The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Mar 01, 2025 -
Mar 07, 2025

Attacks 35
Killed 339
Injured 126
Suicide Blasts 3
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
February, 2025

Attacks 91
Killed 778
Injured 520
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Hamas Murder Victims

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 380 Islamic attacks in 33 countries, in which 3207 people were killed and 1518 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2025.03.11 Somalia Beledweyne 9 10 Nine civilians are left dead after al-Shabaab loyalists detonate a car bomb outside a hotel.
2025.03.10 Nigeria Farin Dutse 6 6 At least a half-dozen corpses are discovered after militant Muslims burn down a village.
2025.03.10 Pakistan Kohat 2 0 Terrorists fire on a car carrying off-duty police, killing two.
2025.03.10 Pakistan Tarkho 2 0 Two security personnel are laid out by Jihadi gunmen.
2025.03.10 Pakistan Sultankhel 3 10 Religious extremists open fire on police, bringing down three.
2025.03.10 Pakistan Budhni 1 1 A mosque official is assassinated by more radical co-religionists.
2025.03.09 Pakistan Chinarak 3 4 Terrorists ambush a group of local cops, killing three.
2025.03.09 Nigeria Arewa 11 8 Lakurawa Islamists shoot and hack eleven villagers to death.
2025.03.09 Sudan al-Khiwai 7 13 Janjaweed massacre seven more locals.
2025.03.09 Pakistan Kurram 4 7 Tehreek-e-Taliban launch an attack on a security post, killing four inside.
2025.03.09 Syria Tartous 18 0 Eighteen more are reported dead in Sunni-Shiite clashes.
2025.03.08 Syria Baniyas 3 0 Three family members are murdered by HTS.
2025.03.08 Thailand Sungai Kolok 2 12 Ten Muslim 'insurgents' open fire outside a district office, killing two guards.
2025.03.08 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three passersby are aerated by a Muslim bomb blast.
2025.03.08 India Malhar 3 0 Three cousins are murdered and flung into a river by Muslim extremists.
2025.03.08 Syria Latakia 120 0 One-hundred and twenty more Shiites and Sunnis are killed in clashes.
2025.03.08 DRC Ngohi Vuyinga 9 0 Islamic militants hack and shoot nine villagers to death.
2025.03.08 Nigeria Katsina-Ala 15 11 Fifteen people are reported dead following an attack by militant Muslims.
2025.03.08 Syria Baniyas 60 0 Women and children are among sixty minorities shot dead in cold blood by HTS.
2025.03.08 Syria al-Hafa 7 0 Seven civilians are executed by HTS.
2025.03.08 Syria Salhab 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2025.03.08 Bangladesh Ukhiya 1 0 ARSA gunfire brings down a physically-challenged man.
2025.03.07 Syria Tartous 2 0 Two young men are shot to death by HTS.
2025.03.07 Syria al-Shair 24 0 Two dozen minority civilians are executed by HTS.
2025.03.07 Syria al-Muhtariya 38 0 Thirty-eight minorities are pulled from their homes and executed.
2025.03.07 Pakistan Turbat 1 0 A former spy is shot dead by suspected Islamists.
2025.03.07 Pakistan Mulla Said 2 2 Muslim extremists use an IED to kill two people along a roadway.
2025.03.07 Pakistan Shahpur 2 0 Two people are picked off by Muslim snipers.
2025.03.07 Syria Tartous 4 0 Four female university students are murdered and then dragged through the streets.
2025.03.07 Syria Bseisin 10 0 A family of ten is brutally executed in their home, including members with special needs.
2025.03.07 Syria Latakia 93 0 Ninty-three are killed in Sunni-Shia clashes.
2025.03.06 Syria Lattakia 7 0 Seven civilians are executed by HTS.
2025.03.06 Syria Jableh 48 13 A clash between Sunni and Shiite militia leaves forty-eight dead.
2025.03.06 Syria Qarfis 22 0 HTS members execute twenty-two minorities.
2025.03.05 Syria Latakia 22 14 Almost two dozens are killed in sectarian violence.
2025.03.05 Sudan Omdurman 1 6 A child is obliterated by Janjaweed shelling.
2025.03.05 Syria Sanamin 3 3 A child is among the casualties of a targeted Sunni attack.
2025.03.05 Thailand Muang 0 6 Muslim 'insurgnets' detonate a bomb in a civilian area.
2025.03.04 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 1 0 A 30-year-old man is stabbed to death by ARSA.
2025.03.04 Syria Latakia 4 0 Four Alawite minorities are murdered by HTS.
2025.03.04 Pakistan Bannu 18 42 Gunmen follow two suicide bombers into a military base, slaughtering at least thirteen civilians and five soldiers.
2025.03.04 Nigeria Tachira 1 0 A priest is abducted and murdered by Muslim extremists.
2025.03.03 Pakistan Kalat 1 4 A female suicide bomber self-detonates, taking one other soul with her.
2025.03.03 Syria Ras al-Ain 1 0 Terrorist machine-gun a bystander.
2025.03.03 Israel Haifa 1 4 An elderly man dies after a car ramming and stabbing attack near a mall.
2025.03.02 Pakistan Miranshah 4 13 Tehreek-e-Taliban stage an assault on several checkpoints, killing four security personnel.
2025.03.02 Syria Rif Dimashq 2 0 A man and his son are murdered by sectarian militia.
2025.03.02 Pakistan Khar 1 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban gun down a government employee.
2025.03.02 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A man is abducted from his home by Islamists and killed.
2025.03.02 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 TTP on motorcycles pick off a police constable.
2025.03.01 Nigeria Mbakesa 6 3 Militant Muslims raid a village and kill six residents.
2025.03.01 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A landmine left by caliphate members kills one person.
2025.03.01 Syria Tal Saken 2 0 Terrorists kill two civilians.
2025.03.01 Afghanistan Farkhar 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by the Taliban.
2025.03.01 Pakistan Eldak 2 10 A Shahid suicide car bomber kills two people at a checkpoint.
2025.03.01 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Islamic hardliners fire on a police patrol, killing one member.
2025.03.01 Niger Northern 11 6 Eleven local soldiers are ambushed and killed by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2025.02.28 Benin Karimama 1 0 At least one person is shot to death by Jihadists.
2025.02.28 Pakistan Mamozai 1 3 Terrorists set off an IED near a medical store, killing one.
2025.02.28 Syria Hayalin 3 6 A terror attack on a rival prayer services leaves three dead.
2025.02.28 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 The Taliban murder a former foe.
2025.02.28 Pakistan Akora Khattak 7 18 A cleric and six worshippers are killed when a Religion of Peace rival sets off his suicide belt at a mosque.
2025.02.27 Pal. Auth. Gaza 4 0 Four Israeli hostages are confirmed murdered by Hamas.
2025.02.27 Iraq Kirkuk 17 0 Seventeen ISIS victims are discovered in a mass grave.
2025.02.27 Nigeria Karaga 11 0 Eleven laborers lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack on a mine.
2025.02.27 Syria Lattakia 2 0 HTS murder a man and his nephew.
2025.02.27 Syria Hama 3 0 An HTS attack leaves three dead.
2025.02.27 Israel Karkur 1 13 A teenaged girl dies a few days after a Palestinian car ramming.
2025.02.26 DRC Mambasa 23 20 Two dozen are left dead following ADF attacks on two villages.
2025.02.26 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Shiite extremists murder a civilian in the former caliphate capital.
2025.02.26 Afghansitan Herat 1 0 A former soldier is murdered by the Taliban.
2025.02.26 Nigeria Damboa 7 3 Seven farmers are attacked and killed on their land by Muslim terrorists.
2025.02.25 CAR Nzoroh 9 0 Muslim 'rebels' kill nine residents and burn 700 homes.
2025.02.25 Kenya Qura-Qura 1 10 A border guard is killed by an IED planted by al-Shabaab.
2025.02.25 Afghanistan Taloqan 1 0 The Taliban turn the body of a young man over to his family, after torturing him to death.
2025.02.25 Syria Hama 1 0 A civilian is found shot to death by Sunni militants.
2025.02.24 Nigeria Okpekpe 2 0 Two farmers are shot dead by Muslim radicals.
2025.02.24 Pakistan Darweshta 4 2 Islamic radicals attack a local police post, killing four.
2025.02.23 Nigeria Amegu Nkalaha 2 2 At least two are left dead following an attack by Muslim militants.
2025.02.23 Afghanistan Parwan 1 0 The Taliban is suspected in the murder of a former detainee.
2025.02.23 Syria Idlib 1 0 A former official is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2025.02.23 Syria Qadsiya 1 0 A civilian is stopped by sectarian Jihadists and executed in front of his wife.
2025.02.23 Afghanistan Parwan 1 0 A young man is shot to death by the Taliban at his home.
2025.02.22 Syria Damascus 1 0 Shia militia kill a Sunni rival.
2025.02.22 France Mulhouse 1 0 An elderly patron at a market is stabbed to death by an Algerian 'migrant' yelling "Allahu Akbar."
2025.02.21 Germany Berlin 0 1 A 'refugee' with a Quran from Syria stabs a random visitor to a Holocaust memorial.
2025.02.21 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A tribesman is shot dead by HTS.
2025.02.21 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 A former military personnel is murdered by the Taliban.
2025.02.20 Syria Lattakia 1 0 HTS members kill a local man.
2025.02.20 Mozambique Bilibiza 2 0 Two off-duty soldiers are ambushed shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2025.02.20 Somalia Shabelle 13 0 al-Shabaab attack three military bases, killing at least thirteen.
2025.02.20 Pakistan Naguman 1 0 Religious radicals assassinate a local cop.
2025.02.20 Pakistan Kamangara 1 0 Terrorists fire into a celebration, killing a member.
2025.02.20 Nigeria Ayin 3 0 Three more villagers are slain by Muslim militants.
2025.02.19 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 The remains of two very young Israeli children are returned to Israel following their capture and murder by Hamas.
2025.02.19 Mozambique Nkoe 2 0 Two civilians are butchered by Islamists.
2025.02.19 DRC North Kivu 8 11 ISCAP claims an attack that leaves eight dead.
2025.02.19 Pakistan Damadola 1 0 Islamic State members fire on a polio team, killing a guard.
2025.02.19 Afghanistan Faryab 1 0 A former soldier is murdered by the Taliban.
2025.02.18 Afghanistan Parwan 5 0 Five former military personnel are murdered by the Taliban.
2025.02.18 Pakistan Baizai 2 0 The Taliban fire across the border, killing two guards on the Pakistani side.
2025.02.18 Sudan White Nile 200 0 More than two hundred villagers are slaughtered by Arab Milita across two villages, some execution-style.
2025.02.18 Bangladesh Dinajpur 1 0 A Hindu leader is beheaded.
2025.02.18 Syria Rif Dimashq 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped by terrorists and field-executed.
2025.02.18 Syria Daraa 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis gun down a local official.
2025.02.17 Syria Gharbiya 1 0 HTS torture a captive to death.
2025.02.17 Mozambique Muidumbe 1 0 ISIS claims the killing of a civilian.
2025.02.17 Nigeria Boaguwa 19 0 Militant Muslims take out three villagers.
2025.02.17 Nigeria Katsina Ala 16 0 Muslim terrorists murder sixteen farmers and dumb their bodies in a river.
2025.02.17 Pakistan Kurram 2 14 Sectarian gunmen kill two members of an aid convoy.
2025.02.17 Pakistan Malakand 2 0 Religious extremists plant a bomb that claims the life of a local resident.
2025.02.17 Pakistan Manduri 4 5 Four local security personnel responding to an earlier attack on an aid convoy are picked off by Islamists.
2025.02.17 Pakistan Kulachi 2 6 Two guards at a bridge are assassinated by Jihadists.
2025.02.17 Pakistan Barang 1 0 Terrorists take out a tribal elder with a remote-controlled bomb.
2025.02.17 Sudan El Quteina 24 15 At least two dozen villagers are killed by Janjaweed militia.
2025.02.16 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 Two officials are gunned down on their doorstep by Islamic extremists.
2025.02.16 Pakistan Shakai 1 0 A police officer is left dead after a shooting by Sunni radicals.
2025.02.16 Pakistan Shewa 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by rivals.
2025.02.16 Iran Razvanshahr 1 0 A woman is honor-killed for seeking a divorce by being burned alive.
2025.02.16 Syria Bayyadah 1 0 A young Shiite is kidnapped and murdered by Sunnis.
2025.02.15 Syria Aleppo 4 0 Sunnis brutally execute four Shiites in front of their families.
2025.02.15 Uganda Kiwanga 0 1 Defenders of Islam stab a Christian evangelist.
2025.02.15 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 A constable is murdered in his own home by TTP.
2025.02.15 Benin Alibori 6 0 Islamic terrorists cross the border and murder six security personnel.
2025.02.15 Austria Villach 1 4 A 14-year-old is cut down when a Syrian 'asylum seeker' making the ISIS salute goes on a stabbing rampage.
2025.02.15 Sudan al-Kirel 4 5 Four are left dead following a Janjaweed attack.
2025.02.15 Nigeria Gwoza 3 0 Three are left dead following an ISWAP attack.
2025.02.14 Greece Athens 0 2 Two Israelis are stabbed by a Palestinian who overheard them speaking Hebrew.
2025.02.14 Syria Jabala 1 0 Sectarian assassins take down a coffee shop owner.
2025.02.14 Sudan Zamzam 31 81 Janjaweed attack a refugee camp and kill over thirty residents.
2025.02.14 Israel Gan Ner 0 2 A Palestinian attacks an elderly Jewish couple with an axe.
2025.02.13 Pal. Auth. Nuseirat 1 0 A 14-year-old is killed by a Palestinian rocket.
2025.02.13 Germany Munich 2 26 A mother and her 2-year-old child die when a 'refugee yelling "Allah" plows his car into a crowd.
2025.02.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A suicide bomber goes off outside a government building, taking out a security guard.
2025.02.13 DRC Kasanga 70 0 Seventy people are marched to a church and beheaded by Islamic state advocates.
2025.02.13 Iraq Kirkuk 17 0 Seventeen ISIS victims are discovered in a mass grave.
2025.02.13 Sudan al-Shakabadd 2 0 At least two people are murdered by Janjaweed.
2025.02.13 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0 A guard succumbs to injuries suffered during a firing on a polio team.
2025.02.13 Syria Homs 1 0 A Shia bus driver is found dead a day after being 'detained' by HTS.
2025.02.13 Syria Salnafa 1 2 HTS fire on a local resident, killing him and injuring two others.
2025.02.12 Nigeria Zadaka 7 0 Seven are reported dead following a terror attack on a non-Muslim community.
2025.02.12 Syria Homs 1 0 HTS torture a civilian to death.
2025.02.12 Sudan al-Jamalab 45 0 Thirty civilians are massacred by Janjaweed. Fifteen others drown trying to escape.
2025.02.11 India Akhnoor 2 0 Muslim terrorists set off an IED that claims two lives.
2025.02.11 Afghanistan Kunduz 5 7 A Shahid suicide bomber goes off at a bank, taking five others with him.
2025.02.11 Pakistan Kech 2 1 A targeted attack on Hindu minorities leaves two dead.
2025.02.11 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A young man is found murdered in the former caliphate capital.
2025.02.11 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 The UN announces the death of a World Food Program worker held hostage by Ansar Allah.
2025.02.11 Mozambique Meluco 1 0 At least one person is killed by Islamic radicals.
2025.02.10 Afghanistan Abu Nasr Farahi 2 3 A mine planted by terrorists claims two civilians.
2025.02.10 Somalia Togga Jacel 27 60 At least twenty-seven Somalis are killed during an ISIS suicide assault on a military base.
2025.02.10 Syria Homs 15 0 Another fifteen Syrian minorities are reported executed by HTS.
2025.02.09 Yemen Marib 2 3 Two government workers are shot dead by Shiite militia.
2025.02.09 Pakistan Bannu 3 0 Three abductees are shot dead on video by Islamic extremists.
2025.02.09 Nigeria Lubo 1 0 A pastor is shot dead in his home by Boko Haram.
2025.02.09 Syria Bayada 1 0 HTS is suspected in the murder of a minority laborer.
2025.02.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A former foe is murdered by the Taliban.
2025.02.08 Syria al-Bokamal 2 0 A Shiite is beheaded along with his nephew.
2025.02.08 Pakistan Hassan Khel 1 3 TTP members fire on police, killing one.
2025.02.08 Lebanon Tayr Harfa 2 0 A Hezbollah bomb goes off early, killing family members.
2025.02.08 India Srinagar 1 0 A carpenter dies from injuries suffered during an earlier Jihadi attack.
2025.02.07 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her family.
2025.02.07 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 Hardliners fire on a polio vaccination team, killing a guard.
2025.02.07 Pakistan Miryan 2 3 Tehreek-e-Taliban attack a group of police, killing two.
2025.02.07 Mali Kobe 56 50 At least fifty-six bodies are counted following an Islamic ambush of a convoy carrying mine workers.
2025.02.07 Pakistan Gurbaz 3 10 Three are left dead after Islamic hardliners storm a residence.
2025.02.07 Syria Homs 1 0 An official is murdered by Hezbollah smugglers.
2025.02.07 Syria al-Saferah 3 0 A child is among three shot dead in their home by Sunni militants.
2025.02.06 Pakistan Karak 3 5 Three police officers are machine-gunned by religious extremists.
2025.02.06 DRC Lulueba 18 0 Islamic radicals massacre eighteen villagers.
2025.02.06 Nigeria Gulma 1 6 Lakurawa gunmen murder one and hospitalize six others.
2025.02.06 Syria Homs 1 0 Sectarian factions field execute a rival.
2025.02.06 Mozambique Litandacua 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Islamic State members.
2025.02.06 DRC Lubero 3 0 At least three more people are killed by the ADF.
2025.02.06 Sudan Dar al-Assad 5 0 Arab Milita murder at least five villagers.
2025.02.06 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 0 Three individuals are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2025.02.05 Syria Saydnaya 300 0 Hundreds of Alawite prisoners are executed by HTS.
2025.02.05 Nigeria Asa 2 2 At least two innocents are shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2025.02.05 Nigeria Binawa 3 0 Three people are slain by Muslim militants.
2025.02.05 Nigeria Galadimawa 2 1 Muslim terrorists murder two innocent people.
2025.02.05 Nigeria Majagada 1 0 Muslim extremists murder a pastor.
2025.02.05 DRC Butumai 19 0 Eighteen residents are murdered by ADF gunmen.
2025.02.05 Nigeria Okpomaju 5 10 Fine people are laid out by Muslim terrorists.
2025.02.05 Syria Baiyon 1 0 A young man is field executed by sectarian militia.
2025.02.05 Pakistan Bahadarkhel 2 6 Sharia proponents fire into a police station, killing two inside.
2025.02.05 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwar 4 7 Fundamentalists attack a local security convoy, killing four.
2025.02.04 Israel Tayasir 2 8 A Palestinian gunmen infiltrates a checkpoint and murders two Israelis.
2025.02.04 Sudan Omdurman 6 38 Janjaweed send shells into a hospital, killing a half-dozen.
2025.02.04 Syria al-Tabaa 1 1 Sectarian Jihadists fire on two brothers, killing one.
2025.02.04 Syria Daraa 1 0 A former officer is arrested and executed by HTS Jihadists.
2025.02.04 Pakistan Tirah 2 0 Islamists slit the throats of two traders…
2025.02.04 DRC Beni 10 0 Muslim terrorists set fire to homes and murder ten residents.
2025.02.04 Nigeria Odudaje 2 4 Muslim radicals murder two locals.
2025.02.03 Iraq Riyadh 1 1 A child is killed and another seriously injured by ISIS shrapnel.
2025.02.03 Nigeria Okpomaju 2 2 Two villagers are slain by Muslim militants.
2025.02.03 DRC Kangatiro 16 0 Sixteen people are brought down by ADF members.
2025.02.03 Pakistan Darra Pezu 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2025.02.03 Syria Homs 1 0 HTS abduct and execute a young man.
2025.02.03 India Kulgam 1 2 A man to death by Islamists in an attack that leaves two female family members injured.
2025.02.03 Mozambique Nicocue 1 0 Islamists murder a man and burn his house.
2025.02.03 Afghanistan Badghis 2 0 A woman and her daughter are murdered by a Taliban commander.
2025.02.02 Sudan Abu Shouk 11 18 Eleven in a refugee camp are flattened by Janjaweed shelling.
2025.02.02 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 5 0 Five people are killed when their vehicle is ambushed by Islamic militants.
2025.02.02 Nigeria Ishielu 10 6 About ten residents are killed when Muslim terrorists burn down their village.
2025.02.02 Pakistan Parachinar 1 0 A young man succumbs to injuries suffered in an earlier Islamist attack.
2025.02.02 DRC Irumu 30 0 Thirty people are slaughtered by Islamic radicals.
2025.02.01 DRC Beni 6 24 ADF Islamists kill six villagers and abduct another two dozen.
2025.02.01 Pakistan Draban 3 0 Three Levies personnel are laid out by armed terrorists.
2025.02.01 Syria Homs 1 0 A farmer is picked off by Jihadi snipers.
2025.02.01 Syria Damascus 1 0 Suspected HTS assassinate a former official.
2025.02.01 Syria Tel al-Nasr 1 0 Terrorists torture a victim, then shoot him in the head.
2025.02.01 Syria Homs 1 0 A scientist is arrested and then executed by HTS.
2025.02.01 Syria Baniyas-Jabaleh 1 0 Sunni gunmen kill two people at a coffee shop.
2025.02.01 Syria al-Dabin 1 1 HTS gunmen storm a home and murder a resident.
2025.02.01 Nigeria Shendai 1 4 Muslims murder a Christian and kidnap four others.
2025.02.01 Sudan Omdurman 56 158 Janjaweed send artillery shells into a marketplace, obliterating over fifty innocents.
2025.02.01 Syria Rif Dimashq 1 0 A Shiite professor is field executed by Sunnis.
2025.01.31 Syria Tel Dahab 4 0 Four Shiites are pulled out of their homes and shot in the back of the head.
2025.01.31 Pakistan Kurram 1 1 A religious radical armed with a sniper rifle kills a bystander.
2025.01.31 Nigeria Mangu 5 0 A child and two married couples are slaughtered in their home by Muslim terrorists.
2025.01.31 Syria al-Raqqa 2 0 Two young men are murdered in the former caliphate.
2025.01.31 Syria Homs 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by HTS.
2025.01.31 Nigeria Lightlubang 5 0 Two couples and a child are murdered in their sleep by Muslim radicals.
2025.01.31 Nigeria Chisu 5 0 An entire family, including three children, is slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2025.01.30 Nigeria Kwassam 1 0 A pastor is killed in a targeted attack by Muslim terrorists.
2025.01.30 Syria Barouha 1 0 Sectarian gunmen kill a civilian.
2025.01.30 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 0 Islamic gunmen open fire on a local army patrol, killing two members.
2025.01.30 Pakistan Datta Khel 5 0 Terrorists ambush a convoy and kill five members.
2025.01.30 Pakistan Ghaznikhel 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by Jihadis.
2025.01.30 Sudan Kabkabia 7 12 At least seven people are killed during a Janjaweed attack on a civilian convoy.
2025.01.29 Sweden Södertälje 1 0 A man under prosecution for burning a copy of the Quran is shot dead by Religion of Peace enforcers.
2025.01.29 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 5 Terrorists fire into a police post, killing one officer.
2025.01.29 Nigeria Akure 5 0 Five farmers are shot to death in their fields by Muslim militants.
2025.01.29 Somalia Beledweyne 1 0 A local soldier returning home is ambushed and killed by al-Shabaab.
2025.01.29 DRC Lubero 9 30 Nine innocent residents are massacred by ISCAP.
2025.01.28 Nigeria Jwakkom 3 0 A targeted attack on non-Muslims leaves at least three dead.
2025.01.28 Pakistan Qila Abdullah 2 0 A Fedayeen suicide attack leaves two dead.
2025.01.28 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A 15-year-old American teen is honor-killed by her father over a TikTok video and lifestyle.
2025.01.28 Nigeria Mbiri 2 0 Muslim militants murder two villagers.
2025.01.28 Philippines Kaya-Kaya 1 0 Bangsamoro radicals gun down a farmer.
2025.01.28 Syria Hama 10 0 Ten Syrians are executed by sectarian Jihadis.
2025.01.28 Syria Homs 1 0 A young man is murdered based on his sectarian affiliation.
2025.01.28 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A girl is honor-killed by her family.
2025.01.27 Syria Latakia 1 0 A Christian is murdered in a targeted Jihadist attack.
2025.01.27 Syria Damascus 2 0 Two people die under HTS torture.
2025.01.27 Syria Damascus 1 0 A woman is killed because she belonged to the wrong religion.
2025.01.27 Syria Til Shinan 2 0 The bodies of two brothers are found after their 'arrest' by HTS.
2025.01.27 Syria Homs 35 0 Thirty-five people are rounded up and executed by HTS.
2025.01.27 Afghanistan Syed Khel 2 0 Two locals are shot dead by the Taliban.
2025.01.27 Pakistan Datta Khel 2 0 Sharia state advocates storm a security base and kill two soldiers.
2025.01.27 Pakistan Bara 3 0 Muslim terrorists open fire along a city street, killing three bystanders.
2025.01.27 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 Two tribal elders are shot dead in separate terror attacks.
2025.01.26 Pakistan Khadi 1 4 Muslim extremists fire into a police checkpoint, killing one.
2025.01.26 Pakistan Ahmadkhel 1 0 Hardliners assassinate a politician.
2025.01.26 Syria Ekari 1 1 HTS egregiously injure two citizens, one of who expires.
2025.01.26 Syria Ceiferiyat 3 0 A tribal leader and his son are among three executed by HTS.
2025.01.26 Iran Piranshahr 1 0 A 17-year-old is stabbed to death by her father in a bid to reclaim family "honor."
2025.01.26 Nigeria Yobe 27 0 An ISWAP suicide car bomber takes out over two dozen Nigerians.
2025.01.26 Afghanistan Taluqan 2 2 At least two people are blown to bits by a suicide bomber.
2025.01.26 Mozambique Meluco 3 0 Three gold miners are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2025.01.25 Burkina Faso Bondokuy 2 0 Two Christians are murdered in a targeted attack as they are returning from church.
2025.01.25 Sudan Borush 80 0 Eighty innocent people are massacred by Arab militia.
2025.01.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 6 An al-Shabaab landmine, planted outside an airport, takes one life.
2025.01.25 Pakistan Mir Ali 3 0 TTP shoot three people to death.
2025.01.25 Pakistan Zareefwaal 1 0 A kidnapped energy worker is found slain.
2025.01.25 Afghanistan Parwan 5 0 Five civilians are caught by the Taliban and executed.
2025.01.24 Sudan El Fasher 70 100 A deliberate Janjaweed drone attack on a hospital kills at least seventy.
2025.01.24 Nigeria Malam-Fatori 20 0 Over twenty Nigerian soldiers are killed an ISWAP attack on their base.
2025.01.24 Nigeria Gumki 4 0 Four telecom employees are cut down by Lakurawa Islamists.
2025.01.24 Iraq Sinjar 15 0 At least fifteen individuals are discovered executed by ISIS.
2025.01.24 Syria Jdeidet Al-Wadi 6 0 Sectarian hit squads eliminate six victims over a period of days.
2025.01.23 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Three Palestinians are forced to the ground and executed by Hamas.
2025.01.23 Syria Ghozaylah 4 10 Four Shiites are pulled from their homes and executed by HTS.
2025.01.23 Syria Maryamin 4 2 Hardliners murder four Shiites for refusing to remove religious photos.
2025.01.23 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 A boy is murdered by fundamentalists.
2025.01.22 Mozambique Mumo 1 3 ISM members abduct four locals and execute one in captivity.
2025.01.22 Nigeria Gadan Gari 20 0 Boko Haram slaughter at least twenty fishermen.
2025.01.22 Syria Tasnin 1 0 Sunni extremists murder a sectarian foe.
2025.01.22 Philippines Sumisip 2 12 Islamic extremists ambush a security patrol, killing two members.
2025.01.22 Afghanistan Takhar 1 0 A Chinese engineer is assassinated by ISIS gunmen.
2025.01.22 Pakistan Parichinar 1 0 The body of a driver is discovered following his abduction by the Islamic State.
2025.01.21 Syria Hama 1 0 Terrorists murder a former journalist.
2025.01.21 Nigeria Sikarkur 2 0 A mother and child are sent to Allah by Boko Haram bombers.
2025.01.21 Nigeria Kawuri 1 0 Terrorists plant a bomb that claims the life of a civilian.
2025.01.21 Syria Gharbiya 6 0 Six Shia minorities are murdered by Sunni radicals.
2025.01.21 Syria Shinyah 4 0 Four HTS victims are discovered bound and executed.
2025.01.21 Israel Tel Aviv 0 6 A Moroccan national goes on a stabbing spree along a commercial street.
2025.01.21 Syria Rasm al-Yatnah 1 0 A child is killed by ISIS.
2025.01.20 Syria al-Malajah 2 0 Al-Fath Al-Mubin snipers pick off two rivals.
2025.01.20 Somalia Laba-Afle 1 4 Islamists fire on local soldiers, killing one.
2025.01.20 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Three family members are shot point blank in the former caliphate.
2025.01.20 India Sopore 1 0 Terrorists fire on a group of local soldiers, bringing one down.
2025.01.20 Nigeria Shikarkir 8 13 Muslim militants target those outside the faith, killing eight and burning homes.
2025.01.20 Syria Saydnaya 250 0 Several hundred captives are executed by HTS.
2025.01.19 Sudan Karari 1 18 Janjaweed target civilians collecting water, killing one.
2025.01.19 Syria Homs 1 0 Sunni radicals take out a child with a landmine.
2025.01.19 Somalia Ufeyn 6 3 An al-Shabaab landmine obliterates six souls.
2025.01.19 Syria Zamila 4 0 Former caliphate members murder four Sunni rivals.
2025.01.18 Sudan Jebel Hilla 18 5 Eighteen civilians are massacred by Janjaweed militia.
2025.01.18 Iran Tehran 2 0 Iran blames the Fedayeen assassination of two judges on sectarian terrorists.
2025.01.18 Afghanistan Nahrin 1 0 ISIS members kill one person with a machine-gun.
2025.01.17 Sudan Wad Raway 4 12 Four civilians are killed, and dozen injured by Arab militia.
2025.01.16 Pakistan Kurram 5 4 Three drivers and two guards for an aid convoy die when terrorists send a rocket into them.
2025.01.16 Sudan al-Ashara 2 0 A man and his son are murdered in cold blood by Janjaweed.
2025.01.16 Mozambique Xitaxi 1 0 One resident is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2025.01.15 DRC Masakuki 12 16 A dozen Christians are massacred by ADF and many others kidnapped.
2025.01.15 DRC Makoko 41 0 Forty-one Christians are stabbed to death by an Islamic group.
2025.01.15 Sudan al-Khizan 15 20 Women are among fifteen are dead following a Janjaweed assault on a town.
2025.01.15 Syria Sulouk 2 0 Two women, including one pregnant, are shot dead by 'moral police.'
2025.01.15 Syria Suwaydaa 1 0 A young man is field executed by sectarian Jihadis.
2025.01.15 Sudan Kamlin 2 0 Janjaweed murder two people and steal their goods.
2025.01.15 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 Two children are vaporized by a TTP mortar round.
2025.01.14 Thailand Si Sakhon 2 0 Muslim terrorists set off a bomb that claims two passing teachers - a father and son.
2025.01.14 Nigeria Dumba 9 5 Jihadists attack those returning from the burial of victims from an earlier massacre, killing nine more.
2025.01.14 Sudan Shendi 0 7 Seven Christians are detained and tortured.
2025.01.13 Sudan El Fasher 16 42 Sixteen refugees are blown apart by a Janjaweed strike on their shelter.
2025.01.13 Thailand Pattani 1 9 Muslim 'separatists' set off a bomb that claims a tourist.
2025.01.12 Nigeria Banzir 2 16 ISWAP loyalists murder two non-Muslim villagers and burn homes.
2025.01.12 Nigeria Gumki 4 0 Lakurawa attack an immigration office, killing four.
2025.01.12 Nigeria Dumba 147 0 Over one-hundred and forty farmers lose their lives to a brutal Boko Haram massacre.
2025.01.12 DRC Bapakombe-Bakondo 3 0 Three farmers are taken from their fields and butchered by ADF Islamists.
2025.01.12 Nigeria Arewa 4 0 Lakurawa members murder four workers at a construction site.
2025.01.11 Pakistan Zangoti 2 2 Two others are killed during an attack by Islamic militants.
2025.01.11 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 An ISIS attack leaves one other dead.
2025.01.11 Pakistan Gariyum 1 0 Islamic hardliners bomb a water truck, killing the driver.
2025.01.10 Syria Aqrabyah 2 0 Two young men are assassinated by sectarian militia.
2025.01.10 Sudan Zamzam 1 0 A suspected RSF sniper picks off a female passenger in a passing ambulance.
2025.01.10 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 4 0 Bangsamoro gunmen take down four including a teacher and student.
2025.01.10 Sudan Taiba Camp 8 13 Arab militia loot and burn homes in an attack that also leaves eight dead.
2025.01.09 Yemen Hanaka al-Masoud 2 0 Shiite militia loot a village and murder at least two owners.
2025.01.09 Syria Lattakia 3 0 Three members of one family are brutally executed by HTS.
2025.01.09 Syria Hama 1 0 Islamic State snipers pick off a farmer in his field.
2025.01.09 Iran Mirjaveh 1 0 Jaish al-Adl gunmen take out a border guard.
2025.01.08 Benin Northern Border 28 20 Twenty-eight soldiers are killed in a cross-border attack by Jihadists.
2025.01.08 Pakistan Kulachi 1 3 A TTP attack leaves one dead and three injured.
2025.01.08 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A government employee is assassinated by Islamic extremists.
2025.01.08 Syria Tartous 3 0 Three religious minorities are gunned down.
2025.01.08 Niger Tafouka 5 0 Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin members kill five people.
2025.01.08 Syria Tasnin 4 0 Four people, including three brothers are shot dead by sectarian Jihadis.
2025.01.08 Nigeria Nganzai 2 0 Two local cops lose their lives to a Boko Haram grenade blast.
2025.01.07 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 1 0 ISIS-K assassinates a rival cleric.
2025.01.07 Syria Bari 2 0 Terrorists abduct and execute two oil workers.
2025.01.07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 The body of a 53-year-old Hamas hostage is discovered.
2025.01.07 Nigeria Sabon Gari 12 0 A dozen more bodies are discovered following a Boko Haram attack.
2025.01.07 Syria Latakia 1 0 An HTS faction shoots a Shiite to death along a highway.
2025.01.06 Pakistan Bannu 2 0 Hardline terrorists fire into an airport, killing two guards.
2025.01.06 Philippines Sumisip 2 0 Members of a terror group assassinate two people who left.
2025.01.06 Pakistan Gujranwala 1 1 Islamists murder a Christian woman and injure her daughter.
2025.01.06 Israel Kedumim 3 8 Two elderly women are among three murdered by Palestinian gunmen at a bus stop.
2025.01.06 Pakistan Ghaznikhel 2 0 Islamic extremists gun down two local cops.
2025.01.06 Nigeria Sha 3 0 Muslim militants arrive in a village and shoot three innocents to death.
2025.01.06 Syria Jazara Mashhour 4 0 Four opponents are massacred by the Islamic State.
2025.01.06 Nigeria Abuja 2 0 A bomb-making class at an Islamic school goes awry, producing two dead students.
2025.01.05 DRC North Kivu 2 0 Two aid workers are murdered by suspected ADF
2025.01.05 Iraq Hussainiya 1 0 A 16-year-old shepherd is blown to bits by a Sunni landmine.
2025.01.05 Yemen al-Mukalla 1 0 al-Qaeda executes a journalist after holding him captive for nine years.
2025.01.05 Syria Abassiya 2 0 Two young men are 'field executed' by HTS.
2025.01.05 Syria Ziyabiya 5 0 Five civilians are found executed following their abduction by HTS.
2025.01.05 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 Sunni loyalists murder a Shiite.
2025.01.05 Afghanistan Kabul 0 1 A former soldier is taken by the Taliban and badly tortured.
2025.01.04 Syria Damascus 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed.
2025.01.04 Syria Homs 1 0 Terrorists execute a sectarian foe.
2025.01.04 Sudan Omdurman 4 43 Janjaweed shell an urban area, killing four civilians.
2025.01.04 Yemen Somaa 9 0 Nine people taken captive by Ansar Allah are executed.
2025.01.04 Nigeria Damboa 6 0 ISWAP claims an attack that leaves over a half-dozen dead.
2025.01.04 Philippines Zamboanga 3 0 Moro Islamists are suspected in shooting three village leaders to death in separate attacks.
2025.01.04 India Indore 1 0 A Hindu man is bludgeoned to death by two Muslims.
2025.01.04 Pakistan Turbat 11 56 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes eleven bus passengers with him.
2025.01.04 Nigeria Natsini 2 0 Lakurawa Islamists murder two villagers and steal their cattle.
2025.01.04 Mozambique Quiterajo 1 0 One person is killed by the Islamic State of Mozambique.
2025.01.03 Pakistan Daud Shah 1 0 A police officer succumbs to injuries after being shot by TTP.
2025.01.03 Cameroon Bakinjaw 7 15 Muslim militants cross the border and kill seven Cameroonians.
2025.01.03 Sudan al-Fasher 4 10 Four civilians lose their lives to an RSF/Janjaweed attack.
2025.01.03 Syria Hama 7 Seven civilians are cut down by terrorists.
2025.01.02 Burkina Faso Gnangdin 5 0 Five locals lose their lives to a Jihadist attack.
2025.01.02 Nigeria Natsini 2 0 Lakurawa Islamists murder two village guards.
2025.01.02 Somalia Dharjaale 4 35 Nine suicide bombers blow themselves up, managing to kill four Somalis.
2025.01.02 Sudan Habila 27 0 Another two dozen villagers are massacred by Janjaweed. Many women and girls are raped.
2025.01.02 Sudan Fayu 21 0 Twenty-one innocents lose their lives to a brutal Janjaweed attack.
2025.01.01 USA New Orleans, LA 14 35 A "radicalized" Muslim drives his truck into a crowd of revelers on New Year's Eve, killing fourteen.
2025.01.01 Pakistan Spinwam 1 1 Islamists set off an IED that kills one person in a passing vehicle.
2025.01.01 Yemen Marib 1 0 A captive is executed by Shiite radicals.
2025.01.01 Syria al-Ghamka 1 0 A former government agent is kidnapped and 'field executed' by Sunnis.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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