The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Mar 15, 2025 -
Mar 21, 2025

Attacks 56
Killed 320
Injured 199
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 12

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
February, 2025

Attacks 91
Killed 778
Injured 520
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Mozambique, November 8

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2183 Islamic attacks in 54 countries, in which 10252 people were killed and 7749 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2020.12.31 Iraq Badush 1 0 A town mayor is assassinated by Mujahideen.
2020.12.31 India Sarai Bala 1 0 Muslim "separatists" shoot an elderly jeweler to death.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Lashkargah 2 0 The Taliban kill two people in separate attacks.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Bagh-e-Zanana 1 0 The brother of a journalist is killed by Islamists.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Fundamentalists use an IED against a passing car, killing a passenger.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A civil society activist is quickly gunned down by religious radicals.
2020.12.31 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two people on a motorcycle are wasted by ISIS gunmen.
2020.12.31 Niger Lake Chad 1 2 At least one person is picked off by Boko Haram.
2020.12.31 Syria al-Hol 3 0 Three separate assassinations are reported at an ISIS refugee camp over the last month.
2020.12.30 Egypt Rafah 1 3 One person is killed in a home, booby-trapped by Islamists.
2020.12.30 Syria Shula 37 12 Islamic State loyalists blow up a bus, killing thirty-seven.
2020.12.30 Yemen Aden 26 84 Ansar Allah send rockets into an airport, killing twenty-six.
2020.12.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A pilot is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.29 Nigeria Kayamla 7 9 Seven hunters are killed by Islamic terrorists.
2020.12.29 Iraq Diwaniya 1 0 A Shiite leader is assassinated by Sunnis.
2020.12.29 India Ganderbal 1 0 Another local dies from a Mujahideen grenade attack.
2020.12.29 Iraq Um Hunta 1 1 Islamic State snipers pick off a civilian.
2020.12.29 Nigeria Garkida 5 0 Islamists videotape the brutal execution of five captured men claiming to be Christian.
2020.12.29 DRC Beni 4 0 Four local soldiers are ambushed and killed by ADF Islamists.
2020.12.29 Mozambique Monjane 2 0 Two local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Muslm extremists.
2020.12.28 Mozambique Olumbe 4 0 Four people are murdered while defending their homes from Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.28 Somalia Waberi 4 0 Four plain-clothed police are assassinated by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2020.12.28 Kenya Mandera 1 1 al-Shabaab gunmen ambush and ambulance, killing a man and injuring his pregnant wife.
2020.12.28 Syria Albukamal 2 0 An ISIS bomb blast disintegrates a passing motorcycle and two riders.
2020.12.28 Syria Albukamal 1 0 A local is kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2020.12.28 Somalia Taabto 9 0 A baby is among nine civilians blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers.
2020.12.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 13 Taliban bombers target a statistics agency, killing an employee.
2020.12.28 Iraq Kanaan 1 1 Terrorists kill a fisherman.
2020.12.28 Nigeria Logomani 4 0 A landmine planted by Boko Haram claims four lives.
2020.12.28 Mali Mopti 3 0 Three French peacekeepers are eliminated by al-Qaeda.
2020.12.28 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 A police officer is stabbed to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.28 Afghanistan Anardara 1 3 A suicide attack on a police station kills one other person.
2020.12.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two revenue employees are shot to death by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.12.27 Nigeria Azare 3 0 Three defenders are killed when Boko Haram overrun a town.
2020.12.27 Nigeria Shaffa 7 0 Family members are among seven innocents murdered by Islamic radicals.
2020.12.27 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 Religion of Peace rivals break into the house of a prayer leader and execute him.
2020.12.27 Mozambique Saba Saba 5 3 At least five innocents are shot dead by Islamic radicals.
2020.12.26 Afghanistan Nawa 2 0 Two Afghans are sent to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2020.12.26 Iraq Diyala 1 1 ISIS members fire into a shop, killing the owner.
2020.12.26 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Two bombs leave four dead.
2020.12.26 Nigeria Garkida 1 7 An off-duty policeman is murdered by Boko Haram while visiting his family for Christmas.
2020.12.25 Niger Gamboru 3 0 Jihadists kill three people collecting firewood.
2020.12.25 Afghanistan Gizab 3 8 A group fighting for Sharia tunnels under a police headquarters to plant a bomb that kills three.
2020.12.25 Nigeria Iwajowa 3 0 Militant Muslims murder three farmers on their way to a baby christening.
2020.12.25 Afghanistan Balkh 2 2 Two Afghans are laid out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.12.24 Yemen Ibb 1 0 Shiite militia beat a woman to death in front of her children.
2020.12.24 Afghanistan Chawoni 1 1 Radicals are thought responsible for the assassination of a government official.
2020.12.24 Afghanistan Kohistan 2 0 A women's rights activist is shot dead along with her brother.
2020.12.24 Afghanistan Ashkhamsh 4 3 A religious group plants a mine that takes out four passengers in a passing car.
2020.12.24 Syria Ash-Shola 10 5 ISIS members stop a bus with an IED, then fire into the survivors, killing ten.
2020.12.24 Egypt Bir al-Abd 1 0 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2020.12.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 26-year-old is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.24 Nigeria Pemi 11 7 Islamists burn homes and a church - and kill eleven innocents.
2020.12.24 Nigeria Garkida 5 5 Five people are killed when Islamists attack a community on Christmas Eve.
2020.12.23 India Srinigar 1 5 One person succumbs to injury a day after a terrorist tosses a grenade into the street.
2020.12.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death in a targeted attack by Sipah Sahaba.
2020.12.23 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 An election official is among two people murdered in separate attacks.
2020.12.23 Pakistan Mirali 1 7 Terrorists fire into a group of border guards, killing one.
2020.12.22 Afghanistan Yaqubi 6 0 Six people traveling in a vehicle are sent to Allah by Islamic hardliners.
2020.12.22 Afghanistan Doghabad 1 0 A civilian traveling in a car is neatly dispatched by an Islamic bomb.
2020.12.22 Afghanistan Kabul 5 2 A group of doctors are eliminated by Islamic State loyalists.
2020.12.21 Israel Reihan Forest 1 0 An Israeli mother-of-6 is violently dispatched by terrorists.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Mahleh 3 0 Three civilians are purged by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Ghazni City 1 0 The Islamic State is suspected in the assassination of a journalist.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Alamkhel 4 0 Four civilians traveling in a car are taken out by Taliban bombers.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Bolsan 1 0 A Shahid suicide bomber goes off at a funeral, killing a mourner.
2020.12.21 Niger Tillabéri 7 0 Jihadists ambush a local security patrol, killing seven members.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Dawlatabad 3 10 Taliban bombers transform three civilians into a bloody mess.
2020.12.21 Iraq Shamiya 2 0 Two locals are kidnapped and murdered by Sunni radicals.
2020.12.21 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An Islamic group called 'People for the Good' places a bomb at a liquor store that kills a clerk.
2020.12.21 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A Christian is kidnapped and later killed by Boko Haram.
2020.12.21 Syria Diban 5 0 An ISIS attack at an office building leaves five dead.
2020.12.21 Nigeria Gwagwada 8 4 A pastor is abducted and eight others killed by Muslim militants.
2020.12.21 Uganda Kapyana 0 1 A female pastor is raped as punishment for converting Muslims.
2020.12.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Shiite militia launches rockets into embassies, killing a civilian.
2020.12.20 Afghanistan Gardez 3 0 A woman is among three slain in a suspected honor killing.
2020.12.20 Afghanistan Parwan 1 4 One Afghan is dismantled by a Taliban highway bomb.
2020.12.20 Iraq Hawija 1 0 An ISIS attack leaves at least one dead.
2020.12.20 Tunisia Slatnia 1 0 A civilian is found murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.20 Afghanistan Kabul 10 20 The Islamic State claims a bombing that kills ten, including women and children.
2020.12.19 Nigeria Mafa 5 0 Islamists fire a rocket point-blank into a vehicle, killing five.
2020.12.19 Nigeria Konduga 3 2 A teenage girl blows herself up in a suicide attack on a crowd of people.
2020.12.19 Afghanistan Greshk 2 4 Two civilians are vaporized by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.12.19 Iraq Wajihya 1 0 A woman is tortured and shot to death by radicals.
2020.12.18 Iraq Hawalli 1 0 ISIS drop a young man with two bullets to the head.
2020.12.18 Nigeria Garin Kuturu 5 35 Islamists stop cars along a highway, then fire at fleeing passengers, killing a woman and four others.
2020.12.18 Afghanistan Gilan 15 20 Twelve children are among fifteen purged by Religion of Peace rivals at a Quran Recital…
2020.12.18 Somalia Galkayo 15 10 A suicide bomber detonates at a soccer stadium, taking fifteen others with him.
2020.12.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A young man is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2020.12.18 Afghanistan Khawja Dobaradar 6 4 A half-dozen local security personnel are cut down by Taliban militants.
2020.12.18 Kenya Gumarey 1 0 A local leader is kidnapped and beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2020.12.18 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 5 0 The Islamic State attacks a local security patrol, killing five members.
2020.12.18 Nigeria Borno 2 0 Two residents are killed during a targeted attack on a Christian village.
2020.12.17 Nigeria Gora Gan 5 0 Muslim militants burn homes and kill five members of the same family.
2020.12.17 Australia Brisbane 2 0 A man shouting praises to Allah stabs a couple in their late-80s to death in their home.
2020.12.17 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 A terrorist in a rickshaw and shoots three security officers.
2020.12.17 Mali Gao 1 5 An Islamist bomb planted along the highway claims one life.
2020.12.16 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A secular university professor is assassinated by radicals.
2020.12.16 Nigeria Makurdi 3 0 A blind man and a married couple are murdered by Muslim militants.
2020.12.16 Afghanistan Wazirabad 13 3 Thirteen police officers are senselessly killed by the Taliban.
2020.12.16 Nigeria Zamfara 2 0 Two schoolchildren are liquidated by Boko Haram shortly after their abduction.
2020.12.16 Mozambique Litingina 10 0 Ten civilians are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2020.12.15 Nigeria Makurdi 3 0 Militant Muslims kill three locals.
2020.12.15 Philippines Pusao 1 0 A 35-year-old pregnant woman is taken down by Bangsamoro Islamic bombers.
2020.12.15 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Sectarian militias murder a demonstrator.
2020.12.15 Afghanistan Botkhak 1 0 Sunni radicals gun down a local cop.
2020.12.15 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 A man and his secretary are blown to bits by an Islamist nail bomb.
2020.12.15 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 Religious radicals assassinate a district chief.
2020.12.15 Syria Basira 2 0 Two people are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2020.12.14 India Natipora 1 0 Terrorists open fire on an opposition politician, killing a guard.
2020.12.14 Afghanistan Kodakhel 4 0 Four civilians are purged by Taliban bombers.
2020.12.14 Iraq Alam 1 0 Jihadis pick off a farmer with a well-placed bomb.
2020.12.14 Myanmar Maungdaw 2 0 The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army cuts the throats of two fishermen.
2020.12.14 Iraq Najaf 1 1 Mujahideen fire point-blank into a group of policemen, killing one.
2020.12.14 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A Muslim uses blasphemy as a justification for stabbing a Christian co-worker to death.
2020.12.13 Nigeria Askira-Uba 1 2 A Boko Haram assault leaves one dead.
2020.12.13 Pakistan Rawalpindi 0 25 Islamic extremists toss a grenade into the street.
2020.12.13 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 10 6 Ten security personnel lose their lives to an attack by armed fundamentalists.
2020.12.13 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Radicals attach a bomb to a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2020.12.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A prosecutor is shot to death on his way to work.
2020.12.13 Iraq Dibis 1 2 An ISIS booby-trap kills an Iraqi.
2020.12.13 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A captive is executed by the Islamic State.
2020.12.13 Syria Jazzar 3 3 Islamists rake a vehicle with gunfire at a market, killing three.
2020.12.13 Egypt Rabi'a 1 0 Fundamentalists execute a civilian.
2020.12.12 Nigeria Ibadan 1 0 A local is kidnapped and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.12.12 Niger Toumour 27 12 A targeted attack on a Christian village leaves dozens dead, some burned alive in the name of Allah.
2020.12.12 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 The Islamic State fires rockets at an airport, killing one civilian.
2020.12.12 DRC Beni 6 23 Six villagers are murdered by the ADF - and two dozen more kidnapped.
2020.12.12 Yemen Taiz 2 0 A prominent soccer player is killed along with his son by a well-placed Ansar Allah rocket.
2020.12.12 Iran Tehran 1 0 A journalist is executed for "spreading corruption in the land."
2020.12.12 Mozambique Nangade 14 0 Fourteen civilians are cut down by Muslim gunmen in a series of attacks.
2020.12.11 Armenia Hadrut 1 0 A young border guard is kidnapped and executed on video.
2020.12.11 Nigeria Dikwa 4 8 Islamic bombers use two car bombs to kill four people.
2020.12.11 Nigeria Igangan 1 0 A farmer is gunned down by militant Muslims.
2020.12.11 Russia Uchkeken 1 5 One person succumbs to injury following a suicide bombing.
2020.12.11 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local security officer is gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2020.12.10 Egypt Alexandria 1 2 Islamic extremists attack a Coptic shop and stab the owner to death.
2020.12.10 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 A female reporter is murdered along with her driver by the Islamic State.
2020.12.10 Syria Jweif 9 0 An ISIS attack leaves nine dead.
2020.12.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local cop is shot point-blank by a terrorist disguised as a woman.
2020.12.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A young man is shot off his motorcycle by a suspected ISIS sniper.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three people are shot to death by the Taliban.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Taloqan 2 2 Fundamentalists assassinate a governor and his bodyguard.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Charbolak 7 0 Seven police officers are exterminated by Islamic extremists.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Andar 2 3 Two locals are disintegrated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2020.12.09 Somalia Galgadud 6 3 A brutal al-Shabaab roadside attack leaves six dead.
2020.12.09 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a border guard.
2020.12.09 Iraq Hit 3 4 Islamic State members attack a local security post, killing three.
2020.12.08 Afghanistan Chahar Bolak 7 0 Seven local cops are shot dead point-blank by the Taliban.
2020.12.08 DRC Beni 3 3 An ADF Islamist attack claims at least three lives.
2020.12.08 Iraq Sinjar 2 2 An ISIS explosive takes the lives of two children.
2020.12.08 Nigeria Alagarno 10 1 Islamic extremists kill ten local security personnel outside a village.
2020.12.08 Iraq Miqdadiya 3 6 An Islamic State explosive device claims three lives.
2020.12.08 Mozambique Pundanhar 1 3 Islamists ambush a vehicle, killing one person and kidnapping two women.
2020.12.07 Mozambique Mute 1 3 Islamic 'insurgents' attack a village, killing one defender.
2020.12.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A police inspector is shot dead by BRN.
2020.12.07 Uganda Mayuge 1 0 A former imam is beaten to death by a mob after converting to Christianity.
2020.12.07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Terrorists murder a Christian journalist in his home.
2020.12.07 Afghanistan Khogyani 3 0 Civilians are among three purged by fundamentalists.
2020.12.07 Afghanistan Daman 0 35 Women and children are among the casualties of a car bombing.
2020.12.07 Yemen Lawder 6 4 Six Yemenis are ambushed and murdered by al-Qaeda.
2020.12.07 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A man is murdered in his home by the Islamic State.
2020.12.07 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A border guard is brought down by an ISIS sniper.
2020.12.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 3 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.12.06 Syria Mayadeen 2 2 An ISIS IED claims two lives.
2020.12.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 One person dies from splinter injuries following an al-Shabaab grenade attack.
2020.12.06 Afghanistan Dahindra Band 3 0 Three Afghans are taken down by the Taliban.
2020.12.05 Afghanistan Gurziwan 3 0 Fundamentalists kill two locals with a landmine and another with rifle fire.
2020.12.05 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 One person is killed by the Islamic State at a guard post outside an orchard.
2020.12.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 7 Religious extremists target a police checkpoint with a bomb, killing three officers.
2020.12.05 Cameroon Assighassia 3 3 Three villagers are purged by Boko Haram members.
2020.12.04 Pakistan Mingora 2 2 Terrorists shoot two mourners to death at a funeral for a police officer.
2020.12.04 Yemen Hodeidah 8 13 Eight are killed when Ansar Allah rain down rockets on an industrial complex.
2020.12.04 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 8 A bomb left at a bus stop kills a commuter.
2020.12.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A prosecutor is assassinated by terrorists.
2020.12.04 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A captive is slaughtered by ISIS.
2020.12.03 Iraq Harouniyah 1 5 Mujahid set off a bomb that sends shrapnel through a bystander.
2020.12.03 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A guard at a polio clinic is picked off by armed radicals.
2020.12.03 Afghanistan Gardez 3 14 A bomb placed at a traffic circle claims three lives.
2020.12.03 Sweden Saltsjobaden 1 0 A migrant woman is honor-killed by her family with a shot to the head.
2020.12.02 Kenya Fafi 1 0 A border cop is shot to death by al-Shabaab.
2020.12.02 Algeria Jijel 1 0 A local soldier is killed by armed fundamentalists.
2020.12.02 Iraq Amara 1 0 Terrorists on motorbikes gun down a civilian.
2020.12.02 Afghanistan Daman 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a passing nomad with a roadside bomb.
2020.12.02 Pakistan Laiti 2 0 Two innocents are gunned down by Muslim militants.
2020.12.02 Afghanistan Qalay-i-Zal 1 0 A secular education official is assassinated by Sharia loyalists.
2020.12.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A young artist is quickly shot to death after criticizing Shiite leadership.
2020.12.02 Egypt Bir al-Abid 2 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a local security member.
2020.12.01 Pakistan Mirali Bazaar 4 0 Four tribal elders are brutally murdered in their car by terrorists.
2020.12.01 Nigeria Gura-Pwana 3 0 A 70-year-old man is among three innocent Christians cut down by Muslim militants.
2020.12.01 Egypt Aqtiya 2 0 Religious radicals booby-trap a home, killing a young woman and her 9-month-old baby.
2020.12.01 Pakistan Miramshah 1 0 A tribal elder is put down by Islamic extremists.
2020.12.01 Pakistan Laittay Bando 1 1 Terrorists kill a shepherd with a well-placed mortar.
2020.11.30 Somalia Baladweyne 15 0 Fifteen others are reported dead following an al-Shabaab attack.
2020.11.30 Yemen Taiz 2 10 Two children are flattened by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2020.11.30 Afghanistan Obe 1 0 A beloved police chief is ambushed and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2020.11.30 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A 24-year-old Christian woman is murdered after refusing to marry a Muslim man.
2020.11.30 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamista capture and kill two locals.
2020.11.30 Syria al-Hol 6 0 Six different people are assassinated in single attacks by ISIS over the course of a month at a refugee camp.
2020.11.29 Iran Sanadaj 1 0 A mother of two is stabbed to death by her brothers for adultery.
2020.11.29 Mozambique Muidumbe 25 0 Over two dozen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic hardliners.
2020.11.29 Yemen Tadawin 8 3 Ansar Allah claims the killing of eight Saudis.
2020.11.29 Iraq Shoura 1 1 A barbaric bomb blast claims the life of a civilian.
2020.11.29 Afghanistan Haqbayat 3 23 Children are among the casualties of a suicide bombing.
2020.11.29 Yemen Hodeidah 8 7 Four children and four women are eliminated by an Ansar Allah rocket
2020.11.29 Nigeria Jema'a 7 4 Muslim militants dispatch seven unfortunates.
2020.11.29 Syria Jabal Bishri 3 0 Three people are killed by an Islamic State mine.
2020.11.29 Afghanistan Khair Khana 1 4 Fundamentalists aerate two passing cars with shrapnel, killing one passenger.
2020.11.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 31 24 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters thirty-one at a security base.
2020.11.28 Nigeria Kwashebe Zamarmari 110 16 Over one-hundred farm workers are tied up and then murdered by having their throats slit.
2020.11.28 Iraq Ramadi 6 0 ISIS operatives murder six people in a home, including a Mukhtar.
2020.11.28 Iraq Shirqat 2 0 Two people are kidnapped off their farm and beheaded by Mujahideen.
2020.11.28 Iraq Rutba 1 4 Islamic militants kill one person during an attack on a village.
2020.11.27 Iraq Nasiriya 5 40 Supporters of a radical cleric fire into an opposition rally, killing five.
2020.11.27 Indonesia Lembantongoa 4 7 The East Indonesia Mujahideen group murder four Christian family members working for the Salvation Army. Two by beheading and burning.
2020.11.27 Somalia Mogadishu 7 10 A Shahid suicide bomber takes down seven patrons at a busy restaurant.
2020.11.27 DRC Beni 1 4 An Islamist group fires a rocket at a truck, killing at least one passenger.
2020.11.26 Mali Farabougou 6 2 Six rice farmers are killed in their fields by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.11.26 Pakistan Mirali 4 0 Terrorists shoot four construction workers to death.
2020.11.26 India Srinagar 2 0 Jaish-e-Muhammad gunmen fire from a passing car, killing two Indians.
2020.11.26 Cameroon Gabass 3 1 Boko Haram attack sleeping villagers, killing three.
2020.11.26 Pakistan Kahna 2 0 Two Christian sisters are abducted by Muslims, who then slit their throats.
2020.11.26 Nigeria Ikere-Ekite 1 0 A pastor is ambushed and murdered by Muslim militants.
2020.11.25 Somalia Eelasha Biyaha 5 3 A well-placed bomb obliterates five souls in a passing vehicle.
2020.11.24 Afghanistan Tirinkot 2 0 Two local cops are ambushed and murdered by religious extremists.
2020.11.24 Burkina Faso Anra 5 0 Five guards at a gold mine are shot to death by Jihadists.
2020.11.24 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two Egyptians are laid out by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.11.24 Somalia Wajid 7 0 Four children and a pregnant woman are among a family of seven slaughtered in cold blood by an Islamist group.
2020.11.24 Afghanistan Bamiyan 17 51 Two bombs, placed outside a row of shops, clear out seventeen patrons.
2020.11.24 Switzerland Lugano 0 2 A 'radicalized' woman stabs two others at a supermarket.
2020.11.24 Afghanistan Khenjan 2 2 A boy and his father are dispatched by a Taliban mortar shell.
2020.11.24 Chad Ngouboua 4 24 A bomb placed in a boat by Boko Haram claims four victims.
2020.11.23 Somalia Lego 6 11 Six Somalis are sent to Allah by radicals fighting for an Islamic state.
2020.11.23 DRC North Kivu 26 29 A brutal attack on several Christian villages by Islamic radicals leaves twenty-six dead.
2020.11.23 Uganda Kameme 1 0 The 6-year-old son of an apostate to Christianity is murdered by relatives.
2020.11.22 DRC Mayitike 4 0 A pastor loses four family members, as they are hacked to death for refusing to convert to Islam.
2020.11.22 Afghanistan Chakhansoor 3 6 Three Afghan lives are snuffed out by the Taliban.
2020.11.22 Afghanistan Baghlan 6 12 Six local security personnel are killed by the Taliban in two attacks.
2020.11.22 Iraq Salahuddin 6 5 Islamists open fire on first responders to an earlier bombing, bringing down six.
2020.11.22 Nigeria Dutsen Gari 5 18 Boko Haram elements are blamed for a brutal attack on a rival mosque that leaves five dead.
2020.11.22 Pakistan Spinwam 1 2 Local Taliban murder a border guard.
2020.11.22 Iraq Mosul 1 4 Islamic extremists murder one person with a roadside bomb.
2020.11.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A young agricultural worker is senselessly gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2020.11.21 Nigeria Ja'alta 9 0 At least nine people are killed when Islamists attack a convoy overseeing food distribution.
2020.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 Fundamentalists plant a mine along a rode that claims a driver.
2020.11.21 Iraq Zouiya 4 0 Four civilians are reduced to pulp by an ISIS roadside bomb.
2020.11.21 Nigeria Baga 7 3 Boko Haram ambush a local security patrol, killing seven members.
2020.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 10 51 The Taliban send rockets into an area with embassies, killing ten.
2020.11.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two local security personnel are gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2020.11.21 Uganda Kisoro 2 0 A former Muslim turned pastor is beaten and stabbed along with his 12-year-old son after refusing to renounce his faith.
2020.11.20 DRC Beni 4 0 A brutal ambush by the ADF leaves four dead.
2020.11.20 DRC Beni 4 3 Four first responders to an earlier attack are killed by Islamists.
2020.11.20 Pakistan Sanghla Hill 1 3 An Ahmadi doctor is shot to death over his minority faith.
2020.11.19 Somalia Lafole 1 3 al-Shabaab claims a bombing that takes one life.
2020.11.19 Iraq Shoura 1 0 Mujahideen use a sticky bomb to kill a civilian.
2020.11.18 Pakistan Bajaur 2 1 Terrorists kill a woman and her 5-year-old son in their home.
2020.11.18 Afghanistan Barfak 2 0 Two women are shot dead in front of other villagers by Islamic extremists.
2020.11.18 Pakistan Charsadda 1 0 One worker is killed when terrorists attack a government office.
2020.11.18 Pakistan Push Ziarat 2 0 Islamic radicals open fire on a border patrol, killing two members.
2020.11.18 Afghanistan Qaramql 5 3 The Taliban aerate five locals.
2020.11.18 Afghanistan Taloka 7 6 Women and children are among seven purged by the Taliban.
2020.11.18 Syria Mayadeen 2 0 ISIS members dispatch two rivals with machine-gun fire.
2020.11.17 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 2 4 Religious radicals burn two people alive in their vehicle.
2020.11.17 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 A Shahid suicide bomber at a restaurant takes out five patrons.
2020.11.17 DRC Kokola 6 0 A half-dozen civilians are obliterated by ADF Islamists.
2020.11.17 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 A man is gunned down on his way home by Pakistani Taliban.
2020.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Terrorists manage to kill a little girl with a rocket.
2020.11.17 Nigeria Zangon Kataf 2 0 A Christian father and son are killed by suspected Myetti Allah sympathists.
2020.11.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A prayer leader is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.11.16 DRC Virunga NP 29 0 Twenty-nine villagers are executed en masse by ADF Islamists.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Mahmud-e-Raqi 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Two security officers at a checkpoint are picked off by armed fundamentalists.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Badakhshan 12 10 A dozen Afghans are tragically killed by the Taliban.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 0 Two civilians succumb to injury following a Taliban mine blast.
2020.11.15 Iraq Jurf Al-Nasr 1 1 A vicious Mujahid attack leaves one dead.
2020.11.15 Afghanistan Jurluq 0 5 A Taliban mine injures five children.
2020.11.15 Nigeria Albasu 11 5 Jihadist-linked gunmen take down eleven residents.
2020.11.14 Syria Raqqa 3 0 An Islamic State roadside bomb claims three lives.
2020.11.14 Egypt Rafah 1 1 One person is machine-gunned by fundamentalists.
2020.11.14 Afghanistan Khak-e-Jabar 2 0 Islamic bombers dismantle a pair of locals.
2020.11.14 Afghanistan Khawaja Ghar 5 5 Five Afghans are left dead after Taliban radicals storm a police checkpoint.
2020.11.14 Afghanistan Arghandai 2 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two victims.
2020.11.13 Iraq Kubba 1 2 Mujahideen plant a bomb on an agricultural road, killing one passerby.
2020.11.13 Afghanistan Niyazbik 1 0 A young army officer is shot to death by religious radicals.
2020.11.13 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A teacher at a secular school loses his life to terrorists.
2020.11.13 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 8 11 Islamic hardliners fire rockets into a checkpoint, killing eight.
2020.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 4 A Shahid suicide car bomber claims three other lives.
2020.11.13 Iraq Naqshbandi 1 4 An ISIS attack leaves one dead and four injured.
2020.11.13 Egypt Rafah 1 0 Islamic State snipers pick off a local soldier.
2020.11.13 India Kashmir 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her family for immoral behavior.
2020.11.12 Iraq Khailana 1 1 Fundamentalists plant a bomb in a home, killing one person.
2020.11.12 Afghanistan Bala Hisar 12 0 A dozen local security forces are gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.11.12 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two first responders to an earlier attack are picked off by Taliban bombers.
2020.11.12 Somalia Kismayo 3 0 An al-Qaeda-linked group throws a bomb through a house window, killing three inside.
2020.11.12 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 3 Fundamentalist bombers kill a journalist and injure his child.
2020.11.11 Afghanistan Lab-e-Jar 2 1 A skillfully-placed bomb takes out two passersby.
2020.11.11 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 0 3 Radicals bomb a non-Muslim cemetery during a ceremony honoring WWI dead.
2020.11.11 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 14 3 Islamic State advocates ambush and kill fourteen travelers
2020.11.11 Nigeria Northeast 2 0 Two Nigerians are captured and quickly killed by Boko Haram.
2020.11.10 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A Syrian is captured, tortured and executed by ISIS.
2020.11.10 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 4 0 Four locals are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2020.11.10 Somalia Dusamareb 2 8 An al-Shabaab bomb destroys a passing vehicle and two lives.
2020.11.10 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 1 9 A student is blown to bits by a Religion of Peace bomb blast at his university.
2020.11.10 Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh 11 0 Eleven Armenian captivies are executed.
2020.11.09 Iraq Balkana 2 7 Two oil company employees are thoroughly refined by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2020.11.09 Pakistan Gujranwala 2 0 A Christian woman and her son are lynched in broad daylight by a Muslim mob angered over alleged "blasphemy".
2020.11.09 Nigeria Borno 5 3 Five Nigerians are killed by Boko Haram.
2020.11.08 Iraq Babel 10 6 Ten first responders to an earlier blast are cut down by ISIS bombers.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A man on his way home after work is shot off his motorcycle by the Taliban.
2020.11.08 Mozambique Muatide 50 0 Islamists behead fifty villagers on a soccer pitch.
2020.11.08 DRC Oicha 6 0 A half-dozen more villagers are cut down by the ADF.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Naw Abad 8 7 Five children and three women are dispatched by a barrage of Taliban rockets on their homes.
2020.11.08 India Macchil 3 2 An attempt by Islamic terrorists to infiltrate the border leaves three guards dead.
2020.11.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An 82-year-old Ahmadi minority is shot to death.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 4 40 Four others are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Pusht Rod 2 0 At least two people are killed during a Taliban attack.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Baghlan 4 6 Islamic fundamentalists stage a series of attacks that leave four dead.
2020.11.08 Iraq Radhwaniya 11 8 The Islamic State kill eleven people in a sudden and brutal attack.
2020.11.07 DRC Kisima 7 0 Seven innocents are slain by ADF Islamists.
2020.11.07 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 A TV presenter is among three civilians incinerated by Islamist bombers.
2020.11.07 Afghanistan Qalat 4 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims four lives.
2020.11.07 Egypt Aqtia 2 0 A bomb planted by an ISIS-linked group kills two.
2020.11.07 Syria al-Bab 3 0 In a heinous attack, Islamists detonate a bomb remotely, killing the engineers trying to defuse it.
2020.11.06 Nigeria Dande 4 7 Muslim militants kill four villagers and abduct several women.
2020.11.06 Iraq Rutba 1 0 An engineer is reportedly slain in captivity by Mujahideen.
2020.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 48-year-old farmer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.11.06 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 The Islamic State murder a man in his own home.
2020.11.06 Mozambique Nanjaba 2 3 Militants shout praised to Allah as they behead two villagers and abduct several women…
2020.11.06 Mozambique Napala 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals, who then burn homes.
2020.11.05 Mozambique Nanjaba 2 6 Islamists kill two people and kidnap six women.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Koshan 1 0 A woman is gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Hardliners assassinate the father of a female politician.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Ali Abad 2 1 A father and son are brought down in a hail of Taliban bullets.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Shulgara 3 17 Back-to-back explosions claim three lives.
2020.11.05 Iraq Baqubah 3 3 Three people are killed in an ISIS remote-controlled bombing.
2020.11.05 Iraq Baqubah 1 2 An ISIS bomb kills a first responder to an earlier blast.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Chahar Sadeh 1 0 An off-duty soldier on vacation is abducted and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2020.11.05 India Tral 1 1 Terrorists fire into a shop, killing the owner.
2020.11.04 Pakistan Khushab 1 0 A bank manager is shot to death by an employee over 'blasphemy'.
2020.11.04 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 3 Boko Haram machine-gun three police.
2020.11.04 Mozambique Muidumbe 3 0 Three men are paraded through a village, then beheaded.
2020.11.03 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Terrorists attack a local security patrol, killing two members.
2020.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists murder a retired man in his home.
2020.11.03 Mali Bandiagara 8 4 Children are among the casualties when Jihadists fire on a minibus.
2020.11.03 Pakistan Manzaikai 1 2 A Taliban sniper is suspected of picking off a border guard.
2020.11.02 Austria Vienna 4 22 An Islamic extremist rampages through a nightlife district with an automatic weapon, killing four.
2020.11.02 Mali N’Débougou 1 0 An imam is assassinated by suspected radicals.
2020.11.02 Afghanistan Lashkargah 7 1 Taliban bombers claim seven civilians and injure a child.
2020.11.02 Afghanistan Khwaja Sabz Posh 2 0 Two locals are purged by the Taliban.
2020.11.02 Afghanistan Kabul 35 22 Three Islamic State Fedayeen storm a university and massacre three-dozen students and teachers, claiming they had "rejected Islam."
2020.11.02 Iraq Safra 1 0 A prayer caller to death by rivals outside his home.
2020.11.02 Nigeria Malam Fatori 10 0 Ten passengers in a vehicle succumb to a Boko Haram IED.
2020.11.01 Afghanistan Gozarah 1 0 A religious scholar is shot dead by rivals.
2020.11.01 Afghanistan Bagrami 1 0 Taliban shrapnel claims a civilian.
2020.11.01 Iraq Maysan 1 0 Terrorists shoot dead a civilian.
2020.11.01 Nigeria Takulashi 12 9 Islamic extremists kill a dozen villagers and kidnap nine women.
2020.11.01 Afghanistan Herat 3 1 Religion of Peace activists kill three Afghans with a motorcycle bomb.
2020.11.01 Nigeria Takulashi 11 20 Islamists fire sporadically into a village, taking down eleven fleeing residents.
2020.10.31 Iraq Hamrin Lake 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a fisherman.
2020.10.31 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 8 Islamic Hardliners send a mortar round into a volleyball game, killing ten.
2020.10.31 Syria Sukhnah 2 0 Islamic State members fire machine-guns into a passing vehicle, killing two occupants.
2020.10.31 Mozambique Muidumbe 2 0 At least two local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Islamic radicals.
2020.10.30 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A local resident is murdered by religious hardliners.
2020.10.30 DRC Buliki 21 0 Fifteen women are among twenty-one villagers killed "without mercy" by an Islamic group.
2020.10.30 Iraq Muthanna 2 0 Two children are put down by Muslim terrorists.
2020.10.30 Russia Kukmor 1 1 Jihadis 'radicalize' a teen into firebombing a police station and stabbing an officer.
2020.10.29 Bangladesh Burimari 1 0 A mentally-ill man is dragged from a mosque and lynched by a mob over rumor of Quran desecration.
2020.10.29 India Kulgam 3 0 Three politicians are assassinated by Pakistani-backed militants.
2020.10.29 France Nice 3 0 A 60-year-old woman is beheaded in a church, and two other Catholics are stabbed to death - including a mother of two - by a Quran-carrying migrant shouting praises to Allah.
2020.10.29 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 0 1 A man angered over cartoons, stabs a guard outside the French consulate.
2020.10.29 Nigeria Borno 6 3 Six local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.10.29 Syria Palmyra 1 0 ISIS is suspected of killing a pilot on his way to work.
2020.10.28 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 al-Shabaab fire a rocket into a checkpoint, killing one person.
2020.10.28 Afghanistan Sholgara 6 1 A half-dozen family members are reduced to rubble by a Taliban rocket.
2020.10.28 DRC Baeti 19 0 ADF Islamists burn a church and slaughter nineteen innocents in an "atrocious way."
2020.10.28 Iraq Wajiha 1 0 An Iraqi is eliminated by Mujahid gunmen.
2020.10.28 Pakistan Jailor 1 0 A police officer is abducted and murdered by suspected Taliban.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Shenki 3 3 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Mujahideen.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Siory 4 3 Four civilians traveling in a car are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Kabul 3 10 Religious zealots attach a bomb to a car, killing three bystanders.
2020.10.27 Somalia Mogadishu 3 13 A well-placed car bomb takes out three innocents.
2020.10.27 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two aid workers are shot to death while trying to protect children from polio.
2020.10.27 Iraq Maqdadiyah 5 2 Enterprising Jihadis shoot dead a shepherd and then kill four other members of his family with two bombs.
2020.10.27 Morocco Rabat 1 3 An ISIS inmate beats a prison guard to death with a metal rod.
2020.10.27 Pakistan Peshawar 8 120 Hardliners send ball bearings and shrapnel through a rival Quran school, killing eight.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Khost 5 34 A Taliban car bombing cuts short five lives.
2020.10.26 Afghanistan Shawli Kot 2 0 Two civilians are put down by the Taliban.
2020.10.26 Afghanistan Sharan Katwal 4 0 Four children are liquidated by Taliban bombers.
2020.10.26 Egypt Bir al-Abed 1 0 A landmine planted by fundamentalists kills a third-grade student.
2020.10.26 India Faridabad 1 0 A Hindu college student is shot to death for refusing to convert and marry a Muslim.
2020.10.26 Iraq Badush 30 0 Thirty victims of Islamic State execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2020.10.25 Nigeria Damboa 6 7 A pregnant woman is among a half-dozen purged by Boko Haram.
2020.10.25 Egypt Bir al-Abd 4 3 Fundamentalists kill four women with a well-placed highway bomb.
2020.10.25 Nigeria Tarmuwa 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by Boko Haram.
2020.10.25 Egypt Bir al-Abd 14 10 Islamic terrorists booby-trap homes, killing over a dozen - including women and children.
2020.10.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A female cop is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2020.10.25 Iraq Makhisa 1 1 An Islamic State attack leaves one dead.
2020.10.24 Afghanistan Ghazni 9 3 Four women are among nine bus passengers purged by Taliban bombers.
2020.10.24 Afghanistan Kabul 24 57 A Sunni suicide blast rips through a Shiite education center - and the lives of dozens, including children.
2020.10.24 Afghanistan Qala-e-Fata 6 2 Six security guards at a dam are picked off by Muslim fundamentalists.
2020.10.24 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 An al-Qaeda linked group guns down a local cop.
2020.10.24 Egypt Aqtia 1 0 An ISIS mine blast kills a woman.
2020.10.23 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Mujahideen open fire on a civilian, bringing him down quickly.
2020.10.23 Niger Samira 2 0 Islamists are suspected of a roadside bomb that claims two miners.
2020.10.22 Afghanistan Khaashrud 23 6 A middle-of-the-night attack by the Taliban leaves two-dozen dead.
2020.10.22 Afghanistan Sharin Tagab 4 14 Four civilians are killed in their homes by Taliban rockets.
2020.10.22 Syria Qudsaya 1 0 A mufti is assassinated by a car bomb planted by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.10.22 Egypt Aqtia 1 0 A child is reduced to pulp by ISIS bombers.
2020.10.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 2 A Boko Haram attack leaves six dead.
2020.10.21 Afghanistan Baharak 42 8 Forty-two local security personnel lose their lives to a brutal Taliban ambush.
2020.10.21 Iraq Halwan 3 0 Religious radicals spray a car with bullets, killing three civilians.
2020.10.21 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.10.20 Iraq Abbara 1 0 A boy is vaporized by ISIS explosives.
2020.10.20 Iraq Qaraj Plains 4 1 Four members of a Kurdish family are disintegrated by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2020.10.20 Chad Lake Chad 6 12 A half-dozen border guards are picked off by Boko Haram.
2020.10.20 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 An al-Shabaab bomb blast claims the lives of two bystanders.
2020.10.20 Afghanistan Jalrez 5 9 Five innocents are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2020.10.20 Syria Manbij 1 5 An ISIS car bomb near a pharmacy leaves one dead.
2020.10.20 Afghanistan Kang 5 0 The Taliban kill five with a roadside bomb.
2020.10.20 Afghanistan Kang 7 0 The Taliban use a roadside bomb to kill seven first responders to an earlier blast.
2020.10.20 Philippines Barangay Langgong 2 0 Two people are left dead following an attack by Moro Islamists.
2020.10.20 Mozambique Ilha Matemo 1 0 A young man is killed for having a "non-Islamic" haircut.
2020.10.19 Nigeria Sabon Gari 2 0 Muslim 'antagonists' murder two Christian girls.
2020.10.19 Afghanistan Zazai Maidan 2 0 Fundamentalists assassinate a local governor.
2020.10.19 India Anantnag 1 0 Islamic terrorists murder a man outside his home.
2020.10.19 Afghanistan Masjid-i-Safid 25 0 Over two-dozen Afghans are reported killed in a terror attack by fundamentalists.
2020.10.18 DRC Ituri 10 1 ADF Islamists are suspected of hacking ten to death with machetes.
2020.10.18 Iraq Hamira 2 0 Two village guards are picked off by the Islamic State.
2020.10.18 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 8 0 Eight Afghan police are murdered by the Taliban.
2020.10.18 Somalia Biyo Adde 4 0 Four Somalis are pasted by an al-Shabaab IED.
2020.10.18 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 16 151 Disabled persons and children are among sixteen civilians shredded by a Taliban car bomb.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 0 A religious radical shoots two police officers to death.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Surkh Rod 1 0 Rivals bomb a religious school, killing the director.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Deh Rawood 2 2 The Taliban kill two women with a well-placed rocket strike on their home.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Lalmah-e-Sabzak 3 5 Two Taliban bomb blasts leave three dead.
2020.10.17 Nigeria Bang 1 1 One farmer is killed and another maimed by Muslim militants.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Shamar 2 0 A high school teacher is among two shot to death by religious radicals.
2020.10.17 Iraq Toolik 3 0 Three Kurds are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2020.10.17 Iraq Farahat 10 2 Shiites abduct a dozen Sunnis, then execute ten.
2020.10.17 Nigeria Dutse 1 0 A Christian is reportedly stabbed to death for her faith.
2020.10.17 Nigeria Apo 7 0 Seven civilians are murdered by a Muslim mob.
2020.10.17 Philippines Tuburan 2 0 Two men are shot and killed by Abus Sayyaf.
2020.10.16 France Paris 1 0 A teacher is beheaded by a Muslim migrant after showing the class cartoons of Muhammad.
2020.10.16 Afghanistan Ferozkoh 7 3 Two children and two women are among seven souls claimed by a Muslim bomb blast.
2020.10.16 Cameroon Oudal 3 5 Three farmers are killed by a group fighting for the law of Allah.
2020.10.15 Iraq Kanaan 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate an Internet café operator.
2020.10.15 Iraq Abara 1 0 A bomb blast at an orchard claims a farm worker.
2020.10.15 Mali Anefis 1 1 A UN peacekeeper is dismantled by Islamic shrapnel.
2020.10.15 Somalia Mahadday 2 3 Two people in a rickshaw are laid out by a Muslim bomb blast.
2020.10.15 Afghanistan Najrab 1 0 A local mullah is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.10.15 Somalia Afgoya 13 0 An attack by al-Shabaab on a group of farm guards leaves thirteen dead.
2020.10.15 Pakistan Razmak 6 0 Muslim terrorists set off a bomb that kills a half-dozen.
2020.10.15 India Jhalawar 1 0 A Hindu man is beaten to death by a gang of six Muslims.
2020.10.14 Mozambique Ndique 2 0 Two innocents are shot dead by Islamic terrorists.
2020.10.14 Mozambique Ncate 1 0 A girl dies after Muslim radicals set fire to her home.
2020.10.14 Burkina Faso Seno 24 0 Two dozen villagers are massacred by hardcore Islamists.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Asmar 5 0 The Taliban use a remote controlled bomb against a bus, killing five passengers.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Gozargah-e-Noor 16 10 Sixteen Afghan security personnel are murdered by the Taliban.
2020.10.14 Pakistan North Waziristan 7 0 Fundamentalists kills seven Pakistanis in two attacks.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Kushki Kuhna 5 13 Five children are eliminated by the Taliban.
2020.10.14 Yemen Salh 1 2 An Ansar Allah bombing lays out a young man.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 3 15 A bomb planted by an Islamic fundamentalist group claims three civilians.
2020.10.14 Tanzania Kitaya 20 0 Twenty villagers are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.10.14 Nigeria Plateau 1 2 A young Christian is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2020.10.14 Egypt Marih 1 4 Religious radicals aerate a border guard with shrapnel.
2020.10.14 Egypt Marih 1 2 A resident is blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
2020.10.14 DRC Beni 1 1 At least one person is put down by the ADF.
2020.10.13 Mali Western Border 3 0 Three first responders to an earlier attack are picked off by Jihadists.
2020.10.13 Mali Bandiagara 13 0 A brutal shooting attack on traders leaves thirteen dead, including two women and a baby.
2020.10.13 Afghanistan Teri Ada 1 3 An early morning Taliban bombing leaves one dead.
2020.10.12 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A physician is assassinated by religious radicals.
2020.10.12 Nigeria Ngwom 14 1 Boko Haram slash the throats of fourteen farmers.
2020.10.12 Mali Sokoura 9 0 Nine local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Religion of Peace activists.
2020.10.11 Iraq al-Riyadh 50 0 Fifty young victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2020.10.11 Egypt Janain 2 0 A woman and her daughter are laid out by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.10.11 Egypt Aqtia 4 2 A 2-year-old child and three women are exterminated by Jihadis.
2020.10.11 Syria Aqirbat 5 0 Five Syrians are killed by the Islamic State.
2020.10.11 Mali Farabougou 6 15 A half-dozen villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
2020.10.11 Mozambique Mucojo 2 0 Islamists kill two civilians and steal their food.
2020.10.11 Mozambique Nambo 2 3 Two people near a market are gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2020.10.10 Somalia Lower Shabelle 0 3 Three children survive an al-Shabaab bombing of their home.
2020.10.10 Pakistan Mana Mandra 2 4 Militants fighting for Sharia kill two government soldiers.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Gereshk 5 9 Five passengers on a bus are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Zawul 2 10 The Taliban plant a bomb by the road that kills two commuters.
2020.10.10 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Suspected rivals murder a religious scholar and his driver.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Dagari 7 4 The Taliban murder seven police officers.
2020.10.10 India Khojri 2 0 A young couple is honor-killed by their family for marrying without permission.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Baghawi 13 3 Fundamentalists plant a mine that claims the lives of thirteen passengers and bystanders.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Gereshk 5 9 The Taliban hit a civilian bus with a roadside blast, claiming five passengers.
2020.10.10 Egypt Qatia 2 1 Two women cleaning a house are aerated by an ISIS booby-trap.
2020.10.09 Syria Albukamal 1 0 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2020.10.09 Iraq Abu Fasheka 1 2 Jihadis kill a young girl with a bomb that also injures her parents.
2020.10.09 Thailand Sai Buri 1 5 Islamic radicals kill a defense volunteer with a bomb.
2020.10.09 Mali Bamako 1 0 A female Christian missionary from Switzerland is murdered in captivity by Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam Muslimeen.
2020.10.09 Iraq Deir 1 0 Islamists murder the son of a rival Mukhtar.
2020.10.09 Afghanistan Qaisar 4 0 Four Afghan security personnel are killed by the Taliban at their checkpoint.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Ali Abad 8 0 Eight locals are cut down by the Taliban.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Nahri Saraj 3 0 Three local security personnel are pumped full of bullets by religious radicals.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Dolat Shah 3 0 A local governor is assassinated by Islamic extremists, along with two bodyguards.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 4 0 Four Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Imam Sabib 6 21 A brutal attack by the Taliban leaves a half-dozen dead.
2020.10.08 Nigeria Borno 2 0 Two Christians are killed by the Islamic State.
2020.10.07 Syria Shahil 1 0 A local council member is murdered by ISIS.
2020.10.07 Somalia Bal'ad 6 4 An al-Shabaab landmine claims six souls.
2020.10.07 Afghanistan Nahr-e-Aab 2 0 A civilian is among two individuals gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.10.07 Afghanistan Ibrahim Manda 3 4 Three local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by the Taliban.
2020.10.07 Afghanistan Anda Kori 3 0 A district governor is assassinated by fundamentalists, along with two guards.
2020.10.07 Sudan Nyala 2 0 Arab militia kill two innocents riding donkeys.
2020.10.07 India Adarsh Nagar 1 0 A Hindu teen is beaten to death for dating a Muslim girl.
2020.10.07 Mozambique Ilha Makalowe 2 0 Two villagers die during an Islamic attack.
2020.10.06 Pakistan Badin 1 0 A Hindu father is killed while trying to defend his daughter from targeted rape by a Muslim gang.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 A prison official is abducted and murdered by the Taliban.
2020.10.06 Kenya Mandera 0 7 Islamists fire on a bus in an effort to kill Christians.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Khost City 1 0 A female employee at a secular court is killed outside her house by Sharia hardliners.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Shahr-e-Safa 6 0 An unprovoked attack by the Taliban leaves six dead.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Khisha Chena 3 0 A woman is among three pulled into pieces by Taliban explosives.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Nahrsaraj 4 0 The Taliban set off a bomb outside a police station, killing four unfortunates.
2020.10.06 Nigeria Wereng 6 3 An attack by Muslims on unarmed villagers leaves six dead.
2020.10.06 Iraq Nakar 4 3 A group fighting for an Islamic state fire into a police checkpoint, killing four members.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Dor Baba 3 0 Three passengers in a car are exterminated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Yakhchal 5 3 A Shahid suicide car bomber sends five Afghans to Allah.
2020.10.06 Mali Birga-Peul 3 0 Three local security personnel are ambushed and delivered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.10.05 Philippines Barangay Igasan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf fire on a group of locals harvesting food, killing one.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two locals are shot to death by Islamists.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban target a vehicle with a bomb, killing the driver.
2020.10.05 India Srinagar 2 3 Lashkar-e-Toiba open fire on a group of Indian soldiers, killing two.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Laghman 8 28 A suicide bomber rams his car into a governor's convoy, killing eight others.
2020.10.05 DRC Mamove 6 2 ADF members infiltrate a village and hack six residents to death.
2020.10.05 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An Ahmadi professor is assassinated by a Sunni professor following an argument on religion.
2020.10.05 Iraq Nakar 2 2 Two police officers are ambushed and killed by Mujahideen.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Baba Yadegar 1 0 A chauffeur is driven to an early grave by the Taliban.
2020.10.05 Iraq Arbajiya 1 0 A local man in his 50's is shot several times by Muslim terrorists.
2020.10.05 Sudan Nierteti 2 0 Two farmers are murdered by Arab militia.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Isakhail 4 0 Four civilians are murdered in their own car by the Taliban.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Tank Chakri 2 0 Two local officials are machine-gunned by Religion of Peace advocates.
2020.10.04 Burkina Faso Pissila 25 3 Two dozen displaced persons are singled out and slaughtered by Jihadists.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Gardiz 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated by Islamic fundamentalists.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Qala 1 0 A Quran scholar is kidnapped and killed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.10.04 Germany Dresden 1 1 A Syrian "refugee" and ISIS supporter stabs two middle-aged tourists at random, killing one.
2020.10.03 Afghanistan Nadi 2 0 Two children are vaporized by Taliban explosives.
2020.10.03 Afghanistan Togh 2 2 Religious radicals shoot two cops to death.
2020.10.03 Mozambique Muituro 6 0 Six civilians are slain by Islamic radicals in at least two attacks.
2020.10.02 Afghanistan Habashkhel 1 0 A court employee is shot to death on his way home.
2020.10.02 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 3 0 Terrorists open fire on civilians, killing three.
2020.10.02 Syria Rasafah 10 6 An ISIS attack on a checkpoint leaves a half-dozen dead.
2020.10.02 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 15 40 Four children are among fifteen innocents slain by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2020.10.01 Somalia Howl-Wadag 1 0 A female suicide bomber kills a man outside a row of shops.
2020.10.01 Iraq Kubaiba 1 0 A 17-year-old farm worker is plowed under by Islamist shrapnel.
2020.10.01 Thailand Thepa 1 6 A BRN bomb blast claims one life.
2020.10.01 Afghanistan Pashtoon Kot 1 0 The pregnant wife of a soldier is assassinated while dropping her kids off at school.
2020.09.30 Iraq Saladin 1 0 ISIS shrapnel claims one life.
2020.09.30 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 Fundamentalists hit a night spot with a bomb blast, killing one.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Khost 1 6 A suicide bomber claims one life.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Nahr Saraj 9 4 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out nine bystanders, including two women.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Dawlat Yar 2 0 A husband and wife are aerated by Islamist shrapnel.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Ghor 2 0 Taliban bombers pick off a man and woman on their way to a funeral.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Dolina 1 0 A child is disassembled by a well-placed Taliban mine.
2020.09.30 Mozambique Rueia 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2020.09.30 Mozambique Mucojo 10 0 A surprised attack by Islamic terrorists on a barracks leaves ten dead.
2020.09.29 Mozambique Malamba 1 0 A local man loses his life to Jihadists.
2020.09.29 Nigeria Marte 10 8 Islamic extremists open fire on a passing security patrol, killing ten members.
2020.09.29 Afghanistan Qoltak 3 3 A woman and two children are exterminated by a Taliban mortar shell.
2020.09.29 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A civilian driver is leveled by a fundamentalist IED.
2020.09.29 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Sulaiman 14 3 Seven women and five children are among fourteen innocents lost when the Taliban bomb a bus.
2020.09.29 Syria Fasida 9 0 Islamic State advocates storm a village and slaughter nine civilians.
2020.09.29 Pakistan Mardan 4 3 Four bystanders are blown to bits by a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2020.09.28 Philippines Patikul 1 0 A fisherman held hostage by Abu Sayyaf dies during a rescue attempt.
2020.09.28 Iraq Khalis 1 1 A man is killed in front of his son by holy warriors.
2020.09.28 India Nildoora 1 0 A rural development employee is picked off by Islamic terrorists.
2020.09.28 India Sirhama 1 3 A young person dies from injuries suffered during a Mujahid bombing.
2020.09.28 Cameroon Zeleved 2 1 Islamists attack a local security post, killing two.
2020.09.28 Nigeria Baga 5 0 Five captives are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2020.09.28 Somalia Hiran 1 0 al-Shabaab execute a 44-year-old man by firing squad.
2020.09.28 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 ISIS operatives kill a man inside his home.
2020.09.28 Afghanistan Ali Abad 4 12 A Taliban attack produces four bodies.
2020.09.28 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Terrorists turn two women and five children into pulp with a rocket.
2020.09.28 Yemen Lahj 2 0 An Ansar Allah attack leaves two dead.
2020.09.28 Philippines Guindulungan 1 0 A town councilor is assassinated by suspected Abu Sayyaf.
2020.09.28 Syria Idlib 4 0 An Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham missile claims four lives.
2020.09.28 Mozambique Nycia 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2020.09.27 DRC Mamove 19 0 ADF Islamists massacre nineteen villagers.
2020.09.27 Lebanon Minieh 2 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two Lebanese soldiers.
2020.09.27 Syria Idlib 4 0 An Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham rocket attack leaves four dead.
2020.09.26 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 A prison interpreter is murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A man is killed in his own home by religious fundamentalists.
2020.09.26 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Islamists kidnap and kill three Africans.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Bala Block 20 11 A Taliban attack along a highway leaves twenty dead.
2020.09.26 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An agriculture department employee is kidnapped and murdered.
2020.09.26 Iraq Qahtaniyah 1 0 One person is killed when Mujahideen fire on a school.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Ali Abad 3 4 Three locals are blown to bits by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Shibar 4 2 Fundamentalists ambush and kill four members of a special police force.
2020.09.26 Mozambique Macomia 6 0 Six members of a family are reportedly beheaded by Religion of Peac proponents.
2020.09.26 Mozambique Bilibiza 8 0 Islamists kill at least eight villagers and abduct children.
2020.09.25 Pakistan Buner 2 0 A couple that married of their own free will is quickly honor killed by family members.
2020.09.25 France Paris 0 2 A Muslim radical stabs two people at random with a meat cleaver.
2020.09.25 Iraq Mansuriya 1 2 ISIS militants plant an IED that shreds a farm worker.
2020.09.25 Iraq Bajwan 1 0 One person is murdered in his home by five Islamic State members.
2020.09.25 England Croydon 1 0 A 54-year-old cop is shot to death by a migrant with 'Islamist views'.
2020.09.25 Nigeria Baga 15 7 A brutal assassination attempt by Boko Haram leaves fifteen dead.
2020.09.25 Burkina Faso Touldeni 6 3 An attack by Jihadists leaves six dead civilians.
2020.09.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 3 One person is killed in an unprovoked attack by Boko Haram.
2020.09.25 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two lives are cut short by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.09.24 Philippines Mindanao 3 0 Three security forces die after being ambushed by Muslim radicals.
2020.09.24 Afghanistan Patawak 5 0 Brave Jihadis wipe out a family of five, including children.
2020.09.24 India Kaisermulla 1 0 A local cop succumbs to injury after an Islamist shooting.
2020.09.24 India Srinagar 1 0 A lawyer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.24 Afghanistan Takht-e-Pul 7 4 Seven police manning a checkpoint, are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists.
2020.09.24 Mozambique Naliendele 2 3 At least two people are killed by Muslim extremists.
2020.09.24 Mozambique Awasse 1 0 An electrical worker is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.23 Philippines Tonggol 1 0 A man is murdered by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2020.09.23 Yemen Saada 8 28 Eight lives are lost to an Ansar Allah missile.
2020.09.23 Mali Boulkessy 3 4 A vicious attack on a local security patrol leaves three dead.
2020.09.23 DRC Mutuanga 11 0 Eleven villagers are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2020.09.23 Nigeria Mandaragraw 3 7 Boko Haram open fire on citizens in their homes, killing three.
2020.09.23 Nigeria Jol 9 2 Nine miners are killed in cold blood by militant Muslims.
2020.09.23 Afghanistan Uruzgan 28 0 Twenty-eight Afghan police are executed by the Taliban, allegedly after surrendering.
2020.09.23 Iraq Abbara 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by ISIS near his home.
2020.09.23 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 al-Shabaab throw a grenade into a livestock market, killing a participant.
2020.09.23 Afghanistan Zaray 1 0 A man is shot to death in his own garden by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.23 Egypt Tora 3 0 Jailed Islamic militants murder three prison guards in an escape attempt.
2020.09.23 Afghanistan Trenkot 3 0 Three security personnel are cut down in a residential neighborhood by the Taliban.
2020.09.23 India Budgam 1 0 Lashkar-e-Taiba assassinate a non-Muslim political advocate.
2020.09.22 Iraq Nimrod 2 0 A married couple is murdered in their home by Mujahideen.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Kampani 2 1 A Kung Fu trainer and a 15-year-old student are gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Hewad 5 0 Five local security personnel are murdered during an attack by fundamentalists on their post.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Gezaab 14 0 Fourteen men lose their lives trying to defend a small town from the Taliban.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Shibar 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by religious radicals.
2020.09.22 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An al-Shabaab grenade thrown at a group of police kills one.
2020.09.22 Pakistan Sargodha 1 0 A 30-year-old woman is honor-killed by her 9-year-old nephew for marrying by choice.
2020.09.22 Mozambique Cagembe 2 2 Islamic 'insurgents' beat two civilians to death.
2020.09.21 India Sonbhadra 1 0 A 23-year-old Hindu woman is beheaded by her husband after refusing to embrace Islam.
2020.09.21 Pakistan Bajur 1 0 A border guard is picked off by an Islamic sniper.
2020.09.21 Iraq Mosul 1 2 ISIS members fire into a home, killing a family man.
2020.09.21 DRC Linzo 1 0 A civilian is caught and killed by the ADF.
2020.09.21 Nigeria Damboa 1 0 A Nigerian man is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2020.09.21 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A female polio worker is assassinated in broad daylight.
2020.09.21 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A child is pulled into pieces by a landmine planted by hardliners.
2020.09.20 Iraq Dawasa 1 2 A man and his two sons are shot inside their home by Mujahideen.
2020.09.20 Iraq Sheiki 1 1 Radicals set off a bomb along an agricultural road that leaves one dead.
2020.09.20 Afghanistan Naw Abad 9 0 Nine local security personnel are tragically cut down by the Taliban.
2020.09.20 Afghanistan Tagab 8 0 Eight Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2020.09.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Seven local soldiers are killed in a heinous insider attack by religious extremists.
2020.09.20 DRC Kitoho 13 0 A dozen civilians, including eight women, are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2020.09.20 Nigeria Tse-Aspera 5 8 Five villagers are murdered by Muslim militants, including one beheading.
2020.09.20 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 3 At least one person is killed during a firing by religious extremists.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Golaee Khasa 1 8 A suicide bomber takes one other person with him.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 A former university student is gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 5 A woman is disintegrated by a well-placed Taliban IED that also injures her children.
2020.09.19 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 Jihadis fell a woman with an explosive device.
2020.09.19 Iraq Om Hunta 2 0 Two are killed when ISIS members snipe at villagers.
2020.09.19 Pakistan Spalga 2 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban ambush a security patrol, killing two members.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Aks Dawood 3 0 A highway attack by the Taliban leaves three dead.
2020.09.18 Philippines Datu Hofer 1 4 Dawlah Islamiya members use a mobile phone to set off a bomb that kills a passerby.
2020.09.18 Nigeria Gereri 2 0 Two residents are murdered in their own village by Boko Haram.
2020.09.18 Nigeria Kuwani 1 0 A villager is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2020.09.18 Cameroon Kassa 2 3 Boko Haram shoot fleeing civilians, bringing down a man and woman.
2020.09.18 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A captive is executed by the Islamic State.
2020.09.18 Cameroon Parkwa 1 0 A Bible translator is shot to death in his own home by Boko Haram.
2020.09.17 DRC Beni 1 0 A local soldier is shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.17 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three policemen die from splinter injuries after an Islamist tosses a grenade into their post.
2020.09.17 Chad Lake Chad 10 7 Ten local security personnel are dispatched by Boko Haram.
2020.09.17 Nigeria Malul 1 0 A Christian man is shot dead on his motorcycle by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.17 India Batamaloo 1 0 A woman is killed during a Hib-ul-Mujahideen firing
2020.09.17 Nigeria Tangaza 2 0 Two cops make easy picking for about 100 armed Boko Haram members.
2020.09.17 Afghanistan Hesarak 11 0 Eleven security personnel are killed in an attack by the Taliban.
2020.09.17 Afghanistan Khogyani 8 0 Eight Afghans are purged by the Taliban.
2020.09.17 Iraq Bashir 4 3 Four Iraqis are killed in two attacks by the Islamic State.
2020.09.17 Mozambique Kiwiya 2 0 Two men cutting wood are decapitated by Sharia proponents.
2020.09.16 Afghanistan Charah Sahat 1 0 A traffic cop is gunned down in cold blood.
2020.09.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Shiite militias slaughter a women's rights activist in her home, along with her parents.
2020.09.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 ISIS is suspected in the torture-death of a young woman.
2020.09.16 Syria Deir ez-Zor 4 0 Four are killed when ISIS gunmen open fire on a checkpoint.
2020.09.15 Syria Basira 1 0 A man is shot to death inside his home by the Islamic State.
2020.09.15 Somalia Mogadishu 6 2 A group fighting for Sharia kills six civilians with a roadside bomb.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Tebrian 2 0 Fundamentalists kill two local cops with a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2020.09.15 Pakistan Tando Allahyar 1 0 Radicals slit the throat of a Hindu doctor.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Khogiani 1 0 A literature professor is assassinated on his way home by fundamentalists.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Barakai 2 2 Two Afghan villagers are shot point-blank by the Taliban.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 3 A terrorist bombing along a city street leaves one dead.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Kalafgan 2 12 Two are killed when a school is targeted by a car bomb.
2020.09.15 Nigeria Auno 3 0 Three innocents are slain by Boko Haram gunmen.
2020.09.15 Nigeria Wasaram 8 20 Islamists open fire on villagers, bringing down eight.
2020.09.15 Mozambique Marijirane 2 0 Two fishermen are beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2020.09.14 Afghanistan Badghis 6 0 Six villagers are gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.09.14 Afghanistan Baraki Barak 2 0 Islam activists break into a home and murder two occupants.
2020.09.14 Syria al-Rai 1 1 A Red Crescent worker is shot to death in his car by suspected ISIS.
2020.09.14 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A border guard is picked off by an ISIS sniper.
2020.09.13 Syria Mayadeen 2 1 Islamists target a passing vehicle, killing two passengers.
2020.09.13 Syria al-Hol 2 0 ISIS members fire machine-guns at a checkpoint, killing two.
2020.09.13 Afghanistan Abkamari 5 0 A Taliban roadside bomb claims five lives.
2020.09.13 Iraq Girgachali 1 5 Terrorists open fire on guards at an oilfield, killing one.
2020.09.13 Iraq Balad Ruz 1 0 Mujahid gunmen bring down a civilian at a market.
2020.09.13 Somalia Hiraan 1 0 A man is shot to death in his house by al-Shabaab.
2020.09.13 Nigeria Miango 2 0 A married couple heading home are intercepted and eliminated by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.13 Switzerland Morges 1 0 A migrant with a Quran stabs a man to death to "avenge the prophet."
2020.09.12 Iraq al-Shoura 1 1 Jihadi bombers target two pick-up trucks, getting one.
2020.09.12 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Terrorists kill a local soldier on routine duty with a remote-controlled bomb.
2020.09.12 Afghanistan Tagab 5 7 An attack by Islamic fundamentalists on a police post leaves five dead.
2020.09.12 Mozambique Palma 2 0 Islamic extremists attack trucks ferrying people, killing two passengers.
2020.09.12 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 A transgender person is honor killed by her family.
2020.09.12 Afghanistan Shinwari 5 0 Five policemen are gunned down by Muslim extremists.
2020.09.12 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 3 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2020.09.11 Cameroon Zeleved 6 10 A Shahid suicide bomber sends a half-dozen civilians to Allah.
2020.09.11 Mali Boura 6 0 A pregnant woman and a 2-year-old are purged by Jihadists.
2020.09.11 Mali Sikasso 2 0 Two environmental workers are kidnapped and murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.11 Afghanistan Slorina 4 12 Four people are blown up at a wedding.
2020.09.11 Somalia Kismayo 6 20 A rival mosque is the target of a Shahid suicide bomber, who sends six worshippers straight to Allah.
2020.09.11 Afghanistan Chaharkent 3 0 Three Afghans are machine-gunned by religious hardliners.
2020.09.10 Mali Alatona 4 0 Jihadists ambush a local security patrol and shoot four members to death.
2020.09.10 Afghanistan Arghandab 3 7 A Fedayeen sucide bomber in a Mazda takes out three local cops.
2020.09.10 Afghanistan Gandumak 16 20 An unprovoked Taliban attack leaves sixteen dead.
2020.09.09 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A married couple is honor-killed in front of their children for marrying without consent.
2020.09.09 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Religious radicals shoot a man to death outside his home.
2020.09.09 Mali Ogoboro 8 0 Suspected Jihadists burn homes and kill eight residents.
2020.09.09 Afghanistan Kabul 10 15 Ten civilians are reduced to pulp by Taliban roadside bombers.
2020.09.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 A suicide bomber walks into a restaurant and takes out three patrons in mid-bite.
2020.09.09 Afghanistan Nawa 2 2 Islamic gunmen cut down two Afghans.
2020.09.09 Pakistan Tank 3 0 Terrorists fire on a passing vehicle, killing three civilians.
2020.09.09 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 A transgender activist is brought down in a hail of bullets.
2020.09.09 Egypt Qatia 4 0 Fundamentalists kill four members of a security patrol.
2020.09.09 DRC Tshabi 35 10 Thirty-five villagers are hacked, stabbed and shot to death by Islamists.
2020.09.09 Mozambique Pamuto 1 0 A displaced person is murdered by Isalmists.
2020.09.08 Mozambique Nambo 2 0 Islamists behead a young man and burn a home with a woman in it.
2020.09.08 Nigeria Atakmawei 3 0 Muslim militants hack to death three sugar cane farmers.
2020.09.08 DRC Tshabi 23 7 Two-dozen villagers are massacred by the ADF.
2020.09.08 Somalia Balad 1 6 An attack by al-Shabaab leaves one dead.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Archi 3 2 Three policemen are killed during a barbaric ambush by the Taliban.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Daraband 2 0 Two civilians are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Daikundi 2 0 Two policemen are purged by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Nishgam 3 3 Three Afghans are aerated by Islamist shrapnel.
2020.09.08 Yemen Haiys 2 0 Two children are killed when Ansar Allah pepper their neighborhood with mortars.
2020.09.07 Iraq New Baghdad 5 0 A family of five is exterminated in their own home by Mujahideen.
2020.09.07 Afghanistan Urozgan 1 1 A vehicle trying to get to a hospital is hit with a Taliban landmine.
2020.09.07 Somalia Jana Cabdalle 5 1 At least five others are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2020.09.07 Afghanistan Kandahar City 3 0 Three people at a market are wasted by terrorist gunmen.
2020.09.06 Iraq Qala 2 1 An ISIS attack leaves two village guards dead.
2020.09.06 Iraq Qasaba Bashir 1 0 Jihadis send a mortar into a soccer stadium, killing a bystander.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Kajuru 3 7 Muslim militants stage an unprovoked attack on a village, killing three.
2020.09.06 Tunisia Sousse 1 1 Three Jihadis ram a security check point at a resort, then stab a guard to death.
2020.09.06 Pakistan Kohat 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down in his own shop by dedicated Sunnis.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Kurmari 4 0 Four villagers are woken from their sleep and hacked to death by Islamists.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three innocents are burned alive by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A farmer is stabbed to death by Boko Haram.
2020.09.06 Egypt Qalyubiya 1 0 A 19-year-old taxi driver is stabbed to death with scissors after interrupting a Quran recital with music.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Badu 3 7 A pastor and two other fathers are among three shot to death by militant Muslims.
2020.09.06 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A Syrian is picked off by an ISIS sniper.
2020.09.05 Afghanistan Sayed Khail 2 0 Taliban on motorbikes assassinate two locals.
2020.09.05 Mali Tessalit 2 1 Two French peacekeepers are killed by Jihadists.
2020.09.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 3 Islamic extremists fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2020.09.05 Pakistan Turbat 1 0 A female journalist and women's rights activist is assassinated by detractors.
2020.09.05 Afghanistan Band-e-Ali 3 0 Three civilians are vaporized by a Taliban landmine.
2020.09.05 Chad Lake Chad 3 8 A landmine planted by Boko Haram claims three lives.
2020.09.04 Iraq Salah ad Din 1 0 A journalist bleeds to death after a Muslim bomb shears off his leg.
2020.09.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Terrorists gun down an airport security guard.
2020.09.04 Afghanistan Laghman 1 3 A local police officer is shot to death by the Taliban.
2020.09.04 Somalia Baadweyne 14 0 Fourteen villagers are reportedly killed by al-Shabaab.
2020.09.04 Chad Kouri 3 2 Boko Haram open fire on a group of border guards, killing three members.
2020.09.04 Syria Hasakah 1 2 Islamic State operatives target a passing vehicle with an IED, killing one passenger.
2020.09.04 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A local soldier is taken down by an ISIS sniper.
2020.09.03 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 4 A Tehrik-e-Taliban claims three lives.
2020.09.03 Mali Nara 10 0 Ten local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.03 Iraq Anbar 2 2 Two border guards are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Pachiragam 3 0 A father and son are among three innocents disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 Religious extresmists gun down a gender equality activist.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Qalamwal Mina 6 1 Taliban fundamentalists murder a half dozen local cops.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Nozi Khwla 2 0 Two scholars are kidnapped and murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Dargay 3 1 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Taliban roadside bombers.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Andar 1 1 Islamic hardliner kidnap and kill an off-duty Afghan cop.
2020.09.02 Australia Sydney 0 3 Three officers are slashed with a knife by a migrant shouting praises to Allah.
2020.09.02 Nigeria Garin 10 0 A 'notorious Jihadist' leads an attack on a village that kills ten.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Sancharak 6 2 Six children are blown up by a bomb being built by their religious father.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Marawara 2 2 Two border guards are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2020.09.02 Nigeria Yobe 3 0 A Boko Haram bomb blast claims three souls.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A professor is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2020.09.01 Nigeria Magumeri 10 5 Armed Islamists overrun a local security base and purge ten on site.
2020.09.01 Afghanistan Gardez 3 5 A suicide bomb blast targeting police kills three.
2020.09.01 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 A woman is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2020.09.01 Cameroon Goldavi 7 14 A suicide bomber blows himself up in a camp for displaced persons, killing seven.
2020.09.01 Afghanistan Gultapa 1 0 A policewoman is assassinated by religious hardliners.
2020.08.31 India Ramanathapuram 1 1 A Hindu activist is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.08.31 Cameroon Kouyape 4 3 Islamists raid a camp for displaced persons, killing four.
2020.08.31 Cameroon Talakachi 1 3 One person is killed in their own home by Boko Haram.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Koshenda 4 1 A city center is the target of a Taliban terror attack that leaves four dead.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Kahmiri Kala 4 0 Four locals are tragically killed by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Selmanji 3 0 Three children, ages 10, 13 and 15 are abducted and murdered by the Taliban.
2020.08.31 Iraq Hitawin 2 3 Two residents are cut down in their own village by Jihadists.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Nad-e-Ali 2 0 Two civilians are brought low by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.31 Syria Mayadeen 2 0 Two are left dead following an ISIS shooting attack.
2020.08.30 Iraq Baqubah 3 2 ISIS snipers pick off three Iraqis.
2020.08.30 Syria Darbasiyyah 1 0 A young woman who wanted to live independently is shot to death by her family for "bringing shame and dishonor."
2020.08.30 Yemen Aden 1 0 Terrorists assassinated a politician.
2020.08.30 Afghanistan Noorzo 2 0 Two shopkeepers are reduced to pulp by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.08.30 Afghanistan Qala-e-Wazir 1 0 A pro-peace politician is gunned down.
2020.08.30 Iraq Hawi 1 0 ISIS is suspected in the stabbing death of a doctor.
2020.08.30 India Panthachowk 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a cop at a check point.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 A mine planted in a home kills one resident and maims another.
2020.08.29 Pakistan South Waziristan 3 4 Islamic terrorists fire on a search party, killing three members.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 Two commuters are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.08.29 Somalia Bar Sanguni 1 2 al-Shabaab loyalists attack a local security base, killing a defender.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Sari Pul 2 0 A 12-year-old boy and his father are purged by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Shahjoy 5 4 Roadside bombers pick off five in passing cars.
2020.08.29 Philippines Barangay Kabbon Takas 1 2 Abu Sayyaf gunmen ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
2020.08.29 Syria Tuwaymin 5 0 Five people are killed by an ISIS 'sleeper cell.'
2020.08.29 Egypt Aqtia 1 1 At least one other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2020.08.29 DRC Beni 5 0 At least five locals are cut down in a hail of ADF gunfire.
2020.08.28 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A man is machine-gunned in his own home by the Islamic State.
2020.08.28 Syria Hasakeh 5 0 Five individuals are obliterated by the Islamic State.
2020.08.28 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two Shiites are laid out by an Islamic State shooting attack on their bus.
2020.08.28 Nigeria Alau 2 2 Two farmers are hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2020.08.28 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 13 0 Thirteen civilians are blown into pieces by a Religion of Peace landmine, including three children.
2020.08.28 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 3 Children are among the casualties of a bomb targeting a passing vehicle.
2020.08.28 Nigeria Mussine 2 15 Two civilians are killed during an attack by Boko Haram.
2020.08.28 DRC Mbau 5 6 Three women are among five innocents slain by Islamic terrorists.
2020.08.28 Nigeria Juji 2 0 Militant Muslims kill two villagers and abduct a 14-year-old girl.
2020.08.28 Afghanistan Yangi Qala 3 0 Three children are killed when used as shields by Jihad warriors.
2020.08.28 Syria Dashisha 4 0 An Islamic State attack claims four lives.
2020.08.27 Iraq Khanaqin 4 0 Four Kurdish civilians are murdered in ISIS captivity.
2020.08.27 DRC North Kivu 3 0 Islamists are suspected of killing a teacher and two students.
2020.08.27 Mali Mopti 4 12 A group fighting for Sharia ambush and kill members of an anti-poaching unit.
2020.08.27 Afghanistan Parwan 4 1 The Taliban fire on fleeing civilians, killing four.
2020.08.27 Lebanon Beirut 2 3 A clash between Hezbollah and Sunnis produces two dead citizens.
2020.08.27 Nigeria Maraban Kajuru 1 2 Fulani terrorists kill one family member and abduct two others.
2020.08.27 Syria Mayadeen 3 3 A Shiite village is attack by the Islamic State.
2020.08.26 Chad Zouar 7 0 Jihadists use a landmine to kill seven local soldiers.
2020.08.26 Afghanistan Baghlan Markazi 20 0 The Taliban are reported to have killed twenty Afghans in a single attack.
2020.08.26 Nigeria Gwoza 75 0 Seventy-five elderly are slaughtered within a matter of hours by Boko Haram.
2020.08.26 DRC Sayuni 1 0 At least one person is reported dead following an ADF attack.
2020.08.26 Israel Petah Tikva 1 0 A 39-year-old rabbi is stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2020.08.26 Iraq Salahudin 2 1 Jihadist kill two brothers with a car bomb.
2020.08.26 Iraq Kanaqin 1 2 Islamic State members kill a villager and kidnap two others.
2020.08.25 DRC Mapansa 9 0 Nine villagers are cut down by ADF Islamists.
2020.08.25 Iraq Obeidi 3 2 Three Iraqi border guards are ambushed and murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.08.25 Afghanistan Balkh 3 41 A suicide truck bomber takes out three bystanders near a vet clinic.
2020.08.25 Afghanistan Shahrak 8 5 A senseless attack by armed fundamentalists leaves eight local soldiers dead.
2020.08.25 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Bombing and shooting attacks target a female film director.
2020.08.25 DRC Mbau 4 0 Four innocents are cut down by an Islamic group.
2020.08.24 Nigeria Chikun 1 6 Muslim terrorists burn a church, kill a school teacher and kidnap several children.
2020.08.24 Iraq Daquq 4 7 Islamists attack a police station, killing four officers.
2020.08.24 Afghanistan Jowzjan 3 0 Three natural gas employees are murdered by Taliban extremists.
2020.08.24 DRC Mayikiti 11 0 ADF Islamists murder eleven villagers.
2020.08.24 Philippines Jolo 11 73 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside a grocery, killing eleven, including children.
2020.08.24 Philippines Jolo 2 5 A female suicide bomber targets first responders to an earlier blast, killing two.
2020.08.23 Afghanistan Deh Yak 3 6 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes three others with him.
2020.08.23 Somalia Abdiaziz 1 2 Muslim bombers take out a rickshaw driver.
2020.08.23 Afghanistan Jaghatu 7 0 Three women and two children are among seven disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.23 Somalia Adde 4 0 Four people are lined up and shot to death by religious radicals.
2020.08.23 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 Sunni bombers target Shiite pilgrims.
2020.08.22 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 An Islamic State sniper claims one life.
2020.08.22 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 The head of a commune is murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Takhar 9 1 A brutal Taliban attack on a police check point leaves nine dead.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Badakhshan 4 0 Four Afghans are laid out by religious radicals.
2020.08.22 Mali Koro 4 1 Jihadists plant a bomb that kills four passengers in a passing car.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Shah Joy 2 0 Two civilians are cut to shreds by Islamic shrapnel.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Bombs placed in cars claim one life.
2020.08.21 DRC Oicha 12 0 Islamic militants tie up thirteen villagers, then slaughter them.
2020.08.21 Iraq Ramadi 3 0 Three children are eliminated by an Islamic State explosive.
2020.08.21 Afghanistan Alasai 1 3 Terrorists hit a house with a mortar, killing one resident.
2020.08.21 Lebanon Kaftoun 3 0 Three people are killed during an ISIS drive-by attack.
2020.08.20 Syria Mayadeen 1 1 ISIS machine-gun fire claims one life.
2020.08.20 Afghanistan Badgah 6 0 A pregnant woman is among a half-dozen civilians destroyed by a Taliban bomb.
2020.08.20 DRC Wikeno 1 0 One villager is hacked to death by ADF.
2020.08.20 Nigeria Kukawa 3 2 Three guards ferrying displaced persons are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.08.19 Pakistan Kamalpur 1 0 A woman is beaten to death with sticks over suspicion of immoral activity.
2020.08.19 Afghanistan Khwaja Bahauddin 14 6 A massive Taliban attack leaves fourteen dead.
2020.08.19 Afghanistan Kabul 2 19 Taliban bombers target government workers with sticky bombs, killing two.
2020.08.19 Afghanistan Puli Khumri 2 11 Two commuters are laid out by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.19 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 1 2 A local official is assassinated by fundamentalists.
2020.08.19 Iraq Basra 2 2 Two women activists, one a doctor, are shot to death in their car.
2020.08.19 Iraq Basra 2 0 A young man and his fiancée are gunned down by terrorists over their activism.
2020.08.19 Syria Raqaa 2 0 Two people bleed out after being peppered by Islamic State bullets.
2020.08.18 Egypt Sheik Zuweid 3 3 Two attacks, one against a construction crew, leaves three dead.
2020.08.18 DRC Beni 8 0 Seven road workers and a guard are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2020.08.18 Nigeria Magumeri 3 1 A nursing mother is among three killed by Boko Haram.
2020.08.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Religious extremists murder two police officers.
2020.08.18 Somalia Beledweyne 5 7 Terrorists set off a bomb at a packed soccer stadium, killing five spectators.
2020.08.18 Afghanistan Kabul 3 16 Religious radicals send a barrage of rockets into a city center, killing three.
2020.08.18 Germany Berlin 0 6 An Iraqi refugee plows his vehicle into people while shouting praises to Allah.
2020.08.18 Afghanistan Sara 5 7 Three women and two children are liquidated by a Taliban rocket.
2020.08.18 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Religious radicals are suspected in the deaths of two men.
2020.08.18 Nigeria Unguwan Gankon 3 0 A 16-year-old girl is among three Christians massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2020.08.18 Yemen Taiz 1 0 A girl is shot in the head by an Ansar Allah sniper.
2020.08.18 Afghanistan Qala-e-Zal 4 0 Four civilians are blown to bits by Taliban weapons.
2020.08.18 Nigeria Gajibo 5 15 At least five Nigerians are killed by Boko Haram.
2020.08.17 Nigeria Abashiya 1 0 The body of a Christian man is discovered two weeks after his kidnapping by Muslim radicals.
2020.08.17 Syria Mayadeen 6 0 An ISIS IED ends six lives.
2020.08.17 Iraq Hawija 3 1 Islamic State gunmen drop three local cops.
2020.08.17 Nigeria Katul 4 1 Four Christians, including a woman, are slaughtered in their vehicle by Muslim militants.
2020.08.17 Nigeria Sabon Gida Idon 1 0 A farmer and father of nine is murdered in cold blood by Muslim gunmen.
2020.08.17 Yemen Marib 2 0 An al-Qaeda shooting leaves two dead.
2020.08.17 Somalia Sawma’ah 1 0 A physician is crucified by Islamic hardliners.
2020.08.17 Somalia Gofgadud 5 0 Five Somalis are purged by al-Shabaab, which then booby-traps the bodies.
2020.08.17 India Kreeri 5 0 Five policemen are gunned down by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2020.08.17 Somalia Jowhar 1 0 A local agriculture official is shot to death by al-Shabaab on his way home.
2020.08.17 Pakistan Sargodha 1 0 A young Muslim woman is honor-killed by her brother over her marriage.
2020.08.16 Nigeria Kallah 1 0 An unarmed farmer makes easy picking for Muslim with guns.
2020.08.16 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A "sorcerer" is abducted and executed by Islamic purists.
2020.08.16 Afghanistan Ahmad Khan 5 0 Terrorists kill five local cops with a roadside bomb.
2020.08.16 Yemen Marib 2 4 An Ansar Allah missile claims two lives.
2020.08.16 Iraq Nuishin 1 2 A woman is put in her place by Mujahid bombers.
2020.08.16 Somalia Mogadishu 16 43 Fedayeen storm a beachfront hotel, massacring sixteen innocents.
2020.08.16 Iraq Riyadh 1 2 One person is obliterated by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2020.08.16 Nigeria Bugai 4 0 A family of four is shot to death in their own home, including a 97-year-old woman.
2020.08.16 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A day laborer is disintegrated by a Sunni bomb blast.
2020.08.16 Syria Sukhnah 2 0 A Shiite citizen and a policeman are kidnapped and executed by Sunni hardliners.
2020.08.16 Nigeria Kajuro 5 0 A pastor and father is among five slaughtered by angry Muslims.
2020.08.15 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An Ismail minority is murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.08.15 Iraq Basra 1 0 A young activist is shot to death by extremists.
2020.08.15 Nigeria Ladari 3 3 Three local security personnel are murdered by Boko Haram.
2020.08.15 Nigeria Mashio 1 1 An older man is abducted and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.08.15 DRC Mwende 8 0 Four women are among eight hacked to death by ADF Islamists.
2020.08.15 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 6 An ISIS ambush leaves three dead.
2020.08.15 Syria Jarablos 1 0 Terrorists kill a civilian at a market with a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2020.08.15 Afghanistan Dara-e-Zain 5 0 A horrible attack by the Taliban leaves five young people dead.
2020.08.15 India Kangan 1 0 A civilian is picked off by Muslim gunmen.
2020.08.15 Afghanistan Marawara 2 0 Two young soldiers at a checkpoint are killed and mutilated by religious radicals.
2020.08.15 Syria Sukhnah 12 0 An ISIS attack on a security patrol leaves a dozen dead.
2020.08.14 Somalia Balad 1 3 An al-Shabaab bomb blast claims one life.
2020.08.14 Afghanistan Kotal Rizgan 4 2 Four Afghans are disassembled by a Taliban landmine.
2020.08.14 Afghanistan Tarinkot 5 5 Holy Warriors ambush and kill five local security personnel.
2020.08.14 India Nowgam 2 1 Islamic terrorists fire on a police patrol, killing two members.
2020.08.14 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A civil activist is assassinated inside an internet-based company.
2020.08.14 DRC Mbau 4 0 Four farmers are killed in their fields by ADF Islamists.
2020.08.14 Egypt Rabia 4 0 Four civilians are captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2020.08.13 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 The head of a local council is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2020.08.13 Burkina Faso Djibo 1 0 An imam who spoke against terrorism is kidnapped and murdered.
2020.08.13 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 Muslim extremists pull a woman out of her house and murder her in cold blood.
2020.08.13 Iraq Khanaqin 1 1 A civilian succumbs to injury following an ISIS shooting.
2020.08.13 Afghanistan Khak-e-Jabar 3 0 Three Taliban captives are found tortured and executed.
2020.08.13 Afghanistan Kapisa 2 0 Two civil engineers are ambushed in their vehicle and killed by religious radicals.
2020.08.13 Afghanistan Panjwai 5 6 A family of five is purged by the Taliban with use of a landmine.
2020.08.13 Thailand Nong Chik 1 3 A volunteer providing protection for teachers is killed by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2020.08.13 Pakistan Karimabad 1 0 An off-duty Shiite policeman shot to death in a sectarian attack.
2020.08.13 Pakistan Turbat 1 3 Terrorists kill a passing teen with a bomb.
2020.08.13 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A 61-year-old medical store vendor is murdered for his Ahmadi faith.
2020.08.13 Thailand Ra-ngee 1 6 Muslim 'separatists' plant a bomb near a school, killing one person.
2020.08.13 Syria Shadir 1 0 An older Ahmadi man is gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2020.08.12 Yemen Qifah 3 0 Three Shiites are killed by Sunnis.
2020.08.12 India Bangaluru 0 60 Over sixty police are injured when Muslims riot over a Facebook post concerning Muhammad.
2020.08.12 Pakistan Lasbela 1 0 A young man is victim of an honor killing.
2020.08.12 Somalia Shabellow 8 0 Eight villagers are killed resisting al-Shabaab efforts to collect zakat.
2020.08.12 Afghanistan Farah 4 16 A suicide bomber goes off outside a police station, killing four bystanders.
2020.08.12 Somalia Waberi 1 1 al-Shabaab kill one person and seriously injure another.
2020.08.11 Afghanistan Nazian 2 0 Lashkar-e-Islam murder two border guards.
2020.08.11 Afghanistan Khairkhana 1 2 A civilian is blown to bits by a magnetic bomb attached to her car.
2020.08.11 Nigeria Baga 3 0 At least three Nigerians are cut down by a Boko Haram ambush.
2020.08.11 Afghanistan Herat 5 0 Sunni hardliners target a gathering of religious minorities, killing five.
2020.08.10 Egypt Rabia 2 0 Two passengers in a passing vehicle are aerated by Jihadists shrapnel.
2020.08.10 Iraq al-Majid 1 2 A Sunni is gunned down by co-religionists.
2020.08.10 Mali Kimparana 2 0 Jihadists set fire to a prison, killing two.
2020.08.10 Somalia Mogadishu 2 6 At least two guards are killed when al-Shabaab prisoners snatch weapons.
2020.08.10 Afghanistan Pachir Aw Agam 6 5 A half-dozen Afghans are purged by Taliban fundamentalists.
2020.08.10 Afghanistan Hawoz Karbas 2 0 Islamic extremists are thought responsible for the murder of two women.
2020.08.10 Nigeria Magumeri 12 16 More than a dozen farmers are reported killed by Boko Haram.
2020.08.09 Afghanistan Burj 2 0 Two civilians on foot are sent to Allah by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.08.09 Mozambique Awasse 55 90 Jihadists ambush and kill dozens of local soldiers.
2020.08.09 Afghanistan Arghistan 8 0 Eight civilians are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.09 Afghanistan Matakhan 2 0 Fundamentalists take out a passing motorcycle with a roadside bomb.
2020.08.09 India Shopian 1 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap a security officer from his home and kill him in captivity.
2020.08.09 Niger Koure 8 0 Six French aid workers are machine-gunned along with their guide and driver.
2020.08.09 Afghanistan Kabul 2 5 A bomb planted by fundamentalists claims two lives.
2020.08.09 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A local soldier is ambushed an killed by Islamic extremists.
2020.08.08 Afghanistan Sherzad 1 9 A mortar fired at a family home is among two attacks that leave one dead.
2020.08.08 Pakistan Clifton 1 0 A 19-year-old woman gets a bullet to the head for not heeding her brother's warning about talking to men.
2020.08.08 Afghanistan Ghazni 7 15 A suicide blast kicks off a Taliban attack that leaves seven others dead.
2020.08.08 Somalia Mogadishu 8 14 A suicide bomber self-detonates outside a sports stadium, killing eight.
2020.08.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 4 0 A brutal attack on a group of local police leave four dead.
2020.08.08 Mozambique Litamanda 5 7 Five residents are laid out by Mujahideen, who then burn their homes
2020.08.08 Cameroon Parkwa 1 0 A man standing guard at a church is shot twice in the head by Islamic extremists.
2020.08.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 An al-Qaeda linked group kills one person at a check point.
2020.08.07 Nigeria Kaduna 25 10 Jamaat al-Ansar al-Muslimeen claims to have killed over two dozen "apostates."
2020.08.07 Burkina Faso Namoungou 20 12 Islamists pour heavy machine-gun fire into a cattle market, killing twenty.
2020.08.07 Nigeria Zango Kataf 12 0 Another dozen villagers are murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2020.08.06 Yemen Rada’a 1 0 A Shiite is killed by al-Qaeda.
2020.08.06 Afghanistan Nawa 6 0 Fundamentalists murder a half-dozen local police.
2020.08.06 India Qazigund 1 0 A village head succumbs to injuries after being shot near his home by Mujahideen.
2020.08.06 Nigeria Takmawai 7 0 Seven villagers are shot point-blank by Muslim terrorists.
2020.08.06 Nigeria Kurmin Masara 13 5 A 'well-coordinated' attack on a village leaves thirteen dead.
2020.08.06 Afghanistan Chashmaye Shir 11 0 A brutal bombing attack on a family convoy kills at least eleven.
2020.08.06 Afghanistan Tagab 3 0 A Taliban attack leaves three dead.
2020.08.06 Iraq Khanaqin 2 4 Two more Iraqis lose their lives to an attack by the Islamic State.
2020.08.06 Nigeria Apyiako 3 0 Three innocents are slaughtered by Fulani terrorists.
2020.08.06 Nigeria Magamiya 5 0 Muslim militants murder five villagers and burn their homes.
2020.08.06 Syria Hajin 1 0 An ISIS assassin claims an apostate.
2020.08.06 Nigeria Azikoro 4 0 A pregnant woman is among four worshippers shot dead in a church.
2020.08.05 Syria Palmyra 2 0 An ISIS IED claims the lives of two truck drivers.
2020.08.05 Ethiopia Guba 3 0 Three more people die from injuries suffered during an Islamic attack.
2020.08.05 Somalia Daynuney 8 5 Eight Somalis are purged by al-Shabaab.
2020.08.05 Iraq Saladin 2 3 ISIS militants cut down two Iraqis.
2020.08.05 Iraq Matabija 3 0 Three Iraqis are brought low by Islamic State members.
2020.08.05 Uganda Budaka 1 1 A young man is beaten to death after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2020.08.05 Pakistan Bin Shahi 1 2 The Taliban wipe out a border guard with a well-placed mortar round.
2020.08.05 Afghanistan Hadurokali 1 0 A grocer is gunned down near his shop.
2020.08.05 Afghanistan Khashrod 7 1 A bomb planted by religious extremists claims seven civilians.
2020.08.04 Afghanistan Ezana 1 0 A local singer is assassinated by Islamic hardliners.
2020.08.04 Afghanistan Chemai Sher 12 0 Twelve police guards transporting a prisoner are brutally cut down by the Taliban.
2020.08.04 Syria Mayadeen 2 8 An ISIS bomb blast claims eight souls.
2020.08.04 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A guard at a prison is gunned down by the Islamic State.
2020.08.04 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A doctor is murdered by the Taliban.
2020.08.04 Syria Hasakah 3 0 Three Religion of Peace rivals are taken down by the Islamic State.
2020.08.04 DRC Beni 1 0 An ISIS-linked group kills a guard at a warehouse.
2020.08.03 Chad Lake Chad 3 0 A Boko Haram IED claims three lives.
2020.08.03 Afghanistan Noza Khola 1 0 A rival religious scholar is assassinated by radicals.
2020.08.03 Afghanistan Shigal 3 0 Two women and a child are disintegrated by a bomb blast at a wedding.
2020.08.03 Nigeria Washo 1 0 A veteran journalist is hacked to death in his home by suspected Fulani radicals.
2020.08.03 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 A suicide bomber blows himself up outside a restaurant, killing two guards.
2020.08.03 Afghanistan Spin Boldok 3 2 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2020.08.02 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A man is abducted and executed by ISIS.
2020.08.02 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A local investigator is murdered by ISIS.
2020.08.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 29 50 A suicide bombing sets off an attack on a prison that leaves two dozen dead.
2020.08.02 Mali Goma-Coura 5 5 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Jihadists.
2020.08.02 Somalia Wanlaweyn 1 2 al-Qaeda-linked militants throw a grenade into a home, killing one resident.
2020.08.02 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 6 4 A half-dozen children are purged by religious radicals in an IED attack.
2020.08.02 Ethiopia Guba 13 6 Muslim terrorists kill thirteen civilians in an ambush.
2020.08.01 Nigeria Nasarawa 5 14 Militant Muslims are suspected in a shooting attack that leaves five dead.
2020.08.01 Cameroon Nguetchewe 28 11 Suicide bombers are sent into a camp for displaced people, eliminating twenty-eight, including seven children.
2020.08.01 Syria Deir Ezzor 4 2 An ISIS attack leaves four dead and two wounded.
2020.08.01 Afghanistan Khodzaey 1 0 A civil activist is kidnapped and killed by Islamic radicals.
2020.08.01 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 1 0 The Taliban plant a bomb in a garden which kills a resident.
2020.07.31 Afghanistan Torasha 6 4 Six Afghans are purged by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.07.31 Afghanistan Dehrawot 4 0 Two children are among four eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2020.07.31 Sudan Boronga 1 3 Arab militia gun down a local.
2020.07.31 Philippines Patikul 3 3 Abu Sayyaf open fire on a local patrol, dropping three members.
2020.07.31 Chad Tenana 10 7 Sharia proponents burn and loot a fishing village, killing ten residents.
2020.07.31 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight more Islamic State victims are pulled from a mass grave.
2020.07.31 Iraq Samara 6 0 A half-dozen police are aerated by Jihadi shrapnel.
2020.07.31 Nigeria Tudun Woulgo 20 0 Boko Haram brutally execute twenty prisoners with knives to jubilant cries of "Allahu Akbar."
2020.07.30 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 One person dies from splinter injuries following an al-Shabaab grenade attack.
2020.07.30 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 17 40 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out seventeen shoppers at a mall.
2020.07.30 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Boko Haram plant a bomb at a furniture store that kills the owner and his son.
2020.07.30 Nigeria Gwange 1 0 A child is disassembled by an Islamist bomb blast.
2020.07.30 Nigeria Borno 2 16 Two innocents lose their lives to Jihadist bombers.
2020.07.30 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A man is killed by extremists for being an "infidel".
2020.07.29 Syria Mayadeen 2 2 An IED planted by ISIS claims two passengers in a passing car.
2020.07.29 Nigeria Agbadu-Daruwana 14 0 Thirteen members of the same family are among Baptists massacred in the middle of the night by Muslim terrorists.
2020.07.29 Mozambique Tandacua 8 0 Eight villagers are beheaded by Islamic supremacists.
2020.07.29 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An accused blasphemer is murdered in a courtroom, where he was on trial for insulting Islam.
2020.07.29 Nigeria Baga 5 0 Five are killed when Boko Haram attack a governor's convoy.
2020.07.29 Afghanistan Haji Abbas 2 6 Women and children are among the casualties of a car bombing.
2020.07.29 Pakistan Tarlandi 2 0 Terrorists ambush and kill two local cops.
2020.07.29 DRC Ruwenzori 2 0 ADF Islamists shoot two people off a motorcycle.
2020.07.29 Iraq Bab al-Sharqi 2 5 A minibus carrying Shiites is target by ISIS bombers with two killed.
2020.07.28 DRC Kainama 6 0 Two women are among six innocents slain by the ADF.
2020.07.28 DRC Virunga 7 0 Seven local soldiers are ambushed and killed by the ADF in a national park.
2020.07.28 Pakistan Bajour 1 0 Islamic militants open fire on a guard post, killing an occupant.
2020.07.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Terrorists target a van with a bomb, killing one passenger.
2020.07.28 Mozambique Mocimboa da Praia 1 0 A civilian is killed in cold blood at a flour mill by Islamic militants.
2020.07.28 Syria Manbij 3 0 Three people are murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.07.27 Cameroon Border 1 0 At least one other person is killed during an ISIS-allied terror attack.
2020.07.27 Egypt Rabi’a 1 1 An ISIS sniper picks off a local.
2020.07.27 Iraq Hit 2 0 Two Iraqis are killed by Islamic State elements.
2020.07.27 Iraq Arar 1 4 Terrorists open fire on border guards, killing one.
2020.07.27 Afghanistan Kashak Sirowan 4 0 Four local cops are liquidated in their vehicle by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.07.27 Nigeria Dawusu 5 3 A housewife is among five murdered by gunmen screaming praises to Allah.
2020.07.27 Nigeria Sambisa 4 0 Four hunters, taken captive by Boko Haram, are slaughtered.
2020.07.26 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 A woman and her husband are honor-hacked to death with an axe by her family for marrying without their permission.
2020.07.26 Syria Sakariya 5 5 Five people are reported dead following an ISIS bomb blast.
2020.07.26 Syria Sukhnah 2 0 Two Syrians are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2020.07.25 Egypt Rabi’a 1 0 A local officer is abducted and executed on video by the Islamic State.
2020.07.25 Philippines Mindanao 3 0 Three people are killed in their home by Islamic radicals.
2020.07.25 Niger Diffa 3 3 Three people are machine-gunned by an ISIS-allied group.
2020.07.25 Afghanistan Andar 2 0 A policewoman is among two people abducted and killed by Islamic hardliners.
2020.07.25 Sudan Masteri 60 60 Janjaweed militia are suspected of a brutal attack on a village that leaves sixty dead.
2020.07.25 Nigeria Damboa 10 3 At least ten are killed when Boko Haram open fire on a convoy of local soldiers.
2020.07.25 Iraq Samum 6 0 A man and his sons are among family members murdered in their home by caliphate loyalists.
2020.07.25 Afghanistan Kalakan 2 1 Jihadis murder two police officers on patrol.
2020.07.24 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 4 1 A bomb planted by fundamentalists claims four civilians.
2020.07.24 Nigeria Zipkak 9 2 Militant Muslims open fire on church during service, killing nine, including the pastor.
2020.07.24 Afghanistan Faryab 4 0 Two children are among four residents disassembled by Taliban mortars.
2020.07.24 Nigeria Gassol 1 0 A woman is gunned down in her restaurant by Fulani militants.
2020.07.24 Nigeria Kafanchan 10 11 A pastor and a 5-year-old boy are among ten villagers murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.07.24 Philippines Mindanao 1 0 At least one person is killed in an Islamist rocket attack.
2020.07.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists take a Christian hostage before killing him in captivity.
2020.07.23 Sudan Gereida 15 20 Janjaweed open fire on people heading to their farms, bringing down fifteen.
2020.07.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 3 Two civilians are turned to pulp by the Mujahideen.
2020.07.23 India Furrah 1 0 Terrorist shoot an off-duty cop to death inside his home.
2020.07.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A guard at a market is gunned down by a suspected radical.
2020.07.23 Nigeria Doka Avong 7 0 An 85-year-old is among a half-dozen unarmed men, women and children hacked to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.07.23 Afghanistan Taghri 2 12 A massive Taliban assault on a town manages to kill only two defenders.
2020.07.23 Mozambique Nguida 1 1 A pregnant woman is injured in an Islamist attack that leaves her husband dead.
2020.07.22 Afghanistan Khas Uruzgan 7 0 Seven Afghans are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2020.07.22 Iraq Abi Saida 1 0 A man is shot to death outside his home by suspected ISIS.
2020.07.22 Egypt Beir al-Abd 2 4 Islamic hardliners kill two local soldiers.
2020.07.22 Kenya Yumbis 1 0 al-Shabaab fundamentalists burn down a school and kill a guard.
2020.07.22 Nigeria Borno 5 0 Five aid workers are forced to kneel and then shot in the back of the head by ISWAP.
2020.07.21 Afghanistan Takhta Pul 7 0 A shocking attack on local security personnel leaves seven dead.
2020.07.21 Iraq Tawakal 2 2 Two people lose their lives to an Islamic State shooting attack.
2020.07.21 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 1 1 Jihadis bomb a logistics firm, killing one employee.
2020.07.21 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 1 0 The Taliban gun down a taxi driver.
2020.07.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 An unarmed civilian on a motorbike makes easy prey for the Taliban.
2020.07.21 Afghanistan Qadis 5 0 A terror attack on a construction site leaves five dead.
2020.07.21 Syria Daraaa e-Balad 1 10 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle clears out a pedestrian.
2020.07.20 Nigeria Gora Gan 11 9 A 7-year-old child is among ten killed during an attack on a Christian village.
2020.07.20 Afghanistan Saydabad 8 9 A suicide bomber blows up next to a convoy of Afghan soldiers, killing eight.
2020.07.20 Afghanistan Kunduz 13 10 Thirteen are left dead after the Taliban storm a police checkpoint.
2020.07.20 Iraq Bablan 1 6 Sunnis booby-trap a house with explosives killing one unfortunate.
2020.07.20 Burkina Faso Tankoualou 2 5 Religious extremists murder two border guards.
2020.07.20 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 1 3 Fulani terrorists hack one person to death at a hospital.
2020.07.19 Somalia Mogadishu 2 10 Suspected fundamentalists fire into a 'demon-cleansing' house, killing two.
2020.07.19 Nigeria Kaura 21 28 Militant Muslims on motorcycles fire into a wedding, taking down twenty-one.
2020.07.19 Iraq Jazira 2 0 An ISIS bomb attack claims two lives.
2020.07.19 Afghanistan Surobi 4 0 Jihadists plant a roadside mine that lays out four passengers in a passing car.
2020.07.19 Afghanistan Urozgan 3 0 Three civilians in a car are neatly disassembled by Jihadist bombers.
2020.07.18 Afghanistan Qara Bagh 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by fundamentalists.
2020.07.18 Somalia Hodan 1 3 An al-Shabaab bomb claims one life.
2020.07.18 Nigeria Malumfashi 5 6 Five children are liquidated by a bomb blast.
2020.07.18 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 3 0 A child and a woman are among three disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2020.07.18 Nigeria Boftari 2 10 Boko Haram spray a group of farmers with automatic-weapons fire, killing two.
2020.07.18 Afghanistan Shahr-e-Safa 1 4 Religious radicals plant a bomb that kills a local police officer.
2020.07.18 Afghanistan Sarobi 4 0 Four Afghans are blown to bits by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2020.07.18 Afghanistan Tagab 3 9 The Taliban hit an office building with a rocket, killing three civilians.
2020.07.17 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0 Islamic State members murder a local soldier.
2020.07.17 Iraq Shirqat 2 2 A father and daughter are torn to shreds by Mujahid shrapnel.
2020.07.17 Afghanistan Geriveh 2 0 The Taliban barge into a family home and brutally murder a married couple in front of their children.
2020.07.17 Nigeria Doka Avong 5 0 Two small children, ages 3 and 6, are slaughtered along with their family by Muslim militants.
2020.07.17 Nigeria Mai-Ido 4 10 Four villagers are left dead following a Muslim raid.
2020.07.17 Jordan al-Balqa 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her father with bricks as her family looks on.
2020.07.17 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 12 0 About a dozen villagers are destroyed by Jihadists.
2020.07.16 Iraq Shwan 3 0 Three locals are tied up and shot.
2020.07.16 Afghanistan Dawlan Abad 9 0 Nine Afghans are shot to death by Taliban radicals.
2020.07.16 Iraq Erbil 3 0 Suspected ISIS storm a nursery and drop three civilians.
2020.07.15 Afghanistan Qarghaz 2 11 Religious extremists murder two local cops.
2020.07.15 Iraq Umm al-Hinta 1 4 Islamic state militants attack a village and kill a resident.
2020.07.15 Syria Idlib 2 0 Two civilians are reported killed by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham.
2020.07.15 Burkina Faso Fondioaga 2 0 Two villagers are executed by Jihadists.
2020.07.15 Sweden Kiruna 1 0 Afghan migrants stab a man to death on a bus in an honor-killing.
2020.07.14 Afghanistan Kabul-Gardez 2 0 A 7-year-old child is shot to death along with his father by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.07.14 Afghanistan Jegdalak 5 11 Five civilians are killed when the Taliban hit their vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2020.07.14 Thailand Pattani 1 10 One person is killed in a bombing by Muslim terrorists.
2020.07.14 Afghanistan Maimana 4 3 Fundamentalists spray rivals at a mosque with automatic weapons, killing four.
2020.07.13 CAR NW 1 2 A pro-Muslim terror group murders a UN peacekeeper.
2020.07.13 Iraq Baqubah 3 1 A bomb planted by ISIS claims three lives.
2020.07.13 Afghanistan Arghanjkhwa 7 2 An attack by religious radicals leaves seven dead.
2020.07.13 Afghanistan Aybak 11 63 Eleven are killed when the Taliban stage a massive car bomb and shooting attack on a government building.
2020.07.13 Somalia Tarabunka 1 1 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes a passerby with him.
2020.07.13 Iraq Gir Ozer 4 0 Four elderly religious minorities are found by their family dumped in an ISIS grave.
2020.07.13 Sudan Fata Borno 13 18 Janjaweed militia on motorbikes fire into a protest rally, killing at least thirteen.
2020.07.13 Nigeria Kumulla 8 0 Eight are killed when Jihadists attack a group of vehicles.
2020.07.13 Nigeria Kolore 2 0 Boko Haram fire on a security patrol, killing two members.
2020.07.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' bomb a group of teachers, killing a guard.
2020.07.12 Nigeria Anguwan Audu 2 0 Two locals are gunned down in cold blood by Muslim terrorists.
2020.07.12 Iraq Baqubah 2 2 An ISIS bomb blast claims two lives.
2020.07.12 Afghanistan Daikundi 4 5 Four government troops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2020.07.12 Lebanon Baalbek 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2020.07.12 Nigeria Zangon Kataf 22 24 Muslim terrorists ride through a village, picking off twenty-two residents.
2020.07.12 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 6 8 A half-dozen people are tragically killed by the Taliban.
2020.07.11 Pakistan Vizda 4 0 Four police are machine-gunned by Islamic radicals.
2020.07.11 Afghanistan Qalat 3 2 Three children are reduced to parts by Taliban bombers.
2020.07.11 Afghanistan Jaghato 6 8 Women and children are among six minibus passengers aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2020.07.11 Iraq Qara Tappa 3 2 An Islamic State bomb claims three lives.
2020.07.11 Afghanistan Panjwai 1 3 An elderly man is murdered in his own home by armed fundamentalists.
2020.07.10 Nigeria Chibwob 7 20 Seven people lose their lives when Muslim militants burn down a village.
2020.07.10 Afghanistan Kabul 15 34 An additional fifteen civilians are reported killed in attacks over the last week.
2020.07.10 Nigeria Kigudu 11 0 Eleven are left dead when a Catholic village is targeted by Muslim militants.
2020.07.10 Nigeria Baga 20 0 Islamists storm a town, killing twenty defenders.
2020.07.10 Nigeria Gada Blu 15 0 Fifteen are killed when Boko Haram pour heavy machine-gun fire into a local convoy.
2020.07.10 Afghanistan Sayed Abad 3 0 A man and his two sons are reduced to rubble when their house is hit with a mortar.
2020.07.09 Nigeria Chibuak 9 0 Nine villagers are laid out by Muslim militants.
2020.07.09 Philippines Shariff Aguak 2 0 Islamic terrorists use a roadside bomb to kill two people in a passing car.
2020.07.09 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A police officer is gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2020.07.09 Nigeria Umaisha 2 8 Suspected terrorists kill two farmers and kidnap eight children.
2020.07.09 Pakistan Jacobabad 2 0 A man guns down his daughter and her lover in an honor killing.
2020.07.09 Iraq Karbala 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a disabled worker at a repair kiosk.
2020.07.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' pump six bullets into a village guard.
2020.07.08 Afghanistan Chahar Asyab 1 0 A biometrics expert is murdered by terrorists on his way home.
2020.07.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Terrorists kill the 68-year-old owner of a bakery shop with a grenade.
2020.07.08 Afghanistan Dayak 3 0 The Taliban murder a local political leader and two guards.
2020.07.08 India Bandipore 3 0 Terrorists fire into a shop, killing the owner and two family members.
2020.07.08 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 3 18 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes three souls with him.
2020.07.08 Nigeria Kaduna 1 0 A Boko Haram member kills his own father for the cause.
2020.07.07 Nigeria Bulabulin 35 48 Thirty-five security personnel are reported dead following a Boko Haram ambush.
2020.07.07 India Goosu 1 2 Lashkar-e-Toiba open fire on local police, killing one.
2020.07.07 Afghanistan Kuz Kunar 3 0 A bomb attack at a market claims three souls.
2020.07.07 Afghanistan Khewa 4 11 A suicide bomber takes out four guards at a market.
2020.07.06 Burkina Faso Pensa 8 5 A mayor is among eight wiped out when Jihadists attack a town hall.
2020.07.06 Nigeria Ayilamo 2 0 Muslim gunmen murder two livestock workers.
2020.07.06 Iraq Shaqraq 1 0 A bystander is picked off during an ISIS shooting.
2020.07.06 Philippines Baluno 1 0 A pro-peace cleric is shot to death.
2020.07.06 Nigeria Katsina 15 2 Fulani terrorists invade a farming community on motorcycles, killing fifteen.
2020.07.06 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Shiite militia are suspected in the assassination of a political analyst outside his home.
2020.07.05 Nigeria Gajibo 1 3 A guard posted outside a village is machine-gunned by Boko Haram.
2020.07.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Terrorists shoot a politician's relative to death inside his home.
2020.07.04 Afghanistan Kohistan 3 3 Taliban bombers kill three occupants of a vehicle with a roadside blast.
2020.07.04 Afghanistan Band Sang 2 0 Two Afghans lose their lives to a Taliban bomb blast.
2020.07.04 Nigeria Gengere 1 0 A farmer and father of six is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2020.07.04 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A day laborer is taken off the clock by Taliban bombers
2020.07.04 Somalia Baidoa 6 17 A half-dozen patrons at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by terrorists.
2020.07.04 Afghanistan Kohson 3 3 Three local cops are cut down by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.07.04 Syria Sukhneh 20 25 Islamic State attacks leave at least twenty dead.
2020.07.03 Afghanistan Hafiz Bacha 2 5 Two local cops are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2020.07.03 Afghanistan Shahwalikot 6 0 Six civilians are reportedly blown to bits by a Jihad bomb blast.
2020.07.03 Nigeria Damasak 1 0 A 5-year-old child is shot to death during a Boko Haram attack.
2020.07.03 Pakistan Birman 4 0 Terrorists spray the inside of a car with automatic weapons fire, killing four laborers.
2020.07.02 Uganda Ruhengyere 2 6 An Islamic group is suspected of hurling a bomb into a training camp, killing two recruits.
2020.07.02 Iraq Saladin 2 0 Two security personnel are cut down on patrol by Jihadi bombers.
2020.07.02 Philippines Maguindanao 1 2 Moro Islamists kill a village guard.
2020.07.02 Mali Guoari 9 2 Jihadists destroy nine lives.
2020.07.02 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' pick off a village guard.
2020.07.01 Mali Djimdo 15 0 Fifteen villagers are cut down by Jihadists.
2020.07.01 Mali Pangadougou 2 0 Two farmers are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2020.07.01 Mali Gouari 16 0 A brutal attack on men returning from their fields leaves sixteen dead.
2020.07.01 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 The chairman for people living with disabilities is gunned down by al-Shabaab.
2020.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Mujahideen kill two Iraqis and throw them in the river.
2020.07.01 India Sopore 2 3 An elderly man is killed in front of his very young grandson by Lashkar-e-Toiba firing from a mosque.
2020.07.01 Nigeria Kautikari 1 0 Islamic radicals slaughter a farmer.
2020.07.01 Afghanistan Saru Ghundi 2 9 The Taliban murder two border guards.
2020.07.01 Pakistan Mamond 1 0 A bomb planted near a shop takes the life of a civilian.
2020.07.01 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 10 A series of bombing attacks target family members and others.
2020.06.30 Iraq Tikrit 4 2 Four members of a defense militia are killed on patrol by ISIS bombers.
2020.06.30 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 177 38 Nearly two-hundred religious minorities are killed across the country during mob violence.
2020.06.29 Iraq Qahtanya 4 0 A family of four are found buried in their garden after being killed by ISIS.
2020.06.29 Afghanistan Tarinkot 1 2 A police chief is cut down by Islamic assassins.
2020.06.29 Pakistan Karachi 7 0 Majeed Brigade Fedayeen stage a suicide attack at the Pakistani stock exchange, killing seven.
2020.06.29 Afghanistan Sangin 23 15 A rocket and mortar attack on a cattle market leaves two dozen dead.
2020.06.29 DRC Hululu 1 1 ADF gunmen fire on peacekeepers guarding a bridge project, killing one.
2020.06.28 Pakistan Jamshoro 1 0 A young woman is stoned to death.
2020.06.28 Mozambique Mocimboa da Praia 12 13 Over a dozen are reported dead when Al Sunnah wa Jama’ah occupy a small town.
2020.06.28 Afghanistan Firozkoh 4 2 Four Afghans are laid out by armed fundamentalists.
2020.06.28 Nigeria Mallam Fatori 6 0 A group fighting for a Sharia state kills a half dozen government employees.
2020.06.28 Iraq Abu Khanazir 4 2 An ISIS attack leaves four dead.
2020.06.28 Afghanistan Washir 6 1 Two children and a woman are among a family of six exterminated by the Taliban.
2020.06.28 Nigeria Gwoza 1 0 A young Nigerian is tragically cut down by Boko Haram.
2020.06.27 Iraq al-Hay 1 0 A local police chief is assassinated by religious radicals.
2020.06.27 Iraq Abi Saida 1 3 An Islamic State attack on a checkpoint leaves one dead.
2020.06.27 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 A woman is among two human rights workers murdered by a group trying to establish Islamic law.
2020.06.27 Nigeria Damboa 11 0 Eleven local security personnel are ambushed and eliminated by Boko Haram.
2020.06.27 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 6 0 A half-dozen Afghans are obliterated by fundamentalists.
2020.06.27 Mali Dinangourou 3 3 Three local soldiers are murdered by Jihadists.
2020.06.27 Mozambique Palma 8 0 Eight natural gas workers are ambushed and murdered by Jihadists.
2020.06.26 India Bijbehara 2 0 A 6-year-old boy is among two Indians gunned down by lions of Allah.
2020.06.26 Afghanistan Shamal Damanda 4 3 A well-placed Taliban mortar round claims four civilians.
2020.06.25 Afghanistan Takhar 4 9 Four local cops manning a remote post are machine-gunned by Taliban faithful.
2020.06.24 Afghanistan Baghdis 10 0 Ten Afghan security personnel are slain by Islamic extremists.
2020.06.24 Afghanistan Mardyan 6 0 Four children, a woman and an elderly man are sent to Allah by the Taliban.
2020.06.24 Afghanistan Dand-e-Ghori 2 1 Two Afghans succumb to injury following a Taliban attack.
2020.06.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 A Jihadi car bomb blast claims four lives.
2020.06.23 India Bandzoo 1 0 A police officer is shot to death by suspected Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2020.06.23 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 7 0 A sustained Taliban attack on a lonely government outpost leaves seven dead.
2020.06.23 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 A civilian is among two killed when a suicide bomber detonates at a Turkish military base.
2020.06.23 Afghanistan Kapisa 1 0 A secular judge is assassinated by terrorists on his way to work.
2020.06.22 Mozambique Macomia 6 0 A half-dozen kidnap victims are killed by their Muslim captors.
2020.06.22 Afghanistan Kabul 5 0 Two prosecutors are among five in a car wiped out at point-blank range by Islamist gunmen.
2020.06.22 DRC Makisabo 1 1 ADF Islamists murder a UN peacekeeper.
2020.06.22 Afghanistan Beshtek 10 0 A group of armed fundamentalists kill ten Afghans.
2020.06.22 Afghanistan Baharak 5 0 Five members of a civilian militia are dispatched by the Taliban.
2020.06.22 Afghanistan Peyazkar 6 1 Six local cops are laid out by a group fighting for a Sharia state.
2020.06.22 Nigeria Kautikari 2 3 Boko Haram kill two older women and abduct three teen girls.
2020.06.22 Uganda Namuseru 2 0 A pastor and a member of his church are beaten and drowned for evangelizing to Muslims.
2020.06.21 Afghanistan Nahrin 2 0 The Taliban burn stores and kill two individuals during an attack.
2020.06.21 Somalia Galmudug 3 0 Three suicide bombers take out three other lives.
2020.06.21 Somalia Wanlaweyn 5 0 Two bombs placed outside a home claim five lives, including one woman.
2020.06.21 DRC Vukaka 10 0 Another ten innocents are slaughtered by ADF terrorists.
2020.06.21 Afghanistan Kohsan 3 3 Islamic extremists kill three people in a passing car with a bomb.
2020.06.21 Afghanistan Paikamari 3 0 Three children are exterminated by Islamic bombers.
2020.06.21 Afghanistan Doulatyar 1 0 A landmine placed by fundamentalists claims one life.
2020.06.21 Pakistan Ghulumabad 1 0 A Christian father of five is beaten to death by police investigating a crime with religious undertones.
2020.06.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An attempted assassination of a secular politician leaves a guard dead.
2020.06.20 DRC Biangolo 10 0 ADF Islamists massacre ten villagers.
2020.06.20 Pakistan Ghariom 2 2 al-Qaeda members ambush and kill two Pakistani soldiers.
2020.06.20 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 3 16 A Taliban leaves three dead and sixteen injured.
2020.06.20 Tunisia Ain Defla 1 0 A young Tunisian soldier is killed by Islamic radicals.
2020.06.20 Iraq Saladin 2 4 Two Iraqis lose their lives to an ISIS attack.
2020.06.20 Afghanistan Aino 2 6 The wife and daughter of a writer bleed to death following a roadside blast.
2020.06.20 Syria Kihel 9 19 Jihadis aerate a bus with shrapnel, claiming nine souls.
2020.06.20 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 2 Children are among the casualties, when gunmen on motorcycles open fire.
2020.06.20 Afghanistan Dand-e-Ghor 1 0 A prayer leader dies after torture from fundamentalists angry over his announcing a policeman's funeral.
2020.06.20 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a guard outside a village.
2020.06.20 DRC Bukaka 10 0 Five men, three women and two children are hacked to death by local Islamists.
2020.06.20 Sudan Khartoum 1 0 A Muslim mob stabs a Christian father-of-four to death on the street while shouting praises to Allah.
2020.06.20 England Reading 3 1 A migrant from Libya yells praises to Allah and "victory over infidels" as he stabs three innocents to death in a park.
2020.06.19 DRC Kivu 9 0 Nine villagers are kidnapped and executed by the ADF.
2020.06.19 Iraq Balad Ruz 1 0 An old man is killed by suspected ISIS and thrown into a canal.
2020.06.19 Pakistan Ghotki 3 3 Taliban extremists toss a grenade outside a market, killing three.
2020.06.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 6 One person is destroyed when fundamentalists throw a grenade at a school.
2020.06.18 Somalia Mogadishu 4 3 A mother and daughter are among four blown to bits by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2020.06.18 Afghanistan Shahr-e-Kohna 10 8 Ten students are vaporized by a bomb blast at their Islamic seminary.
2020.06.18 Mozambique Ilala 17 0 Islamists go door-to-door, seeking victims. Seventeen are eventually killed.
2020.06.17 Yemen Awadh 3 0 Three people are killed by a Shiite militia rocket.
2020.06.17 Afghanistan Ghazni 7 0 Taliban shrapnel destroys seven lives.
2020.06.17 Mozambique Mocimboa 4 0 Four people are killed when Islamic terrorists attack a farming community.
2020.06.17 Nigeria Okawu 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local man.
2020.06.17 Nigeria Kautikari 3 5 Boko Haram kill three innocents and kidnap five women.
2020.06.17 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 7 0 A shocking attack by Islamic hardliners kills seven police.
2020.06.17 Afghanistan Talawka 5 6 Five Afghan security personnel are killed by fundamentalists.
2020.06.17 Cameroon Waza 4 0 Four shepherds are kidnapped and murdered by Boko Haram.
2020.06.17 Afghanistan Aqcha 12 5 Muslim terrorists attack an Afghan checkpoint, killing a dozen members.
2020.06.17 Afghanistan Suraki 3 1 A mother and two young children are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2020.06.17 Iraq Badush 1 0 A woman is shot in the head by Mujahideen.
2020.06.16 Afghanistan Bala Hisar 6 3 A half-dozen Afghans are laid out by religious radicals.
2020.06.16 Afghanistan Qaisar 3 0 Three local cops are senselessly killed by the Taliban.
2020.06.16 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 3 0 Three people are abducted and killed by Rohingya terrorists.
2020.06.15 Iran Kerman 1 0 A father honor kills his teen daughter with an iron bar for leaving home without permission.
2020.06.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 A doctor has his ticket punched by the Taliban.
2020.06.15 Iraq Kahla 1 3 Jihadis target a home with a bomb, killing one woman.
2020.06.15 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 3 4 Three Iraqis are cut to size by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2020.06.15 Afghanistan Argo 2 1 The Taliban aerate a passing car with a roadside bomb, killing two riders.
2020.06.14 Iran Valiasr 1 0 A wife is beheaded by her husband after leaving without permission.
2020.06.14 Iraq Khanaqin 8 6 Eight are left dead after Islamic militants attack a small town.
2020.06.14 Nigeria Adama 3 0 Miyetti Allah sympathists kill three innocents.
2020.06.14 Afghanistan Takhar 1 0 An Islamic scholar is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.06.14 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 One person is aerated by fundamentalist shrapnel.
2020.06.14 Mali Bouka Were 24 8 A group fighting for an Islamic state kills two dozen local security personnel.
2020.06.14 Afghanistan Tagab 4 11 Four guard manning a post are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2020.06.14 DRC Eringeti 6 6 Four women are among six villagers murdered by ADF Islamists.
2020.06.14 Mozambique Malinde 4 0 Muslim radicals set fire to a market, killing four patrons.
2020.06.13 Somalia Lower Juba 4 0 Four local soldiers are ambushed and killed by al-Shabaab.
2020.06.13 Somalia Ruun-Nirgood 2 0 Two men are executed by al-Shabaab for unIslamic activities.
2020.06.13 Mali Tarkint 2 0 Two UN peacekeepers are ambushed and murdered by Jihadi gunmen.
2020.06.13 Kenya Warankalla 1 0 al-Shabaab Islamists kill a guard at a cell tower.
2020.06.13 Mali Dogons 4 2 Muslim terrorists on motorcycles shoot up a village, killing four.
2020.06.13 Nigeria Monguno 20 90 Islamic extremists overrun a humanitarian hub and slaughter at least twenty.
2020.06.13 Nigeria Nganzai 42 0 Forty villagers are machine-gunned by Islamists in technicals.
2020.06.13 Philippines Sulu 2 2 Abu Sayyaf members fire into a police station from motorcycles, killing two officers.
2020.06.13 Afghanistan Badakhshan 4 0 Four Afghans are laid out by religious extremists with guns.
2020.06.12 Somalia Afgooye 2 0 Two Somalis are blown to bits by radicals.
2020.06.12 Afghanistan Logar 4 2 A woman and her three daughters are slaughtered in their own home.
2020.06.12 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 15 One patron is killed when radicals bomb a market.
2020.06.12 Afghanistan Ghor 10 2 Armed fundamentalists storm a police checkpoint and put down ten officers.
2020.06.12 Afghanistan Khost 8 0 Eight people are shot to death by terrorists at a clinic.
2020.06.12 Nigeria Sabon Gari Gusawa 1 0 A pastor is murdered by Muslim militants while working in a field.
2020.06.11 Mozambique Cabor 10 0 Ten family members are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.06.11 Syria Deir al Freies 1 0 A Sunni cleric dies under torture from Shiite co-religionists.
2020.06.11 Ivory Coast Kafolo 13 6 Jihadists attack a border post, killing thirteen guards.
2020.06.11 Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Baba Mina 1 1 A civilian bystander is aerated by a car bomb.
2020.06.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A man on his way to work is picked off by Taliban snipers.
2020.06.11 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two Nigerians are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by Religion of Peace activists.
2020.06.11 Egypt Sinai 1 0 Wilayat Sinai Islamists torture a 75-year-old man, tie him to a pole and blow him up with explosives.
2020.06.10 Pakistan Shatial 2 0 Two brothers are murdered by terrorists.
2020.06.10 Afghanistan Bhak Khel 1 4 One person is killed during a Taliban attack.
2020.06.10 Somalia Kismayo 1 10 al-Shabaab is suspected of a grenade attack on a market.
2020.06.10 Pakistan Miran Shah 2 0 Hardliners kill two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2020.06.09 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A woman is honor-killed with an axe for marrying without her family's permission.
2020.06.09 Afghanistan Shewa 1 0 A policeman manning a checkpoint is shot to death by fundamentalists.
2020.06.09 Afghanistan Batur 5 0 Five defense volunteers are leveled by a Taliban bomb blast.
2020.06.09 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 1 0 An off-duty soldier is picked off by a Dawlah Islamiyah gunman.
2020.06.09 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 An individual standing outside a bake shop is eliminated by Jihadi bombers.
2020.06.09 Iraq Bunouk 2 0 A woman and her daughter are wasted by Mujahid gunmen.
2020.06.09 Nigeria Faduma Kolomdi 81 24 Over eighty villagers are gathered together and massacred by local Islamists.
2020.06.08 India Larkipora 1 0 Hizbul Mujahideen gun down a village head.
2020.06.08 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 A suicide bomber claims three other lives.
2020.06.08 Burkina Faso Kelbo 1 4 A Jihadist attack leaves one dead and four injured.
2020.06.08 Afghanistan Logar 1 0 A secular politician is abducted and murdered by Islamic hardliners.
2020.06.08 Somalia Janale 3 2 Three civilians lose their lives during an al-Shabaab ambush.
2020.06.08 Mozambique Tapara 1 0 A Christian is singled out and killed over his faith.
2020.06.08 Mozambique Torono 1 3 Islamic radicals kill one villager and kidnap three women.
2020.06.07 Nigeria Mammanti 1 1 A suicide bomber kills a village guard.
2020.06.07 Nigeria Mainari 3 2 Three villagers are purged by a suicide bomber.
2020.06.07 Afghanistan Kabul 3 4 The Taliban pour heavy machine-gun fire into a checkpoint, killing three police.
2020.06.07 Iraq Qayyara 1 0 An infidel is put down by the Islamic State with a double-tap to the head.
2020.06.06 Afghanistan Proshi 1 0 A security director is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2020.06.06 Nigeria Auno 6 0 A half-dozen local soldiers are killed during an assault on their base by Islamic radicals.
2020.06.06 Afghanistan Khash 11 0 Eleven Afghans are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2020.06.06 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three local cops are gunned down by Islamic hardliners.
2020.06.06 Philippines Patikul 4 17 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill four Filipinos.
2020.06.06 India Adipora 1 0 A 25-year-old is shot to death in his home by Muslim militants.
2020.06.06 Egypt Tarabin 1 0 A 75-year-old man is kidnapped, tortured and then blown up by Religion of Peace activists.
2020.06.05 Pakistan Chak 4 0 Four family members are neatly gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.06.05 Afghanistan Zabul 12 0 The Taliban ambush an Afghan convoy with a bomb, then machine-gun survivors.
2020.06.05 Mozambique Ulo 2 0 Two fishermen are murdered by local Islamists.
2020.06.04 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 A Muslim mob attacks a Christian family, killing the father.
2020.06.04 Afghanistan Qaisar 3 1 Fundamentalist gunmen roll up on a security checkpoint and claim three lives.
2020.06.04 Pakistan Damadola 2 0 Two schoolteachers are blown off their motorcycle by a roadside bomb.
2020.06.04 Iraq Jalawla 3 1 Islamists machine-gun three sons in front of their father.
2020.06.04 Afghanistan Qarabagh 1 4 A bomb placed next to a restaurant snags a bystander.
2020.06.03 Nigeria Kujuru 9 0 Nine fleeing women and children are hacked to death by Fulani mercenaries.
2020.06.03 Afghanistan Arghistan 10 4 Ten civilians are spread over the roadside by Religion of Peace bombers.
2020.06.03 Mozambique Imbada 3 0 Three people are beheaded by a group pressing for Sharia.
2020.06.03 USA New York, NY 0 3 An immigrant from Bosnia stabs three police officers while shouting praises to Allah.
2020.06.02 Nigeria Kwabila 1 1 Boko Haram return to the scene of an earlier attack and kill another innocent.
2020.06.02 Afghanistan Sayid Karam 5 0 Five Afghans are killed by armed fundamentalists in a series of attacks.
2020.06.02 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 A rival prayer leader is among two who lose their lives to an ISIS bombing at a mosque.
2020.06.02 Yemen Aden 1 0 A young journalist is assassinated outside his home.
2020.06.01 Afghanistan Shabi 1 1 An IED planted by religious radicals takes down a child.
2020.06.01 Afghanistan Khan Abad 6 7 Six laborers are exterminated by Islamic extremists.
2020.06.01 Mozambique Macomia 2 0 A teacher and a child are discovered dead after they fled a Jihadist assault on their town.
2020.06.01 Iraq Makhmour 2 2 Two Iraqis lose their lives to Islamist shrapnel.
2020.06.01 Indonesia South Daha 1 0 A sword-wielding Islamist lures and slays a police officer.
2020.06.01 Afghanistan Mahmud-e-Raqi 1 0 A traffic cop is easily picked off by Taliban gunmen.
2020.06.01 Egypt Joura 1 0 Islamic extremists kill an innocent person during a kidnap attempt.
2020.05.31 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 0 Two Afghans are ambushed and murdered by fundamentalists.
2020.05.31 Turkey Ankara 1 0 A Kurdish man is stabbed in the heart for playing music that interrupted a call to prayer.
2020.05.31 Niger Intikane 3 1 Jihadists storm a refugee camp and murder three civilians.
2020.05.31 Iraq Karbala 1 0 Terrorists on motorbikes shoot a civilian to death outside a hospital.
2020.05.31 Somalia Hawa Abdi 10 13 Ten civilians are blown to bits by Religion of Peace bombers.
2020.05.31 Burkina Faso Kompienbiga 30 0 Islamic Supremacists fire into a livestock market, slaughtering thirty patrons.
2020.05.31 Yemen Hodeidah 4 18 Four civilians are killed when Ansar Allah shells rain down on their neighborhood.
2020.05.31 Nigeria Itakpa 13 0 Militant Muslims attack a village with machetes and hack thirteen to death.
2020.05.31 Afghanistan Kohistan 2 0 Two shepherds are thoroughly eliminated by Mujahid explosives.
2020.05.30 Mozambique Macomia 17 0 Seventeen civilians are murdered when Jihadists storm their town.
2020.05.30 Iraq Mu’tasam 1 5 A local cop is gunned down by the Islamic State loyalists.
2020.05.30 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 2 Two security personnel are vaporized by an Islamic landmine.
2020.05.30 Burkina Faso Loroum 15 15 Children are among at least fifteen innocents murdered by Islamic extremists targeting traders.
2020.05.30 Afghanistan Kabul 2 4 A television van is bombed by the Islamic Emirate, killing two employees.
2020.05.30 Kenya Diana 2 4 Two children are killed when a terrorist uses them as a human shield.
2020.05.30 Afghanistan Parwan 3 0 Three children are disassembled by an 'insurgent' mortar round through their roof.
2020.05.30 Burkina Faso Barsalogho 13 20 Islamists massacre thirteen innocents in an aid convoy.
2020.05.30 Nigeria Kwabila 2 3 A man and woman are killed in a brutal attack on a family by Boko Haram.
2020.05.29 Egypt al-Ajra 2 0 Two tribesmen lose their lives to a fundamentalist attack.
2020.05.29 Afghanistan Dande Patan 14 5 Fourteen security force members are killed during an attack by Mujahideen.
2020.05.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 5 Two children are eliminated by Jihadist bombers.
2020.05.29 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A minority is found shot to death after being abducted by ISIS.
2020.05.29 Pal. Auth. Deir al Balah 1 0 A young woman is beaten to death by her father for using her cell phone without permission.
2020.05.28 Afghanistan Hase-e-Duwem 1 3 A Taliban landmine claims the life of a passing driver.
2020.05.28 Somalia Balcad 8 0 Eight young aid workers are abducted and murdered in captivity.
2020.05.28 Somalia Hamarweyne 2 0 Islamists kill two people by planting a bomb under their car outside a hotel.
2020.05.28 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two individuals are assassinated by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2020.05.28 Afghanistan Aantan 7 0 The Taliban burn five Afghans alive and shoot two others.
2020.05.28 Nigeria Miango 5 0 Muslims gun down five Christians in cold blood.
2020.05.27 Yemen Marib 8 3 An Ansar Allah rocket claims eight lives.
2020.05.27 Mali Koro 20 0 Twenty more villagers are cut down by Muslim radicals.
2020.05.27 Afghanistan Farah 7 3 A brutal attack by Taliban fundamentalists leaves seven dead.
2020.05.27 Iraq Sufait 1 0 A woman is found stabbed to death inside her home.
2020.05.26 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A young man is kidnapped, tortured and beheaded.
2020.05.26 DRC Samboko 40 0 Forty villagers are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2020.05.26 Mali Tillé 7 0 Seven villagers are killed by militant Muslims, some by burning.
2020.05.26 Cameroon Soueram 2 0 Two border guards are murdered by ISWAP.
2020.05.26 Yemen Shibam 5 0 Suspected Shiite terrorists kill five persons with a nail bomb.
2020.05.26 Pakistan Garhi Khero 1 0 A journalist and teacher is shot to death for adultery.
2020.05.26 Iran Rasht 1 0 An 18-year-old woman is burned alive by her brother in an honor killing.
2020.05.25 Nigeria Oshimili 3 0 Three persons are killed and mutilated by Muslim militants.
2020.05.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Three children and their mother are eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2020.05.25 DRC Makutano 17 0 At least seventeen innocents are purged by ADF Islamists.
2020.05.25 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 The family member of a woman accused of 'blasphemy' is found with a slit throat in his field.
2020.05.24 Burkina Faso Faramana 2 1 Jihadists ambush a police outpost, killing two officers.
2020.05.24 DRC Beni 9 0 Two women are among nine murdered by the ADF.
2020.05.24 Pakistan Eidgah 3 0 Terrorists open fire on an Eid celebration, killing three family members.
2020.05.24 Somalia Baidoa 5 20 An Eid celebration is cut short by Jihadi bombers.
2020.05.24 Nigeria Kajuru 20 78 Fulani terrorists stage attacks on a series of towns, burning churches and killing at least twenty.
2020.05.24 Afghanistan Alisheng 4 7 The Taliban hit a family home with a mortar, killing four members.
2020.05.24 Philippines Barangay Kitango 2 4 Two children are liquidated by a Bangsamoro mortar round.
2020.05.24 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An Iraqi is beheaded by Muslim terrorists.
2020.05.23 Pakistan Palosai Payan 1 1 A young couple is shot by the girl's family in an 'honor-related' incident.
2020.05.23 Yemen al Jawf 1 0 A captive is tortured to death by Ansar Allah.
2020.05.23 India Hyderabad 1 0 A young man's throat is slit by Sharia enforcers over drinking and smoking during Ramadan.
2020.05.22 Afghanistan Chak 1 0 A local cop is gunned down at a mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.05.22 Egypt Joura 1 0 A fundamentalist bomb dismantles a local shepherd.
2020.05.22 Afghanistan Yaftal-e-Bala 2 6 Two Afghans are killed during an attack by Taliban fundamentalists.
2020.05.22 Iraq Kor Ge Gal 1 3 A guard at an oil refinery is cut down by Mujahid gunmen.
2020.05.22 Iraq Abbara 1 0 A civilian is reduced to pulp by Sunni shrapnel.
2020.05.22 Yemen Najd al-Atak 1 0 One defender loses their life to an attack by Shiite militia.
2020.05.21 India Prichoo 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on a police patrol, killing one member.
2020.05.21 USA Corpus Christi, TX 0 1 A Muslim terrorist opens fire on a navy base, injuring a sailor.
2020.05.21 Iran Talesh 1 0 A 13-year-old girl is beheaded by her father, who honor kills her for running away with a man.
2020.05.20 Yemen Kaniyah 4 15 Four people are killed by Ansar Allah militia.
2020.05.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 The head of a medical team is assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab.
2020.05.20 Iraq Sadr City 1 0 Reportedly, a gay man is killed and then displayed with a note.
2020.05.20 Pakistan Sharif Khana 1 0 Suspected radicals pump a health care worker full of bullets.
2020.05.20 Pakistan Hilal Khail Charmong 1 0 A bomb planted in a field kills a laborer.
2020.05.20 India Ganderbal 2 0 Muslim extremists open fire on two border guards, killing both.
2020.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A gay man is tortured and executed.
2020.05.19 Iraq Zahra 1 0 Mujahid send a civilian to Allah with a well-placed explosive.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Kunduz 8 7 Islamic fundamentalists attack security checkpoint in a city, killing eight.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 48 Three people in and around a clinic are killed when it is bombed by religious hardliners.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Maruf 5 0 An 'insider' attack by a Talibani results in five dead police.
2020.05.19 Egypt Qabir Omair 4 13 Fundamentalists open fire on families inside their homes, killing four members.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Charekar 11 5 Eleven worshippers lose their lives when rivals open fire in their mosque.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Gorchako 3 1 A child is among the casualties of a mosque shooting that claims the lives of three brothers.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Mizan 4 8 Two children are among four civilians pasted by Islamic shrapnel.
2020.05.19 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 Jihadis successfully kill a local cop by placing a bomb under his car.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Ali Sheng 1 6 A civilian is reduced to parts by a Taliban mortar round.
2020.05.19 Philippines Barangay Zapakan 1 0 A local soldier manning a quarantine is brutally murdered by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2020.05.19 Afghanistan Qayaq Valley 5 0 Five people are shot in a car and then burned by the Taliban.
2020.05.18 Afghanistan Ghazni City 7 40 A massive suicide car bombing leaves seven dead.
2020.05.18 Syria Deir Ezzor 7 0 Seven people are pulled from their cars and shot by ISIS.
2020.05.18 Burkina Faso Banh 7 4 Civilians are among those ambushed and killed by the "Group to Support Islam and Muslims."
2020.05.18 Niger Blabrine 12 10 Twelve local security personnel are liquidated by Boko Haram.
2020.05.18 Pakistan Eidak 2 3 Islamists detonate a bomb killing a soldier and a civilian in the resulting crossfire.
2020.05.18 DRC Kelele 6 0 A second ADF attack in as many days leaves six dead, including women.
2020.05.18 Nigeria Kautikeri 1 0 A resident is beheaded during a Jihadist raid.
2020.05.17 Nigeria Dapchi 1 3 Boko Haram shoot dead a guard while looting a village.
2020.05.17 Nigeria Maza 6 0 A half-dozen security personnel are stopped with a landmine and then shot with automatic weapons by Jihadists.
2020.05.17 Nigeria Konduga 2 0 Two female suicide bombers take down two passersby.
2020.05.17 Indonesia Pattaneteang 1 0 A teenage girl is stabbed to death in an honor killing by her brothers over immoral behavior.
2020.05.17 Syria Deir Ezzor 4 0 A woman is among four killed execution-style by the Islamic State.
2020.05.17 Nigeria Buni Yadi 2 3 Boko Haram stage an elaborate attack on local security forces, killing two.
2020.05.17 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 3 ISIS militants set fire to crops, the kill a first responder.
2020.05.17 Nigeria Gajigana 20 24 Boko Haram gunmen mow down twenty villagers.
2020.05.17 DRC Kokola 7 4 Seven innocents are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2020.05.17 Iraq Chardaghli 2 3 An Islamic State bomb blast leaves two dead.
2020.05.17 Somalia Galkayo 4 0 Four Somalis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2020.05.17 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 8 5 Islamic radicals fire point-blank into a checkpoint, killing eight officers.
2020.05.17 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 Terrorists open fire on two Afghan officers, killing one.
2020.05.16 Iraq Abara 3 0 Three Mujahid shootings leave three dead, including a lawyer.
2020.05.16 Iraq Miqdadiya 1 2 An adult is killed and two children severely injured in Jihadist attacks.
2020.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A 25-year-old man is abducted and murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.05.16 Afghanistan Dehradu 9 6 A group fighting for Sharia attacks local security forces, killing nine.
2020.05.16 Afghanistan Ghor 3 11 Three Afghans are taken down by fundamentalist gunmen.
2020.05.16 India Kulgam 1 0 A local cop is brutally gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2020.05.16 Iraq Tikrit 2 3 Two Iraqis manning a checkpoint are shot to death by Islamic State loyalists.
2020.05.16 Nigeria Ungwan Anjo 2 2 Two are killed when armed Muslims burn homes and churches.
2020.05.15 Nigeria Jos 1 1 Muslim murder a Christian university professor and kidnap his 6-year-old daughter.
2020.05.15 Iraq Jillam 6 0 Radicalized Muslims break into a home and murder a family of six.
2020.05.15 Iraq Tarmiya 2 0 Islamists kill two Iraqis with a bomb.
2020.05.15 Iraq Mubarak 1 0 A Kurdish civilian is shot outside his home by Islamic State members.
2020.05.15 Afghanistan Paktia 8 12 Eight security personnel are killed in a middle-of-the-night attack by the Taliban.
2020.05.15 Iraq Saladin 3 0 Three brothers are killed when Islamic State members fire into their home.
2020.05.15 Yemen Awadh 1 0 A local woman is murdered by Ansar Allah.
2020.05.14 Pakistan Shaam Plain Garyom 2 0 Two teen girls are honor-killed over a video showing them with a boy.
2020.05.14 Afghanistan Khanabad 5 3 A group of armed fundamentalists attack government checkpoints, killing five.
2020.05.14 Iraq Jurf al-Nasr 5 14 An ISIS attack claims one life.
2020.05.14 Afghanistan Paktia 5 29 A Fedayeen suicide bomber eliminates five civilians.
2020.05.13 Nigeria Mainok 5 0 A surprise Jihadist attack on security personnel leaves five dead.
2020.05.13 Afghanistan Khattabi 5 0 A radical fires at random in a city district, killing five bystanders.
2020.05.13 Nigeria Agasha 2 0 A woman is among two villagers cut down by Miyetti Allah mercenaries.
2020.05.13 Nigeria Tomatar Lwendyer 2 0 Two civilians are purged by Muslim militants.
2020.05.13 Nigeria Makyali 7 0 Elderly are among seven slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.05.12 Nigeria Katul 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered by militant Muslims.
2020.05.12 Iraq Olayoua 2 1 Mujahid fire into a car, killing a couple, and injuring their 3-year-old daughter.
2020.05.12 Afghanistan Sabarau 1 10 A civilian is disassembled by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.05.12 Iraq al-Tuz 1 0 An imam is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.05.12 Afghanistan Nangarhar 32 68 A suicide bomber puts two dozen mourners out of their misery.
2020.05.12 Afghanistan Khanaqin 24 16 Newborn babies, their mothers and nurses are purged by Islamic State warriors at a Doctors without Borders hospital.
2020.05.12 Nigeria Numan 2 0 Two non-Muslim villagers are killed in an early morning attack by militants.
2020.05.12 Nigeria Agwala 1 0 An older woman is hacked to death by Muslim radicals.
2020.05.12 Nigeria Idanu-Doka 1 1 A 53-year-old villager is brought down by Muslim gunmen.
2020.05.12 Nigeria Mussa Bri 1 1 A woman is stabbed to death by Boko Haram.
2020.05.11 Burkina Faso Yagha 8 0 Eight border guards are ambushed and killed by Jihadists.
2020.05.11 Nigeria Gonan Rogo 17 6 Families are among Christians massacred in their homes by Fulani terrorists.
2020.05.11 Israel Yabed 1 0 An Israeli soldier is killed by a stone thrown from a Palestinian roof.
2020.05.11 Pakistan Peshawar 5 0 Five bystanders are sent to Allah by Ramadan bombers.
2020.05.11 Iraq Khanaqin 2 1 A Sunni roadside bomb claims two Shiites.
2020.05.11 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 4 3 Four village guards lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
2020.05.11 Iraq Albu Dhiban 3 6 Three inside are killed when ISIS members attack a residence.
2020.05.11 Egypt Abou Tawila 1 0 Fundamentalists toss the head of a young man into the village from which he was kidnapped.
2020.05.10 Syria Sahl al-Ghab 35 0 An attack by Hurras al-Deen leaves thirty-five dead.
2020.05.10 Iraq Nasiriyah 1 0 An activist is assassinated by Shiite militia.
2020.05.10 Afghanistan Alisheng 6 5 A half-dozen local security personnel are tragically murdered by the Taliban.
2020.05.10 Mali Aguelhok 3 4 Jihadists eliminate three UN peacekeepers with an IED.
2020.05.10 Iraq Merkhas 2 0 A farmer and his nephew are easy prey for four armed fundamentalists, on the hunt for religious minorities.
2020.05.09 Afghanistan Alam Khel 4 7 Taliban gunmen purge four local cops.
2020.05.09 Niger Gadbo 10 0 Islamic gunmen on motorcycles murder ten teenagers at a well.
2020.05.09 Pakistan Edek 2 0 Muslim hardliners kill two border guards with a rocket.
2020.05.09 Afghanistan Azr 1 3 A child is disassembled in his home by a Taliban rocket.
2020.05.09 Iraq Saadiya 1 0 A civilian is shot in the head within the former ISIS stronghold.
2020.05.09 Indonesia Bantaeng 1 0 A 16-year-old is hacked to death by her brothers over a relationship with an older man.
2020.05.08 Afghanistan Khost 4 0 A Taliban bomb leaves a police chief and three others dead.
2020.05.08 Nigeria Dumankara 2 0 Two villagers are cut down by Boko Haram.
2020.05.08 DRC Mbingi 3 0 A woman is among three beheaded by ADF Islamists.
2020.05.08 Niger Zibane Koira-Tegui 3 0 Three men are killed in cold blood by Holy Warriors.
2020.05.08 Niger Zibane-Koira Zeno 7 0 Seven villagers are murdered, including several hiding under their beds.
2020.05.07 DRC Mabatundu 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the ADF.
2020.05.07 Syria al-Shula 11 0 The Islamic State ambush a security convoy and massacre eleven members in their vehicles.
2020.05.07 Iraq Waqf 1 0 A local cop is shot dead by an ISIS sniper.
2020.05.07 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 The former goalkeeper for the national soccer team is gunned down at a mosque by suspected al-Shabaab.
2020.05.07 Yemen Abyan 3 4 Terrorists clear out a passing vehicle with a planted landmine.
2020.05.06 Nigeria Tarkende 2 0 A man and his pregnant wife are beaten to death in their home by Fulani terrorists.
2020.05.06 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 Islamic terrorists gun down a man inside a shop.
2020.05.06 Nigeria Biu 1 0 Boko Haram burn houses and murder a local.
2020.05.06 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 14-year-old girl is honor-killed with a knife by her brother for joining Facebook.
2020.05.05 Afghanistan Narimanda 4 0 The Taliban plant a bomb that kills three officers, then open fire on a rescuer, killing him as well.
2020.05.05 Nigeria Egbado 1 1 Muslim militants shoot a commuter to death and kidnap a woman.
2020.05.05 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Four police guarding an oil facility are ambushed and killed by the Islamic State.
2020.05.05 Iraq Zab 2 0 An ISIS attack on a village leaves two dead.
2020.05.05 Egypt Marba’at al-Turshan 2 0 Two apparent juveniles are murdered by armed fundamentalists.
2020.05.04 Afghanistan Parwan 1 4 Extremists target a power pylon with a bomb, killing a civilian worker.
2020.05.04 Iraq Hilwat 2 0 Islamic State members murder two Iraqis.
2020.05.04 India Handwara 4 0 A teenage boy is among four Indians killed during an attack by Muslim terrorists.
2020.05.04 Syria Muzayrib 9 0 Nine government employees are kidnapped, murdered and dumped.
2020.05.04 Afghanistan Alisheng 1 0 A resident is killed during a firing by Taliban extremists.
2020.05.03 Iraq Rashida 1 0 Mujahid gunmen pick off a civilian outside his house.
2020.05.03 India Chanjmulla 5 0 Five members of a rescue team are cut down by terrorists.
2020.05.03 Thailand Sai Buri 2 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot dead two local rangers.
2020.05.03 Nigeria Adu 4 0 Villagers are fired on by Muslim militants. Four are killed.
2020.05.03 Somalia Middle Shabelle 1 0 A man is publicly executed by al-Shabaab.
2020.05.03 Afghanistan Yakhchal 11 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a local military base, killing eleven.
2020.05.03 Niger Diffa 2 3 Two other people are killed when gunmen screaming praises to Allah attack a town.
2020.05.03 Afghanistan Ghoryan 2 0 Two government workers are ruthlessly gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.05.03 France Toulouse 0 4 A Sudanese asylum seeker stabs four bystanders while chanting praises to Allah.
2020.05.02 Iraq Mukeshefah 6 0 Six young people are murdered by the Islamic State and then set on fire.
2020.05.02 Iraq Mukeshefah 3 4 First responders to an earlier massacre are decimated by a planted bomb.
2020.05.02 Iraq Zaghaniya 4 10 Mujahid assault a police station, killing four officers.
2020.05.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 1 A bomb placed in a shop kills a patron.
2020.05.02 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down by suspected BRN.
2020.05.02 Afghanistan Loari 3 5 Three Afghan security personnel are tragically shot to death by the Taliban
2020.05.02 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 3 4 Three civilian engineers are wasted by a Mujahid bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2020.05.02 Pakistan Wana 1 0 A rights activist is mowed down by drive-by shooters.
2020.05.02 Iraq Abbara 2 3 The lives of two Iraqis are cut short by the Islamic State.
2020.05.02 Iraq Diyala 11 0 An attack by Sunnis on Shiites preparing for a Ramadan meal leaves eleven dead.
2020.05.02 Iraq Salahudin 6 6 Two shooting by ISIS produce a half-dozen bodies.
2020.05.01 Mali Bamako 1 0 A French peacekeeper dies from injuries suffered at the hands of Jihadists.
2020.05.01 Afghanistan Zari 13 25 Thirteen locals lose their lives to an attack by a fundamentalist group.
2020.04.30 Afghanistan Baraki Barak 4 0 The Taliban ambush a remote checkpoint, killing four security personnel.
2020.04.30 Syria Ma’aret al Na’san 1 5 A Hay’at Tahrir al Sham driver rams into a demonstration, killing one protester.
2020.04.30 Philippines Matalam 1 6 Moro Islamists are suspected in the ambush and killing of a local official.
2020.04.30 Syria Hmeimeh 6 0 ISIS hits a bus with a roadside bomb, wiping out a half-dozen.
2020.04.30 Afghanistan Nawa 2 0 Two Afghans are aerated by a Taliban explosive.
2020.04.30 Iraq Yathrib 1 1 An off-duty border guard is assassinated in his own home by Mujahideen.
2020.04.30 Egypt Bir al-Abed 10 0 Ten local security personnel are blown apart by a bombing conducted by Islamic hardliners.
2020.04.30 Bangladesh Keraniganj 1 0 A young boy is crushed by a bomb being built by a Jamaat-e-Islami member.
2020.04.29 Afghanistan Andar 5 0 Two women and a child are among five family members eliminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.04.29 Philippines Polomolok 2 0 Two police officers are smoked by Ansar Al-Khilafah gunmen.
2020.04.29 Afghanistan Kabul 3 15 A suicide bomber detonates 'among civilians', killing three.
2020.04.29 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0 The body of a Chinese trader is recovered following his abduction.
2020.04.28 Israel Kfar Saba 0 1 A 62-year-old woman is stabbed by a Palestinian teen.
2020.04.28 Somalia El Bur 3 0 A group fighting for Sharia executes three of its own for helping the government.
2020.04.27 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A businessman is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2020.04.27 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 2 5 An attack by Taliban fundamentalists leaves two dead.
2020.04.27 France Colombes 0 3 A 'radicalized' man runs down three French police officers with his car.
2020.04.27 Afghanistan Gardez 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down by religious radicals.
2020.04.26 DRC Malambo 6 0 A woman is among six cut down by ADF Islamists.
2020.04.26 Afghanistan Khwaja Bahauddin 7 3 A Ramadan attack by the Taliban kills seven Afghans.
2020.04.26 Somalia Halane 4 0 Four members of the same family are extinguished by an al-Shabaab mortar round.
2020.04.26 Iraq Rutba 1 1 Caliphate members kill a councilman and kidnap his son.
2020.04.26 Afghanistan Alisheng 1 0 A rickshaw driver is murdered by fundamentalists.
2020.04.25 Nigeria Kikwrari 3 13 Three villagers are shot by Muslim raiders.
2020.04.25 Afghanistan Barak-e-Barak 7 0 A group fighting for Sharia kills seven local security personnel.
2020.04.25 Pakistan Dattakhel 2 5 Terrorists attack a border patrol, killing two members.
2020.04.25 Yemen al-Husha 5 11 An attack by Ansar Allah on local security personnel leaves five dead.
2020.04.25 Iraq Gharbi 2 0 A fuel official and his nephew are gunned down by the Islamic State.
2020.04.25 Afghanistan Almar 1 1 A child is exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2020.04.25 Afghanistan Kohi 9 2 Islamic hardliners hit a house with a shell, scattering the parts of nine family members.
2020.04.25 Afghanistan Nachin 4 5 Four policemen are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2020.04.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 24 The lives of four civilians are cut short by religious radicals.
2020.04.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 3 Boko Haram gunmen open fire on a vehicle traveling to a funeral, killing five.
2020.04.24 Nigeria Chikun 7 1 Seven residents are killed when Muslim militants attack three communities.
2020.04.24 Afghanistan Sufi Qala 1 0 A 70-year-old man makes easy picking for the Taliban.
2020.04.24 Syria Idlib 1 0 A teenager is executed by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham for being found with 'blasphemous' text messages on phone.
2020.04.23 Mali Bandiagara 12 6 A dozen people lose their lives during a raid by Muslim militants.
2020.04.23 Pakistan Khanmai 2 4 Terrorists open fire on security forces dropping one member and a bystander.
2020.04.23 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 13 10 Thirteen Afghans preparing for Ramadan are laid out by Taliban fundamentalists.
2020.04.23 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 6 0 A half-dozen police are gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.04.23 Nigeria Kujeni 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill one person and burn down a church.
2020.04.23 Nigeria Kajuru 1 0 A farmer working his field is murdered by Muslim terrorists, leaving a wife and seven children.
2020.04.22 Afghanistan Zari 4 0 Four lives are tragically cut short by the Taliban.
2020.04.22 Nigeria Aniocha 2 0 Two poultry workers are murdered on the job by Fulani militants.
2020.04.22 Yemen Lawdar 1 1 al-Qaeda militants kill one person and kidnap another.
2020.04.22 Iraq Sura 2 0 A man and his son are exterminated by Mujahid bombers.
2020.04.22 Afghanistan Kabul 24 13 Women and children are among two dozen civilians purged by the Taliban in a series of attacks.
2020.04.22 Afghanistan Sar-e-pul 11 19 A Taliban attack on checkpoints leaves eleven dead.
2020.04.22 Syria Idlib 1 0 A child dies from Hay’at Tahrir al Sham torture.
2020.04.21 Afghanistan Aynak 8 7 Eight guards at a copper mine are murdered by fundamentalists.
2020.04.21 Nigeria Mbawa 1 4 A middle-aged man is hacked to death and a woman raped by Fulani terrorists.
2020.04.21 Afghanistan Kundi 3 14 Religious radicals kill three guards in an assassination attempt on a politician.
2020.04.21 Afghanistan Peerka 4 0 Four civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban IED.
2020.04.21 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Two family members are shot by Mujahideen.
2020.04.21 Afghanistan Barmal 6 0 Six civilians are dismantled by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.04.21 Iraq Shirquat 3 3 Sunni on Shiite violence leaves three dead.
2020.04.21 Somalia Muri 6 3 Six Somalis are killed when their vehicle runs over an al-Shabaab landmine.
2020.04.21 Iraq Salah al-Din 2 0 Two civilians are leveled by a Jihadist IED.
2020.04.21 Afghanistan Daikundi 2 3 A Sunni group plants an IED that kills two people in a passing van.
2020.04.21 Afghanistan Mullah Khel 5 0 Five members at a checkpoint are beheaded after surrendering to the Taliban.
2020.04.20 Afghanistan Dolaina 2 0 A young couple are brutally executed by a Sharia court for marrying by choice.
2020.04.20 Cameroon Talla 2 Two villagers are murdered while trying to escape Boko Haram.
2020.04.20 Afghanistan Jabar-e-Shahid 7 7 Seven locals are exterminated by the Taliban.
2020.04.20 Iraq Miriam Bag 1 0 Islamic State members murder an Iraqi.
2020.04.20 Afghanistan Mahmud-e-Raqi 1 0 An intelligence official is assassinated by religious extremists.
2020.04.20 Somalia Awdigle 4 4 Twin al-Shabaab bomb blasts in a small town kill four residents near a hotel.
2020.04.20 Iraq Mahbubiya 5 2 ISIS extremists stage a double attack on Iraqi security personnel, killing five.
2020.04.20 Pakistan Peshawar 3 0 Terrorists attack a village council, killing three members.
2020.04.20 Nigeria Gidigori 2 Two villagers are murdered by Muslim militants.
2020.04.20 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A civilian captive is executed by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham.
2020.04.19 Nigeria Unguwan Magaji 4 0 Three middle-aged women are among four Christians murdered by Miyetti Allah loyalists.
2020.04.19 India Hiller 1 0 A local cop is gunned down at close range by Islamic militants.
2020.04.19 Iraq Bunjenah 2 0 Two Iraqis are ambushed and killed by ISIS.
2020.04.19 Afghanistan Khwaja Ghor 19 4 Nineteen local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
2020.04.19 Afghanistan Sholgara 8 5 A child is among eight killed by Sunni radicals.
2020.04.19 Afghanistan Badghis 3 10 The Taliban claim an attack that leaves three dead.
2020.04.19 Pakistan Boya 1 2 Muslim terrorists attack a checkpoint with heavy weapons, killing one member.
2020.04.19 Indonesia Poso 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents slit the throat of a farmer.
2020.04.19 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 11 4 Eleven local police are killed by Muslim extremists in two attacks.
2020.04.18 Iraq Zaghnia 1 0 An ISIS sniper takes care of a police officer.
2020.04.18 Afghanistan Balabulok 9 6 Nine Afghans are purged by the Taliban.
2020.04.18 Afghanistan Tagab 1 3 A well-place round kills a resident inside her home.
2020.04.18 India Sopore 3 2 An Islamic separatist attacks a group of police, killing three.
2020.04.18 Afghanistan Gardez City 3 0 Two women and a child are disassembled by a Taliban mortar round.
2020.04.17 Afghanistan Imam Saheb 5 7 A fundamentalist group machine-guns five local cops.
2020.04.17 Philippines Patikul 11 14 Abu Sayyaf members kill eleven local soldiers.
2020.04.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 0 A child is among three cut down at a mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.04.17 Iraq Baquba 1 0 An orchard farmer is aerated by Jihadi shrapnel.
2020.04.17 Yemen Hodeidah 1 0 A liaison is picked off by a Shiite sniper.
2020.04.17 Yemen Bayda 3 3 A woman and two children are obliterated in their own home by an Ansar Allah shell.
2020.04.17 Afghanistan Qandahariha 5 0 Five investigators are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2020.04.17 Afghanistan Rabat 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a taxi driver.
2020.04.16 Nigeria Gbagyi Villa 1 0 A college student is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2020.04.16 Afghanistan Bagram 6 4 Six airport workers are cut down by religious radicals on their way home.
2020.04.16 Yemen al-Ghar 40 0 Over forty Ethiopian migrants are killed by Shiite militia firing rockets.
2020.04.15 Afghanistan Logar 9 0 A Taliban terror attack claims the lives of nine local security personnel.
2020.04.15 Afghanistan Sherkhan Bandar 6 0 Six local security personnel are tragically killed by fundamentalists.
2020.04.15 Nigeria Ajodoma 1 0 A yam farmer is murdered in his field by Fulani terrorists.
2020.04.15 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by religious extremists.
2020.04.15 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 5 0 A cook poisons five local soldiers after becoming 'radicalized'.
2020.04.15 Afghanistan Laman 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by a group fighting for Islamic law.
2020.04.14 Afghanistan Nowrak 2 2 Two Afghan lives are snuffed out by the Taliban.
2020.04.14 Nigeria Hura 9 0 Nine villagers are killed by Fulani terrorists, including a pregnant woman and two children.
2020.04.14 Egypt Cairo 1 3 Terrorists planning an Easter attack open fire on police, killing one.
2020.04.14 DRC Beni 3 0 Three Congolese are killed by ADF militants.
2020.04.14 Syria Idlib 5 0 A rights group records the killing of five more civilians by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham.
2020.04.14 Nigeria Zakkan 1 2 Muslim radicals fire on a Christian family, killing a man and injuring two others.
2020.04.13 India Kishtwar 1 1 A local cop is hacked to death with an axe by two Islamic radicals.
2020.04.13 India Dachan 1 1 Islamic gunmen fire on a border patrol, killing one member.
2020.04.13 Nigeria Obagaji 2 0 Muslim militants behead two locals.
2020.04.13 Iraq Sinjar 2 4 Two people are vaporized by an Islamic State landmine.
2020.04.13 India Kulgam 1 0 An older man dies after being shot by terrorists the day before.
2020.04.13 Sudan Mabouk 4 3 Four villagers are killed by Arab militia, suspected to be PDF.
2020.04.13 Afghanistan Shakotay 1 2 The Taliban take out a tribal elder.
2020.04.12 Afghanistan Gardez 3 0 A city employee is among three killed by Muslim terrorists.
2020.04.12 Syria Idlib 1 0 A child is eliminated by the Islamic State.
2020.04.12 Nigeria Auno 8 0 Boko Haram activists massacre eight travelers along a highway.
2020.04.12 Iraq Qara Tabah 1 3 Mujahid set off a bomb at a soccer field, taking out a participant.
2020.04.12 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 1 Islamic snipers pick off a border guard.
2020.04.12 Iraq Hawija 1 0 ISIS members open fire on a police checkpoint, killing one.
2020.04.12 Burkina Faso Djibo 1 0 Jihadis ambush a local patrol, killing one member.
2020.04.12 Nigeria Tegina Kabata 5 7 Muslim terrorists abduct and kill five innocents from a wedding.
2020.04.11 Iraq Garmiyan 1 1 Terrorists fire on shepherds, successfully killing one.
2020.04.11 Cameroon Achigachia 2 1 A suicide bomber takes out two bystanders.
2020.04.11 Nigeria Maiduna 1 0 A 30-year-old farmer is murdered in his home by Muslim terrorists.
2020.04.11 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Jihadis target a passing car with an IED, killing the driver.
2020.04.11 Afghanistan Pushqul 3 0 A barbaric attack by the Taliban leaves three dead.
2020.04.10 Burkina Faso Loroum 14 0 Fourteen civilians are massacred by al-Qaeda's JNIM.
2020.04.10 Somalia Galkayo 1 0 An immigration official is eliminated by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2020.04.10 Nigeria Ibusa 1 0 Fulani terrorists storm a church and murder its young pastor.
2020.04.10 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 2 Three civilians are left dead following a terrorist bombing at a picnic site.
2020.04.10 Iraq Balad Ruz 1 0 A civilian is purged by Mujahideen.
2020.04.10 Mozambique Quirimba 5 60 A Good Friday attack by Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama leaves five dead Christians, including one who was burned alive.
2020.04.09 Iraq Dibis 3 0 Three policemen are abducted and murdered in captivity by the Islamic State.
2020.04.09 Iraq Jalawla 2 2 Two farmers are shredded by Islamic State shrapnel.
2020.04.09 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 2 0 Two guards at an airport are cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2020.04.09 Afghanistan Islam Qala 5 0 Five bank employees are brutally executed by the Taliban.
2020.04.09 Syria Sukhna 27 0 Over two dozen defenders are killed when the Islamic State assault a desert town.
2020.04.09 Mali Mopti 3 0 Three people traveling in a car are sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers.
2020.04.09 Nigeria Omala 1 0 A businesswoman is hacked to death by Miyetti Allah sympathists.
2020.04.09 Burkina Faso Sollé 5 4 A JNIM attack leaves five dead.
2020.04.08 Afghanistan Daman 3 5 Terrorists hit a shell with a house, killing three children.
2020.04.08 Nigeria Bassa 4 6 A pastor and a 10-year-old are among four killed by Muslim radicals.
2020.04.08 Afghanistan Maimana 3 0 Three security personnel are murdered by fundamentalists.
2020.04.07 DRC Halungupa 6 0 A child is among six cut down by ADF gunmen.
2020.04.07 India Anantnag 1 Islamic terrorists gun down a cop.
2020.04.07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by suspected ISIS.
2020.04.07 Iraq Kolajo 2 0 A father of three is among two cut down by Islamic State gunmen.
2020.04.07 Afghanistan Sholgara 8 0 A woman and child are among eight civilians abducted and murdered by the Taliban.
2020.04.07 Mozambique Xitaxi 52 0 Fifty-two villagers are massacred in gruesome fashion by a group fighting for Islamic law.
2020.04.07 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 3 0 Three local cops are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2020.04.07 Cameroon Toufou 1 0 A civilian is killed when Boko Haram attack a village health clinic.
2020.04.07 Nigeria Wamdeo 5 0 Five are left dead when Boko Haram rampage through a tiny village.
2020.04.06 Afghanistan Almar 4 0 Four Afghans are slaughtered by the Taliban.
2020.04.06 Iraq al-Jazeera 2 3 An Islamic State attack on a local patrol leaves two dead.
2020.04.06 Mali Bamba 25 6 At least twenty-five local soldiers lose their lives to an early morning assault by al-Qaeda's JNIM.
2020.04.05 Lebanon Hermel 3 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on a border guard patrol, killing three members.
2020.04.05 Iraq Nasariya 1 2 A woman is shot to death in her own home by suspected Shia militia.
2020.04.05 Syria Badiya Al-Tebni 8 0 Eight kidnapped civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2020.04.05 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 Religion of Peace activists force a captured soldier to dig his own grave, before strapping him with explosives and blowing him up.
2020.04.05 Cameroon Amchide 10 14 Two teens are among ten villagers blown to bits by two suicide bombers.
2020.04.05 India Uttar Pradesh 1 0 A Hindu is shot to death after criticizing an Islamist group.
2020.04.05 India Keran 1 2 Muslim terrorists pick off a border guard.
2020.04.05 Iraq Rutba 4 1 Four Iraqis are dropped by ISIS.
2020.04.05 Yemen Taiz 5 20 Five women are killed when Ansar Allah target a prison with shells.
2020.04.04 Somalia Jowhar 1 3 One person is disintegrated by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2020.04.04 Afghanistan Muqar 6 2 A sick fundamentalist attack on government officials leaves a half-dozen dead.
2020.04.04 Nigeria Rago 3 0 Muslim terrorists fire into a village, killing three, including two housewives.
2020.04.04 France Romans-sur-Isère 2 5 A Sudanese asylum seeker is found praying after stabbing two people at random.
2020.04.04 Indonesia Poso Pesisir Utara 1 0 A farmer is abducted and beheaded by the Eastern Indonesia Mujahideen.
2020.04.04 Afghanistan Chak Aab 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by the Taliban.
2020.04.04 Syria Idlib 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham.
2020.04.03 Nigeria Chibok 3 0 Three people are abducted and murdered by Boko Haram.
2020.04.03 Afghanistan Chashma-e-Sangi 2 0 Two children are dispatched by a Taliban rocket.
2020.04.03 Syria Badiya Al-Sham 6 6 Multiple Islamic State attacks leave six dead.
2020.04.03 Iraq Sergaran 3 2 An ISIS roadside bomb blast claims three lives.
2020.04.03 Afghanistan Paghman 1 1 A terrorist opens fire on two guards, killing one.
2020.04.02 Nigeria Hukke 7 0 Fulani burn dozens of homes and hack seven elderly Christians to death.
2020.04.02 Afghanistan Kapisa 2 11 Two people are killed when the Taliban storm a checkpoint.
2020.04.02 Syria Idlib 3 0 Three civilians are killed by the Islamic State.
2020.04.02 India Bijbehara 1 0 One person is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2020.04.01 Syria Idlib 36 7 Two children and two women are among thirty-six civilians killed by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham.
2020.04.01 Nigeria Arimogija 2 0 A farmer and his son are brutally murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.04.01 Syria Damascus 2 0 Two civilians are reported killed by Hay’at Tahrir al Sham.
2020.04.01 Nigeria Ancha 3 7 A woman is among three killed during a middle of the night attack by militant Muslims.
2020.04.01 Burkina Faso Boucle du Mouhoun 1 2 Jihadists attack a local security unit, killing one member.
2020.04.01 India Damhal Hanjipora 2 0 Terrorists shoot and kill two civilians at close range.
2020.04.01 Afghanistan Helmand 8 2 Six children are among eight family members pulled into pieces by Religion of Peace bombers.
2020.04.01 Iraq Nazim Taqsim 1 4 A Jihadist group hits a police car with an IED, killing one occupant.
2020.03.31 Somalia Garbaharey 2 6 al-Shabaab kill two Ethiopian peacekeepers with a bomb.
2020.03.31 Nigeria Guruku 6 0 Six villagers are brought low by Muslim gunmen.
2020.03.30 Nigeria Jigindi 2 1 A man and his brother are shot to death in their home by Muslim gunmen.
2020.03.30 Pakistan Mianwali 1 0 A Shiite doctor is brought down in a targeted attack by Sunni gunmen.
2020.03.30 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Hardliners target and kill a female intelligence official.
2020.03.30 Afghanistan Nave Mazri 1 1 A civilian is leveled by Islamic bombers.
2020.03.30 Iraq Abbara 1 0 Jihadi bombers obliterate a civilian.
2020.03.30 Somalia Buale 6 0 Islamists execute a half-dozen less-committed co-religionists.
2020.03.29 Burkina Faso Gomboro 3 3 Three people are killed by Jihadists bombers.
2020.03.29 Somalia Garowe 1 4 A suicide bomber takes one other person with him.
2020.03.29 Guinea Nzerekore 3 0 A Muslim mob burns churches and kills at least three people.
2020.03.29 Afghanistan Khwaja Ghar 13 5 Thirteen Afghans are purged by the Taliban.
2020.03.29 Afghanistan Arghandab 6 0 Fundamentalists attack a checkpoint and kill a half-dozen local soldiers.
2020.03.29 Afghanistan Sarband 2 0 An Islamic scholar and his child are murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.03.28 Nigeria Issele-Azagba 4 0 Four villagers are murdered in cold blood by Muslim militants.
2020.03.28 Afghanistan Dara-e-Khostak 10 5 Ten Afghan security personnel are killed during a vicious attack by Talibanis.
2020.03.28 Afghanistan Lal Pur 2 2 Two religious scholars are blown to bits by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.03.28 Iraq Hawi 1 0 A civilian is abducted and tortured to death.
2020.03.28 Nigeria Auno 6 14 Islamists stop vehicles along a highway and hack six people to death.
2020.03.27 India Redwani 1 0 A delivery driver is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.03.27 Afghanistan Qala-e-Kohan 2 4 Two people are found dead following a Taliban ambush.
2020.03.26 Nigeria Kuduru 3 2 Muslim terrorists hack to death three women and severely injure two others.
2020.03.26 Afghanistan Kabul 0 1 Militants bomb a funeral for Sikh victims of an earlier bombing, injuring a child.
2020.03.26 Afghanistan Tagab 3 3 Children are among the casualties of a Jihadi mortar attack that leaves three dead.
2020.03.25 Afghanistan Nawabad 5 3 A group fighting for Sharia murders five local cops.
2020.03.25 Afghanistan Deh Yak 4 0 The Taliban eliminate four Afghans with a landmine.
2020.03.25 Iraq Humaydat 1 1 A local soldier succumbs to injury following a Mujahid bombing.
2020.03.25 Afghanistan Kabul 27 11 Suicide bombers storm a Sikh temple, murdering over two dozen innocents.
2020.03.25 Somalia Lower Jubba 5 3 An al-Shabaab landmine takes out a local official and four others.
2020.03.25 Afghanistan Musa Qala 8 0 Eight civilians are pulled into pieces by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 A suicide bomber goes off at a restaurant, killing three patrons in mid-bite.
2020.03.24 Iraq Tarmiya 1 2 An Islamic attack on a power station leaves one dead.
2020.03.24 Mali Mopti 2 3 Jihadists eliminate two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2020.03.24 Afghanistan Kocha-e-Mullah 3 0 Three Afghans are killed by pro-Sharia terrorists.
2020.03.24 Chad Boma 92 47 Ninety-two local soldiers are trapped on their base and cut down in brutal fashion by Boko Haram.
2020.03.24 Burkina Faso Tankwoarou 3 0 Three civilians are shot point-blank by terrorists on motorbikes.
2020.03.24 Nigeria Gbra Zongo 3 0 Three children are exterminated by Muslim militants.
2020.03.24 Nigeria Kperie 2 0 Muslim radicals murder two women.
2020.03.24 DRC Beni 12 0 A dozen Congolese are killed by ADF Islamists.
2020.03.23 Mozambique Mocimboa da Praia 24 0 Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama invade a small village, killing dozens.
2020.03.23 Nigeria Gorgi 47 0 At least forty-seven are killed when Islamic militants attack a village.
2020.03.23 Somalia Janaale 7 0 Seven are reportedly killed when al-Shabaab detonate an explosive device outside a disputed town.
2020.03.23 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Three people are abducted and murdered by Mujahideen.
2020.03.23 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 3 0 Three people are laid out by a Taliban landmine.
2020.03.23 Guinea Conakry 1 0 A deacon is killed while trying to protect his church from being burned by radical Muslims.
2020.03.23 Cameroon Malika 5 0 Boko Haram attack a hospital, killing five civilians.
2020.03.22 Nigeria Kwande 1 3 Militant Muslim hack a man to death and abduct three women.
2020.03.22 Somalia Hawa Abdi 4 2 An al-Shabaab bomb blast claims four lives.
2020.03.22 Iraq Mukhaisah 1 0 An elderly woman is reduced to pulp by Mujahid bombers.
2020.03.21 Sudan Esheraya 1 1 Militants burn down a farming village, killing a woman and injuring her baby.
2020.03.21 Afghanistan Najrab 7 0 A Taliban attack claims seven lives.
2020.03.21 Iraq Rutba 2 4 Jihadists successfully kill two Iraqi soldiers.
2020.03.21 Afghanistan Baghlan 2 0 A fundamentalist group kills two local security members.
2020.03.20 Yemen Aden 2 0 Radicals kidnap and kill two aid workers.
2020.03.20 Afghanistan Taloqan 2 13 Two children are exterminated by a Taliban bomb.
2020.03.20 Afghanistan Zabul 27 24 Over two dozen local security personnel are killed when the Taliban storm a base.
2020.03.20 Turkey Kovankaya 1 0 The elderly mother of a priest is kidnapped and murdered.
2020.03.19 Mali Tarkint 29 5 Twenty-nine local soldiers are massacred during an attack by religious extremists.
2020.03.19 Pakistan Mamuzai 2 0 Two traffic cops are ambushed and killed by Muslim gunmen.
2020.03.19 Yemen Marib 2 6 Two people are brought down by an Ansar Allah missile.
2020.03.19 Nigeria Manini 1 0 A 50-year-old farmer is murdered by Miyetti Allah.
2020.03.19 Syria Azaz 2 3 A Sunni group is suspected to be responsible for a car bombing that kills two bystanders.
2020.03.18 Nigeria Chikun 3 0 Three villagers are killed by Muslim militants.
2020.03.18 Afghanistan Gharchi 3 0 A Taliban attack leaves three dead.
2020.03.18 Afghanistan Chahar Bolak 2 0 Two people are cut down by fundamentalists.
2020.03.18 Afghanistan Kapisa 2 1 A Taliban roadside bomb claims two Afghans.
2020.03.17 Nigeria Birnin Magaji 2 0 Twin brothers are killed at a market by Muslim terrorists.
2020.03.17 Afghanistan Dara Ashraf 1 0 A woman accused of adultery is shot to death by strict Muslims.
2020.03.17 Thailand Yala 0 25 Barusi Revolusi Nasional members throw a grenade at an office building, then set off a car bomb.
2020.03.17 Iraq Sheikhi 2 0 Two Iraqis are shredded by a Mujahid shrapnel.
2020.03.16 Iraq Abi Saida 1 7 A shooting and a motorcycle bomb leave one woman dead and seven injured.
2020.03.16 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 Two members of a peace committee are eliminated by Mujahideen.
2020.03.16 Yemen Dhalea 2 0 Two 13-year-olds on a motorcycle are vaporized by a roadside blast.
2020.03.16 Pakistan Mama Ziarat 4 1 Islamic terrorists open fire on police, killing four.
2020.03.16 Egypt Bir al-Abed 1 0 Extremists open fire on a passing car, killing the driver.
2020.03.16 Syria Shaddadi 1 4 Muslim terrorists kill a civilian with a motorcycle bomb.
2020.03.15 Afghanistan Charshakhi 7 0 Seven policemen are killed in gruesome fashion by a Taliban insider.
2020.03.15 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Terrorists stop an ambulance with a landmine, killing three including a critically-ill woman.
2020.03.15 Nigeria Banki Junction 6 0 Boko Haram attack a rescue patrol, killing six members.
2020.03.15 Philippines Maluso 1 2 Abu Sayyaf set an IED that claims the life of a local soldier.
2020.03.15 Kenya Sangailu 2 0 Two rescue personnel are killed by an IED while traveling to the scene of an earlier bombing.
2020.03.15 Sudan Kadugli 1 0 The PDF is suspected of assassinating a rival Islamic leader.
2020.03.14 Afghanistan Shahrak 11 20 Eleven local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
2020.03.14 Yemen Zahraa 8 0 Eight civilians are killed when Shiite rebels bomb a neighborhood and hospital.
2020.03.14 Nigeria Ngururi 3 5 Boko Haram set fire to a village, killing three residents.
2020.03.14 Iraq Zour al-Tharthar 4 0 Four Shiites are killed in targeted attacks by ISIS.
2020.03.14 Yemen Taiz 5 0 A woman is among five civilians dismantled by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2020.03.14 Nigeria Guma 7 3 Militant Muslims attack a funeral, killing seven and maiming others.
2020.03.13 Pakistan Kotwali 1 0 A woman is honor-killed in her home by two relatives over 'suspicion'.
2020.03.13 Nigeria Tarhembe 3 0 Muslim militants shoot sporadically into a village, bringing down three residents.
2020.03.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 The Islamic State releases a video showing the beheading of five captured Iraqis.
2020.03.13 Pakistan Mian Channu 1 0 A servant is beaten to death for trying to quit his Muslim employer after religious abuse.
2020.03.12 Niger Tillaberi 9 0 Nine border guards lose their lives to Jihadists.
2020.03.12 Iraq Khalis 1 0 Mujahid place a bomb under a car, which kills the driver.
2020.03.11 Iraq Camp Taji 3 12 A female medical worker at a military base is among three killed by an Iranian missile.
2020.03.11 Kenya Jabibar 2 1 Islamists ambush and kill two commuters.
2020.03.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 28 The Taliban kill seven Afghans in a series of attacks.
2020.03.10 Iraq Amara 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a civil activist.
2020.03.09 Pakistan Shahdara 1 0 A private school teacher is gunned down by terrorists disguised with burqas.
2020.03.09 Afghanistan Azra 1 8 A child is disassembled by a terrorist bomb blast.
2020.03.08 Niger Chetima Wangou 8 3 Boko Haram kill eight hospitalized soldiers.
2020.03.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A man is abducted and tortured to death by suspected ISIS.
2020.03.08 Iraq Khanaqin 3 0 Three Iraqis are eliminated by the Islamic State.
2020.03.08 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 A secular politician and his two bodyguards are assassinated.
2020.03.07 Algeria Chlef 2 0 Terrorists kill two local soldiers with a homemade bomb.
2020.03.07 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 An Afghan is vaporized by a Taliban landmine.
2020.03.07 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Jihadis open fire on a passing truck, killing the driver.
2020.03.07 Iraq Abu al-Khasib 1 0 Shiite militia is suspected in the death of a tribal leader.
2020.03.06 Thailand Sri Sakhon 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' cut down a local cop in a hail of gunfire.
2020.03.06 Afghanistan Kushk Rubat Sangi 7 17 A teacher is among seven civilians murdered by the Taliban.
2020.03.06 Afghanistan Kabul 32 180 Islamic State members open fire on a memorial for a Shia leader, slaughtering at least thirty-two.
2020.03.06 Tunisia Tunis 1 4 Two suicide bombers go off outside the US embassy, killing a guard.
2020.03.06 India Tral 1 0 Muslim Terrorists shoot a young man outside his home.
2020.03.06 India Srinagar 1 2 Jihadists toss a grenade into the street, purging a 62-year-old man.
2020.03.06 DRC Semiliki River 4 0 ADF Islamists dispatch four local security personnel.
2020.03.05 Nigeria Dapchi 7 0 Seven cops guarding a village are cut down by Boko Haram gunmen.
2020.03.05 Egypt Sinai 2 0 ISIS releases a video, showing the beheading of two Egyptian captives.
2020.03.05 Afghanistan Washer 2 6 A vicious attack by the Taliban leaves two dead.
2020.03.05 Afghanistan Sangin 4 0 Four cops are picked off like ducks at a carnival by religious snipers.
2020.03.05 Afghanistan Sahib 4 2 The Taliban attack a police checkpoint, killing four officers.
2020.03.05 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A targeted Muslim attack on a Christian village kills a father of five.
2020.03.04 Iraq Makhmour 2 1 ISIS members shoot two civilians and stab another.
2020.03.04 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 9 4 Nine Afghans are laid out by Islamic terrorists.
2020.03.04 Iraq Hamrin Lake 2 0 Two fishermen are murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.03.04 Nigeria Damboa 14 47 Fourteen civilians and security personnel are killed during an attack by Boko Haram.
2020.03.04 India Sopore 2 0 Two people are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2020.03.04 Nigeria Waya 4 0 Militant Muslims butcher four innocents, including two women.
2020.03.03 Burkina Faso Banh 4 8 A bomb planted by Muslim extremists claims four lives.
2020.03.03 Iraq Baquba 1 0 A farmer working in his grove is vaporized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2020.03.03 Afghanistan Hasan Khil 5 0 An attack by the Taliban leaves five dead.
2020.03.03 Afghanistan Nachin 6 11 Six local cops are laid out by the Taliban.
2020.03.03 Iraq Jawala 2 0 Terrorists murder two civilians.
2020.03.03 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 16 10 Sixteen Afghan are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2020.03.03 Nigeria Abaji 6 0 Six villagers are hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2020.03.02 Afghanistan Yahya Khil 1 0 Islamists shoot dead a village head.
2020.03.02 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 Mujahid gunmen take down a civilian.
2020.03.02 Afghanistan Khost 3 11 Fundamentalists send shrapnel through fans at a soccer match, killing three.
2020.03.01 Mali Mondoro 6 10 Jihadists fire point-blank into a checkpoint, killing five local personnel.
2020.03.01 Somalia Warmahan 4 4 a-Shabaab take down four Somalis with a bomb.
2020.03.01 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 1 Three lives are claimed by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2020.02.29 Mozambique Pemba 2 0 Two young men are beheaded by Islamic extremists after refusing to join.
2020.02.29 Burkina Faso Sebba 10 3 Islamic extremists attack a police station, killing at least ten.
2020.02.29 Iraq Hour al-Basha 3 0 An attack by Islamic State militants leaves three dead.
2020.02.29 Nigeria Rumirgo 7 0 Seven people are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2020.02.28 Iraq Dhi Qar 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death in their home by terrorists.
2020.02.28 Thailand Bacho 1 5 Muslim 'insurgents' scatter body parts with a bomb blast.
2020.02.28 Iraq Baquba 1 0 A farmer is plowed under by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.02.28 Pakistan Shadra 1 0 An Ahmadi child is murdered by a neighbor in a suspected sectarian incident.
2020.02.27 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 5 Mujahideen set off a bomb at a market that leaves two patrons dead.
2020.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 10 A bomb blast claims the life of a civilian.
2020.02.27 Pakistan Kasur 1 0 A 22-year-old laborer is called a "filthy Christian," chained to a tree and tortured for "polluting" the community bathing water.
2020.02.26 India Gokulpuri 1 0 A 15-year-old Hindu is bludgeoned to death while trying to buy food.
2020.02.26 India Delhi 1 0 A Hindu father of two is slaughtered outside a mosque.
2020.02.26 Afghanistan Logar 4 0 Four civilians are killed by the Taliban in various attacks.
2020.02.26 Iraq Mahalabiya 1 1 A village head is gunned down by ISIS, who also seriously injure his son.
2020.02.26 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 9 0 Nine local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic radicals.
2020.02.25 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A journalist is assassinated by Sharia extremists.
2020.02.25 India Chand Bagh 1 0 A young security guard is beaten to death by Muslim protesters.
2020.02.25 Thailand Songkhla 0 8 Schoolchildren are among the casualties of a Muslim bomb planted outside a park.
2020.02.24 Syria Damascus 1 2 A terrorist bombing kills a civilian.
2020.02.24 Burkina Faso Pissila-Gibga 4 0 Four people are dispatched by Islamic radicals.
2020.02.24 Iraq Sadr City 1 0 Terrorists on motorbikes murder a government employee.
2020.02.24 Afghanistan Chahar Kint 7 4 A fundamentalists attack leaves seven dead, including a woman.
2020.02.24 India Delhi 1 0 Muslim protesters throw rocks and shoot at police, killing one.
2020.02.24 India Brahmapuri 1 0 A Muslim mob murders a Hindu activist and drags his body to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2020.02.23 Australia Brisbane 0 1 An Muslim migrant is shot dead by police after stabbing a tourist.
2020.02.23 Afghanistan Kabul 5 13 A wave of Taliban attacks across the country leaves five dead.
2020.02.23 Mali Bambara Maoude 4 8 Four security personnel are killed in a Jihadist assault on their camp.
2020.02.23 Iraq Juba 1 0 A civilian is shot to death outside his home by caliphate members.
2020.02.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 17 A series of Mujahid bomb blasts and shootings leave two dead.
2020.02.23 Afghanistan Dih Yak 5 0 Sharia fanatics set off a bomb as a police car passes, obliterating five occupants.
2020.02.22 Sudan South Kordofan 1 0 Three PDF members gun down a local official.
2020.02.22 Afghanistan Tarinkot 1 0 A Taliban mine takes out a local cop.
2020.02.21 Nigeria Garkida 2 0 At least two guards are killed when Boko Haram burn churches and a hospital.
2020.02.21 Iran Sistan 2 0 Jaish ul-Adl are accused of killing two border guards.
2020.02.21 Canada Scarborough, ON 1 0 A 64-year-old woman is bludgeoned to death with a hammer by a Muslim terrorist.
2020.02.21 Iraq Karbala 1 0 A vegetable seller is shot execution-style by a terrorist.
2020.02.20 Iraq Wadi Hajar 1 0 A civilian is dropped by Mujahideen gunmen.
2020.02.20 Cameroon Bamenda 1 0 Jihadists shoot a caregiver to death and destroy hospital property.
2020.02.19 Somalia Qoryooley 20 18 Two suicide bombers destroy a bridge and a dozen people.
2020.02.19 Syria Dar'a 2 0 Two aid workers are killed when terrorists attack their vehicle.
2020.02.19 Kenya Moyale 3 6 Islamists stop a bus, single out two non-Muslims and then shoot them along with another passenger.
2020.02.19 Yemen Serwah 6 0 A half-dozen people are destroyed by an Ansar Allah landmine.
2020.02.19 Nigeria Bang 1 1 Muslim radicals hack an older man to death with machetes.
2020.02.19 Mozambique Chiculua 4 0 Four locals are killed by Jihadists.
2020.02.18 Iraq Chakhmakha 4 7 Islamic State members attack a group of houses, killing four younger Kurds.
2020.02.18 Afghanistan Kapisa 9 0 An attack by the Taliban kills nine.
2020.02.18 DRC Alungupa 15 0 Fifteen villagers are massacred by the ADF.
2020.02.17 Afghanistan Injil 1 0 A secular judge is dispatched by Islamic extremists.
2020.02.17 Iraq Mosul 32 0 Eleven women are among thirty-two civilians discovered in a mass grave created by ISIS.
2020.02.17 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 3 A guard assigned to a polio vaccination team is disintegrated by hardline bombers.
2020.02.17 Thailand Na Pradu 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot an employee to death outside a school.
2020.02.17 Pakistan Quetta 10 35 A suicide bomber attacks an opposition religious rally, killing at least ten.
2020.02.16 Burkina Faso Pansi 24 18 Jihadists stage a Sunday morning attack at a church, killing two dozen innocents, including the pastor.
2020.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 3 4 An Islamic bomb blast lays out three Somalis.
2020.02.16 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 A journalist is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2020.02.16 Afghanistan Shora Khak 5 3 A group of fundamentalists attack a local security camp, killing five members.
2020.02.15 Afghanistan Rand 2 0 Two local cops are murdered by Muslim extremists.
2020.02.15 Nigeria Gwosa 100 0 A purported attack by Boko Haram Islamists on a village leaves 100 dead.
2020.02.15 Nigeria Dankar 9 0 Nine villagers are shot to death by Fulani terrorists.
2020.02.15 Mozambique Mocimboa da Praia 17 0 Seventeen security personnel are ambushed and killed by local fundamentalists.
2020.02.14 Nigeria Tsauwa 21 0 Militant Muslims burn twenty-one people to death in their homes.
2020.02.14 Iraq Abbara 2 0 ISIS snipers pick off two local cops.
2020.02.14 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Suspected Shiite militia assassinate a protest leader.
2020.02.14 Mali Bintia 8 4 Jihadists ambush a security patrol outside a village, killing eight.
2020.02.14 Uganda Iwemba 1 0 An imam is shot dead in his home by suspected radicals.
2020.02.14 Germany Rendsburg 1 0 A woman is strangled in part for baptizing her son.
2020.02.13 India Russu Beerwah 1 0 A militant kills a former Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen inside a mosque.
2020.02.13 Nigeria Malul 1 6 A potato farmer is hacked to death by militant Muslims.
2020.02.13 Burkina Faso Sebba 4 0 A pastor is murdered in captivity, along with three family members.
2020.02.12 Iraq Najaf 1 0 A protester dies a few days after being shot in the head by Shiite loyalists.
2020.02.12 Iraq Kahnaqin 3 10 An ISIS attack on a village leaves three dead.
2020.02.12 Burkina Faso Yagha 1 1 Jihadists kill one pastor and abduct another.
2020.02.12 DRC Mangina 12 0 Islamists 'rebels' hack a dozen innocents to death.
2020.02.11 Yemen Abyan 3 15 An Ansar Allah missile claims three lives.
2020.02.11 Afghanistan Kabul 6 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber snuffs out a half-dozen souls.
2020.02.11 Afghanistan Qurji 5 3 Five children are disassembled by a fundamentalist land mine.
2020.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists shoot the CEO of a TV channel to death.
2020.02.11 Yemen Wadi Al Khayalah 2 0 A civilian is among two killed in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2020.02.10 Niger Tillaberi 2 1 Jihadists attack a police station and kill two officers.
2020.02.10 Mali Diema 1 0 A local cop loses his life to a barbaric attack by Jihadists.
2020.02.10 Somalia Sinka Dheer 2 7 Two Somalis are aerated by al-Shabaab shrapnel.
2020.02.10 Somalia Lower Shabelle 3 0 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2020.02.10 Iraq Basra 1 0 An off-duty officer is assassinated in his home by suspected ISIS.
2020.02.10 Burkina Faso Tanwalbougou 2 14 Two civilians are killed when Jihadists attack a police station.
2020.02.10 Nigeria Tungushe 1 1 A village guard is picked off by Boko Haram.
2020.02.10 Nigeria Gajiganna 1 0 One person is brought down in a hail of Boko Haram bullets.
2020.02.10 Nigeria Rann 3 0 Three people are laid out by heavy Boko Haram machine-guns.
2020.02.09 Nigeria Tyana 3 1 Militant Muslims attack a small village, killing three residents.
2020.02.09 DRC Makeke 7 0 Seven unarmed villagers make easy pickings for sixty ADF Islamists.
2020.02.09 India Tral 1 0 Terrorists shoot a man to death inside his home.
2020.02.09 Nigeria Auno 30 18 Thirty motorists are burned alive in their cars by Islamists who also kidnap women and children.
2020.02.09 Egypt North Sinai 7 0 Islamic hardliners attack a security patrol, killing seven members.
2020.02.09 Algeria Bordj Baji Mokhtar 1 0 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2020.02.09 Pakistan Muzaffargarh 2 0 A young woman is buried alive along with her child in an honor killing.
2020.02.08 Iraq Mosul 2 0 ISIS is suspected in the gunshot deaths of two women.
2020.02.07 Niger Boso 6 0 Six civilians are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2020.02.07 DRC Mangina 8 20 ADF Islamists slit the throats of eight villagers.
2020.02.07 Afghanistan Gereshk 6 0 A half-dozen Afghan are reduced to rubble by a powerful Taliban bomb blast.
2020.02.07 Somalia Sangole 1 0 An elderly man is pulled out of his home and executed by holy warriors.
2020.02.06 Iraq Karbala 10 72 Ten more protesters are massacred by followers of a Shiite cleric.
2020.02.06 Iraq Khanaqin 2 2 Islamic State members gun down two Iraqi civilians.
2020.02.06 Afghanistan Qaysar 4 1 Three children and a woman are exterminated by the Taliban.
2020.02.06 Israel West Bank 0 14 Three Palestinian terror attacks leave fourteen injured.
2020.02.06 Yemen Dhalea 1 0 A political leader is assassinated by suspected al-Qaeda.
2020.02.06 Niger Tillaberi 4 0 Suspected Jihadists machine-gun four locals.
2020.02.06 Afghanistan Khost 1 1 An Afghan is blown to bits by a Taliban landmine.
2020.02.06 Maldives Hulhimale 0 3 Three tourists are stabbed by Islamic State sympathists.
2020.02.06 Nigeria Malia 1 0 A village schoolteacher is murdered by ISGS.
2020.02.05 Pakistan Harnai 1 1 Terrorists shoot a security guard at a rival mosque.
2020.02.05 Nigeria Madagali 2 1 A man and woman are shot to death when Boko Haram invade a peaceful farming community.
2020.02.05 India Lawaypora 1 0 Terrorists open fire from a vehicle, killing a local cop.
2020.02.05 Afghanistan Greshk 2 5 A Taliban bomb claims two Afghans.
2020.02.05 Iraq Najaf 23 197 Two dozen protesters are burned and shot to death when set on by Shiite radicals.
2020.02.05 Yemen Marib 2 6 A 7-year-old child is disassembled by an Ansar Allah missile.
2020.02.05 Iraq Basra 1 0 A Shiite cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.02.04 Cameroon Mozogo 2 0 Jihadists burn down a village and murder two residents.
2020.02.04 Somalia Bosaso 1 1 Islamic militants open fire on two Somalis, killing one.
2020.02.04 Iraq Khatouniya 2 0 Two shepherds are abducted and murdered in captivity by ISIS.
2020.02.03 Afghanistan Jawzjan 2 0 At least two members of a civilian defense militia are ambushed and killed by fundamentalists.
2020.02.03 Syria Aleppo 1 1 Terrorists kill a 9-year-old girl with a 'projectile' that also blows the hand off a musician.
2020.02.03 France Moselle 0 1 A man claiming allegiance to the Islamic State stabs a police officer.
2020.02.03 Afghanistan Kuhsan 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.02.02 Pakistan Batwar 7 0 Four children are among a family of seven exterminated by religious extremists.
2020.02.02 England London 0 2 An Islamic terrorist goes on a stabbing spree.
2020.02.02 Somalia Qalimow 8 13 Islamists attack a base housing AU peacekeepers, killing at least eight.
2020.02.02 Afghanistan Kisatopak 3 4 An early morning attack by religious extremists leaves three dead.
2020.02.02 Burkina Faso Bani 18 0 A nurse is among eighteen Christians selectively executed in cold blood by Jihadists.
2020.02.02 Iraq Makhmour 1 3 A guard at a refugee camp is murdered by ISIS.
2020.02.01 Nigeria Kaduna 1 0 Muslim radicals kidnap and murder an 18-year-old Catholic seminary student.
2020.02.01 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A woman is stoned to death by fundamentalists.
2020.02.01 Syria Aleppo 2 0 Hayat Tahrir al Sham suicide bombers detonate explosive-packed vehicles.
2020.02.01 Somalia Kahda 3 3 Three people are disintegrated by al-Shabaab bombers.
2020.02.01 DRC Biakato 7 0 ADF militia attack a hospital treating Ebola, killing seven.
2020.02.01 Syria Aleppo 1 3 A woman is liquidated by a terrorist projectile.
2020.02.01 DRC Oicha 22 0 Government workers report an additional twenty-two civilians slaughtered by the ADF.
2020.01.31 Nigeria Askira 3 5 A group fighting for Sharia kills three during an attack on a small town.
2020.01.31 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 A bomb hidden in a handcart sends two souls to Allah.
2020.01.31 DRC Mandima 14 0 Women and children are among fourteen innocents massacred by Islamists.
2020.01.31 Nigeria Kaduna 1 0 A doctor's wife is kidnapped and murdered by 'radicalized' Muslims.
2020.01.30 Iraq Qara Tapa 1 7 Eight civilians are kidnapped by the Islamic State - one of whom is murdered.
2020.01.30 Chad Lake Chad 4 0 A woman is among four murdered by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.01.30 DRC Oicha 24 0 Two dozen more villagers are slaughtered by the ADF.
2020.01.30 Nigeria Muna Dalti 3 4 A 12-year-old female suicide bomber kills three boys at a school.
2020.01.30 Cameroon Blaram 5 0 Five locals are machine-gunned by Boko Haram.
2020.01.30 Egypt Bir al-Abd 2 0 Religious extremists shoot a child and behead a man.
2020.01.29 Iraq Hammad 1 3 A bomb blast kills a father in front of his three children.
2020.01.29 Pakistan Parmoli 2 0 Terrorists open fire on polio workers, killing two.
2020.01.29 DRC Manzingi 36 0 Three dozen villagers are hacked to death by Islamic militants.
2020.01.28 Afghanistan Kunduz 15 0 A Taliban attack leaves fifteen dead.
2020.01.28 DRC Eringeti 1 0 A pastor is murdered by ADF Islamists after refusing to convert.
2020.01.28 Iraq Daquq 2 0 A vicious attack by ISIS leaves two dead.
2020.01.28 Afghanistan Pul-e Khumri 11 6 Fundamentalists storm a police compound and murder eleven officers.
2020.01.28 Burkina Faso Kompienga 6 5 Jihadists kill six local soldiers in a passing vehicle.
2020.01.28 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two fish delivery drivers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2020.01.27 Burkina Faso Kelbo 1 3 Islamic gunmen on motorcycles take out a nurse on her way to work.
2020.01.27 Iraq Nassiriya 2 0 Suspected Shiite militia gun down two protesters.
2020.01.27 Yemen Taiz 3 9 Three people succumb to injury following an Ansar Allah attack on a market.
2020.01.27 Pakistan Shahpur 2 0 A young couple are honor killed shortly after marrying against their parents' wishes.
2020.01.27 Chad Tetewa Island 6 10 Boko Haram radicals ambush a local security patrol, killing six members.
2020.01.27 Nigeria Ruboi 17 5 A pregnant woman is among seventeen innocents shot or burned alive by militant Muslims.
2020.01.27 Bangladesh Kutupalong 1 12 The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army is believed to have killed a pastor after abducting him during an attack on Christian refugees.
2020.01.26 Mali Sokolo 24 5 Two dozen police are reported dead following a surprise al-Qaeda attack.
2020.01.26 Nigeria Gwoza 3 13 A 12-year-old boy is among three worshippers purged by a suicide bomber at a rival mosque.
2020.01.26 Pakistan Dara 1 2 Mujahideen bomb blasts take down a local cop.
2020.01.26 Nigeria Kwatas 15 3 Two women are among the dead when fundamentalists hit a bar.
2020.01.25 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A civilian is taken out by Taliban explosives.
2020.01.25 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 An early-morning al-Shabaab bomb blast claims two lives.
2020.01.25 Burkina Faso Silgadji 39 0 Forty villagers are massacred by Islamic militants.
2020.01.25 Nigeria Owan 1 1 A farmer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.01.24 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 A media official is assassinated by suspected extremists.
2020.01.24 Bangladesh Kishoreganj 1 0 A Hindu is brutally killed by a Muslim gang.
2020.01.23 Nigeria Kaga 8 0 Eight members of an engineering crew are ambushed and murdered by Boko Haram.
2020.01.23 Iraq Basra 1 0 Shiite militia shoot a young protester to death.
2020.01.23 Nigeria Dikwa 5 4 Islamists open fire on a group collecting firewood, killing five.
2020.01.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A university student is abducted and murdered a few weeks later by Islamists.
2020.01.22 Afghanistan Khwaja Sabzposh 3 0 Three people riding in a car are vaporized by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.01.22 Afghanistan Baharak 2 0 Two Afghans are laid out by Taliban gunmen.
2020.01.22 Somalia Buurane 1 0 An AU peacekeeper is murdered by al-Shabaab.
2020.01.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A man walking home from work is picked off by the Taliban.
2020.01.22 Yemen Marib 2 0 A 16-year-old girl is among two people killed in their home by Shiite militia.
2020.01.22 Afghanistan Baghlan 8 8 Two civilians are among eight killed when fundamentalists storm a police checkpoint.
2020.01.22 Mali Dioungani 6 3 At least a half-dozen Malians are laid out by Jihadis.
2020.01.22 Afghanistan Dawlatabad 1 6 An Islamic radical throws a grenade into a medical shop, killing the owner.
2020.01.22 South Sudan Kolom 32 24 Thirty-two are left dead after Arab militia cross the border to attack a Dinka village.
2020.01.22 DRC Beni 6 0 A child is among six innocents slain by ADF Islamists.
2020.01.22 Thailand Mayo 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on a pickup, killing a man and injuring his 5-year-old son.
2020.01.21 Mali Douentza 2 0 Jihadists drop two members of a passing security patrol.
2020.01.21 India Khrew 3 0 Islamic militants open fire on local cops, mortally injuring three.
2020.01.21 Nigeria Mainok 7 7 Jihadists roll through a village in trucks fitted with machine-guns, slaughtering at least seven.
2020.01.21 Yemen Marib City 1 3 Ansar Allah is suspected of a missile strike that leaves one dead.
2020.01.20 Burkina Faso Nagraogo 32 3 Dozens at a market are butchered and burned by Islamic militants.
2020.01.20 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Terrorists fire missiles into a neighborhood, killing at least one resident.
2020.01.20 Nigeria Abebe 4 2 A church leader is among four innocents slain by militant Muslims.
2020.01.20 Burkina Faso Alamou 4 0 Four villagers are murdered by Islamic fanatics.
2020.01.20 Nigeria Torko 1 0 A church members is cut down by Fulani mercenaries.
2020.01.19 Chad Kaiga-Kindjiria 9 0 Two women are among nine innocents sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2020.01.19 Nigeria Michika 1 0 A Christian pastor is abducted and beheaded in captivity by Islamic radicals.
2020.01.19 Nigeria Borno 17 0 Seventeen Nigerians are reported dead following a Boko Haram ambush.
2020.01.19 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A bomb placed inside a bus takes out a passenger.
2020.01.18 Somalia Afgoye 4 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber targets a construction site, purging four workers.
2020.01.18 Yemen Marib 116 120 Over one-hundred are laid out when Shiite radicals send missiles into a Sunni mosque at a local training camp.
2020.01.18 Thailand Sai Buri 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot an official in the back of the head outside a mosque.
2020.01.18 Afghanistan Andkhoy 6 2 An infant is among six family members exterminated by fundamentalists for alleged involvement in immoral activities.
2020.01.18 Cameroon Ganse 6 2 Six are killed when Boko Haram members set fire to a sleeping village in the middle of the night.
2020.01.18 Nigeria Ngala 20 2 Twenty refugees are reportedly killed by Boko Haram during a suicide attack on an aid station.
2020.01.17 Cameroon Hidouwa 5 0 Five are left dead following a Boko Haram attack on a Christian village.
2020.01.17 Nigeria Firgi 13 4 A Boko Haram attacks leaves at least thirteen dead.
2020.01.17 Syria Aleppo 2 0 Two Greek Orthodox archbishops, kidnapped by Nour al-Din al-Zenki in April of 2016 and held for ransom, are confirmed to have been murdered in December.
2020.01.17 Nigeria Gora-Gan 2 3 Two Catholic girls are gunned down by militant Muslims.
2020.01.17 Iraq Rafiya 1 0 A young man is dragged out of his home and executed in front of his parents over their refusal to pay zaqat.
2020.01.17 Somalia Hosingow 1 4 One person is left dead following an al-Shabaab attack.
2020.01.17 Somalia Haji Ali 5 2 Five are killed when a local security base is overrun by Sharia proponents.
2020.01.17 Burkina Faso Gorguel 6 1 Jihadists use a crude explosive to claim six lives.
2020.01.17 Burkina Faso Rofénèga 16 0 Fifteen villagers are killed, including a mentally-challanged boy shot while trying to flee Jihadists.
2020.01.16 Afghanistan Shahr-e-Safa 5 0 Five people riding in a car are wiped out by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.01.15 Afghanistan Kunduz 12 2 A fundamentalist group attacks and kills a dozen local cops.
2020.01.15 Iraq Zgiton 2 0 Two brothers from a poor farming family are murdered by ISIS.
2020.01.15 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A 48-year-old man is captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2020.01.15 Nigeria Auno 4 7 Islamic State members fires heavy weapons into a village, killing four.
2020.01.14 Iraq Dujail 2 5 Two Iraqis succumb to injuries following an ISIS shooting.
2020.01.14 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a refugee.
2020.01.14 Afghanistan Mazar-e Sharif 2 9 Two children are exterminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.01.14 Somalia Elasha Biyaha 3 2 Three Somalis are disassembled by an al-Qaeda linked bomb blast.
2020.01.14 Nigeria Kaduna-Zaria 30 100 Ansuru terrorists open fire on an emir's convoy, killing at least thirty others.
2020.01.13 Kenya Kamuthe 3 0 Three teachers are dropped by al-Shabaab at their school.
2020.01.13 Thailand Rom Sai 1 7 A Muslim 'insurgent' fires on a group of volunteer guards, killing one.
2020.01.13 Iraq Souq Al-Shuyukh 1 0 A 58-year-old activist is shot to death by Shiite militia.
2020.01.13 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A Christian man is executed by a child member of the Islamic State.
2020.01.12 Egypt Giza 0 1 A 63-year-old Coptic woman's throat is slashed in a targeted attack.
2020.01.12 Iran Tehran 1 0 A Basiji militia member takes out a female protester with a shotgun.
2020.01.12 Sudan Saraf Omra 1 1 A refugee working on a farm is killed and mutilated by suspected Arab militia.
2020.01.12 Iraq Wadi Hajar 2 0 Two young Iraqis are murdered by ISIS loyalists.
2020.01.11 Chad Alom 4 4 Islamists murder four villagers and kidnap four women.
2020.01.11 Afghanistan Lashkargah 3 0 Three Afghans are eviscerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.01.10 Pakistan Quetta 15 18 An Islamic State bomb blast rips through a rival mosque during prayers, killing fifteen.
2020.01.10 Iraq Basra 2 0 Shiite militia assassinate two journalists in their car.
2020.01.10 Nigeria Gajiram 5 0 Five hunters are machine-gunned by Boko Haram.
2020.01.10 India Poonch 2 0 Pakistani radicals cross the border and murder two unarmed citizens, one by beheading.
2020.01.09 DRC Madina 30 70 Thirty people are reported killed by the ADF.
2020.01.09 Nigeria Monguno 8 0 An Islamic State attack leaves eight dead.
2020.01.09 Iraq Anbar 2 2 Two local border guards are murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.01.09 Niger Chinagodrar 89 30 Dozens are left dead following a Jihadist assault on a local security base.
2020.01.08 India Kanniyakumari 1 0 Two Islamic State gunmen murder a policeman at a remote post.
2020.01.08 Iraq Hadar 1 1 ISIS is suspected of shooting a civilian to death at a farming community.
2020.01.08 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 A border guard is picked off by Mujahid snipers.
2020.01.08 Nigeria Kulben 19 1 Militant Muslims attack a local village and slaughter nineteen.
2020.01.08 Somalia Mogadishu 4 15 At least four are killed when a Shahid suicide bomber goes off near the parliament.
2020.01.08 Nigeria Kaduna 4 0 Militant Muslims are suspected in an attack on a Catholic seminary that leaves four dead.
2020.01.07 Yemen Ad-Dali 11 22 Ansar Allah send a rocket into a local security base, killing eleven residents.
2020.01.07 Cameroon Guedjelé 1 0 Islamists rampage through a village, killing at least one resident.
2020.01.07 Kenya Saretho 4 0 Four children are shot to death by al-Shabaab near a cell phone tower.
2020.01.07 Pakistan Quetta 2 14 Two civilians are blown to bits by a Hizbul Ahrar motorcycle bomb.
2020.01.07 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 Shiite militia kill four civilians with rockets.
2020.01.07 Pakistan Saddar 2 4 Jamaatul Ahrar gunmen waste two local cops along a city street.
2020.01.06 Nigeria Gamboru 30 35 Boko Haram set off a bomb on a crowded bridge leading into a market, killing thirty innocents.
2020.01.06 Mali Alatona 5 4 Jihadis kill five local security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2020.01.06 Iraq Tell Ziab 2 3 An Islamic State attack leaves two dead Iraqis.
2020.01.06 Afghanistan Faryab 1 2 A local police officer loses his life when the Taliban attack his post.
2020.01.06 India Kumarganj 1 0 A Hindu girl is raped and murdered in a suspected targeted attack by Muslim radicals.
2020.01.06 Cameroon Hitere 2 2 Boko Haram raid a Christian village, killing two men and kidnapping two children.
2020.01.06 Cameroon Moudokou 3 1 Boko Haram burn a church and kill three residents.
2020.01.06 Cameroon Guitsenad 1 0 One villager is murdered during a raid by Islamists.
2020.01.05 Syria Ma'adan 21 0 Twenty-one shepherds are massacred by Islamic extremists after being shackled.
2020.01.05 Sudan Jebel Marra 1 0 Arab militia kill a man trying to protect his daughters from rape.
2020.01.05 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Sikh youth is taken down in a targeted killing by Muslim radicals.
2020.01.05 Kenya Manda Bay 3 2 al-Shabaab attack an airfield, killing three Americans.
2020.01.04 Nigeria Jakana 4 11 Jihadists sneak onto a base and machine-gun four local soldiers.
2020.01.04 Afghanistan Khashrod 2 0 Two civilians are vaporized in their own car by the Taliban.
2020.01.04 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 3 A civilian succumbs instantly to a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2020.01.04 Burkina Faso Sourou 14 9 A group fighting for Sharia blows up a bus full of schoolchildren, killing fourteen.
2020.01.04 Philippines Fuente Maluso 1 0 A village guard is killed by suspected Islamic radicals.
2020.01.03 India Etawah 2 0 Two young lovers are honor-killed with an axe by the girl's family.
2020.01.03 Mozambique Macomia 10 10 Two children burned alive and a another beheaded along with a man in front of his family are among ten butchered by Islamists.
2020.01.03 Nigeria Payasatan Bilaburdar 3 0 A farmer and two siblings are murdered by Boko Haram.
2020.01.03 Afghanistan Gulran 1 1 The Taliban kill a man with a landmine and injure his child.
2020.01.03 Nigeria Tawari 19 0 Fulani mercenaries burn down a village, killing nineteen.
2020.01.03 France Villejuif 1 3 A convert yelling praises to Allah stabs three people at a park, killing a man trying to protect his wife.
2020.01.03 Nigeria Bila-Amboldar 3 0 Boko Haram burn down homes and kill three villagers.
2020.01.02 Kenya Lamu 3 3 Three bus passengers are murdered at close range by al-Shabaab.
2020.01.02 Kenya Lamu 1 0 A second attack on another passenger bus leaves one dead.
2020.01.02 Iraq Maqdadiyah 1 2 ISIS members fire into a security checkpoint, killing a local cop.
2020.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Shiite militia are suspected of shooting a student protester in the head.
2020.01.01 India Rajouri 2 0 Two border guards are ambushed and killed by Islamic 'separatists'.
2020.01.01 Afghanistan Dasht-e- Archi 14 6 A Taliban attack leaves fourteen dead.
2020.01.01 Afghanistan Lashkargah 1 0 A radio station employee is assassinated by religious radicals.
2020.01.01 Nigeria Gako 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a man to death outside his home.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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