The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Mar 15, 2025 -
Mar 21, 2025

Attacks 55
Killed 319
Injured 199
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 12

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
February, 2025

Attacks 91
Killed 778
Injured 520
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?


See also: Response to Critics

Do you have Facebook, Twitter or RSS? 

No, TROP does not have any presence on Twitter or Facebook.  Neither is there an RSS feed.  TROP is a resource for others in the fight for truth - and that is about all that the editor has time for these days.

Why don't you allow comments on your site? 

The sincere exchange of ideas is a wonderful thing.  The only reason that TROP doesn't have a place for readers to post feedback and opinion is the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

We don't want CAIR doing to this site what they keep doing to Robert Spencer of JihadWatch by pretending that a bigoted comment by an anonymous third party reflects the opinion of a host who has consistently said otherwise. 

CAIR should apologize for its sleazy and underhanded smear.

What opinions should I form about my Muslim neighbor,  co-worker or friend from your site?

Absolutely none. 

A person should be judged only by their own words and deeds.  Many Muslims are wonderful people.  Every person is an individual and no one should be thought of differently merely because of their religious affiliation.  (See About Muslims)

Do you support a Muslim Ban?

TROP does not support a total ban on Muslim immigrants.  To use one example, there are Muslim secularists and reformists who face persecution for their opposition to Islamism, and they should be granted asylum if requested.

TROP is very much opposed to mass Muslim migration into the West.  This is not a personal judgment against the average Muslim (who does not pose a direct threat).  It is about the ideology of Islam, which is an obvious strain on social cohesion.  Mass Muslim migration has never been a net gain for non-Muslim society anywhere in the world.

For the most part, TROP supports helping Muslims in need where they are.  If these people truly want the freedom and opportunities offered by the West, then it would be better that their countries became more Western than that the West becomes more Muslim.

(BTW the travel ban introduced by the former US administration in 2017 is not a Muslim ban.  Pretending otherwise may score political points, but at the cost of manufacturing the very resentment that critics say concerns them.)

Why do you post articles by Muslim writers?

TROP believes that brave Muslims who speak out against Islamism have earned the right to be heard.  These anti-Islamist voices will always have a platform on this site.

There seem to be more (or less) items on your list than the attack counter indicates.  Why the discrepancy?

The counter may not agree with the actual number of items since some categories, such as honor killings and incidents where no loss of life occurred are not counted.  Another factor is that multiple attacks are sometimes grouped under the same item.

How do you define a 'deadly' attack?

Technically, the term can mean any action intended to cause death, but an attack is rarely included on the list unless death actually results.  As with honor killings, non-fatal attacks are not represented in the overall tally.

Why did you create this site?

The editor was inspired by the on-going rate of violence in the Islamic world and the relative indifference of Islamic groups like CAIR.  The apathy seems to sustain the violence. 

The suffering and terror in the name of Allah has no real effect on many religious Muslims, who dismiss it with semantics.  There is little genuine remorse, and even less resolve to end the violence.  Instead, we have excuses, whining, and a general shunning of responsibility.

After several years of observation, it became apparent to the editor that the narcissism and lack of self-reflection is a byproduct of the religion itself.  This prompted the site's focus to shift.  TROP hopes that readers explore those things which make Islam so very different.

Why do you insist on calling them Muslim terrorists?

Because each act is committed by Muslims for the cause of Islam (as perceived by the attacker, at least).  These are not nominal members of the faith killing for non-religious reasons.  These are people who believe in Islamic supremacy, and that killing advances the cause of their religion or benefits their religious identity group (ie. Sunni, Shia, "Muslims in Syria," Palestinians...)

Islamic terror organizations are not shy about their motives.  The ultimate goal is generally Sharia and some form of an Islamic state.  Anyone who opposes this is either an infidel or a "hypocrite".  The  Quran instructs true Muslims to deal harshly with such obstacles (9:73).

Is this a racist site?

A racist is a person who distinguishes groups based on genetic traits and then makes qualitative comparisons between these groups.  Racism is irrational because every person is an individual, not a group, and there is not a single characteristic that can be predicted about any individual based on their race.

Although Arab-centric in practice, Islamic teachings have nothing to do with either genetics or race.  Only an ignorant person would think otherwise.  In fact, there is no genetic distinction between Hindus and Muslims from Pakistan (which makes Islam's culpable role in social dysfunction all the more apparent).

(For the record, TROP's editor is a strong anti-racialist.)

See also: TROP on Race and Racism

OK, then isn't this just an anti-Muslim site?

Given that there would be far more Muslims alive if they took our advice and brought an end to Islamic terror... no, this site is not anti-Muslim

'Anti-Muslim' is a term implying hostility toward Muslims as a people.  While there is genuine anti-Muslim sentiment among some individuals, such as the tiny few who commit hate crimes, the word is also misappropriated as a rhetorical strategy by those unable to challenge the factual substance of an opposing argument against Islam. 

Conflating criticism of Islam with anti-Muslim bigotry discourages intellectual inquiry, making us vulnerable to bad ideas.  It also distorts reality and may cause some Muslims to feel unsafe or react negatively. 

Intelligent critics of Islamic supremacism challenge Islam as an ideology, not Muslims as people.

What about other religions?

What about them? 

Is there video of Christians chanting from the Bible while cutting someone's head off?  Are there global networks of anti-socials singing the praises of Jesus, Moses, or Buddha as they commit horrible atrocities with the approval of a sizable minority of 'peaceful' co-religionists?  Do other religions have some sort of "sex-for-murder" clause that promises 72 virgins to entice disciples into killing themselves in order to kill others?

When you hear a news story about religious fundamentalists blowing up innocent people in the name of God, how often does it not involve Islam? This is a very different sort of religion - one that inspires apathy and antipathy for those outside the faith.

Beginning with Muhammad, Muslims have killed a great many people over the years to explicitly distinguish their religion from others.  It is not fair to the victims that their own religion be demeaned merely because certain skeptics see value in trying to pretend that all religion is equally bad or good. Islam is the only religion accountable for the crimes of Islam.

(See also: Why I Don't Criticize Other Religions Beside Islam - Although I'm an Atheist by a 3rd party)

Do you hate Muslims?

A common strategy to protect Islam from inquiry involves blurring the distinction between the ideology and the individual so that critique can be made to appear as bigotry to weaker minds.

In the real world, thousands of people lose their lives each year and tens of thousands more suffer various and egregious physical injuries because the Quran teaches the supremacy of Muslims, and sanctions violence for the cause of Allah. Exposing this truth and documenting its terrible effects has nothing to do with "hate". 

Contrary to misconception, more of the Quran is devoted to the inferior status of non-believers than to how the religion of Islam should be practiced.  Over half the verses are devoted to non-Muslims and almost none of these are flattering.  Anyone concerned about true hate speech should take a hard look at what the Quran really says about those outside the faith.

This website, TROP, is very explicit about it being wrong to stereotype or pre-judge Muslim individuals, much less harass or harm them.  But the editor does not believe in whitewashing the truth to indulge anyone's sensibilities, particularly when there is so much violence.

See also: How we feel about Muslims

Why Don't You List Terror Attacks in Israel?


TROP tries to list every fatal Muslim terror attack that occurs in Israel, just as with any other country.  Perhaps the reason this question comes up is that readers expect to see every terror attack from Israel listed, regardless of whether the victims died.  With rare exceptions, TROP's policy across the board is to only list attacks in which death occurred.

Do you accept articles for posting?

TROP does not post submissions.  We do link to articles posted on other sites, but TROP's resources are limited and there isn't the time or space to reformat and edit submitted writing. 

What are the MLA citations for the Quran, Hadith and Sira used on this cite

Hilālī, Taqī Al-Dīn., Muhammad Muhsin. Khan, Muḥammad Ibn Ismāʻīl Bukhārī, Ṭabarī, Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Qurṭubī, and Ibn Kathīr Ismāʻīl Ibn ʻUmar. Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble Qurʼān in the English Language: A Summarized Version of At -Tabarī, Al-Qurtubī, and Ibn Kathīr with Comments from Sahīh Al-Bukhārī. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Darussalam, 1996. Print.

(The Noble Quran in English can be purchased in hard copy form on Amazon)

Bukhārī, Muḥammad Ibn Ismāʻīl, and Muhammad Muhsin. Khan. Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī: The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari: Arabic-English. Riyadh-Saudi Arabia: Darussalam Pub. & Distr., 1997. Print.

Al-Qushayrī, Muslim Ibn Al-Ḥajjāj, and Abdul Hameed. Siddiqui. Ṣaḥiḥ Muslim: Being Traditions of the Sayings and Doings of the Prophet Muhammad as Narrated by His Companions and Compiled under the Title Al-Jāmiʻ-uṣ-ṣaḥīḥ. New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, 2000. Print.

Abū Dāʼūd Sulaymān Ibn Al-Ashʻath Al-Sijistānī, and Ahmad Hasan. Sunan Abu Dawud. New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, 1990. Print.

Al-Malik, Ibn Hishām ʻAbd, Alfred Guillaume, and Muḥammad Ibn Isḥāq. The Life of Muhammad. Karachi: Pakistan Branch, Oxford UP, 1967. Print.

Why don't you do summary reports or post the totals of the killed and injured?

This is a question that gets asked quite a bit.   The purpose of the site isn't to provide casualty figures, since only a fraction of the actual toll is caught, but rather to impress Muslims and non-Muslims alike with the extent of the violence - despite the billions of dollars spent worldwide to prevent it.

TROP only lists discrete events that are confirmed to have taken place at a specific place and date. The vast majority of violence coming out of the Islamic world occurs in the shadows, in areas where murder and massacre are unhindered by a free press or international monitoring.

The slaughter in Sudan is a prime example.  The world knows that hundreds of thousands have been killed by Arab militias and their sponsor, the Islamic government, based on refugee reports, but the latter does not permit human rights monitors to observe the carnage.  Hence the difficulty in compiling the sort of data that TROP requires for listing incidents.

Why don't you provide links to the incidents?

Links change or disappear over time, particularly when the information is on the front page of a news site.  Sometimes a single link does not include all details.  Past experiments have shown that broken links and incomplete articles do more harm than good.

The data that TROP uses to compile the list is public information.  There is no rumor or word of mouth involved.  All incidents include a date, location and description.  Each one can be verified by any earnest inquirer.  The site has been up since 2002, and we have never been challenged over the occurrence of any attack on our list.

Contrast this to CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) which routinely releases periodic "reports" claiming that a specific number of hate crimes were perpetrated against Muslim-Americans .  Their summary figures are usually repeated verbatim by news outlets, which merely refer to CAIR as the source. 

However, CAIR does NOT provide the least bit of detail for the vast majority of attacks!  They do not make their database available for public scrutiny as we do (here is an example).  In fact, they now admit that their "data" is comprised largely of incidents that are merely "reported" to their hotline service, half of which cannot even be verified as having occured, much less accurately categorized.

Who are you?

Someone who supports the freedom of the individual to determine their own meaning in life. 

(TROP has no association with any other group, religious, political or otherwise).

What religion are you?


See Also: TROP - Answering the Critics

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