The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Mar 15, 2025 -
Mar 21, 2025

Attacks 55
Killed 319
Injured 199
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 12

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
February, 2025

Attacks 91
Killed 778
Injured 520
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

The Religion of Peace

Do Muslim Terrorists
Really Get 449%
More Media Coverage?


This is an addendum to the TROP article
 on the GSU study of terror attacks and
media coverage that can be found here.

Glen Roberts, Editor TROP
This is an addendum to the article on the GSU study of terror attacks and media coverage, which can be found here.

Figure 1.1 shows stats by perpetrator identity with "Unknown" separate from "Non-Muslim."  This is to show how relatively trivial " Unknown" attacks are, even though GSU counts them as "Non-Muslim."  The "per attack" is number of articles per incident (derived from dividing Articles Count by Incidents Count):

1.1 Incidents Fatal Non-Fatal Articles Overall
Count Count Count Count per attack
"Muslim" 11 7 4 936 85
"Non-Muslim" 45 10 35 1362 30
Unknown 33 0 33 115 3
Totals 89 17 72 2413  

Figure 1.2 shows the stats as calculated by GSU, with "Unknown" rolled into "Non-Muslim":

1.2 Incidents Fatal Non-Fatal Articles Overall
Count Count Count Count per attack
"Muslim" 11 7 4 936 85
"Non-Muslim" 78 10 68 1477 19
Totals 89 17 72 2413  

Figure 1.3 shows the stats for fatal attacks only.  This is more of an "apples to apples" comparison.  "Unknowns" don't matter at this point, since none were fatal:

1.3 Overall Fatal Articles Fatal Only
Count Count Count per attack
"Muslim" 11 7 902 129
"Non-Muslim" 78 10 923 92
Totals 89 17 1825  

Figure 1.4 shows the fatal-only stats without the Boston Marathon Bombing.  The number of articles per non-Muslim attack is now 30% higher than Muslim:

1.4 Overall Fatal Articles Fatal Only
Count Count Count per attack
"Muslim" 10 6 423 71
"Non-Muslim" 78 10 923 92
Totals 88 16 1346  

The following is the table of GTD incidents used in the GSU study.  The last two columns, "Killed" and "Muslim" were added by the author of this article (Glen Roberts) since GSU did not characterize casualties or religious designation in their table.  This may account for slight disagreements between these numbers and theirs.

Note also that some items marked as 'Unknown' in the description are marked as 'N' (No, for "Not Muslim") in the identity column.  These are attacks in which the motives of the attacker can be reasonably inferred from the target (such as mosques or abortion clinics).  The derived identity column was used for the statistics in this article:

Table 1.5

GTD ID Description Articles Killed Muslim
201101060018 Unknown 15 0.62% 15 0 U
201101170018 Kevin Harpham 31 1.28% 31 0 N
201102220009 Unknown 4 0.17% 4 0 U
201104230010 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201105060004 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201109260012 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201110120003 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201111110020 Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez 62 2.57% 62 0 N
201201010020 Ray Lazier Lengend 8 0.33% 8 0 N
201204010018 Francis Grady 1 0.04% 1 0 N
201205200024 Jean-Claude Bridges 3 0.12% 3 0 N
201205200025 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201205230034 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201206180029 Anson Chi 3 0.12% 3 0 N
201207040032 Jedediah Stout 4 0.17% 4 0 N
201208050006 Wade Michael Page 92 3.81% 92 6 N
201208060019 Unknown 15 0.62% 15 0 N
201208120012 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201208150059 Floyd Lee Corkins II 23 0.95% 23 1 N
201209300041 Randolph Linn 14 0.58% 14 0 N
201211300009 Abdullatif Aldosary 0 0.00% 0 1 Y
201301170006 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201302030025 Christopher Dorner 148 6.13% 148 4 N
201302260036 Unknown 3 0.12% 3 0 N
201304150001 Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 474 19.64% 474 3 Y
201304160051 Unknown 7 0.29% 7 0 U
201304170041 Unknown 58 2.40% 58 0 U
201304180010 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201305200073 Shannon Guess Richardson 38 1.57% 38 0 N
201307250065 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201308220053 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201309030050 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201311010046 Paul Anthony Ciancia 34 1.41% 34 1 N
201403180089 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201403250090 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201404130060 Frazier Glenn Cross 79 3.27% 79 0 N
201404270057 Ali Muhammad Brown 6 0.25% 6 4 Y
201405050073 David Patterson 1 0.04% 1 0 N
201406060065 Dennis Marx 13 0.54% 13 0 N
201406080071 Jerad and Amanda Miller 26 1.08% 26 3 N
201406110089 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201408110060 Douglas Leguin 0 0.00% 0 0 N
201409110001 Eric King 2 0.08% 2 0 N
201409120032 Eric Frein 124 5.14% 124 1 N
201410030065 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201410230047 Zale H. Thompson 7 0.29% 7 0 Y
201410240071 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201411040086 Michael C. Sibley 4 0.17% 4 0 Y
201411040087 Unknown 2 0.08% 2 0 N
201411230071 John Hugo Scherzberg 3 0.12% 3 0 N
201411230072 Jeremiah Mauer, Gregory Tinnell, Warrening 1 0.04% 1 0 N
201411280018 Larry Steven McQuilliams 8 0.33% 8 0 N
201412180047 Justin Nojan Sullivan 12 0.50% 12 1 Y
201412200060 Ismaaiyl Brinsley 113 4.68% 113 2 Y
201501060024 Thaddeus Cheyenne Murphy 7 0.29% 7 0 N
201502100004 Craig Stephen Hicks 70 2.90% 70 3 N
201502170127 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201502180067 Dominick T. Johnson, Nathan Deshawn 0 0.00% 0 0 N
201502230104 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201503100045 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201503200036 Richard White 11 0.46% 11 0 N
201505030003 Nadir Soofi, Elton Simpson 67 2.78% 67 0 N
201506170035 Dylann Roof 179 7.42% 179 9 N
201506220069 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201506230056 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201506240051 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201506260046 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201507150077 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201507160061 Muhammad Youseff Abdulazeez 118 4.89% 118 5 Y
201507190097 Unknown 1 0.04% 1 0 U
201507230080 John Russell Houser 23 0.95% 23 2 N
201508010105 Unknown 0 0.00% 0 0 U
201508020114 Unknown 18 0.75% 18 0 U
201508190040 Unknown 6 0.25% 6 0 U
201509040048 Unknown 7 0.29% 7 0 N
201509130079 Rasheed Abdul Aziz 3 0.12% 3 0 Y
201509300082 Unknown 5 0.21% 5 0 N
201511010076 Marshall W. Leonard 1 0.04% 1 0 N
201511040056 Faisal Mohammad 20 0.83% 20 0 Y
201511060053 K.C. Tard Jr. 1 0.04% 1 0 N
201511150043 Ted Hakey Jr. 11 0.46% 11 0 N
201511190054 Chester H. Gore 0 0.00% 0 0 N
201511230084 Nathan Gustavsson et al 16 0.66% 16 0 N
201511270001 Robert Dear 204 8.45% 204 3 N
201512020012 Syed Rizwan Farook, Tashfeen Malik 179 7.42% 179 14 Y
201512050031 Piro Kolvani 1 0.04% 1 0 N
201512080038 Matthew Gust 7 0.29% 7 0 N
201512110031 Carl James Dial Jr. 10 0.41% 10 0 N
201512260016 Unknown 4 0.17% 4 0 N

The following list is four Muslim attacks from the period that were not on the GTD list, despite being more serious than many of those that were.  Not included as well were about six other non-fatal attacks that left only injuries.  Had these been on the list, the average number of news articles for Muslim attacks would have been much lower, due to their low coverage by the media:

Table 1.5

December, 2012 (Houston, TX) – Two Christians are shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.

August, 2013 (Richmond, CA) A Muslim convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.

March, 2014 (Port Bolivar, TX) A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

September, 2014 (Moore, OK) - A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.


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