their convoy.
2005.04.25 Philippines Jolo 2 5 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill two Philippine soldiers with a bomb. Five others are badly injured.
2005.04.25 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 Followers of a radical Shiite throw a bomb from a car window, killing two, including a student and injuring two others.
2005.04.25 India Khurhama 1 0 A political activist is kidnapped by the Mujahideen and then shot to death.
2005.04.24 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 The Taliban attack a government building, killing two security staff.
2005.04.24 Iraq Baghdad 15 40 Sunni extremists plow a car into a crowd of people outside an ice cream shop in a Shia neighborhood, then detonate the vehicle as others rush to help the victims.
2005.04.24 Iraq Tikrit 6 33 Jihadis murder six policemen with two bombs. Nearly three dozen others are injured.
2005.04.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Militant Muslims kill two Thai policemen with a remote-controlled bomb that injures three civilians as well.
2005.04.24 Indonesia Sulawesi 6 0 At least six Christian villagers are killed by their Muslim neighbors after refusing to 'return to Islam.'
2005.04.24 Iraq Dora 1 0 A Christian medical worker and father of four is targeted by snipers.
2005.04.24 Chechnya Shelkovskaya 1 0 Islamic terrorists kill an imam who turned them away.
2005.04.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is killed by Islamic terrorists.
2005.04.23 England Southall 1 0 A woman is brutally stabbed to death by her brother and cousin after refusing an arranged marriage.
2005.04.23 Algeria Ain Defla 4 4 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat shoots two family members to death, then kills two community guards in separate attacks.
2005.04.23 Iraq Baghdad 13 30 Multiple bombings by Jihadis, including at least one suicide attack, leave thirteen Iraqis dead and at least thirty injured.
2005.04.22 India Baramulla 2 0 Two youths are killed in separate attacks by the Mujahideen. One has his throat slit.
2005.04.22 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Radical Sunnis murder a 7-year-old girl with a roadside bomb.
2005.04.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 26 Twelve people, including a 10-year-old boy, are killed when religious extremists bomb a Shia mosque. Twenty-six others are badly injured.
2005.04.22 Algeria Bir El Ater 2 0 Two Algerian civilians die in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2005.04.22 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 1 Muslim militants kill a civilian with a bomb hidden in a garbage can.
2005.04.22 Afghanistan Maywand 1 0 A government employee is murdered by the Taliban.
2005.04.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslims while driving to work.
2005.04.21 Iraq Suwayrah 57 0 Women and children are amply represented among the more than fifty bodies pulled out of a river after having their throats cut by Islamist kidnappers.
2005.04.21 Iraq al-Taji 11 0 Yelling "Allah Akbar" Islamists bring down a civilian helicopter with a missile, killing ten. The lone survivor is helped to is feet, then shot to death.
2005.04.21 Saudi Arabia Mecca 2 0 Saudi Islamists kill two Saudi policemen.
2005.04.20 Iraq Haditha 19 0 Jihadis mark the birth of Muhammad by abducting nineteen Iraqi soldiers in civilian clothes heading home to celebrate the holiday with their families. The men are then executed at a soccer stadium.
2005.04.20 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Three terrorist attacks, including an ambush on a truck convoy, leave four civilians dead and at least thirteen injured, some critically.
2005.04.20 India Sopore 2 10 The Mujahideen take out a vegetable vendor and another innocent woman in a grenade attack on a shopping district.
2005.04.20 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 Pakistani mob chases a 'blasphemer' up a tree before lynching him.
2005.04.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A hospital gardener is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2005.04.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A gentle Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2005.04.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim terrorists while leaving a tea shop.
2005.04.19 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 1 Islamic terrorists detonate a bomb at a busy intersection, killing a civilian.
2005.04.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 38 Islamist blows himself to Allah in a green minivan, taking four Iraqi police recruits with him and injuring thirty-eight others
2005.04.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two American soldiers are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2005.04.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Radical Muslims gun down a man sitting in a tea shop.
2005.04.18 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 Suspected Islamists open fire on a Swedish humanitarian aid vehicle, killing an aid worker and injuring two others.
2005.04.17 Chechnya Nozhai-Yurt, 1 0 The Mujahideen kill a young boy with an IED.
2005.04.17 Pakistan Kandahar 1 3 One truck driver is killed, and three others injured when Taliban extremists attack their oil convoy with rockets.
2005.04.16 Iraq Baqubah 9 12 Radical Sunnis detonate a bomb in a restaurant, killing nine patrons and injuring over a dozen.
2005.04.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Religious extremist blows himself up, killing three other civilians and wounding six. One of the women killed was described as 'Angel of Mercy.'
2005.04.16 Iran Ahvaz 3 24 Three people are killed, and several dozen injured in sectarian rioting.
2005.04.15 Afghanistan Deh Rawod 2 2 Religious extremists bomb a hotel, killing two civilians.
2005.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 18 36 al-Qaeda sets off two car bombs on a crowded city street, massacring eighteen people and injuring about forty others.
2005.04.14 Iraq Kirkuk 6 0 Ansar al-Sunnah terrorists gun down five police officers and one civilian in a single attack.
2005.04.14 Iraq Mahawil 4 6 Suicide bomber takes four Iraqi with him. Six others are badly injured.
2005.04.13 Algeria Tebessa 3 3 Religious fundamentalists kill three security guards and injure three others in three different bombings.
2005.04.13 Algeria Relizane 2 5 Two civilians are shot to death in an ambush by religious fundamentalists. Five others are injured in the attack.
2005.04.13 Iraq Kirkuk 12 3 Muslim terrorists plant a decoy bomb near another live one that kills a dozen policemen while they are trying to defuse the decoy.
2005.04.13 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 2 A policeman is killed and two others injured as Islamic militants plant a bomb on a road leading to the airport.
2005.04.12 Iraq Tal Afar 5 8 A suicide car bomber manages to kill five Iraqis and injure eight. Most of the victims were children.
2005.04.12 Iraq Mosul 5 12 Fedayeen suicide bomber murders five civilians on a city street.
2005.04.12 India Shopian 1 0 The Mujahideen shoot a woman to death in front of her house.
2005.04.12 Philippines Tagaya 4 2 An ambush by MILF terrorists leave four people dead.
2005.04.11 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by Islamic gunmen in separate attacks.
2005.04.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill a civilian, then burn his body.
2005.04.11 Iraq Samarrah 3 22 Fedayeen suicide bomber blows his pickup truck to pieces in a crowded market, killing three civilians an injuring more than twenty others.
2005.04.11 Iraq Qaim 0 0 Three remarkably inefficient suicide bombers manage to send themselves to Allah, but not anyone else.
2005.04.10 India Srinagar 4 3 The Mujahideen kill four people in four separate shooting attacks across the region and take three policemen hostage.
2005.04.10 India Shopian 2 20 Islamic militant hurls a grenade into a group of pedestrians, killing two and injuring twenty.
2005.04.10 Nigeria Benue 14 4 Fourteen Christians are killed in an attack on their villages by Muslim militants in the large African nation.
2005.04.09 Afghanistan Qalat 1 0 The Taliban murder a government official taken hostage two days earlier.
2005.04.09 Iraq Mosul 2 13 Islamic insurgents detonate a roadside bomb, killing two civilians and injuring thirteen others.
2005.04.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim separatists kill a policeman.
2005.04.08 Algeria Jijel 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2005.04.08 Iraq Latifiya 15 0 In a senseless killing, members of the "Islamic Army" stop a vehicle carrying non-uniformed Iraqi soldiers and machine-gun them to death.
2005.04.08 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Roadside bomb kills four children.
2005.04.08 Iraq Baqubah 10 0 The bodies of ten civilians, abducted, bound and executed by Jihadis are found.
2005.04.07 Egypt Cairo 3 18 Islamist detonates a nail-packed bomb in a shopping area, killing a French woman and two others, including an American tourist. Eighteen others are injured.
2005.04.07 India Srinagar 0 7 Fedayeen suicide attack on the bus terminal housing elderly 'freedom riders' is largely unsuccessful. Two attackers are killed.
2005.04.07 Algeria Oued Djerma 14 0 Algerian fundamentalists set up a fake roadblock then slaughter the trapped victims and set fire to their cars.
2005.04.07 Sudan Khor Abeche 17 0 Arab militia raids an African village, killing at least seventeen and torching homes. A small mosque was one of only two structures spared.
2005.04.07 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 A priest and his Christian driver are detained then stabbed to death by Muslim extremists, who also cut off the hands, noses and ears of the victims.
2005.04.06 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Video posted on the Internet showing two young men brutally stabbed to death as assailants yell "Allah Akbar."
2005.04.06 India Hanjivira 0 7 Mujahideen bomb intended for a passenger bus explodes early, injuring seven civilians.
2005.04.06 Afghanistan Charchino 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
2005.04.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists kill a village headsman.
2005.04.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two village guards are murdered by Islamic radicals while riding in their truck.
2005.04.05 India Jammu 2 3 Pakistani Fedayeen take Indian border guards by surprise, killing two Hindus and injuring three before fleeing.
2005.04.04 Algeria Boumerdes 5 11 Islamic fundamentalists stage an ambush on a police convoy, massacring five officers.
2005.04.03 Algeria Chlef 1 0 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat stab and shoot a shepherd to death.
2005.04.03 Chechnya Sernovodsk 3 1 One man is murdered in an IED attack by Muslim separatists. Two sappers are blown apart in a separate bombing.
2005.04.03 Afghanistan Helmand 9 3 Muslim extremists attack a government building, killing nine Afghan soldiers.
2005.04.03 Thailand Songkhla 5 86 Islamic militants set off three bombs, killing five and injuring at least eighty. The fatalities were from the bomb set at the airport. The other two bombs were at a hotel and a department store.
2005.04.03 Algeria Boumerdes 3 2 Three farmers are killed when Islamic fundamentalists with suspected ties to al-Qaeda set off a roadside bomb in Algeria.
2005.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 6 5 Car bomb kills five Iraqis and injures another five. A government minister of education is gunned down in a separate attack.
2005.04.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 5 The Taliban kill four people, including two children, in two bomb attacks (the second in Mazar-i-Sharif).
2005.04.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist man is murdered by Muslims while sitting in his pick-up truck with his children.
2005.04.01 Afghanistan Peyazkar 2 0 Civilians standing near a tractor are murdered in a Taliban bombing.
2005.04.01 Lebanon Broummana 0 12 Bomb placed outside a shopping center in a Christian resort village by Syrian-backed terrorists injures a dozen.
2005.04.01 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 Taliban extremists kill three truck drivers and then burn their vehicles.
2005.04.01 Pakistan Lahore 1 3 Sunni gunmen kill a Shiite cleric in his car in an attack that also injures his young daughter and two of her friends.
2005.03.31 India Sonabrari 3 0 The bodies of three shepherds abducted and executed by the Mujahideen two days earlier are found.
2005.03.31 India Thanna Mandi 5 5 The Mujahideen kidnap and kill two villagers from their home. Elsewhere in Kashmir three other civilians are killed in separate attacks.
2005.03.31 Iraq Tuz Khormato 5 14 Fedayeen suicide bomber murders five others, including a child, outside a shrine.
2005.03.30 Iraq Mahawil 1 2 Sunni extremists open fire on Shiite pilgrims making their way to a religious festival, killing at least one person.
2005.03.30 Iraq Mosul 6 8 Four Jihadi gunmen open fire on a street, killing six people and injuring another eight in what appeared to be a suicide attack.
2005.03.29 Algeria Thenia 1 0 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat kidnaps a 32-year-old man then slits his throat.
2005.03.29 Iraq Mussayib 5 5 Suicide bicycle bomber pedals his way to Paradise, taking five other souls with him including three civilians.
2005.03.29 India Biwilian 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists kill a boy who refuses to courier money for them.
2005.03.29 Afghanistan Anar Darah 4 0 The Taliban ambush and kill four policemen in a remote area.
2005.03.28 Iraq Karbala 7 9 Sunni extremist kills seven Shia pilgrims at a religious event with a suicide car bombing. At least nine others are injured.
2005.03.28 India Machan 2 8 Muslim terrorists ambush a local security patrol, killing two and injuring eight.
2005.03.28 Yemen Saada 4 0 Islamic extremists ambush and kill four Yemeni policemen.
2005.03.27 Pakistan Khambay 1 6 Four Islamic militants open fire on an church Easter service, killing at least one Christian and injuring six other worshippers.
2005.03.27 Iraq Abu Tamir 6 3 Six Iraqis are killed by Jihadists in and around Baqubah in several shooting attacks.
2005.03.27 India Udhampur 4 0 Mujahideen militants set fire to a civilian's house after killing his mother, wife and infant daughter. They also murder a neighbor.
2005.03.27 Thailand Narathiwat 0 15 Bombing and shooting attack on a train by Muslim separatists results in more than a dozen casualties.
2005.03.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 A religious fanatic blows himself up, also killing two U.S. soldiers.
2005.03.27 Afghanistan Laghman 4 0 Four Afghan military guards are blown to bits in a Taliban rocket attack on a government building.
2005.03.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian factory owner is murdered.
2005.03.26 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two railway worker are murdered by Muslim radicals as they are taking a break.
2005.03.26 India Srinagar 1 16 Sixteen people are injured and one killed when the Mujahideen lob a grenade near a crowded bus stop.
2005.03.26 Iraq Tal Afar 4 6 Four policemen are killed, and six wounded, in an attack on their station by radical Sunni.
2005.03.26 Lebanon Beirut 0 5 Bomb in a predominately Christian suburb injures five.
2005.03.25 India Manwa-Dangal 1 0 Muslim terrorists abduct a civilian then slit his throat a day later.
2005.03.25 Iraq Ramadi 11 14 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills eleven police officers at a checkpoint and injures another fourteen.
2005.03.25 Iraq Karbala 2 19 Two Shia pilgrims are killed, and nineteen others injured by a Sunni suicide bomber as they are marching to the shrine city.
2005.03.25 Chechnya Proletarskiy 2 0 Two civilian, including an elderly man, are beaten and shot to death in their home by Islamic rebels.
2005.03.25 Afghanistan Oruzgan 2 0 A judge is one of two people murdered by religious extremists in separate attacks.
2005.03.24 Chechnya Petropavlovskaya 1 0 Islamic terrorists assassinate a government official.
2005.03.24 India Bakhipora 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen invade a civilian's home, kidnap his son and nephew then execute them in captivity.
2005.03.24 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Jihad gunmen open up on a van carrying cleaning women from their job at an American base. Five women are shot to death.
2005.03.24 Thailand Yala 0 4 Four people, including an elderly Buddhist monk are injured by a bomb that Islamic militants trigger with a cell phone.
2005.03.23 Lebanon Jounieh 3 3 Three people are killed when Muslim terrorists detonate an 80kg bomb in a shopping center in a Christian area north of Beirut.
2005.03.23 India Srinagar 1 5 The Mujahideen kill a civilian and injure several other people with a car bomb in a shopping district.
2005.03.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A rubber plantation owner has his life cut short by Islamic radicals.
2005.03.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A former village headsman is assassinated by terrorists.
2005.03.23 Afghanistan Gereshk 2 1 Two government employees are shot to death by the Taliban.
2005.03.23 Iraq Dora 1 0 An Assyrian shopkeeper is shot five times by terrorists at his business.
2005.03.22 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A guard is killed by Islamic militants.
2005.03.22 Iraq Mosul 10 0 A roadside blast kills four civilians. Elsewhere (in Kut), the bodies of six captured soldiers are found bound and executed.
2005.03.21 Iraq Sammarah 3 6 Three people, including two women, are murdered in a Jihad car bombing.
2005.03.21 Iraq Aziziyah 7 0 A roadside bombing rips through the bodies of four women and three children riding in a vehicle.
2005.03.21 Thailand Songkhla 1 3 Islamic separatists open fire on a restaurant, killing one customer and injuring three others.
2005.03.20 Thailand Yala 1 13 One civilian is killed, and thirteen other people injured by two bombs placed by Islamic separatists, one near a river pavilion.
2005.03.20 Iraq Mosul 5 14 A suicide bomber walks into a government building and kills three others. Jihadists then open fire on the subsequent funeral, killing two others.
2005.03.20 Pakistan Fatehpur 39 55 Radical Sunni suicide bomber blows up a Shia religious festival near a Pakistani shrine, killing about three dozen and injuring many more.
2005.03.20 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two civilians are murdered in a Taliban attack.
2005.03.19 Iraq Kirkuk 4 5 Jihad insurgents gun down a police officer, then kill three others at his funeral procession.
2005.03.19 Thailand Narathiwat 2 2 Three separate shooting attacks by Islamic militants leave at least two villagers dead, including a Buddhist man shot in the back of the head while sitting in his tea shop.
2005.03.19 Lebanon Beirut 2 11 Syrian-backed terrorists set off a car bomb in a Christian neighborhood, killing two innocents.
2005.03.19 Qatar Doha 1 16 Egyptian suicide bomber slams his car into a theatre, killing a British national and injuring sixteen others in the Qatari capital.
2005.03.18 India Bandipore 1 6 The Mujahideen kill an 8-year-old boy by tossing a grenade into a school. Six of his classmates sustain critical injuries.
2005.03.17 India Rajouri 3 24 Three people are killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at a restaurant.
2005.03.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 32 The Taliban detonate a roadside bomb targeting a humanitarian convoy that kills two women, two men and one Afghan child. Thirty-two others are injured.
2005.03.17 Nigeria Benue 1 0 Two Muslim men rape a Christian girl and then poison her.
2005.03.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A school principal is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2005.03.16 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A prominent Christian is assassinated in his car by gunmen.
2005.03.16 Iraq Baqubah 3 8 al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills three and injures eight others..
2005.03.15 Thailand Yala 1 3 A policeman is killed and three other people injured when Muslim separatists set off a bomb at a railway station.
2005.03.15 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 Jihad car bombing kills four civilians and injures seven.
2005.03.15 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 Suicide bomber successfully kills a young child and injures four others.
2005.03.15 India Poonch 0 7 Seven people standing outside a bank are injured when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at them.
2005.03.15 India Tangmarg 2 0 A leader of the terrorist group, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, kills two people in making an escape from jail.
2005.03.15 Iraq Basra 1 0 Shiite radicals beat a Christian engineering student to death at a picnic.
2005.03.15 Iraq Basra 2 0 A female Christian college student is beaten to death by Shiite radicals at a picnic. A man coming to her rescue is murdered as well.
2005.03.14 Philippines Manila 3 3 Abu Sayyaf militant grabs a gun and shoots three prison guards to death.
2005.03.14 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen ambush a search party, killing at least one person. They also kill a civilian at his home (Gagrot Piri).
2005.03.14 Iraq Baghdad 6 10 Three car bombings kill a total of four civilians, including two farmers.
2005.03.13 Iraq Mosul 6 1 Sunni Jihadists kill a police officer's wife and two young children then shoot three other policemen attending the funeral a day later.
2005.03.13 Iraq Hilla 2 1 Muslims kill two American security contractors with a roadside bomb.
2005.03.12 Algeria Bouira 2 2 Islamic extremists set up a fake roadblock, then machine-gun two policemen to death in their vehicle.
2005.03.11 Philippines Sulu 5 4 The Moro Islamic Front attacks a military patrol, killing five and injuring four.
2005.03.10 Iraq Mosul 50 86 Devout Sunni blows himself up inside a Shiite mosque, taking fifty lives and leaving about a hundred other people badly injured.
2005.03.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 40 Two suicide bombers drive a garbage truck packed with explosives into a hotel, killing two others and injuring several dozen.
2005.03.09 Iraq Al-Rumana 41 0 The bodies of forty-one people, massacred by Jihadists, are found. All had been executed, many were beheaded, including several women and young children.
2005.03.08 Pakistan Danyore 1 0 Sunni government official shot to death by Shia militants while waiting for a bus.
2005.03.08 Bangladesh Jalalpur 1 0 Christian pastor attacked and beheaded by Muslim extremists as he is returning home from work.
2005.03.07 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three people, including two Buddhists and a businesswoman are murdered in three separate attacks by Muslim terrorists.
2005.03.07 Israel Hebron 0 2 Two Israelis are wounded by a Palestinian sniper.
2005.03.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 British national gunned down by a Taliban terrorist while waiting at a traffic light.
2005.03.07 Iraq Baqubah 15 17 al-Qaeda suicide bomber accounts for most of the fifteen people dead in four attacks. At least twenty-six others are injured.
2005.03.07 Iraq Balad 12 21 Jihadists murder a dozen people, mostly civilians with a car bombing in a residential neighborhood.
2005.03.06 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Gema’ah Islamiyah terrorists, disguised as fully-veiled Muslim women open fire on a police checkpoint, killing two Thai officers.
2005.03.06 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two young civilians are gunned down by Islamic militants in a motorcycle attack.
2005.03.03 Iraq Baqubah 1 3 Jihad car bombing kills one civilian and injures three.
2005.03.03 Iraq Baghdad 5 7 Five people are killed by two Fedayeen suicide bombers outside a government building.
2005.03.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is shot off of his motorcycle by Muslim militants.
2005.03.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Islamic terrorists fire on a pickup carrying four people, killing one.
2005.03.02 Bangladesh Narsingdi 0 10 Militant Muslims injure ten people with a bomb outside a shrine.
2005.03.02 Iraq Baghdad 13 30 Two suicide car bombings kills thirteen Iraqis and wound thirty. In a separate attack, a judge and his son are gunned down.
2005.03.01 Chechnya Sernovodskiy 1 16 One policeman is killed, and sixteen others injured when the Mujahideen attack their station.
2005.03.01 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Muslim terrorists murder three civilians in separate random shooting attacks.
2005.03.01 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A government official is killed in a shooting attack by militant Muslims.
2005.02.28 Afghanistan Takhar 2 0 Two Afghan cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2005.02.28 India Matribugh 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists capture, disarm and then execute two Indian soldiers.
2005.02.28 Sudan Toray 17 14 Arab militias with the support of the Islamic government attack a village and kill seventeen civilians and injure a dozen others including several women who were raped.
2005.02.28 Iraq Hilla 135 141 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber blows his way to paradise by driving into a crowd of unemployed Iraqis, taking the lives of more than one-hundred souls, most of whom were Christian.
2005.02.28 India Surankote 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a 17-year-old boy from his home and then kill him.
2005.02.27 Iraq Mosul 12 2 Car bomber kills eight people and Jihad gunmen kill another four in a separate incident, also in Mosul.
2005.02.27 Algeria Souk El-Khemis 2 0 Two people in a small Algerian town are killed when religious fundamentalists set off a bomb.
2005.02.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is gunned down as he is walking to a local market.
2005.02.25 Nigeria Sokoto 3 0 Shia extremists kill three Sunnis as they are walking out of a mosque.
2005.02.25 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists murder a civilian in a coconut plantation.
2005.02.25 Israel Tel Aviv 5 49 Three weeks after a truce-signing, a Palestinian suicide bomber kills five Israelis outside a nightclub. Forty-nine others in line are injured.
2005.02.24 Afghanistan Chakul 9 0 The Taliban ambush and murder nine Afghan police officers.
2005.02.24 Iraq Iskandariya 3 8 A young girl is among the three people killed by a Sunni car bombing. Eight others are injured, two critically.
2005.02.24 Thailand Yala 7 0 Muslim terrorists kill seven people over a two day stretch that includes a Buddhist grocery store owner and a village chief.
2005.02.24 Iraq Tikrit 15 22 Islamic suicide bomber drives an explosive-packed vehicle into a police compound, killing fifteen and leaving another two dozen in various stages of agony.
2005.02.24 India Sopore 0 12 Militant Islamist hurls a grenade into a crowd of people, injuring at least ten civilians.
2005.02.24 India Srinagar 5 2 The Mujahideen kill five people and injure at least two others in a suicide assault on a government building in the region's capital.
2005.02.24 Dagestan Untsukul 2 0 Two men sitting in a car are machine-gunned to death by Islamic separatists.
2005.02.23 Iraq Mosul 2 14 Jihad car bombing kills two Iraqis and leaves fourteen others injured.
2005.02.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 30 Suicide bomber rams his car into a police convoy, killing four and injuring about thirty.
2005.02.22 Afghanistan Sangin 2 0 The Taliban stop a vehicle carrying two humanitarian aid workers then execute each with a shot to the back of the head.
2005.02.21 Chechnya Grozny 9 2 Nine Russian servicemen are killed in an attack by the Mujahideen in the capital's suburbs.
2005.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A village head is murdered by Islamists.
2005.02.21 Thailand Yala 1 0 A school headmaster is murdered by Islamists.
2005.02.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militants gun down a civilian outside a hospital.
2005.02.19 Iraq Baqubah 42 91 Eight suicide attacks by Fedayeen 'Holy Warriors' (including one on a bicycle), along with a bus explosion kill at least forty innocent people and injure over one-hundred.
2005.02.19 Algeria Batna 4 0 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat ambush and kill four soldiers in remote Algeria.
2005.02.18 Lebanon al-Shuwayfat 2 0 Islamists bomb a Christian-owned gas station, killing two people.
2005.02.18 Iraq Baghdad 15 23 Suicide bomber kills fifteen Shia worshippers inside a mosque just as Friday prayers are beginning. Another two dozen are injured.
2005.02.18 Iraq Baghdad 10 20 Another suicide bomber blows himself to Allah outside a Shia mosque, taking at least ten others with him.
2005.02.18 Thailand Sungai Kolok 6 44 Muslim separatists kill six people near a hotel hosting a wedding reception with a powerful car bomb.
2005.02.18 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Two people in a religious procession are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber on a city street.
2005.02.18 Chechnya Kurchaloi 5 0 Three civilians are among five people murdered at point-blank range by Jihad gunmen.
2005.02.17 Jordan Al Karamah 3 0 Three truck drivers are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2005.02.17 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Bombing kills two and injures five near a hotel.
2005.02.17 Iraq Zakho 1 0 Christian taxi driver gunned down after refusing to convert back to Islam.
2005.02.16 India Kishtwar 2 7 Mujahideen toss a grenade into a bus stop, killing one and injuring seven. Elsewhere (Rajouri) they kidnap and kill a 60-year-old man.
2005.02.16 Dagestan Kizlyar 3 4 Three people are killed in an IED attack by Islamic separatists.
2005.02.15 Pakistan Noorpur Shahan 3 14 Sectarian shooting attack leaves three dead Sunnis and fourteen others injured.
2005.02.15 Indonesia Ambon 2 2 Muslims shoot two people, including a teenage girl, to death in an attack on a karaoke club.
2005.02.14 Philippines Manila 3 79 The Abu Sayyaf terrorist group detonates a bomb in the Philippine capital outside a crowded bus terminal, setting three buses on fire and killing at least three.
2005.02.14 Philippines General Santos 5 36 An bomb outside a shopping mall kills five shoppers and injures at least three dozen others. Abu Sayyaf claims responsibility.
2005.02.14 India Shopian 0 25 Twenty-five people are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade into a crowded street.
2005.02.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim separatists shoot a 48-year-old man off of a motorcycle, injuring his wife as well.
2005.02.14 Philippines Davao 1 8 A 12-year-old boy is killed in an Abu Sayyaf bombing at a bus stop. Eight others are injured.
2005.02.14 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Sunni extremists spray the inside of a passenger car with automatic weapons, killing an Iraqi officer and two companions.
2005.02.14 Lebanon Beirut 23 120 A powerful Hezbollah suicide bomb blast kills the former Lebanese Prime Minister and twenty-two others. One-hundred and twenty are injured in the blast.
2005.02.13 Iraq Nasiriyah 2 0 An Iraqi translator and his son are gunned down by Islamists near their home.
2005.02.12 Thailand Yala 1 0 A policeman is gunned down by Islamists.
2005.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Sunni gunmen block off a street with their cars and then mow down Shia patrons at a bakery, killing eleven and injuring a unknown number of others.
2005.02.11 Iraq Balad Ruz 13 40 Suicidal fanatic detonates a massive bomb using a vegetable truck outside a Shia mosque, killing over a dozen and injuring more than forty.
2005.02.11 Thailand Yala 2 24 Thai Muslims shoot a Buddhist shopkeeper to death, then trigger a bomb that kills another person and injures two dozen.
2005.02.10 Iraq Suwayrah 21 0 The decomposing bodies of twenty-one Iraqi truck drivers hauling food are found two days after their convoy was ambushed by Islamic radicals. They had all been burned inside their vehicles.
2005.02.09 Iraq Basra 2 0 Shiite radicals gun down an Iraqi journalist and his 3-year-old son in front of their home.
2005.02.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Thai Islamists set off a bomb in a market stall, killing one villager and injuring two others.
2005.02.09 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A BBC director dies of her wounds suffered in an attack by Islamic gunmen.
2005.02.08 Iraq Baghdad 21 27 Shaheed suicide bomber blows himself to paradise, along with nearly two dozen others. About thirty are seriously wounded in the street attack.
2005.02.07 Pakistan Wana 2 2 al-Qaeda militants ambush four journalists riding in a car. Two are murdered.
2005.02.07 Philippines Panamao 12 15 Muslim separatists attack Philippine troops, killing a dozen.
2005.02.07 Iraq Baqubah 15 17 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills himself and at least fifteen others who were seeking jobs outside a police station.
2005.02.07 Iraq Mosul 12 4 Suicidal extremist kills a dozen police who were guarding a teaching hospital, by pretending to need assistance from the officers.
2005.02.07 Germany Berlin 1 0 A 23-year-old woman is killed by her youngest brother at a bus stop because she 'dishonored' the family by refusing to marry her cousin.
2005.02.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A defense volunteer is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2005.02.04 India Taryath 1 2 Two people escape after being kidnapped from their village by the Mujahideen, but another is executed.
2005.02.04 Nigeria Demsa 36 0 Militant Muslims attack a Christian village in Nigeria, killing at least three dozen and displacing some three thousand others.
2005.02.03 Iraq Balad 2 0 Two people are shot to death by Sunni radicals for voting in the election.
2005.02.02 Iraq Kirkuk 12 2 Takfir wa Hijra (Islamist) terrorists stop a bus full of unarmed Iraqi recruits. Twelve are dragged off and shot execution-style.
2005.02.02 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 0 Dagestani Islamists kill a high-ranking government official and three others in a shooting ambush on their vehicle.
2005.02.02 Thailand Yala 3 0 A school teacher is one of three civilians killed in three separate shooting attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2005.02.01 Philippines Datu Paglas 4 0 MILF terrorists attack a security patrol, killing four members.
2005.02.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A former school administrator is gunned down by Islamic militants.
2005.01.31 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims kill a civilian in front of his home.
2005.01.31 India Nathali-Bagwa 4 3 Four members of a family, including three children and their mother, are killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a house after knocking down the door.
2005.01.31 India Anantnag 2 1 The Mujahideen break into a house and kill a woman, then kidnap and hang her student son.
2005.01.31 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 Jamaat-e-Islami terrorists kill a business man with a bomb in a shopping center.
2005.01.30 Kuwait Kuwait City 2 4 Islamic militants kill two people in a shootout.
2005.01.30 Iraq Baghdad 44 67 A string of suicide attacks by theocratic fanatics kill over forty Iraqis in an effort to prevent the citizenry from exercising their right to vote in elections.
2005.01.29 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 9 1 Nine Afghan soldiers are blown to bits by the Taliban while riding in a pickup truck near the Pakistani border.
2005.01.29 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Islamic militants hit the U.S. embassy with a rocket, killing two Americans.
2005.01.28 Chechnya Alkhan-Yurt 9 0 Jihad suicide bomber kills nine Chechen policemen after crashing his car into theirs at full speed.
2005.01.28 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 Four Iraqis are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2005.01.27 Iraq Mahmudiyah 3 7 Three civilians are killed, and seven injured by a Sunni bomber.
2005.01.27 Bangladesh Habiganj 5 100 Islamic fundamentalists lob a grenade into an opposition political rally, killing a former finance minister and at least four others. About one hundred people are injured, some badly.
2005.01.27 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Three civilians, including two women, are killed in a Jihad bombing attack.
2005.01.27 India Pampore 0 26 Two grenades tossed by the Mujahideen at an election office injure twenty-six people, almost all civilians.
2005.01.27 India Kremshora 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill an Indian government employee and his son.
2005.01.27 Nigeria Numan 1 0 A Christian woman is shot to death by Muslim troops in the troubled African province.
2005.01.27 Bangladesh Habiganj 4 0 Four people, including a 73-year-old man are assassinated by Muslim radicals in a grenade attack as they leave a public meeting.
2005.01.27 Philippines Bitaras 1 0 A civilian is brutally tortured to death by MILF terrorists.
2005.01.26 Iraq Sinjar 15 31 Sunni radicals pack a tractor with explosives and detonate it outside a Kurdish political office, killing at least a dozen.
2005.01.26 Iraq Kirkuk 7 3 Seven Iraqis are killed by two Jihad car bombings.
2005.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 16 12 Islamic insurgents kill sixteen people in various shooting attacks, including the 5-year-old daughter of a policeman.
2005.01.24 India Kulgam 2 6 The Mujahideen gun down an orchard worker (Shopian) and toss a grenade into a bus stop.
2005.01.24 Thailand Yala 1 0 A government worker is murdered by Islamists.
2005.01.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim gunmen kill a policeman.
2005.01.23 Sudan Darfur 12 0 Janjaweed militia attack several villages, burning houses and killing a dozen innocents.
2005.01.23 Algeria Tizi Ghenif 2 1 Islamic fundamentalists attack a security patrol killing two police and injuring one civilian.
2005.01.22 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 0 Four people, including a police chief and two relatives, are killed by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2005.01.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two truck drivers are kidnapped and beheaded on a public street as executioners chant 'Allah Akbar.'
2005.01.21 India Anantnag 1 3 The Mujahideen kidnap three civilians and torture two of them, eventually killing one.
2005.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 14 42 Radical Sunnis car bomb a Shia mosque as the victims celebrate a religious holiday. Fourteen are killed, and about forty injured.
2005.01.21 Iraq Yusufiyah 12 38 Suicide bomber drives an ambulance full of explosives into a Shia wedding party, slaughtering a dozen, including women and children and injuring dozens more including the bride and groom.
2005.01.21 Algeria Blida 3 5 Three people are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in a cemetery. Five others are injured.
2005.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 26 25 Three al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave more than two dozen dead and scores of civilians badly injured. One of the targets was the Australian embassy.
2005.01.20 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 Pakistani fuel truck driver and two assistants are murdered by the Taliban in a senseless attack.
2005.01.19 Sudan Hamada 105 0 The Islamic government bombs a village in Darfur, killing more than a hundred people, mostly women and children. An unknown number are wounded.
2005.01.19 Algeria Adekar Kebouche 1 0 Salafists slit the throat of a motorist stopped at a phony roadblock.
2005.01.18 Israel Gush Katif 1 7 Palestinian suicide bomber murders a father of three and injures seven others.
2005.01.18 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 At least three killed as militant Muslims go on a wild shooting and arson spree.
2005.01.18 Israel Sderot 1 1 17-year-old Israeli girl dies trying to protect her 10-year-old brother from a Hamas rocket attack (on 1-15).
2005.01.18 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Sunni takes two members of a Shia political party with him to 'paradise.' Car bombing injures nine others as well.
2005.01.17 Iraq Ramadi 4 0 The bodies of three civilians and one soldier are found in a field, brutally slain, with handwriting declaring them to be traitors to the cause of Allah.
2005.01.17 Iraq Buhriz 8 4 Jihadists attack a police checkpoint with machine-guns, killing eight.
2005.01.17 Iraq Baiji 8 25 Eight people are killed by a suicide bomber, with another 25 injured, some critically.
2005.01.17 Iraq Ramadi 3 9 Three civilians are killed as a dedicated Muslim blows himself to Allah. Nine others injured.
2005.01.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2005.01.16 Thailand Yala 1 59 Muslims plant a bomb in a Thai restaurant, killing the owner and injuring sixty others.
2005.01.15 Bangladesh Natore 3 89 Islamic militants set off bombs at two different carnivals killing three and injuring about ninety others, including stage performers.
2005.01.15 India Srinagar 2 17 Grenade thrown into an election rally by the Mujahideen kills two people and injures seventeen.
2005.01.15 Dagestan Kaspiisk 4 1 Islamic terrorists kill four policemen in two separate shootouts in Dagestan (Kaspiisk & Makhachkala).
2005.01.15 India Srinagar 2 0 Al-Mansoorian terrorists storm a passport office and kill two government employees.
2005.01.14 India Yarbug Panzla 1 0 The Mujahideen enter a civilian's house and kill his 20-year-old daughter.
2005.01.13 Iraq Baghdad 5 1 Islamic gunmen riddle a civilian minivan with machine-gun fire as it is picking up a Turkish businessman.
2005.01.13 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 7 30 A car bomb outside a Shia mosque kills seven people and injures another thirty, some critically.
2005.01.13 Israel Karni Crossing 6 4 Three Palestinian suicide bombers infiltrate the security wall, via an explosion, and murder six Israelis. Four others are wounded.
2005.01.13 Thailand Yala 2 1 Terrorists kill two civilians and severely injure a 5-year-old girl.
2005.01.13 Kosovo Prizren 1 0 Muslim militants thought responsible for the bombing of a bus station.
2005.01.12 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 Islamic fundamentalists throw a hand grenade into a cinema showing a soccer game, killing four innocents.
2005.01.12 Iraq Salman 6 0 Radical Sunnis shoot a Shia cleric and his son to death on the street, along with four of their bodyguards.
2005.01.12 Chechnya Vedeno 4 0 Mujahideen attack on a government car leaves four civilians dead.
2005.01.12 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 Six Afghan soldiers are kidnapped and executed by the Taliban.
2005.01.12 Israel Morag 1 3 Palestinians use explosives and arms fire to murder an Israeli officer in the process of constructing a security fence.
2005.01.11 Iraq Yusufiyah 7 0 Seven Iraqi civilians are killed when militants destroy their minibus with a roadside bomb.
2005.01.11 Chad Goz Beida 15 1 Janjaweed militias murder fifteen villagers in a raid.
2005.01.10 Thailand Yala 1 0 A school security guard is murdered by Islamists.
2005.01.10 Iraq Tikrit 8 12 Fedayeen suicide bombing leave six police dead and a dozen injured. Police chief also assassinated in Baghdad, along with his son.
2005.01.10 Kuwait Kuwait City 2 2 Islamic gunmen kill two security guards outside a government building.
2005.01.10 Philippines Mamasapano 8 5 Moro Islamic Front stages a surprise attack on government post, killing eight Philippine soldiers.
2005.01.10 Iraq Suwayrah 9 10 Eight Ukrainian bomb sappers, and one Kazakh are killed by the 'Islamic Army' in a terrorist bombing attack.
2005.01.09 Pakistan Gilgit 6 0 Shia burn six Sunnis alive after herding them into a house in a revenge for an earlier attack on a Shiite leader.
2005.01.09 Israel Shebaa Farms 1 3 An Israeli officer is killed, and three others injured, in a Hezbollah rocket attack along the Lebanese border.
2005.01.08 Pakistan Gilgit 2 2 Sunni attack on the vehicle of a Shia cleric leaves two of his guards dead.
2005.01.07 India Srinagar 3 2 Fedayeen militants from the al-Mansoorian outfit storm a government building with grenades, leaving at least four dead.
2005.01.07 Israel Nablus 1 3 An Israeli motorist is killed by a Palestinian sniper. Three others are injured, two critically.
2005.01.07 Iraq Mosul 18 0 The bodies of eighteen Shia laborers abducted and shot execution style by Sunni radicals are unearthed in a field.
2005.01.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a shop owner in a bloody attack.
2005.01.06 Iraq Baqubah 6 13 al-Qaeda group sends a suicide bomber into a security point. Six dead and thirteen injured.
2005.01.05 India Srinagar 0 6 Four civilians and two Indian police suffer injuries when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a city street.
2005.01.05 Chechnya Grozny 17 25 A series of Mujahideen attacks across the country leaves seventeen dead, nineteen wounded and six others, including two college students kidnapped.
2005.01.05 Iraq Hilla 20 44 Fedayeen suicide car bomber kills at least twenty outside a police graduation ceremony. About four dozen others are badly hurt.
2005.01.04 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Iraqi governor, an advocate for democracy, is gunned down along with six of his guards by Islamic theocrats.
2005.01.04 Iraq Baghdad 10 60 Fedayeen 'Holy Warrior' rams a checkpoint with a truck full of explosives, killing ten and injuring at least sixty, including women and children.
2005.01.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims murder a Thai village official from the back of a motorcycle as he is driving to work.
2005.01.04 Pakistan Vinnoi 5 0 A husband and wife, their son and two other relatives are murdered in their home in an 'honor killing' by a group of armed men.
2005.01.03 Algeria Biskra 18 0 Algeria's Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat bombs a convoy then rakes it with machine-gun fire, killing eighteen people and injuring an unknown number.
2005.01.03 Iraq Tikrit 16 43 Three suicide bombers blow themselves to Allah in separate attacks, taking sixteen other souls with them. Over forty others sustain burns, open wounds and lost limbs.
2005.01.03 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Ansar al-Sunna Islamists kidnap and decapitate an Iraqi, then booby-trap the headless body with a bomb that kills a police officer.
2005.01.02 Iraq Balad 23 6 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills twenty-three people, mostly Iraqi National Guardsmen in a terrorist attack.
2005.01.02 Iraq Samarrah 4 1 Radical Sunnis machine-gun four cops to death as they sit in their car.
2005.01.02 Israel Erez 1 2 Hamas rockets kill a 25-year-old man working in the industrial zone. Two others are injured.
2005.01.01 Ingushetia Vezhariy-Yurt 1 0 An off-duty policeman is murdered by Islamic rebels.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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